Forum » Loža » Poštnina pri! Pa smo v EU al ne?!
Poštnina pri! Pa smo v EU al ne?!

GregiB ::
Ma mislim, da smo o tem že pisali, pa vseeno... danes sem spet malo zajadral na strani angleškega Amazona, pa vržem par knjigic v košarico, pa proti blagajni... a glej ga zlomka! Kljub širitvi EU pred več, kot letom in pol smo še vedno pod "Rest of World"... Medtem ko poštnina za knjige v države zah. evrope (tudi Grčije npr.) stane 3.99 + (št knjig x 0,99) GBP, je cena za nas, Estonijo, Australijo in npr. Mongolijo 4,99 + (št. knjig x 2,99) GBP!!!
Za mojih naročenih 8 knjig bi torej en grk plačal 11,91 GBP poštnine, jaz, ki pa sem "le" 1000 km bližje "kraljestvu" pa 28,91 GBP?!
Hotel sem jim o problematiki napisati mail, pa imajo "customer service" sporočila vezana zgolj na oddana naročila.... Po letu in pol v EU sem nekako pričakoval, da bomo vsaj malo bolj enakopravni... sprašujem se... ni to malo diskriminatorno? Prijava kakšni inšpekciji?
Ma mislim, da smo o tem že pisali, pa vseeno... danes sem spet malo zajadral na strani angleškega Amazona, pa vržem par knjigic v košarico, pa proti blagajni... a glej ga zlomka! Kljub širitvi EU pred več, kot letom in pol smo še vedno pod "Rest of World"... Medtem ko poštnina za knjige v države zah. evrope (tudi Grčije npr.) stane 3.99 + (št knjig x 0,99) GBP, je cena za nas, Estonijo, Australijo in npr. Mongolijo 4,99 + (št. knjig x 2,99) GBP!!!
Za mojih naročenih 8 knjig bi torej en grk plačal 11,91 GBP poštnine, jaz, ki pa sem "le" 1000 km bližje "kraljestvu" pa 28,91 GBP?!
Hotel sem jim o problematiki napisati mail, pa imajo "customer service" sporočila vezana zgolj na oddana naročila.... Po letu in pol v EU sem nekako pričakoval, da bomo vsaj malo bolj enakopravni... sprašujem se... ni to malo diskriminatorno? Prijava kakšni inšpekciji?
If you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem! - George Carlin

Vikking ::
GregiB: komu se pa naj jst pritožim zato ker pekar prodaja kruh samo v Ljubljani ne pa tudi v moji vasi? Mislim kam gre ta svet, nekako pričakoval, da bomo vsaj malo bolj enakopravni... sprašujem se... ni to malo diskriminatorno? Prijava kakšni inšpekciji?

GregiB ::
No, Vikking, tle se ne bi mogel strinjati. Gre za on-line prodajalno, ki prodaja po celem svetu. Ker pa nastopa na skupnem evropskem tržišču, bi pričakoval, da med kupci ne bo delala razlik.
Saj se vedno lahko zagovarjajo, da lahko določenim državnim poštam zagotovijo določeno kvantiteto in imajo temu primerne pogodbe s poštami... ampak razlika 1:3... to je pa malo huda, ni?
Saj se vedno lahko zagovarjajo, da lahko določenim državnim poštam zagotovijo določeno kvantiteto in imajo temu primerne pogodbe s poštami... ampak razlika 1:3... to je pa malo huda, ni?
If you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem! - George Carlin

jarre ::
Poskusi na nemški enoti Amazona. Tudi tam lahko kupiš knjige v angleščini. Stroški pošiljanja so 2 EUR.

Če pa poznaš koga v sosednji Avstiji še bolje, saj je dostava v Avstrijo preko zastojn.


GregiB: Če bi bolj pozorno prebral, je tisto glede vezave naročil le opcija. Vseno pa sem jim poslal email, saj tudi mene ta zadeva "matra", nekaterih knjig en dobiš na!

Vikking ::
GregiB: Ampak ena Grčija je po kupni moči čisto drugače obravnanvana kot pa ena zakotna vas Slovenija. Še tak dobro da se jim sploh splača pošiljat karkoli v SLO.

