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Abit VH6-II kwa je s chipsetom

Abit VH6-II kwa je s chipsetom

burekar ::

Vem, da je VIA zanič, kar se tiče chipsetov, probu sem z 4in1, WPcredit, pa še vedn mi v sandri ne pokaže boljšega rezultata.
A se kdo slučajn spomne, kak dat v WIndowsih XP IRQ priority v regeditu(mam eno idejo za izboljšat notranje prenose)?
Vem, da je pisal na tweaktownu, a se jim trenutno neki server ruši.
"The last 29 days of the month are the hardest."
- Nikola Tesla

ChiefThunder ::

Tweak #12 - Prioritizing IRQs

The last tweak for this guide - and a good one. The main components of your computer have an IRQ number assigned to them. With this tweak we can increase the priority given to any IRQ number, thereby improving the performance of that component. The most common component this tweak is used for is the System CMOS/real time clock, which improves performance across the board. First of all, decide which component you want to give a performance boost to. Next, you have to discover which IRQ that piece of hardware is using. To do this, simply go to Control Panel, then open the System panel (You can also press the shortcut of Windows+Break). Click the 'Hardware' tab, then on the 'Device Manager' button.

Now, right click on the component you want to discover the IRQ for and click 'Properties', then click on the 'Resources' tab.

You can plainly see which IRQ this device is using (if there is no IRQ number, select another device). Remember the number and close down all of the dialog boxes you have opened, then start up RegEdit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl in the registry. Now, we have to create a new DWORD value - called IRQ#Priority (where '#' is the IRQ number), then set the data to 1. For example, the IRQ of my System CMOS is 8, so I would create the key IRQ8Priority.

Now, after restarting, you should notice improved performance in the component you tweaked. I would strongly recommend the CMOS, as it improves performance around the board. Also note that you can have multiple IRQ prioritized, but it is fairly inefficient and can cause instability. To remove this tweak, simply delete the value you created.

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... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

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Hvala ti ej.
"The last 29 days of the month are the hardest."
- Nikola Tesla

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