Forum » Operacijski sistemi » Za Andreja- winxp+schockwave
Za Andreja- winxp+schockwave
borutzi ::
Imam en neprijeten in dokaj nemoteč problem. Ko zaženem prenos Shockwave Flash 8.5 preko weba mi masino med instalacijo le-tega na silo reboota po pregledu diska dobim v event viewerju tole:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: Winlogon
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: 2.1.2002
Time: 16:50:44
User: N/A
Computer: BORUT-XP
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is FAT32.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You
may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk.
Volume Serial Number is 98CF-6BE7
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\RD8I4KCP\default[1].htm first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\VJQR7IJM\foo[1].bar first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\QIV29AKO\adbadges_shockwave[1].htm first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\0J23M56P\973-elearningstudio_sky03[1].gif first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Shockwave 8\Control.dll first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\update\New first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\update\Old.0 is cross-linked on allocation unit 1082.
Folder truncated.
Unrecoverable error in folder \WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\update\Old.0.
Convert folder to file (Y/N)? Yes
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Director\SwDir.dll first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Director\M5if32.dll first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Director\M5drvr32.exe first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
Convert lost chains to files (Y/N)? Yes
7160 KB in 42 recovered files.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
14973968 KB total disk space.
1009200 KB in 474 hidden files.
15752 KB in 1883 folders.
3905880 KB in 21336 files.
10043128 KB are available.
8192 bytes in each allocation unit.
1871746 total allocation units on disk.
1255391 allocation units available on disk.
Npr. v sluzbi mi vse na istem OSu (win xp) deluje brez problema...any idea?
Event Type: Information
Event Source: Winlogon
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: 2.1.2002
Time: 16:50:44
User: N/A
Computer: BORUT-XP
Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is FAT32.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You
may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk.
Volume Serial Number is 98CF-6BE7
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\RD8I4KCP\default[1].htm first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\VJQR7IJM\foo[1].bar first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\QIV29AKO\adbadges_shockwave[1].htm first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\Documents and Settings\borutzidaric\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\0J23M56P\973-elearningstudio_sky03[1].gif first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Shockwave 8\Control.dll first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\update\New first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\update\Old.0 is cross-linked on allocation unit 1082.
Folder truncated.
Unrecoverable error in folder \WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\update\Old.0.
Convert folder to file (Y/N)? Yes
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Director\SwDir.dll first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Director\M5if32.dll first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Director\M5drvr32.exe first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.
Convert lost chains to files (Y/N)? Yes
7160 KB in 42 recovered files.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
14973968 KB total disk space.
1009200 KB in 474 hidden files.
15752 KB in 1883 folders.
3905880 KB in 21336 files.
10043128 KB are available.
8192 bytes in each allocation unit.
1871746 total allocation units on disk.
1255391 allocation units available on disk.
Npr. v sluzbi mi vse na istem OSu (win xp) deluje brez problema...any idea?
CaqKa ::
jaz sem instaliro shockwawe in kasneje obiskal stran za ericson telefon.. neki na mobisuxu je bil link... malo za tem se je masina resetnila... kaj ces je pač že bil cajt.. no nakar se spet bootne komp in grem za foro isto stran se enkrat obiskat.. comp se spet resetne... ocitno se xpji in schockwave nekaj ne marajo najbolj
ToniT ::
Poženi scandisk še enkrat, pobriši temporary internet files pa tudi kak norton disk doctor ne bi škodil. Nato poskusi še enkrat. Problem je v disku.
borutzi ::
jetam: pomisli kaj je sploh namembnost ntfsja (security, uporabniske pravice, ....). Tega doma na single masini sigurno ne rabim. Hec je v temu da ima kolega na ntfsju pa mu isto naredi.
ToniT: vse to sem ze prej naredil vendar nic ne pomaga.
ToniT: vse to sem ze prej naredil vendar nic ne pomaga.
jetam ::
Pa varnost, pa hitrost... XP so NT sistem in temu primerno prilagojeni za NTFS datotečni sistem. Fat je pa počasi za zgodovino.
borutzi ::
varnost=security??? ....beri malo bolj natancno....najdi mi en link kjer pise da je ntfs hitrejsi kot fat32. Sicer pa: v temu postu nisem zastavil vprasanja v stilu NTFS DA ALI NE, ampak sem izpostavil direkten problem. Ce mi dokazes, da bo konvertiranje fat32 v ntfs moj problem resilo, ti kupim sladoled . Res mi gre na zivce, da namesto pomoci v dosti postih vidim samo kreganje, kaj je bolje in kaj ne, poanta threada je pa cist neki devetnajstega.
andrej ::
francelj: a je to cista XP instalacija ali upgrade?
a mas ze kaksno prejsnjo verzijo gori?
sam nimam flasha gori, tak da kaj konkretnega nimam v glavi...
a mas ze kaksno prejsnjo verzijo gori?
sam nimam flasha gori, tak da kaj konkretnega nimam v glavi...
jetam ::
varnost v smislu stabilnosti... In ker imam vse Macromediine stvari instalirane in delajo BP mi je to prvo padlo v oči pri branju... OK. Očitno je potem nekaj narobe z instalacijo Shockwavea ali pa je kaj HW. Kakšno mrežno oz. modem pa imaš?
Pa ne se razburjat... kljub vsemu večina tu poskuša pomagati...
Pa ne se razburjat... kljub vsemu večina tu poskuša pomagati...
jetam ::
A tistle Strat ti prodajaš ali je tam samo tako zaradi Stevie-a ali je to samo tko da jebe radoznale??
borutzi ::
andrej: probal vse zivo vendar brez na en testen disk v mojo masino vse znova instaliral hec se na ntfs
jetam:gledal sem pač fenderjeve izdelke in si želel privoščiti tudi multimedijske dobrote interneta, pa se je ustavilo Naj omenim, da masina do sedaj ni se nikoli zmrznila, se sesula,...To je prvi tak primer. Sedaj sem zacel sumiti mojega voodoo3 3000, ki ima sicer driverje ki niso nikjer zatajili, vendar niso uradni ampak z voodooofiles.
jetam:gledal sem pač fenderjeve izdelke in si želel privoščiti tudi multimedijske dobrote interneta, pa se je ustavilo Naj omenim, da masina do sedaj ni se nikoli zmrznila, se sesula,...To je prvi tak primer. Sedaj sem zacel sumiti mojega voodoo3 3000, ki ima sicer driverje ki niso nikjer zatajili, vendar niso uradni ampak z voodooofiles.
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