Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Do Make Say Think -> a pozna kdo tole skupino?
Do Make Say Think -> a pozna kdo tole skupino?
MartiNoss147 ::
Sam ze kar nekaj casa poslusam njihovo glasbo in sem vsakic ko jo slisim bolj impresioniran! Ker menim, da se mora dobra glasba siriti po vsem svetu, vam jo zdej predstavljam! Poslusajte in komentirajte v tej temi...
Zelim vam obilo uzitkov v poslusanju...
LP. Martin
Zelim vam obilo uzitkov v poslusanju...
LP. Martin
MartiNoss147 ::
Se mal informacij o skupini...
Do Make Say Think is an instrumental post-rock group from Toronto, Canada. The band formed in the 1990s as a recording project for one of the members' sound engineering classes in college. Their first rehearsals took place in an empty schoolroom where four basic verbs -- Do, Make, Say and Think -- adorned the walls. The group subsequently adopted the words as a name. Their music combines jazz-style drums and space-style electronic effects, distorted guitars and wind instruments.
Do Make Say Think consists of Ohad Benchetrit (guitar, bass, saxophone and flute), David Mitchell (drums), James Payment (drums), Justin Small (guitar) and Charles Spearin (bass, guitar and trumpet). Jason Mackenzie (keyboards and effects) departed after the first album. Justin Small is also involved in a side project entitled Lullabye Arkestra, as a drummer with his partner, bassist Katia Taylor. They have been produced by Benchetrit, who -- along with Spearin -- records and tours with the Toronto supergroup Broken Social Scene.
Do Make Say Think is an instrumental post-rock group from Toronto, Canada. The band formed in the 1990s as a recording project for one of the members' sound engineering classes in college. Their first rehearsals took place in an empty schoolroom where four basic verbs -- Do, Make, Say and Think -- adorned the walls. The group subsequently adopted the words as a name. Their music combines jazz-style drums and space-style electronic effects, distorted guitars and wind instruments.
Do Make Say Think consists of Ohad Benchetrit (guitar, bass, saxophone and flute), David Mitchell (drums), James Payment (drums), Justin Small (guitar) and Charles Spearin (bass, guitar and trumpet). Jason Mackenzie (keyboards and effects) departed after the first album. Justin Small is also involved in a side project entitled Lullabye Arkestra, as a drummer with his partner, bassist Katia Taylor. They have been produced by Benchetrit, who -- along with Spearin -- records and tours with the Toronto supergroup Broken Social Scene.
MartiNoss147 ::
ce v kaksen iskalnik vpises ime skupine, ti najde ogromno rezultatov, a ne?
Pa tut taksnih, kjer lahko celotne mp3-je zloudas, ane?
Nej proba kdo...
LP, Martin
Pa tut taksnih, kjer lahko celotne mp3-je zloudas, ane?
Nej proba kdo...
LP, Martin
b ::
Jaz mam 2 al 3 albume od njih. Jih pa zadnje čase ne poslušam več kaj velik. Fucking zjeban gramofon.
Sicer pa imaš na Constellation records še velik dobrih bandov v podobnem stilu. Meni so nekak najbolj všeč Godspeed! You Black Emperor, Silver Mt. Zion in 1-speed bike. Mogoče še Fly Pan Am, sam znajo bit na momente mal težki.
To so v glavnem bendi iz Montreala, in zgleda, da je v zadnjih letih scena tam mal zamrla... Jaz sem jih bolj spremljal tam nekje do 2002, 2003.
Poleg teh zgoraj priporočam še Explosions In The Sky. Mogoče še Third Eye Foundation, ampak tu imaš en ali dva albuma v podobni maniri, ostalo je bolj cepljeno na drum'n'bass al pa Toma Waitsa :)
Zdej sem mal pogledal... na imaš live posnetke DMST, ravno enga poslušam. Kar fino.
Sploh se ne morem spomnit, ali sem DMST kdaj videl v živo ali ne... Bah, zgleda da se mi brain stara...
Sicer pa imaš na Constellation records še velik dobrih bandov v podobnem stilu. Meni so nekak najbolj všeč Godspeed! You Black Emperor, Silver Mt. Zion in 1-speed bike. Mogoče še Fly Pan Am, sam znajo bit na momente mal težki.
To so v glavnem bendi iz Montreala, in zgleda, da je v zadnjih letih scena tam mal zamrla... Jaz sem jih bolj spremljal tam nekje do 2002, 2003.
Poleg teh zgoraj priporočam še Explosions In The Sky. Mogoče še Third Eye Foundation, ampak tu imaš en ali dva albuma v podobni maniri, ostalo je bolj cepljeno na drum'n'bass al pa Toma Waitsa :)
Zdej sem mal pogledal... na imaš live posnetke DMST, ravno enga poslušam. Kar fino.
Sploh se ne morem spomnit, ali sem DMST kdaj videl v živo ali ne... Bah, zgleda da se mi brain stara...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: b ()
MartiNoss147 ::
Ja res je kar si povedal, mam vse te bende kar si jih nastel, razen Fly Pan Am in Third Eye Foundation!
Js jih pa spremljam zadnje 4 leta in zdele sm dobil nov album od Do Make Say Think: You, You Are A History In Rust, sam mi ni tako zelo dober! Par komadov je sicer odlicnih, in udobnih za poslusanje...
Ce kdo potrebuje karkoli od njih, naj me ZS.
LP, Martin
Js jih pa spremljam zadnje 4 leta in zdele sm dobil nov album od Do Make Say Think: You, You Are A History In Rust, sam mi ni tako zelo dober! Par komadov je sicer odlicnih, in udobnih za poslusanje...
Ce kdo potrebuje karkoli od njih, naj me ZS.
LP, Martin
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