Forum » Programska oprema » WIN XP: RTM

Paramedic ::
Mene zanima katera datoteka je sigurno RTM od tistih na eDonkey. A ve kdo 100%. Bzagozen: a so datumi pravi, niso starejši od 25.8. ? Poglej še dxinfo, če je kaka beta datoteka not napisana.
End transmission.

bzagozen ::
Tista verzija, ok kateri sem prej govoril, se pre3dstavlja kot windows xp version 2002
Sem jo pa tudi v safe mode zagnal, in je v zgornji vrstici zaslona pisalo

windows xp build 2600Tako, da bi kar moralo držat.

Uporabnik ::
poleg vseh raznih špekulacij o pravi verziji, bi pa jst vprašal andreja, kako veš da imaš končno verzijo. kakšna datoteka, datum, ???

G[e]c ::
Sej zdej je ze prisla ornk verzija vn
evo tuki je
Tole bom jest res najbrz gor vrgu, ker vsi tok hvalte win xp. Upam da ne zarad tega ker so pac novi winsi
evo tuki je
Tole bom jest res najbrz gor vrgu, ker vsi tok hvalte win xp. Upam da ne zarad tega ker so pac novi winsi

Uporabnik ::
ej tron, boli mene kaj ste drugi natolceval, mene zanima odgovor od andreja. edini ki je bil v tej smeri je bil da je iso dolg 488,6 Mb. če razumete mene ne zanima kira hekerska skupina ma taprav release, mene zanima kako pol ko že instaleraš veš da je to to. in ne reč build 2600, ker sta očitno dva. torej neka malenkost mora bit zihr po kateri se lahko loč a maš pravo stvar al ne.

andrej ::
Uporabnik: pravega nacina, da bi vedo al mas pravi RTM ni - oz. ga ne vem. Dejstvo je, da je RTM build 2600, ampak vsak build 2600 tudi ni RTM. Zahvala gre warez stranem, ki so naredili pravo zmedo. Zaenkrat je edini nacin, da ves, da mas pravi RTM ta, da ves od kod si dobil zadevo.
Glede datuma pa ti kaj dosti ne morem povedat. Bi mogo v roke dobit kaksno piratsko verzijo pa preverit.
Glede datuma pa ti kaj dosti ne morem povedat. Bi mogo v roke dobit kaksno piratsko verzijo pa preverit.

G[e]c ::
Uporabnik: edina verzija ki je cist finalna pa brez aktivacije o timebomb pa tega sranja je tale
Microsoft Windows XP Corporate Ed. DEVILS0WN [xx/32]
To dlji ostale pa pusti.
Microsoft Windows XP Corporate Ed. DEVILS0WN [xx/32]
To dlji ostale pa pusti.

Uporabnik ::
evo, mam to verzijo sam se med installom utav - error
error: sxs.dll: syntax error in manifest or policy file "f:\i386\asms\6000\msft\windows\common\controls\" on line 0
sm šu pogledat pol še v iso fajl in file je kul... če ni že iso zjeban
tko da me zanima če je komu uspel sploh instalerat.
error: sxs.dll: syntax error in manifest or policy file "f:\i386\asms\6000\msft\windows\common\controls\" on line 0
sm šu pogledat pol še v iso fajl in file je kul... če ni že iso zjeban
tko da me zanima če je komu uspel sploh instalerat.

bzagozen ::
Nekje sem prebral, da windows update dela samo s končno verzijo. Pa sem še jaz probal update. In kaj je nastalo:
Zadeva je delovala!
Zadeva je delovala!

Tr0n ::
Evo se nekaj informacij o devils0wn releasu.
What is all the fuss about the Devils0wn release?
Devils0wn is supposed to have released a fully working version of XP, no timebomb and no WPA. We are currently testing this release and will let you know if it works or not. Many people say it's fake but things are looking promising! The release was nuked on a lot of top-sites though, because the release was an ISO, not a cue/bin.
Update: The Devils0wn seems to be legit, no 100% confirmation yet.
Update: The Devils0wn works, no timebomb and no WPA required. It's 100% safe, no worries! :) Rumours went around that, like the OEM, this release would try to contact MS on launch of setup.exe. This has been investigated and is NOT TRUE. This is the real thing people, safe and easy! Take a look at the release info at
Update: Also, the Devils0wn version allows Windows to be updated!
Update: Despite what lamers might say, this release does NOT contain viruses, trojans, backdoors or whaddayacallit.
Update: Yes it's bootable, and the key is FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8. BTW, the correct filename is usa_2600__x86.pro_no_activation.iso and the size is 488 MB (512.342.016 bytes). It might come in RARs of 15.000.000 bytes in size but it's been seen in other formats as well. As long as the name and size are okay, you'll be fine!
What is all the fuss about the Devils0wn release?
Devils0wn is supposed to have released a fully working version of XP, no timebomb and no WPA. We are currently testing this release and will let you know if it works or not. Many people say it's fake but things are looking promising! The release was nuked on a lot of top-sites though, because the release was an ISO, not a cue/bin.
Update: The Devils0wn seems to be legit, no 100% confirmation yet.
Update: The Devils0wn works, no timebomb and no WPA required. It's 100% safe, no worries! :) Rumours went around that, like the OEM, this release would try to contact MS on launch of setup.exe. This has been investigated and is NOT TRUE. This is the real thing people, safe and easy! Take a look at the release info at
Update: Also, the Devils0wn version allows Windows to be updated!
Update: Despite what lamers might say, this release does NOT contain viruses, trojans, backdoors or whaddayacallit.
Update: Yes it's bootable, and the key is FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8. BTW, the correct filename is usa_2600__x86.pro_no_activation.iso and the size is 488 MB (512.342.016 bytes). It might come in RARs of 15.000.000 bytes in size but it's been seen in other formats as well. As long as the name and size are okay, you'll be fine!
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