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win98 vs winXP problemi !!!

win98 vs winXP problemi !!!

sti-verVII ::

:'( ;(

HJA, kje naj zacnem

Takole je Imam dva sistema na disku
c: win XP
d: win98 SEII

V XPjih mi sistem deluje BP!
98 SEII pa mi skoraj vedno pocca 15 minutah uporabe, delam vec (dve do tri) stvari hkrati javi (najveckrat pri explorerju ko surfam) "CLOSE program", in nato se resna zaustavitev
"Sistem low on resoures" !!!??? in nato se javi še KRNL386.EXE close.... in vse skup tko stekne da morm RESETIRAT na gumb!!!

Torej npr: imam prizgan WInamp, 2 okna explorer in pa outlook express!
potem pa mi cel sistem stekne!?

Imam slot1 BX plato
C800 nic navit
256MB rama CL2 micron
SB live platinum
46GB disk 50% free
sistem na frisno instaliran pred cca 1 mescom

HELP a ma oz. je mel kdo take tezave???;((

Spajky ::

Evo prestudiraj nekaj z Useneta:"System Resources is one of the most widely-misunderstood
aspects of Windows 95 and 98. Many people equate the term
'System Resources' with how much RAM they have or with all
the things that might be considered 'resources' in
general-things like hard disk space, processor speed, etc.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The term 'System
Resources' has a very specific meaning in Windows 95 and 98,
and it doesn't at all mean what your instincts might lead
you to believe.

The term 'System Resources' refers to two fixed heaps of
memory, each 64K in size. These heaps are called 'User
Resources' and 'GDI Resources,' and Windows uses them to
keep track of running programs and graphic objects. The
overall term 'System Resources,' expressed as a percentage
(which you can see if you right-click on My Computer, then
click Properties and look on the Performance tab), refers to
the lower of the percentages of free User and GDI resources.

The most important thing to realize about these System
Resources is that we all have the same amount of them,
regardless of how much RAM we have or how our systems are
otherwise configured. It's 64K for each of us--the person
with a 16MB 486/50 as well as the one with a 256MB Pentium

Many people get very worried when they look at the System
Resources percentage, and see numbers like 80%, 70%, 60%,
50%, They want to know why their number isn't 100%, or
something close to it, and want to know how to solve the
'problem.' They mistakenly assume that lowered free
resources means lowered performance.

Have no fear. There is no 'problem.' Resources are there to
be used, not hoarded. Using a greater percentage of
resources occurs because you're doing more-running more
programs. There is no performance hit as you use more
Resources, and no disadvantage of any kind (except that the
number of additional programs you can start is restricted by
available Resources).

Of course, if you run out of Resources entirely (or even get
very close), there's a serious problem-you will crash or
lock up the computer. But problems don't normally occur
until you get very close to zero-under 10% or so.
Ken Blake


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