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Brezžični router

Brezžični router

Galaxy ::

Lepo pozdravljeni!

Groza, spet prosim za pomoč. Tokrat pri routerjih. In sicer imam že en mesec neki drek po imenu Belkin Wireless G Router. Problemi so do sedaj bili neskončni. Skoraj vsakič moram resetirati, ko izklopim WiFi na laptopu, ka kasneje omrežja več ne najde. Pri torrentih totalno pofuša, saj zašteka totalno internet, nato pa moram ročno resetirati router. Sedaj mi je edini način še, da dam "factory default". In sicer mi to naredi, da izbriše vso zaščito - tako lahko edino laptop prepozna, da omrežje sploh obstaja.

Poskušal sem odstraniti strojno opremo, programe, vse, nato pa ponovno naložiti, vendar brez uspeha. Tako, da sem sedaj že čisto obupan. Prosim za kakršni koli nasvet.

siamon ::

Nisem ravno profi lahko pa ti povem kaj zleže pri meni...

Če uporabljaš wireless je nujno da nastaviš kratek lease time(to je po moje razlog, da ti ne najde omrežja) Če imaš možnost spreminjanja frekvenc poizkusi tudi to, določeni prenosniki zlasti starejši ne zaznajo vseh frekvenc.

Potem gelde torrentov je pa tako... če nisi edini uporabnik na omrežju se boš moral malo poigrati s RTS Treshold in Fragemtation Treshold funkicjama.
RTS is used to RESERVE the medium. It is a request by the client sent to the AP which asks the AP for a RESERVED slot of time to transmit a packet and to get an ack for the packet. When the AP receives the RTS it will ack with a CTS. Since everyone can hear the AP, everyone can hear the CTS. The CTS contains all the information everyone needs to back off and let the client reserving the medium communicate. Collision Avoidance at it's best. In this particular scenario NOBODY collides with anyone else.

Now as it happens RTS adds overhead, if everyone always had to send an RTS, there would practically never be collisions but network thruput would suffer. That is why you specify what the smallest packet that is required to send a RTS. The smaller packets get across the network quickly and there is less chance of collision. The RTS setting is a trade off.

The fragmentation threshold is used to set the MAXIMUM size of packet that a client will send. Smaller maximum sizes improve reliability but decrease performance. This is because every packet has a fixed amount of overhead which must be sent with it. Lots of little packets have the same overhead as lots of big packets, but less data. On unreliable links is helps to reduce fragmentation threshold.

upam, da ti je v pomoč.

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  • spremenil: siamon ()

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