Forum » Omrežja in internet » Uničujoči virus diskov na pohodu preberite si!
Uničujoči virus diskov na pohodu preberite si!
nokia6310 ::
Ker predvidevam, da znate vsi vsaj približno angleško ne bom prevajal razen, če bojo take želje uporabnikov.
Tole sem dobil po mailu danes:
Block quote start
A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft
as the most destructive ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon
by McAfee . This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk,
where vital information for its functioning are stored.
This virus acts in the following manner:
It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title:
"A Card for You".
As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened the computer freezes so
that the user has to reboot. When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button
are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying
the hard disk. Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in
New York , according to news broadcast by CNN.
This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft itself.
So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual
Card for You. " As soon as you get the mail, delete it!!
Even if you know the sender !!!
Please pass this mail to all of your friends.
Forward this to everyone in your address book. I'm sure most people, like
myself, would rather receive this notice 25 times than not at Al.l
Tole sem dobil po mailu danes:
Block quote start
A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft
as the most destructive ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon
by McAfee . This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk,
where vital information for its functioning are stored.
This virus acts in the following manner:
It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the title:
"A Card for You".
As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened the computer freezes so
that the user has to reboot. When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button
are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying
the hard disk. Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in
New York , according to news broadcast by CNN.
This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft itself.
So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual
Card for You. " As soon as you get the mail, delete it!!
Even if you know the sender !!!
Please pass this mail to all of your friends.
Forward this to everyone in your address book. I'm sure most people, like
myself, would rather receive this notice 25 times than not at Al.l
A. Smith ::
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
Sergio ::
Halo. :)
Nokia, to enostavno ne more biti res. Na vecih nivojih. Ce zelis ti razlozim na katerih. :)
Nokia, to enostavno ne more biti res. Na vecih nivojih. Ce zelis ti razlozim na katerih. :)
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
Ziga Dolhar ::
> This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk,
where vital information for its functioning are stored.
Ma ... če nisi Administratorski uporabnik, ni šans.
where vital information for its functioning are stored.
Ma ... če nisi Administratorski uporabnik, ni šans.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ziga Dolhar ()
Microsoft ::
Komedija, da dol pades.
by Miha
by Miha
krucymucy ::
ja in ce ne posljes naprej tega mejla v naslednjih pol ure vsaj 7-im prijateljem, potem bos imel 7 let nesrece s strojno opremo. ce pa bos, potem te jutri ob 16:00-17:00 caka nova komponenta...
Brane2 ::
Na sektorju nič ni prav nekih težkih vitalnih informacij.
O.K., mašina se ne bi zbootala in to je vse, tudi če bi ga poradiral.
Še vedno bi ostale vse particije in njihova vsebina, povrnitev sektorja nič je pa tudi precej trivialna.
O.K., mašina se ne bi zbootala in to je vse, tudi če bi ga poradiral.
Še vedno bi ostale vse particije in njihova vsebina, povrnitev sektorja nič je pa tudi precej trivialna.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.
Brane2 ::
Aja, kar se uničenja harda tiče, je verjetno možno, vendar ne verjamem da tako na splošno.
SW bi lahko recimo zaflešal HD s kakim crapom ali čem podobnim, vendar je postopek za to pri vsakem proizvajalcu drugačen.
Da bi pa kar tako uničil kak sektor na disku, se mi zdi pa tudi malo bosa. Najbrž je možno, samo vprašanje če to lahko izvede kar tam nek virus in to na takem odstotku okuženih računalnikov, da bi bla zaradi tega kriza...
SW bi lahko recimo zaflešal HD s kakim crapom ali čem podobnim, vendar je postopek za to pri vsakem proizvajalcu drugačen.
Da bi pa kar tako uničil kak sektor na disku, se mi zdi pa tudi malo bosa. Najbrž je možno, samo vprašanje če to lahko izvede kar tam nek virus in to na takem odstotku okuženih računalnikov, da bi bla zaradi tega kriza...
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.
