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NAJHUJŠI VIRUS DOSLEJ!!! jst pa: aja???

NAJHUJŠI VIRUS DOSLEJ!!! jst pa: aja???

Cowboy6 ::

> Zadeva: POZOR!!! - ne odpirajte priponke z imenom >A Card for
>priponke z imenom >A Card for You
>Importance: High
>NAJHUJŠI VIRUS DOSLEJ!!! - ne odpirajte priponke z imenom ?A Card for You?.
>Včeraj popoldan je bil odkrit nov virus, katerega tudi Microsoft označuje
>kot najbolj uničujoč virus doslej.
>Virus uniči sektor ?Zero? na trdem disku; del trdega diska, kjer so
>shranjene informacije za delovanje diska.
>Pošilja se avtomatično na vse naslove v vašem imeniku in sicer z naslovom
>?A Card for You?. Takoj ko virus odprete, računalnik blokira, tako da ga
>mora uporabnik
>ponovno zagnati. Ko stisnete ctrl+alt+delete oziroma reset gumb, virus
>uniči sektor Zero in s tem trdi disk.
> V primeru, da dobite virus, ga takoj izbrišite!!!
>Antivirusne zaščite za ta virus še ni na voljo!!!
>Prosimo vas, da to sporočilo pošljete vsem poznanim. Prepričani smo, da
>bodo ljudje raje prejeli to sporočilo večkrat kot nikoli.
>Andrej Kocar
>A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft
>as the most destructive ever! This virus was discovered yesterday
>afternoon by McAfee and no vaccine has yet ! been developed.
>This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where vital
>information for its functioning are stored.
>This virus acts in the following manner: It sends itself automatically to
>all contacts on your list with the title "A Card for You".
>As soon as the supposed virtual card is opened, the computer freezes so
>that the user has to reboot. When the ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset
>button are pressed, the virus destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently
>destroying the hard disk. Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused
>panic in New York according to news broadcast by CNN. This alert was
>received employee of Microsoft itself.
>So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual Card for You."
>As soon as you get the mail, delete it!! Even if you know the sender!!!
>Please pass this mail to all of your friends.
>Forward this to everyone in your address book. I'm sure most people,like
>myself, would rather receive this notice 25 times than not at all.
>Notice: Attachments are automatically scanned for viruses using Norton

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Kaj pa če je to vse res? HOPLA!!! :D
ej ludeki, a mislte da je to res? sm gledu na sophos.com pa na mcaffe.com in na microsoftovi strani, pa nč.
nč jasn
Tukaj naj bi bil moj podpis.

Gandalfar ::

Cowboy6: resnicno se lahko obvarujes samo, ce zelo podrobno in natancno preberes tole sporocilo: stran na mail.lklug.pdn.ac.lk

Ne pozabi, ce ne bos uposteval mojega nasveta se ti lahko kmalu zgodi, da ne bos dobil novega sporocila in bo kaksen virus pokvaril katero od tvojih rac. komponent!

Zgodovina sprememb…

McHusch ::


Cowboy6 ::

Tukaj naj bi bil moj podpis.

Cowboy6 ::

in celo eden se je našel in šel prevajat
Tukaj naj bi bil moj podpis.

mymoon ::

Samo malo, a ni to star virus?


Virtual Card for You

Reported on: January 10, 2001
Last Updated on: January 23, 2002 09:42:52 AM

pivmik ::

Stari virus.
LP, Gregor GRE^

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: sketch ()

sketch ::

Vzdržite se prosim izzivanja in žaljenja. Najlepša hvala.

Adapt and overcome.

Cowboy6 ::

Se strinjam in se iskreno opravičujem. :\
Tukaj naj bi bil moj podpis.

Tic ::

Jaz ga nočem. :P
persona civitas ;>

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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