Forum » Mobilne tehnologije » Iphone downgrade
Iphone downgrade
simnov ::
Kako se downgrada iz 2.0 nazaj na 1.1.4 , ker preko Itunes ne gre.Drugače mi na 2.0 deluje vse dobro razen programi preko installerja se nočejo namestit.
jamiroq ::
> installerja se nočejo namestit.
huh? sej installerja ni za 2.0. sta pa cydia in app store cisto dovolj, vsaj za moje potrebe.
kaj pravzaprav zelis namestiti?
2 sec google-fu:
huh? sej installerja ni za 2.0. sta pa cydia in app store cisto dovolj, vsaj za moje potrebe.
kaj pravzaprav zelis namestiti?
2 sec google-fu:
simnov ::
ja kakšno igro ne samo macman , video recorder , pa piano pa kitaro .na app store sem se pa neki registriral pa mi zmeraj napiše , da je nekaj napačno geslo ,kje se moraš sploh registrirat za app store , da si lahko free stvari naložiš
jamiroq ::
hmm. registriraš se tako, da klikneš na itunes store > sign in > create new account > (tu bi ti moralo avtomatsko zaznati, da si iz slovenije) > continue > označiš, da si prebral license agreement in klikneš continue > izpolniš podatke in klikneš continue > vpišeš kartico in klikneš continue > nadaljuješ do konca.
moraš pa imeti kartico, tudi za dostop do free stvari.
druga možnost je, da si nekje dobiš itunes gift certificate in tako ustvariš account v itms kakšne druge države. tule pa kartica ni potrebna, iirc.
moraš pa imeti kartico, tudi za dostop do free stvari.
druga možnost je, da si nekje dobiš itunes gift certificate in tako ustvariš account v itms kakšne druge države. tule pa kartica ni potrebna, iirc.
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zdajle sem iz cydia snel nem bootloader in ima 3.9 in 4.6 če se ne motim in sem kar neki pritiskal. is seaj je že pol ure samo črn ekran z apple logom in loadingom spodaj.
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itunes ga ne zazna tudi če držim gumb za vklop in home button se ugasne in potem ga intunes zazna samo ko pa kliknem restore pa čez nekaj časa pokaže error
jamiroq ::
1. zaženi ga v restore mode (home+vklop/izklop)
2. priklopi na itunes
3. shift+restore na .ipsw, ki si ga pobral z neta/ustvaril z winpwn.
tu imaš še en tutorial kako narediti pravilen .ipsw z winpwn.
1. zaženi ga v restore mode (home+vklop/izklop)
2. priklopi na itunes
3. shift+restore na .ipsw, ki si ga pobral z neta/ustvaril z winpwn.
tu imaš še en tutorial kako narediti pravilen .ipsw z winpwn.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jamiroq ()
jamiroq ::
probaj s "predpripravljenim" swjem s piratebaya. išči iThor\'s iPhone 2.0 Custom Firmware Vanilla (5A347).
druga reč, ki bi lahko delovala je restore na vanilla 2.0 software. in potem downgrade na 1.1.4. (ali pa direkten winpwn, če deluje?)
druga reč, ki bi lahko delovala je restore na vanilla 2.0 software. in potem downgrade na 1.1.4. (ali pa direkten winpwn, če deluje?)
jamiroq ::
kot vanilla sem mislil, da klikneš restore brez shift, torej, da ti pobere sw z applovih serverjev. ali tudi to ne deluje?
jamiroq ::
najboljse, da se lotis googlanja.
lahko se pa oglasis na, mogoce ima kdo tam kaksno idejo vec.
lahko se pa oglasis na, mogoce ima kdo tam kaksno idejo vec.
simnov ::
pomoje sem naredil točno to
Recently, BootNeuter got updated, here you have important information about its usage.
Important Information:
==> Do not close BootNeuter while flashing. Sometimes it takes longer
than expected, but that is just fine. If you close it or crash it, you will have serious
==> Do not manipulate your iPhone while BootNeuter its working. Sometimes
errors happen and people press buttons accidentally.
==> Uninstall BootNeuter when you're done with it. Friends always take risks
without knowing what would happen, and when they realize what's going on, they
just close the application. There you have, a bricked iPhone.
==> If you forgot to set autolock to never, and iPhone locks, turn on the screen
then you should see the progress, it is still working, you can keep it
alive by pressing the volume button or the silence/ring switch, do not crash the app and
do not try to close it. The app is still working.
==> BootNeuter is not a game, if you do something wrong, your iPhone will pay it.
==> If your iPhone is working fine, there is no need to use it.
==> (you say "You're trying to scare me, iPhone can't be permanently bricked") I say,
check the Software Unlock forum for a thread about the 1011 error. There are
some iPhones that are bricked and there is no solution for them.
If you need further help, don't mind about sending me a PM.
Recently, BootNeuter got updated, here you have important information about its usage.
Important Information:
==> Do not close BootNeuter while flashing. Sometimes it takes longer
than expected, but that is just fine. If you close it or crash it, you will have serious
==> Do not manipulate your iPhone while BootNeuter its working. Sometimes
errors happen and people press buttons accidentally.
==> Uninstall BootNeuter when you're done with it. Friends always take risks
without knowing what would happen, and when they realize what's going on, they
just close the application. There you have, a bricked iPhone.
==> If you forgot to set autolock to never, and iPhone locks, turn on the screen
then you should see the progress, it is still working, you can keep it
alive by pressing the volume button or the silence/ring switch, do not crash the app and
do not try to close it. The app is still working.
==> BootNeuter is not a game, if you do something wrong, your iPhone will pay it.
==> If your iPhone is working fine, there is no need to use it.
==> (you say "You're trying to scare me, iPhone can't be permanently bricked") I say,
check the Software Unlock forum for a thread about the 1011 error. There are
some iPhones that are bricked and there is no solution for them.
If you need further help, don't mind about sending me a PM.
_KocKa_ ::
jst pa imam problem.....
sem ponesreči stisnu restore in pač mi je zaklenlo iphone in ne morem večm uporabljat lepo bi prosil če mi pomaga
sem ponesreči stisnu restore in pač mi je zaklenlo iphone in ne morem večm uporabljat lepo bi prosil če mi pomaga
Recordman ::
Quickpwn (če si na Win). Zaženeš in slediš navodilom. Simpl ko pasulj.
Kje ga dobiš pa vprašaj strica Gugla.
Kje ga dobiš pa vprašaj strica Gugla.
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