Wega ::
Predlagam ogled te povezave, kjer je kar nekaj podatkov o trojanskih oslih. Tale "A card for you" je sicer že star, pa očitno še deluje...
lep, postaven, pameten
in skromen.
lep, postaven, pameten
in skromen.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Wega ()
Brane2 ::
Ja, vem. Tle je trojanec v bistvu samo opozorilo.
Odgovoril sem na trditev, da HDDje softversko ne moreš uničit ali pa kakega sektorja na njemu.
Odkar se te zadeve da fleshat, to ni izključeno.
Obstajalo pa je celo že prej, vsaj v neki meri. Lahko si povzročil, da je HDD pomotoma narobe vpisal sektor in ko ga je šel v naslednjem obhodu brat, videl da checksum ne paše ter domneval, da je sektor slab.
Odgovoril sem na trditev, da HDDje softversko ne moreš uničit ali pa kakega sektorja na njemu.
Odkar se te zadeve da fleshat, to ni izključeno.
Obstajalo pa je celo že prej, vsaj v neki meri. Lahko si povzročil, da je HDD pomotoma narobe vpisal sektor in ko ga je šel v naslednjem obhodu brat, videl da checksum ne paše ter domneval, da je sektor slab.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Brane2 ()
Mr.B ::
Vzami disk editor pa na sektor 0 vpiši same nule, pa boš videl kaj se zgodi z dsikom.
Pa če boš slučajno to nardil. Potem vzami identični disk, ga priklopi. Bootaj in ga hot plug zamenja, ter vpišti na sektor nič karkoli , pa bo disk oživil...
Sicer pa v BIosu nastavi da ne piše na sektor 0. Na srečo, se danes še ne da online iz windowsov biosa diskov nadgraditi, oziroma brisati....
Pa če boš slučajno to nardil. Potem vzami identični disk, ga priklopi. Bootaj in ga hot plug zamenja, ter vpišti na sektor nič karkoli , pa bo disk oživil...
Sicer pa v BIosu nastavi da ne piše na sektor 0. Na srečo, se danes še ne da online iz windowsov biosa diskov nadgraditi, oziroma brisati....
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Sergio ::
1) NTFS podatkov o particiji ne hrani v zacetnih sektorjih diska. To je se nekaj, kar je ostalo iz predpotopnih casov, iz FATa. Tega pa upam da noben vec ne uporablja.
2) Vsi kriticni podatki so podvojeni. Ce bo NTFS zaznal da ima bad sector tam kjer so shranjeni podatki o blokih, inodi, itd, lahko to enostavno premakne in skopira backup podatke na novo. Ni nobenga problema.
3) (NISM SURE, SE MORM SE POZANIMAT, AMPAK ZDI SE MI DA:) Ni possible varjante, da bos ti dosegu sektor 0, tut ce mas admin account v WinXP. Sej se na LPT ne mors pisat direktno na naslov, madona dus nazaj. Ane. :)
2) Vsi kriticni podatki so podvojeni. Ce bo NTFS zaznal da ima bad sector tam kjer so shranjeni podatki o blokih, inodi, itd, lahko to enostavno premakne in skopira backup podatke na novo. Ni nobenga problema.
3) (NISM SURE, SE MORM SE POZANIMAT, AMPAK ZDI SE MI DA:) Ni possible varjante, da bos ti dosegu sektor 0, tut ce mas admin account v WinXP. Sej se na LPT ne mors pisat direktno na naslov, madona dus nazaj. Ane. :)
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
Sergio ::
Pa, seveda, tut ce bi pobrisal sektor 0, ne bi blo nic narobe. To so ti pa ze razlozil.
Tako grem jaz, tako gre vsak, kdor čuti cilj v daljavi:
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
če usoda ustavi mu korak,
on se ji zoperstavi.
Ziga Dolhar ::
Ad Sergio v tretji točki.
