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gta sanandreas teratoriji v San fiero in LV

gta sanandreas teratoriji v San fiero in LV

Rony-e ::

  • zavaroval slike: OmegaBlue ()

Rony-e ::

Letiš 20-30 minut JV in skočiš v vodo in se potopiš in se pokažejo novi teratoriji ki jih je 178

billgates ::

O čem govoriš? Pri gta san andreas se usedeš v letalo pa letaš pol ure JV pa maš kr neke teritorije?

Rony-e ::

tak je pisalo na eni strani pa je čist res

Rony-e ::

škoda da ne sme biti po angleško napisano na tej strani

billgates ::

Ja model a si probal al kaj? Pa še zdaj ne vem zakaj je to v kaj kupiti?Men osebno se to polurno letenje zdi glupo, rajš v gantonu povozim tistih par ljudi ki jih hočm pa konc:D

Rony-e ::

Must fly/boat out till you reach corner (it seems that any corner will do) of map (15 to 20 min real time)
-The longer you stay out, the more territories you get
-Shemal and AT400 auto level out and thus are the best choice
-The max number of terrirories gotten thru this glitch stands at 178
-You don't have to die to get it to work
-You don't have to have completed the final missions where gang wars come back to get it to work
-It still works if you have gotten 100% of the territories

Tips to get it to work:
-Use the Shemal
-Fatten up if you plan to stay out for more than an hour (remember: 11 meals per 6 hours or you will barf)
-It only takes 20 min or so to get to the edge and back, so flying back won't take you 2 hours if you have been out for 2 hours

On Capturing new Territories:

-Ignore Triads (blue Vagos), they show up all over the map but killing them won't get a war
-Kill only Vagos and Ballas to start wars
-New territores gotten thru this glitch only have one, easy to kill wave
-Yank gang members out of cars in no ped areas to start wars

And most importantly of all READ THE THREAD tounge.gif

No, just kidding. Everything you need to know is in this post, as far as I know.
Maybe we could use this, or another post as a template and keep updating it and posting it when new things are found out.

Rony-e ::

to je to

Meizu ::

krneki. In, BTW niso "terAtoriji" ampak so "teritoriji".

zcetrt ::

In zakaj bi si človek sploh želel "one wave easy to kill"? Ah... Mogoče za tiste, ki padejo v depresijo, ko nabereje 50 podkev, 50 školjk, 50 snapshotov in premalajo vse grafite... Potem pa se podre svet, ker nimajo več kaj početi.

edit: Kaj kupiti? Kakšno knjigo recimo. Ali pa bicikel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: zcetrt ()

Evil mind ::

Obstaja tema o San Andreas BTW

Zadnje cajte je vse več podvojenih tem... Največ o COD2

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