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Submersed Cooling
Spajky ::
izsecek iz mojega posta na usenet, mogoce bi Morphlinga zanimalo, ce se ne motim ima najtisji racunalnik tod okoli!
Što mislite o ovome:
On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 22:10:09 -0400, "Bob Knowlden"
>I apologize for the mild sarcasm. I've never bought any Fluorinert, but I
>doubt that any fluorocarbons are cheap. Did someone post $500 per US
>I can believe it.
>If there was any real point to my post, it was that Fluorinert is
>nonflammable, and does not damage electronic components. I suggest that
>anyone experimenting with active cooling stick to coolants with the first
>two properties. (I'm unsure whether most electronics would still function
>properly if dampened with even highly de-ionized water; there may be
>residual contaminants on the mainboard to make things flaky when wet. If
>condensation from Peltier coolers is a problem, DI water probably is too.)
>"AC/DCdude17" wrote in message
>> Bob Knowlden wrote:
>> >
>> > Fluorinert is the proper family. It is designed not to damage
>> > even if it contacts live circuitry.
>> > It is probably just a wee bit expensive, and not available at the
>> > parts store. (I saw it used to cool a $US20M sensor package in the
>> > laboratory.)
>> Just a wee?? Maybe it depends on your difintiontion of wee bit.
>> isn't something college student would want to pay for his computer. For
>> cost, you can buy an unoverclocked PC with the clock speed same or
>> the goal speed he is trying to get from current processor.
Fluorinert submersed cooling?
Hey guys, has been anybody thinking of anything else using to cool down
stuff? $500 per US gallon? You get a whole computer for that!
I propose (believe it or not) ARACHIDE OIL /yeah that one that hoteliers
use in their kitchen to fry fish, potatoes=french fryes etc.
it is not electrical conductive & does not burn easyly, & I think is not
corrosive, testing it right now!!! It should not burn before 300°C (if it
reaches that temperature, that means that you have your house on fire, not
computer). I also tested conductivity with 220V AC & 310V DC/it is inside
PC PSU /modern switching PSUs/, everything OK !
& it is 100 times cheaper than Fluorinert !
Right at the moment I have in a plastic pot few decilitres of it inside &
an old stock Intel fan in spinning!!!! so it is cooling also inside fans
electronics !!!
Because of moving oil is much harder than moving air, the fan consumes the
double of current! that is to think about not to connect it right to the
MoBo, especially if the fan is stronger one (not to melt supplying chip on
the board, but to connect it to the PSU wires (like for stronger fans!)
the idea is to sink whole computer normally prepaired for Air cooling into
this oil (even PSU! & HD, which has plates hermetically sealed, except FD,
Zip & CD-Rom/DVD! NO NEED for pumps /submersed fans do the job circulating
oil !!!
Guess what, the fan using for test is REALY noisy one; now I do not even
hear it when submersed!!!
no problems with dust & noise (super Quiet),
no problem cleaning & oiling noisy fans
so they are oiled constantly and should last much longer, if inside
circuity doesn´t die soon!
it cools down all electronic components /like Cray SuperComputers/,
The oil you can buy right behind the corner at first supermarket! :-)
There is no air on the contacts inside PC, so electrical contacts on slots
etc. shouldn get oxidated /possiblebad contacts!/
this oil is NOT toxic, does not attract odors & has not its own taste!
no condensation at all !
quite alot of work to fix every possible leaks of oil to the carpet!
oily hands when replacing components & returning them if are still under
warranty and not workin properly (a lot of cleaning with pure alcohol and
heavier computer to transport in case of Lan Parties,
can not be used or left at under Zero temperatures - becomes wax solid-well
you can add some car defrost liquid if is not conductive...
Any comments?
Maybe in future I will try to do it I crazy? probably NOT!
just computer noises driving me mad sometimes...
Što mislite o ovome:
On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 22:10:09 -0400, "Bob Knowlden"
>I apologize for the mild sarcasm. I've never bought any Fluorinert, but I
>doubt that any fluorocarbons are cheap. Did someone post $500 per US
>I can believe it.
>If there was any real point to my post, it was that Fluorinert is
>nonflammable, and does not damage electronic components. I suggest that
>anyone experimenting with active cooling stick to coolants with the first
>two properties. (I'm unsure whether most electronics would still function
>properly if dampened with even highly de-ionized water; there may be
>residual contaminants on the mainboard to make things flaky when wet. If
>condensation from Peltier coolers is a problem, DI water probably is too.)