Če se iz Oken ne da neposredno dostopat do nekega cilja (lpt, sektor 0 -- karkoli to že je :)), se še vedno da nastavit, da se nezaželjeni proces požene v neki zgodnji fazi bootanja (autoexec-style). V tem primeru ima tak proces verjetno dostop do biločesa; vendar če pa nisi "admin", se tak proces ne more niti podtaknit v kakšen "autoexec" [oz. njegov ustreznik].
Če se iz Oken ne da neposredno dostopat do nekega cilja (lpt, sektor 0 -- karkoli to že je :)), se še vedno da nastavit, da se nezaželjeni proces požene v neki zgodnji fazi bootanja (autoexec-style). V tem primeru ima tak proces verjetno dostop do biločesa; vendar če pa nisi "admin", se tak proces ne more niti podtaknit v kakšen "autoexec" [oz. njegov ustreznik].
mitjasen ::
Virus Characteristics
-- Update Dec 01, 2003 --
The El Financiero Satellite News Service has published the article "A New Powerful Computer Virus Unleashed", which was based on this hoax rather than an actual virus.
McAfee AVERT Labs would like to inform you of an email HOAX.
This email message is just a HOAX, currently we know of no other message that the user will receive about the HOAX as the initial email states. AVERT has not received any report of a user's hard drive being erased for opening the email.
We are advising users who receive the email to delete it and DO NOT pass it on as this is how an email HOAX propagates.
Below is the actual text from the message that may be received via email.
(English version
Recently a new virus was discovered that was classified by MICROSOFT and by MCAFEE to be the most damaging of all time! This virus was discovered late yesterday by MCAFEE and still there is no development of a vaccine!
This virus simply writes zeros on the hard drive, where the vital information for the operation of the PC is kept. The virus activates in the following manner:
1. By email it is received with the title 'A VIRTUAL CARD FOR YOU', when opening the message, it sends itself to all in the address list soon...
2. It hangs the machine, forcing the user to reboot the system.
3. AT the moment in which the keys ctrl+alt+del or the RESET button is pressed, it writes zeros to the hard drive making it unusable forever.
By the previous information, please, take precaution with the use of electronic mail and, of course, if you receive an email which you do not know the origin of, simply delete it without opening.
Please, send this message to the most people possible!!!!
In a few hours yesterday, this virus caused panic in New York, according to CNN
-- Update Dec 01, 2003 --
The El Financiero Satellite News Service has published the article "A New Powerful Computer Virus Unleashed", which was based on this hoax rather than an actual virus.
McAfee AVERT Labs would like to inform you of an email HOAX.
This email message is just a HOAX, currently we know of no other message that the user will receive about the HOAX as the initial email states. AVERT has not received any report of a user's hard drive being erased for opening the email.
We are advising users who receive the email to delete it and DO NOT pass it on as this is how an email HOAX propagates.
Below is the actual text from the message that may be received via email.
(English version
Recently a new virus was discovered that was classified by MICROSOFT and by MCAFEE to be the most damaging of all time! This virus was discovered late yesterday by MCAFEE and still there is no development of a vaccine!
This virus simply writes zeros on the hard drive, where the vital information for the operation of the PC is kept. The virus activates in the following manner:
1. By email it is received with the title 'A VIRTUAL CARD FOR YOU', when opening the message, it sends itself to all in the address list soon...
2. It hangs the machine, forcing the user to reboot the system.
3. AT the moment in which the keys ctrl+alt+del or the RESET button is pressed, it writes zeros to the hard drive making it unusable forever.
By the previous information, please, take precaution with the use of electronic mail and, of course, if you receive an email which you do not know the origin of, simply delete it without opening.
Please, send this message to the most people possible!!!!
In a few hours yesterday, this virus caused panic in New York, according to CNN
nokia6310 ::
In če mi recimo po ne vem kakem naključju napiše nule kako potem to odpravim za svaki slučaj vprašam?
