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Prison Break - nadaljevanka

oo7 ::
Igralec Wentworth Miller se ne bo vrnil v 6. sezono serije Prison Break
Igralec je svojo odločitev objavil na svojem Instagram profilu, kjer je za svojo odločitev podal tudi pojasnilo. Pravi, da enostavno noče več igrati heteroseksualnih vlog in da so bile njihove zgodbe že večkrat povedane.
Igralec je svojo odločitev objavil na svojem Instagram profilu, kjer je za svojo odločitev podal tudi pojasnilo. Pravi, da enostavno noče več igrati heteroseksualnih vlog in da so bile njihove zgodbe že večkrat povedane.

Gotta respect that tho.
Hetero tudi neradi igrajo gejevske vloge. Čeprav je treba vedeti, da je gej vlog za vzorec :)
Kot kaze se bo igralsko upokojil, edino ce ga porno industrija zanima
Hetero tudi neradi igrajo gejevske vloge. Čeprav je treba vedeti, da je gej vlog za vzorec :)
Kot kaze se bo igralsko upokojil, edino ce ga porno industrija zanima

Horas ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Gotta respect that tho.
Hetero tudi neradi igrajo gejevske vloge. Čeprav je treba vedeti, da je gej vlog za vzorec :)
Kot kaze se bo igralsko upokojil, edino ce ga porno industrija zanima![]()
gej vlog za vzorec?? pa ja ni več filma al serije kjer ne bi blo gej al lezbe. še preveč je teg zdaj
8700k+z390, 32gb 3600mhz, 1080ti, 700w gold, 512gb+2x250gb m.2 nvme + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd
8500+b360, 32gb 2666mhz, rx 6600, 600w bronze, 512gb+250gb ssd m.2 + 2tb hdd

Lahko da ne želi več snemati ker je bila zadnja sezona tak polom, pa je to samo prikladen izgovor?
"Only physical beauty is the foundation for a true higher culture of
the mind and spirit as well. Only sun and steel will show you the path."
Beauty is absolutely terrifying to people because it highlights what is ugly.
the mind and spirit as well. Only sun and steel will show you the path."
Beauty is absolutely terrifying to people because it highlights what is ugly.

oo7 ::
HULU dela na novi TV seriji Prison Break.
Producent in pisec zgodbe bo Elgin James znan po TV seriji Mayans M.C.
Producent in pisec zgodbe bo Elgin James znan po TV seriji Mayans M.C.

oo7 ::
HULU je naročil Pilot za TV serijo Prison Break reboot.
Hulu has ordered a pilot for the Prison Break reboot from Mayans M.C. co-creator Elgin James. Plot details are being kept under wraps, but the report states that while the project is its own thing, it will be set in the same universe as the original series.
Hulu has ordered a pilot for the Prison Break reboot from Mayans M.C. co-creator Elgin James. Plot details are being kept under wraps, but the report states that while the project is its own thing, it will be set in the same universe as the original series.

oo7 ::
Prison Break reboot.
Prve podrobnosti.
Casting six series regular roles, including a dishonorably charged female Army Ranger who now is a CO at a co-ed prison that has only seen one escape in 100 years, and a male senatorial candidate who is an old friend of hers; an inmate serving time for a crime he perhaps did not commit, and the "shot caller" convict who has orders from a mysterious entity to take him out; a female CO trainee; and a very pregnant inmate whose baby daddy is locked up just a floor away.
Prve podrobnosti.
Casting six series regular roles, including a dishonorably charged female Army Ranger who now is a CO at a co-ed prison that has only seen one escape in 100 years, and a male senatorial candidate who is an old friend of hers; an inmate serving time for a crime he perhaps did not commit, and the "shot caller" convict who has orders from a mysterious entity to take him out; a female CO trainee; and a very pregnant inmate whose baby daddy is locked up just a floor away.

oo7 ::
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