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xp + vista

xp + vista

Darkiii ::

lep pozdrav, imam problem ki me ze zajebava vsaj 1 mesec. Jaz sem imel xp sp2 nalozen nato je oce hotel visto sprobat in jo je nalozil sedaj pa jaz nemorem na svoj sistem (xp) sm vse probal tudi po netu sm brskal za ta problem sm use probu pa ni ne dela :S
prosim pomagajte mi ...

(tm ko izbiram med xp ali visto wind.. dam xp pa mi vrze en error

File: \ntldr
Status 0xc000000f

The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is
missing or carrupt. )


strictom ::

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Salvor Hardin

bluefish ::

pojdi v visto, namesti VistaBoot in uredi zagonski sektor.

Darkiii ::

in kaj morm kle nastimat? sm povleku in instaliru ... mal sm gledal
tale manage os entries

erlier ver... sm dav pac d an k mam pa shranu ka morm se kej naredit ?

Darkiii ::

Entry 1
Name: Earlier Version of Windows
BCD ID: {ntldr}
Boot Drive: D:
System Bootloader: \ntldr

Entry 2
Name: Microsoft Windows Vista
BCD ID: {current}
Boot Drive: C:
Windows Drive: C:
System Bootloader: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows

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