64202 ::
> 3) (NISM SURE, SE MORM SE POZANIMAT, AMPAK ZDI SE MI DA:) Ni possible varjante, da bos ti dosegu sektor 0, tut ce mas admin account v WinXP. Sej se na LPT ne mors pisat direktno na naslov, madona dus nazaj. Ane. :)
Kot admin lahko instaliras kernel driver, ki potem po moznosti flashne BIOS in lahko v najslabsem primeru vrzes mamaplato v smeti
Kot admin lahko instaliras kernel driver, ki potem po moznosti flashne BIOS in lahko v najslabsem primeru vrzes mamaplato v smeti
I am NaN, I am a free man!
MrStein ::
nokia6310 je tvegal in napisal :
Aha, torej neki nateg ...
Aha, nateg 100%.
Aha, 200% nateg. (pa ja glih mirkosoft se z virusi ukvarja ...)
Ja, ja, seveda.
Jep, šur, zakaj pa ne.
Ja, ja, ful mi (ti) bodo vsi zahvalni ...
Mislil ej, računalniški IQ j res tak nizek ?
Komentar na komentarje :
Ziga Dolhar :
Pozabljaš, da večina laufa windowse.
Seveda kot Admin.
Ah res ? Pol pa razloži kak to narediš. (saj stvar enostavna, a ne ?)
Tole sem dobil po mailu danes:
Aha, torej neki nateg ...
Aha, nateg 100%.
A new virus ... most destructive ever.
Aha, 200% nateg. (pa ja glih mirkosoft se z virusi ukvarja ...)
Please pass this mail to all of your friends.
Ja, ja, seveda.
Forward this to everyone in your address book.
Jep, šur, zakaj pa ne.
I'm sure most people, like myself, would rather receive this notice 25 times than not at Al.l
Ja, ja, ful mi (ti) bodo vsi zahvalni ...
Mislil ej, računalniški IQ j res tak nizek ?
Komentar na komentarje :
Ziga Dolhar :
Ma ... če nisi Administratorski uporabnik, ni šans.
Pozabljaš, da večina laufa windowse.
Seveda kot Admin.
Še vedno bi ostale vse particije in njihova vsebina, povrnitev sektorja nič je pa tudi precej trivialna.
Ah res ? Pol pa razloži kak to narediš. (saj stvar enostavna, a ne ?)
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!
demag ::
Naj še jaz kakšno rečem.Tudi če bi bilo možno-pa ni,kje so varnostne kopije pomembnih podatkov?
Res je,da ti virus ne more kar tako uničiti HDD,vendar pa lahko crkne.Meni se je zgodilo dvakrat,da je crknu,prvič sem bil brez backupa in veliko dela je šlo v nič.Seveda vsak filmčk,ali kaj podobnega ne potrebuje bacupa,leto ali več dela pa siguno!
Nokia6310,na srce ti polagam,če imaš pomebne podatke si naredi varnostno kopijo-DVD več CD Itd.Če so zelo pomembni,naredi dve!In spal boš brez skrbi!!!!!!!!!!!
Naj še jaz kakšno rečem.Tudi če bi bilo možno-pa ni,kje so varnostne kopije pomembnih podatkov?
Res je,da ti virus ne more kar tako uničiti HDD,vendar pa lahko crkne.Meni se je zgodilo dvakrat,da je crknu,prvič sem bil brez backupa in veliko dela je šlo v nič.Seveda vsak filmčk,ali kaj podobnega ne potrebuje bacupa,leto ali več dela pa siguno!
Nokia6310,na srce ti polagam,če imaš pomebne podatke si naredi varnostno kopijo-DVD več CD Itd.Če so zelo pomembni,naredi dve!In spal boš brez skrbi!!!!!!!!!!!
Ni vse zlato,kar se zlato sveti!
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Plačljiv msn!?Oddelek: Programska oprema | 1990 (1872) | bluefish |
» | Novi virus A virtual card for you(unici disk)Oddelek: Omrežja in internet | 1592 (1503) | zee |
» | NAJHUJŠI VIRUS DOSLEJ!!! jst pa: aja???Oddelek: Loža | 2309 (1716) | Tic |
» | A je kle kj res... VIRUS??!Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti | 1565 (1308) | AngelOfDeath |
» | Jest mam virus a?!Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti | 2389 (2146) | Kriko |