Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Emule/Siol modem-router težave
Emule/Siol modem-router težave
Ursus ::
Po formatiranju sistema mi emule javi low id. Preverim če imam na Silovem sagemu, ki je nastavljen kot router odprte porte in ugotovim da je vse kot je bilo pred formatiranjem (takrat je vse delalo ok). Potem pa kar en dan opravi oba testa ok in ne javi več low id. Grem v nastavitve modema in zbrišem vse porte ki sem jih forwardiral ter še vedno ostane high id kot da to sploh ne vpliva?? Win požarni zid je izklopljen, bittdefender omogoča prehod, ne upoarbabljam dodatnih routerju-le en AP. Sedaj je emule spet low id in nimam pojma kaj bi sploh naredil...??
StratOS ::
Čeprav ne uporabljam p2p programov :
Če si sformatiral disk si seveda pobrisal tudi informacije o prenešeni količini podatkov in/out.
Po mojem je tisti id le ratio ( Share ratio ) - Ratio ti pa je ob formatu začel znova od začetka.
0 in 0 out.
To nima veze z odprtimi porti na ruterju in NAT (TCP reachability) testom.
Treba uploadat, ni drugega ...
Če si sformatiral disk si seveda pobrisal tudi informacije o prenešeni količini podatkov in/out.
Po mojem je tisti id le ratio ( Share ratio ) - Ratio ti pa je ob formatu začel znova od začetka.
0 in 0 out.
To nima veze z odprtimi porti na ruterju in NAT (TCP reachability) testom.
Treba uploadat, ni drugega ...
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
StratOS ::
Če se ti to zgodi pri samem štartu aplikacije je odvisno kako imaš naštimane porte TCP/UDP na firewalu in ruterju, jih imaš default odprte ali imaš to uštimano preko UPnP ?
Že pri samem zagonu potrebuje nekaj časa da program omogoči poslušanje na TCP omenjenem portu, šele čez čas lahko NAT v celoti izkorišča.
Probaj pregledati kaj je z tem časovno ob zagonu ter povej.
Zgleda da ma tisti id zaradi NAT/TCP povezav, torej ne gre za ratio.
Že pri samem zagonu potrebuje nekaj časa da program omogoči poslušanje na TCP omenjenem portu, šele čez čas lahko NAT v celoti izkorišča.
Probaj pregledati kaj je z tem časovno ob zagonu ter povej.
Zgleda da ma tisti id zaradi NAT/TCP povezav, torej ne gre za ratio.
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
bastadu ::
StratOS: Malo te je odneslo, mula ne deluje na bittorent protokolu in nima nobenih share ratingov...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bastadu ()
StratOS ::
Hja, kaj morem, ne uporabljam mule.
Ne govorim o bittirent protokolu, ampak samo o osnovnem principu p2p delovanja, katerega podpira tudi mula.
NAT/TCP/Ruter in SW firewali so pa osnovni proglemi pri tem.
Sam vem, da konfiguracija UPnP preko SW firewala in ruterja (HW) z možnostjo UPnP-ja poteka kar dolgo - posredovanje traje kar nekaj časa ( sam vem, ker sem tudio sam malce testiral delovanje - predvsem izkoriščanje UPnP exploita na ruterjih pred nekaj časa ).
Sama inicializacija z trackerjem/serverjem in obnovitev peerov ob zagonu pa tudi traja.
malo več si preberi : oz :
Why do I get a low ID?
eMule will only work fully if the ports you have defined in the Options -> Connection screen are reachable from outside your computer. By default these are:
4662 TCP (Server connection)
4672 UDP (Kademlia)
4711 TCP (Webinterface)
There are several possible causes for these to be blocked:
• Firewalls - also the built in of Windows XP. (WinXP SP2 enables it by default!)
• Routers
• Dail-In software of some ISPs
• Connection sharing software / Software routers
• Networks with any form of NATed connection
• Ports blocks by the Internet Service Provider
Check your used software and hardware for any firewall or routing functions and configure it properly to allow incoming connections to the mentioned ports. You can also instruct eMule to use non-default ports, such as 6666, 80 or 20, which are normally used for other applications and are therefor likely to be allowed through.
More information in the chapters on Firewalls and Routers
Ne govorim o bittirent protokolu, ampak samo o osnovnem principu p2p delovanja, katerega podpira tudi mula.
NAT/TCP/Ruter in SW firewali so pa osnovni proglemi pri tem.
Sam vem, da konfiguracija UPnP preko SW firewala in ruterja (HW) z možnostjo UPnP-ja poteka kar dolgo - posredovanje traje kar nekaj časa ( sam vem, ker sem tudio sam malce testiral delovanje - predvsem izkoriščanje UPnP exploita na ruterjih pred nekaj časa ).
Sama inicializacija z trackerjem/serverjem in obnovitev peerov ob zagonu pa tudi traja.
malo več si preberi : oz :
Why do I get a low ID?
eMule will only work fully if the ports you have defined in the Options -> Connection screen are reachable from outside your computer. By default these are:
4662 TCP (Server connection)
4672 UDP (Kademlia)
4711 TCP (Webinterface)
There are several possible causes for these to be blocked:
• Firewalls - also the built in of Windows XP. (WinXP SP2 enables it by default!)
• Routers
• Dail-In software of some ISPs
• Connection sharing software / Software routers
• Networks with any form of NATed connection
• Ports blocks by the Internet Service Provider
Check your used software and hardware for any firewall or routing functions and configure it properly to allow incoming connections to the mentioned ports. You can also instruct eMule to use non-default ports, such as 6666, 80 or 20, which are normally used for other applications and are therefor likely to be allowed through.
More information in the chapters on Firewalls and Routers
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
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