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Memory prices in freefall again

Memory prices in freefall again

_Mortal_ ::

A SPURT IN MEMORY PRICES over recent weeks seems to have come to an end today and yesterday, with prices of most parts falling down, down, down.
Fuji Ace International reported that the spot price of 128Mbit SDRAM had fallen to well below $4 to close at $3.55 at the end of play, with even DDR memories showing a slip – modules costing around $4 less than yesterday.

The reasons for the fall remain pretty unclear – but could be connected to Samsung saying yesterday that it hoped to stem the price of contract DRAM to its PC customers.

DRAM Exchange in the US also showed the prices of its main indicators down, continuing a trend from yesterday. It quoted a SDRAM 128Mbit spot part daily low as $3.48, compared to over $4.

This, coupled with a report from Taiwan yesterday that CeBIT brought no big PC orders for the mobo makers. Those comments were echoed by a Bear Sterns' analyst who said he further expected prices to fall both here and in the forthcoming quarter.

It's lack of demand – which cannot be good for the majors such as INTC and AMD. µ

To sm čaku>:D
Is reading in the bathroom considered as multi-tasking?

tedybear ::

cool ampak po 7500 SIT nikoli več :(
da bi vsaj po 20,000 padlo :D

Spajky ::

TeddyBear, ako da ne? še nižje bo! Primer SDRAM: 64M pred 2 leti 15k, lani 4k, zdaj 7k, jutri bo nižje kot lani, ker se bodo teh modulov vsi hoteli rešit in isto se bo zgodilo z vsemi moduli tudi višjih kapacitet, le še ne tako hitro /npr.naslednje leto.../ Kdor čaka DOČAKA! :-) 8-)
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

Gandalfar ::

itaq vse cene cez nekaj casa padejo ko se tehnologije zamenjajo ^_^

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