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pblaz ::

no, situacija je sledeča:
imam dvd sliko novega macos tigra in pear pc.
zdownloadal sem tudi sliko za disk, pripel .iso image ter zagnal, na koncu pa se ne zgodi nič.

E:\pearpc>ppc.exe ppccfg.example
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA

[Display/SDL]: Making new window 800 x 600
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x00300003
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^15 pagetable_start: 0x00300000 size: 2^18
[Display/SDL]: changeRes got called
[Display/SDL]: SDL: Changing resolution to 800x600x15
[Display/SDL]: can use SWSURFACE
[Display/SDL]: can use HWACCEL
[CPU/CPU] execution started at 05600adc
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 = 0x07f80007
[CPU/MMU] new pagetable: sdr1 accepted
[CPU/MMU] number of pages: 2^16 pagetable_start: 0x07f80000 size: 2^19
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning Event processing timed out. Event dropped.
[IO/CUDA] Warning keyb reg1
[Display/SDL]: changeRes got called
[Display/SDL]: SDL: Changing resolution to 800x600x15
[Display/SDL]: can use SWSURFACE
[Display/SDL]: can use HWACCEL
[Display/SDL]: changeRes got called
[Display/SDL]: SDL: Changing resolution to 800x600x15
[Display/SDL]: can use SWSURFACE
[Display/SDL]: can use HWACCEL

borchi ::

vem, da je na začetku (ko je tiger prišel ven) bilo nemogoče instalirat tigra na "frišno". je blo treba met OSX 1.3.x in potem (z nekaj kolobocijami) iz njega namestit tigra.

mogoče so že medtem pogruntali kako narditi fresh install tigra in s katerim buildom pearpc-ja.

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