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Php problem

Elvoo ::
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Na svojem webspacu imam portal in dobim sledeci error kadar hocem uplodat sliko gor(imam php galerijo)
Warning: getimagesize(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/tmp/phpHs3cbT) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home2/elvoo:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home2/elvoo/public_html/bxcp/mods/users/picture.php on line 43
Warning: getimagesize(/var/tmp/phpHs3cbT): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home2/elvoo/public_html/bxcp/mods/users/picture.php on line 43
pogledal sem info.php in imam open_basedir nastavljen na /home2/elvoo:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp (local) , no value (master)
Isti poratl imam pri sebi doma na lokalnem racunalniku in imam oba open_basedir nastavljena na no value (in stvar deluje)
zdej me zanima ker ima webspace cpanel( katerega nisem lasnik ampak imam samo del tega placa) ce je to mozno spremenit na (no value) ali pa je treba kontaktirat lastnika tega placa ali pa kontaktirat firmo ki to prodaja, oz a se da nan ksksen drug nacin to sprmeniti, da bo stvar delovala.
to dvoje sem najdu na netu:
Your hosting provider or system admin may have restrictions on which directories can use "includes."
Run phpinfo.php and do a find on "open_basedir." If the setting is something other than "no value" then you might have to install in the directory shown. Check with your hosting provider.
If a users is getting this error message on the screen when trying to download a file via the Download Link (i.e., after a sale), or if it is embedded into the download file, the open_basedir setting is preventing the PHP script from writing a temporary file that's needed for the download to happen. The solution is to have your server admin or hosting provider change the open_basedir setting to "no value".
to pa je za cpanel
Php open_basedir Tweak
Php's open_basedir protection prevents users from opening files outside of their home directory with php scripts. You can use this function to select which accounts cannot open files outside of their home directory when using php scripts. This is an important security feature as it will prevent users from being able to access system or other users files with php scripts. It will most importantly stop malicious scripts from being able to access a lot of important information.
1 To access the Server Setup Menu, click on Server Setup, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface. Then, click on Tweak Security.
2 Click on Configure in the Php's open_basedir section.
3 Click on the check box next to Enable php open_basedir Protection to enable Enable php open_basedir Protection.
4 Click on a check box next to a domain's name to allow them to open files outside of their home directory with php, if necessary.
5 Click on Save.
to pa je za cpanel (tega dela jest nikjer ne vidim na cpanelu),mogoce ima samo lastnik to omogoceno
Prosil bi za pomoc ker nisem nek expert za te stravri pa bi se rad prej preprical ce je res v temu problem da ne bom adminu brezveze tezil naj spreminja vrednosti ce to ni prava resitev.
Na svojem webspacu imam portal in dobim sledeci error kadar hocem uplodat sliko gor(imam php galerijo)
Warning: getimagesize(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/tmp/phpHs3cbT) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home2/elvoo:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home2/elvoo/public_html/bxcp/mods/users/picture.php on line 43
Warning: getimagesize(/var/tmp/phpHs3cbT): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home2/elvoo/public_html/bxcp/mods/users/picture.php on line 43
pogledal sem info.php in imam open_basedir nastavljen na /home2/elvoo:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp (local) , no value (master)
Isti poratl imam pri sebi doma na lokalnem racunalniku in imam oba open_basedir nastavljena na no value (in stvar deluje)
zdej me zanima ker ima webspace cpanel( katerega nisem lasnik ampak imam samo del tega placa) ce je to mozno spremenit na (no value) ali pa je treba kontaktirat lastnika tega placa ali pa kontaktirat firmo ki to prodaja, oz a se da nan ksksen drug nacin to sprmeniti, da bo stvar delovala.
to dvoje sem najdu na netu:
Your hosting provider or system admin may have restrictions on which directories can use "includes."
Run phpinfo.php and do a find on "open_basedir." If the setting is something other than "no value" then you might have to install in the directory shown. Check with your hosting provider.
If a users is getting this error message on the screen when trying to download a file via the Download Link (i.e., after a sale), or if it is embedded into the download file, the open_basedir setting is preventing the PHP script from writing a temporary file that's needed for the download to happen. The solution is to have your server admin or hosting provider change the open_basedir setting to "no value".
to pa je za cpanel
Php open_basedir Tweak
Php's open_basedir protection prevents users from opening files outside of their home directory with php scripts. You can use this function to select which accounts cannot open files outside of their home directory when using php scripts. This is an important security feature as it will prevent users from being able to access system or other users files with php scripts. It will most importantly stop malicious scripts from being able to access a lot of important information.
1 To access the Server Setup Menu, click on Server Setup, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface. Then, click on Tweak Security.
2 Click on Configure in the Php's open_basedir section.
3 Click on the check box next to Enable php open_basedir Protection to enable Enable php open_basedir Protection.
4 Click on a check box next to a domain's name to allow them to open files outside of their home directory with php, if necessary.
5 Click on Save.
to pa je za cpanel (tega dela jest nikjer ne vidim na cpanelu),mogoce ima samo lastnik to omogoceno
Prosil bi za pomoc ker nisem nek expert za te stravri pa bi se rad prej preprical ce je res v temu problem da ne bom adminu brezveze tezil naj spreminja vrednosti ce to ni prava resitev.
- spremenil: Elvoo ()

dbMG ::
Zagotovo moras kontaktirat lastnika. Namreč ti želiš oz. skripta ti želi shraniti tmp fajl v /var/tmp/** ki pa je izzven tvojega dovoljenega oz domačega direktorija.
Imaš dve možnosti:
- kontaktirat gostitelja ki bo izklopil na tvojo željo ta open_basedir za tvoj account (se da)
ali pa
- naredi si tmp mapo znotraj "/home2/elvoo/public_html/bxcp/", chmodaj 777 in v skipti nastavi da naj sem shanjuje te začasne fajle
Upam da ti kaj to pomaga
Imaš dve možnosti:
- kontaktirat gostitelja ki bo izklopil na tvojo željo ta open_basedir za tvoj account (se da)
ali pa
- naredi si tmp mapo znotraj "/home2/elvoo/public_html/bxcp/", chmodaj 777 in v skipti nastavi da naj sem shanjuje te začasne fajle
Upam da ti kaj to pomaga

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