Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Prosim pomoč win XP - CD
Prosim pomoč win XP - CD

Dalmatinc ::
A mi lahko kdo pove na simpl način kaj morm narest. Najmanj razumem tist del od tam naprej: type the comands pa neki -r bla bla, please help
1. Extract all files from the original XP Professional 2535 ISO to a
directory on HD, (e.g. D:\XP-CD), using isobuster, cdmage, daemon tools
or winimage. Open a command window, type the commands:
cd /d D:\XP-CD\I386
attrib -r *.*
2. Copy all files in the package to D:\XP-CD, keep the directory structure
(e.g., files in i386 dir in the patch should go to D:\XP-CD\i386).
Replace existing files if necessary.
1. Extract all files from the original XP Professional 2535 ISO to a
directory on HD, (e.g. D:\XP-CD), using isobuster, cdmage, daemon tools
or winimage. Open a command window, type the commands:
cd /d D:\XP-CD\I386
attrib -r *.*
2. Copy all files in the package to D:\XP-CD, keep the directory structure
(e.g., files in i386 dir in the patch should go to D:\XP-CD\i386).
Replace existing files if necessary.

JLP ::
A crackaš a? cccc. Sej je brezveze krekat. Uporab un key za 30/60 dni. Itak bo tacajt že RTM zunej.
Live long and prosper!

Dalmatinc ::
Ne creckam, to so navodila za pripravo CD-ja za namestitev win Xp. Cela so takale; a mi jih lahko nekdo mal prevede pa obrazloži:
How to make an auto-patch XP Professional 2535 CD
1. Extract all files from the original XP Professional 2535 ISO to a
directory on HD, (e.g. D:\XP-CD), using isobuster, cdmage, daemon tools
or winimage. Open a command window, type the commands:
cd /d D:\XP-CD\I386
attrib -r *.*
2. Copy all files in the package to D:\XP-CD, keep the directory structure
(e.g., files in i386 dir in the patch should go to D:\XP-CD\i386).
Replace existing files if necessary.
3. Burn a bootable CD from D:\XP-CD. For step by step instructions, go to
4. This auto-patch is for XP Professional build 2535 only. DO NOT use it
to patch other versions/builds.
How to make an auto-patch XP Professional 2535 CD
1. Extract all files from the original XP Professional 2535 ISO to a
directory on HD, (e.g. D:\XP-CD), using isobuster, cdmage, daemon tools
or winimage. Open a command window, type the commands:
cd /d D:\XP-CD\I386
attrib -r *.*
2. Copy all files in the package to D:\XP-CD, keep the directory structure
(e.g., files in i386 dir in the patch should go to D:\XP-CD\i386).
Replace existing files if necessary.
3. Burn a bootable CD from D:\XP-CD. For step by step instructions, go to
4. This auto-patch is for XP Professional build 2535 only. DO NOT use it
to patch other versions/builds.

Tomi ::
Tega pa ne boš izvedel na tem forumu.. Better luck next time
Dajte že nehajte z warezom..

Dajte že nehajte z warezom..

asPeteR ::
Aktivacija za 30/60 ali pa tudo 180 dni NI
warez! To je čist legalen od MS.
Oni ti dajo za "pokušino" XP OS.
Da smo si na jasnem.
Aktivacija za 30/60 ali pa tudo 180 dni NI
warez! To je čist legalen od MS.
Oni ti dajo za "pokušino" XP OS.
Da smo si na jasnem.

andrej ::
ce ti oni dajo, potem dobis tudi kljuc zraven!!! Ce pa nisi dobo pa je tisti, ki ti je zadevo dal pravi naslov za taksna vprasanja...
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