>> Bob Knowlden wrote:
>> >
>> > Fluorinert is the proper family. It is designed not to damage
>> > even if it contacts live circuitry.
>> > It is probably just a wee bit expensive, and not available at the
>> > parts store. (I saw it used to cool a $US20M sensor package in the
>> > laboratory.)
>> Just a wee?? Maybe it depends on your difintiontion of wee bit.
>> isn't something college student would want to pay for his computer. For
>> cost, you can buy an unoverclocked PC with the clock speed same or
>> the goal speed he is trying to get from current processor.
Fluorinert submersed cooling?
Hey guys, has been anybody thinking of anything else using to cool down
stuff? $500 per US gallon? You get a whole computer for that!
I propose (believe it or not) ARACHIDE OIL /yeah that one that hoteliers
use in their kitchen to fry fish, potatoes=french fryes etc.
it is not electrical conductive & does not burn easyly, & I think is not
corrosive, testing it right now!!! It should not burn before 300°C (if it
reaches that temperature, that means that you have your house on fire, not
computer). I also tested conductivity with 220V AC & 310V DC/it is inside
PC PSU /modern switching PSUs/, everything OK !
& it is 100 times cheaper than Fluorinert !
Right at the moment I have in a plastic pot few decilitres of it inside &
an old stock Intel fan in spinning!!!! so it is cooling also inside fans
electronics !!!
Because of moving oil is much harder than moving air, the fan consumes the
double of current! that is to think about not to connect it right to the
MoBo, especially if the fan is stronger one (not to melt supplying chip on
the board, but to connect it to the PSU wires (like for stronger fans!)
the idea is to sink whole computer normally prepaired for Air cooling into
this oil (even PSU! & HD, which has plates hermetically sealed, except FD,
Zip & CD-Rom/DVD! NO NEED for pumps /submersed fans do the job circulating
oil !!!
Guess what, the fan using for test is REALY noisy one; now I do not even
hear it when submersed!!!
no problems with dust & noise (super Quiet),
no problem cleaning & oiling noisy fans
so they are oiled constantly and should last much longer, if inside
circuity doesn´t die soon!
it cools down all electronic components /like Cray SuperComputers/,
The oil you can buy right behind the corner at first supermarket! :-)
There is no air on the contacts inside PC, so electrical contacts on slots
etc. shouldn get oxidated /possiblebad contacts!/
this oil is NOT toxic, does not attract odors & has not its own taste!
no condensation at all !
quite alot of work to fix every possible leaks of oil to the carpet!
oily hands when replacing components & returning them if are still under
warranty and not workin properly (a lot of cleaning with pure alcohol and
heavier computer to transport in case of Lan Parties,
can not be used or left at under Zero temperatures - becomes wax solid-well
you can add some car defrost liquid if is not conductive...
Any comments?
Maybe in future I will try to do it I crazy? probably NOT!
just computer noises driving me mad sometimes...
morphling1 ::
stvar eno veliko slabost, tekocina mora biti na mestu hlajenja cim bolj turbolentna, kar pomeni da mora imeti kar neko hitrost da bo dobro hladila , ker ce ti bo to olje bolj ali manj stalo na tisti povrsini bo ucinek le malo boljsi ko sam zrak. Ultimativno hlajenje je direktno brizganje vode na povrsino ki jo mislis hladit s tem mocno povecas koeficient toplotne prestopnosti alfa in s tem prenos toplote na tekocino, ce pa je ta voda hlajena se z kaksnim kompresorskim hlajenjem pa seveda se tolk boljse. Hladit vse cisto vse komponente je odvecno delo, hladis pac tisto kar nujno rabi hlajenje za dosego boljsih rezultatov in stabilnega delovanja, to pac jaz mislim.Ta odgovor velja tudi za un drug post v tem delu foruma.
Lp Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
Spajky ::
Ja sej, saj procesor ima svoj hladilnik in ventilator, pa cipset tudi na primer, ta pa namesto zraka poganja olje preko hladilnikov, pa da vidis, kak bi blo vse tiho !! edini problem bi utegnil biti disk, ce ta ni (mehanika+plosce) hermeticno zaprt! kar mislim, da novi so (zaradi mikro praha!) