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Radeon 10000: the new name of R300

Radeon 10000: the new name of R300

_Mortal_ ::

WE HAVE NOW discovered even more details about ATI's R300 graphics chip and can report that it is likely to be called the Radeon 10000.
But although the Radeon 8500 related to Microsoft Direct X version 8, Radeon 10000 does not have similar logic and doesn't refer to DirectX 10.

As we said last week, the chip will have eight pipelines and four texture units per pipe, significantly more than you get with the Radeon 8500 or Geforce 4 TI.

The chip will have two pixel and two vertex shaders and at this point looks like an advanced piece of hardware even, when compared with the mighty Geforce 4 TI that has "just" one pixel shader but two vertex.

The first revision 10000 A boards should be ready at the end of next month but we'll have to wait a while until the official announcement.

We now believe that ATI will skip a summer launch and introduce it in September, perhaps at the Autumn Equinox, for reasons known best to the marchitectural labs in Canada.

This presentation of this Radeon 10 000 chip will take place just after Microsoft introduces its DirextX 9.1 that this card is about to apparently support.

The card is meant to compete with the NV30 chip not the Geforce 4 TI, and we're still probing what is going to be revolutionary in NV30.

An extremely hot graphic summer is about to start in few months time. µ

Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?

eland ::

Dej napiši vir prosim, ker link ne dela.

Thanatos ::

Senitel ::

Tri zadeve nako ne klapajo pri tejle novici:
1. ATI je v eni svojih uradnih prezenracij omenil, da bo nomenklatura (Radeon XY, kjer X označuje DirectX generacijo in Y relativno hitrost znotraj te generacije) ostala enaka.
2. ATI-jev šefe je tudi povedal, da bo nova kartica predstavljena takoj, ko bo DirectX 9 izšel (ker pa še vedno ni niti približno napovedan...)
3. DirectX 9.1?? Kdo je že kar koli rekel o 9.1?? Do sedaj sta bili samo dve verziji DX-a .1 (6.1, 8.1). O nekem DirectX 9.1 je brez veze govorit še preden DirectX 9 sploh pride v beta fazo...
plus par tehničnih stvari:
-2 vertex shader cevovoda bosta mal mal za DirectX 9 generacijo
-nekaj ala "two pixel shaders" ne obstaja. To kolk "pixel shaderjev" lahko nardi čip je čisto odvisno od verzije pixel shader-ja... Od ps.1.0 do ps.1.3 maš 4 teksture in 8 ukazov ps.1.4 maš 6 tekstur in 8 ukazov ter dva bloka (skupaj do 16 ukazov). DirectX 9.0 pa bo imel ps.2.0...

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