Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » namestitev win98 preko kabla
namestitev win98 preko kabla
V-i-p ::
Kako rešiti sledeči problem: Dobil sem prošnjo, da na en notebook naložim win98. Nema problema ;) do sem... Ok, disk tega notebooka je bil formatiran z win98 zagonsko disketo, ko sem ga jaz dobil v roke, zadeva pa nima cd-roma, ampak, toliko, da prijatelju usposobim reč, sem si izposodil povezovalni LPT kabel. Vendar, kako zdej hudiča naložit win98??? Šlo bi preko dos-a 6.22, vendar imam na drugem računalniku win98, torej se notebook in comp. ne bosta razumela preko programčka interlnk in intersvr. Gre še kako drugače? Problem je tudi, ker je bil disk formatiran z win98 zagonsko disketo in mi zato ob vstavitvi dos zagonske javi "ni operacijskega sistema", če pa grem not z win98 zagonsko, pa potem dam dos disketo not, da bi formatiral comp. mi pa javi, da ni pravilna dos verzija, bios pa tudi na notebooku ne omogoča formatiranja. Kako zdej sploh naložit winse? Je kakšna varijanta? Za pomoč že vnaprej lepa hvala! Lp.
Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri. Raje reci, da si naredil že včeraj!
- spremenil: Gandalfar ()
tec ::
Z disketami nalozis na notebooka norton commander, s katerim se povezes preko LPT kabla na racunalnik kjer imas win98. Potem cel direktorij win98 skopiras na notebooka in od tam potem instaliras.
gkovac ::
maš pa še eno možnost (je pa bolj radikalna od tec-ove) in sicer: razšraufaj notebook in potem nanj priklopi CD :)
"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
"Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse."
bedanc ::
zadeva preverjeno deluje je pa počasna, da boš lahk cel dan zabluzu
Using InterLink
First you need to add "DEVICE=C:\DOS\INTERLNK.EXE" to your config.sys file on BOTH computers. Make sure the cable is connected in each computers parallel ports (printer port) if you have more than one port - it doesn't matter because it automatically detects which port it is on. When you are ready to use it, reboot the server computer and wait for it to load. then reboot the client computer and let it load. The other computers drives are additional drives on the client. It is a good idea to make a boot disk, and add the config.sys commands to the config.sys on the disk - that way, you don't have to revert from one setting to the other.
ON THE CLIENT: Reboot the computer
Using InterLink
First you need to add "DEVICE=C:\DOS\INTERLNK.EXE" to your config.sys file on BOTH computers. Make sure the cable is connected in each computers parallel ports (printer port) if you have more than one port - it doesn't matter because it automatically detects which port it is on. When you are ready to use it, reboot the server computer and wait for it to load. then reboot the client computer and let it load. The other computers drives are additional drives on the client. It is a good idea to make a boot disk, and add the config.sys commands to the config.sys on the disk - that way, you don't have to revert from one setting to the other.
ON THE CLIENT: Reboot the computer
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