Visio 2002 - When you finally get your date back to your flat you need to make sure everything is in place for the perfect romantic evening. So use Microsoft's diagramming and graphics tools to plot the position of your stereo to give the perfect mood music and the drinks cabinet to serve the all important nightcap.
Dobr ne kapiram... torej to pomeni, če bom nakupo vso tole programje, da bom ... uspešen v ljubezni? Hmm... ne bi rekel, prej bi pokasiral focn zarad metanja dnarja stran, kot pa kaj bolj romantičnega...
DODANO: Terms & Conditions: 2) The judging will be completed on the dates shown in the relevant story. The Competition is only open to residents of the UK mainland only.
Na žalost ne. :( Je pač navada, da spregledamo take in drugačne Terms& Conditions. :