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Tic ::


ali če še kdo na STju čanta?
persona civitas ;>

klemen22 ::

Motiti se je človeško, odpuščati pa božje. Torej ti odpuščam ;)

Moonman ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Moonman ()

Tic ::

V Ang jeziku je Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Ena lepa:


Buddhism teaches that life is eternal. It had no beginning and will have no end. Everything in the entire universe, including ourselves, is a purely temporary manifestation of life itself. This essential "oneness" of all things is the true "entity" of life. Becoming aware of this oneness in the depth of our own individual lives is the greatest of all joy. Total awareness of our eternal life has a profound effect on our present, temporary life and is the key to understanding its true meaning. The following analogy may help :

The Wave Analogy

Imagine that you are a wave, a single wave on the surface of the vast ocean. The ocean represents the universe. You have a separate identity in that you have movement and form and an apparent life of your own. You may be a small ripple or you may be a giant tidal wave with terrible power at your disposal. There are many other waves each having its own characteristics - these represent all the other living beings in the universe. You are not the ocean and yet you only exist because of it. You are made of it and you cannot really distinguish the difference between the water making you up and the water forming the vast ocean itself. You cannot exist without the ocean and the ocean cannot exist without you because it is impossible to distinguish where you end and the ocean begins. Finally, after travelling over the surface of the ocean for a while, all the energies and conditions essential for your existence gradually decay away and you are unable to continue. This is not a tragedy. You simply merge back into the ocean from which you came. The ocean never loses you. Eventually, the effects you had on the ocean and a combination of thousands of other causes will produce the conditions for you to reappear on the surface. You will be a wave again. Not the same one of course…but not a different one either. This is the wonderful mystery of the eternity of life.
persona civitas ;>

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Tic ()

SodVina ::

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sounds funny

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