Njihov reply:
Dear Customer
Thank you for writing to
Thank you for taking the time to write to with your feedback on our delivery rates.
We inform you that you can view our current delivery rates and delivery times for orders dispatched to Slovenia at the following
We value feedback like yours, as it allows us to improve our services and make sure they meet your expectations. We have therefore forwarded your feedback to the appropriate department where it will be assessed for the improvement of our services in the future.
Please note that, generally, we charge a fixed rate for each delivery, with an additional smaller charge for each item in that delivery. Here's the equation we use to calculate the total delivery
(Highest applicable per delivery rate)
(Number of items x per item rate) = Total delivery cost
For example, if you have three items in your order, you will be charged one delivery fee plus three item charges.
When buying a combination of items, whichever item in your order has the highest per delivery rate will determine the per delivery rate we charge; per item charges will be applied according to the products you ordered.
I hope this information is of help. For a complete description of our delivery options, please see the "Delivery Information and Costs" link in the Help Desk area at the top of any page, or simply click on the following link:
Further, delivery costs are an inherent feature in any mail-order service andwe give every consideration to keeping our delivery prices as low as possible.
We have had to make these changes to reflect the correspondingly higher costs that we are charged by our carriers for delivering to European destinations that are sited further from the United Kingdom.
Each delivery charge also reflects the handling costs for assembling and packaging each order, as well as the cost that we are charged by our carriers for sending it; we understand that these costs may represent a large percentage of the overall price of purchasing an item.
You'll find that because we generally charge a fixed per delivery rate plus a smaller per item rate, you'll be able to save on delivery costs by combining your items into one order and choosing the option to "Group my items into as few deliveries as possible".
For a complete description of our delivery rates, please visit our "Delivery Information & Costs" Help page at the following link:
Feedback like yours helps us to make decisions about how our delivery procedures develop over the course of time, and it is important for us to hear how customers react to all aspects of our service.
Thank you for shopping at
Warmest regards
Rajkamal Rai
Customer Service
Dear Customer
Thank you for writing to
Thank you for taking the time to write to with your feedback on our delivery rates.
We inform you that you can view our current delivery rates and delivery times for orders dispatched to Slovenia at the following
We value feedback like yours, as it allows us to improve our services and make sure they meet your expectations. We have therefore forwarded your feedback to the appropriate department where it will be assessed for the improvement of our services in the future.
Please note that, generally, we charge a fixed rate for each delivery, with an additional smaller charge for each item in that delivery. Here's the equation we use to calculate the total delivery
(Highest applicable per delivery rate)
(Number of items x per item rate) = Total delivery cost
For example, if you have three items in your order, you will be charged one delivery fee plus three item charges.
When buying a combination of items, whichever item in your order has the highest per delivery rate will determine the per delivery rate we charge; per item charges will be applied according to the products you ordered.
I hope this information is of help. For a complete description of our delivery options, please see the "Delivery Information and Costs" link in the Help Desk area at the top of any page, or simply click on the following link:
Further, delivery costs are an inherent feature in any mail-order service andwe give every consideration to keeping our delivery prices as low as possible.
We have had to make these changes to reflect the correspondingly higher costs that we are charged by our carriers for delivering to European destinations that are sited further from the United Kingdom.
Each delivery charge also reflects the handling costs for assembling and packaging each order, as well as the cost that we are charged by our carriers for sending it; we understand that these costs may represent a large percentage of the overall price of purchasing an item.
You'll find that because we generally charge a fixed per delivery rate plus a smaller per item rate, you'll be able to save on delivery costs by combining your items into one order and choosing the option to "Group my items into as few deliveries as possible".
For a complete description of our delivery rates, please visit our "Delivery Information & Costs" Help page at the following link:
Feedback like yours helps us to make decisions about how our delivery procedures develop over the course of time, and it is important for us to hear how customers react to all aspects of our service.
Thank you for shopping at
Warmest regards
Rajkamal Rai
Customer Service

kixs ::
Vikking: in kaksna je po tvoje razlika posiljanja v neko "zakotno Slovenijo" in v Angliji sami??


sparc49 ::
Na nemškem Amazonu imajo stroške pošiljanja v "Uebriges Europa" 11Euro + n*2Euro ali pa jaz nekaj narobe gledam.

b ::
Jaz sem od dobil isti mail... naprej pa se mi ni dalo bost z njimi.
Ce so idioti, so pac idioti. Kupis drugje. Saj ni Amazon edina stacuna.
Ce so idioti, so pac idioti. Kupis drugje. Saj ni Amazon edina stacuna.

GregiB ::
2,99 GBP je "smaller charge"... to je več k jurja....
Glede drugih štacun pa... verjeli ali ne... imam gift certificate, ki mi vlja do 31.12.2006...
Glede drugih štacun pa... verjeli ali ne... imam gift certificate, ki mi vlja do 31.12.2006...
If you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem! - George Carlin

Eschelon ::
STASI: Pri vsakem obravnavanju strank velja zlato pravilo - najprej naserješ nekaj vnaprej pripravljenih odgovorov. Šele potem sploh prebereš sporočilo.
Če hočeš kak efekt - se še naprej dopisuj. Vsaj dokler ne dobiš nekega približno osebenega odgovora.
(Če se mi bo dalo, se bom enkrat sam nanje spravil. Doslej sem pač kupoval preko - in sem dobil, kar sem rabil)
Če hočeš kak efekt - se še naprej dopisuj. Vsaj dokler ne dobiš nekega približno osebenega odgovora.

(Če se mi bo dalo, se bom enkrat sam nanje spravil. Doslej sem pač kupoval preko - in sem dobil, kar sem rabil)
Vedeti, razumeti, znati.

Eschelon: Hvala za vzpodbudo, bom precej ko pridem doma za računalnik napisal nov reply.
It is not over until the fat lady sings!

It is not over until the fat lady sings!

GregiB ::
No, jest sem v svojem "pismu" vnapraj napisal, da vem, da bom dobil "generic reply"... in sem dobil potem tole:
Dear Gregor,
Thank you for contacting with your enquiry.
We consider Slovenia to be a part of the Rest of World, so dispatch
rates and times will be those classed as Rest of World.
For a complete description of our delivery options, please see the
"Delivery Information and Costs" link in the Help Desk area at the top
of any page, or simply click on the following link:
If you need to contact us please use the link at the bottom of the e-
Thank you for shopping at
Please visit the following link to provide the information we
Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept
incoming e-mail. Please use the link above to send us your reply.
Warmest regards
Estelle G
Customer Service
Free UK delivery on orders over GBP 15 (See details & conditions)
Dear Gregor,
Thank you for contacting with your enquiry.
We consider Slovenia to be a part of the Rest of World, so dispatch
rates and times will be those classed as Rest of World.
For a complete description of our delivery options, please see the
"Delivery Information and Costs" link in the Help Desk area at the top
of any page, or simply click on the following link:
If you need to contact us please use the link at the bottom of the e-
Thank you for shopping at
Please visit the following link to provide the information we
Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept
incoming e-mail. Please use the link above to send us your reply.
Warmest regards
Estelle G
Customer Service
Free UK delivery on orders over GBP 15 (See details & conditions)
If you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem! - George Carlin
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