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Internet explorer se ugasa - sam od sebe... HELP !

Internet explorer se ugasa - sam od sebe... HELP !

jarni2 ::

Zdravo, ko naprimer prizgem siol stran in hocem prebrati novice, mi kar naenkrat ugasne explorer...

Pise, pa tole : da je IE dozivel nek problem in, da se mora zapreti... potem pa kliknem za vec informacij, pa mi napise tole...

AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2600.0 ModName: flash.ocx
ModVer: Offset: 00038abb

Ali se komu sanja, kaj lahko povtroca tele probleme ?
Pa to ni le na mojem racunalniku... tudi na racunalniku pri mojih starsih se dogaja enaka zadeva...

Prosim vas za pomoc !

Lp, J

nonenone ::

To je datoteka od Macromedia Flash Player. Moraš najti flash.ocx (verjetno ga ni ampak je flas9.ocx). Preimenuj flash9.ocx v flash.ocx
Drugače pa deinštaliraj Flash Player in si ponovno inštaliraj zadnjo verzijo, ta programček oziroma dodatek je zastonj, najdi ga na googlu, lp

John Abruzzi ::

madog ::

Se pridružujem John-u Abruzzi-u

jarni2 ::

Zdravo, hvala za pomoc... sem ravno zdajle hotel download flash player... pa mi je zaprlo IE in napisalo :

AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2600.0 ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.0 Offset: 0000d756

Kaj se mi dogaja ?


jarni2 ::

in se enkrat zaprlo... sploh ne morem prit do downloada flash playerja...

AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2600.0 ModName: kernel32.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.0 Offset: 0000d756

lp, j

neres ::

Res nočem težit, ampak tudi jaz svetujem da uporabljaš kak drugi brskalnik. Npr. Opero, tudi Firefox je ok. Če ne drugega boš mel pri težavah malo boljšo podporo geekovske skupnosti.:))

Klemzz ::

kaj ko bi si za ta čas naložiu nek drug browser?

edit: @neres, prehiteu za 3s

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Klemzz ()

nonenone ::

inštaliraj si IE7, če še nisi, pejt kakšnemu kolegu naj ti slopira inštalacijo IE7 in si nato montiraj na svoj računalnik (npr. na USB ključ), lp
ps.:ne obupaj, malo se potrudi, IE7 je super

nonenone ::

Evo še malo navodil, sem skopiral, ker ne moreš na net, lp
To manually uninstall the ActiveX control (Flash Players 6 and earlier only)
Quit Internet Explorer, if it is open.
From the Start menu, choose Search > Files or Folders and search for flash.ocx (if you are removing Macromedia Flash Player 6) or swflash.ocx (if you are removing Macromedia Flash Player 5 or earlier).

Note: The name of the ActiveX control changed with version 6 to "flash.ocx". See Windows XP error installing Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX control (TechNote 16178) for details.
Note the path to the file. The path is typically:
C:\Windows\System\Macromed\Flash on Windows 95, 98 or WinME;
C:\WinNT\System32\Macromed\Flash on Windows NT or 2000;
C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash on Windows XP.

If more than one copy of the file is found, note the paths to all copies of the file.
Select Start > Run.
In the Open field, enter the following command:

regsvr32 {path}\{filename} /u

Replace {path} with the path to the filename noted from step 3.
Replace {filename} with thefilename noted from step 2.

For example, if you're uninstalling the Macromedia Flash Player 6 ActiveX control on Windows 2000, the path would be:

regsvr32 C:\WinNT\System32\Macromed\Flash\flash.ocx /u
Click OK. You should get a RegSvr32 dialog box stating that the executable succeeded. If it failed, double check the path and file name for your system.
Select Start > Find Files or Folders and enterflash.ocx (if you are removing Macromedia Flash Player 6) or swflash.ocx (if you are removing Macromedia Flash Player 5).
Right-click on the found file and choose Delete from the context (right-click) menu. If more than one copy of the file exists, delete each one.
Search for swflash.inf using Windows Find utility (Start > Find > Files or Folders). This file is used during the installation of the Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX control.
Right-click on the file and choose Delete.
Restart the machine.

jarni2 ::

res hvala vsem za pomoc... za svojo skromno uporabo interneta & racunalnika sem nasel hitro resitev... zelel sem instalirat IE7, pa sem imel same probleme in neznanke... potem sem pa poizkusil se mozillo, pa je slo brez problemov...

kaj pa vem, lahko da je IE7 boljsa zadeva, ampak se ni in ni hotel instalirati brez problemov... tudi mozilla ni od muh...

se enkrat, vsem hhvala za pomoc!!!

lp, J

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