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zrcaljenje besedila v Wordu

zrcaljenje besedila v Wordu

bostjan44 ::

v wordu sem napisal besedilo ki bi ga zasukal pa ga ne znam

npr. kolesarske poti rad bi da se besedilo obrne da bi pisalo itop eksraselok

kako se lahko to v wordu naredi

harvey ::

V samem Wordu ne boš mogel narediti tega!

Namesti si PS (postscript) printer in med nastavitvami tiskalnika odkljukaj output mirror, ter to iz worda sprintaj v datoteko in potem pretvori v PDF pa boš imel željeno obrnjem tekst.
Ali pa, če vso stvar stiskaš na PS printerju. Verjetno rabiš za kak tisk (offset), ne.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: harvey ()

Gwanaroth ::

How can I flip a font or make it a mirror font?

Well, this is tricky. You can't take a font itself and flip it or mirror it. Fonts are fonts; they're just how they are and you can't change them.

You also can't just take a character, word, or paragraph in Word, for example, and flip it or mirror it either. The only way you can flip text is if it's in a drawing object, such as a text box, a shape, WordArt, or in a table cell. The only way to mirror text is if it's in an AutoShape, picture, WordArt, or piece of clip art.
To flip or change the orientation of text in an object
Click the drawing object or table cell that contains the text you want to change.
On the Format menu, click Text Direction.
Click the orientation you want.
To mirror text
Click the AutoShape, picture, WordArt, or clip art you want to mirror.
On the Drawing toolbar, click Draw, point to Rotate or Flip, and then click Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical.

Lights often keep secret hypnosis..

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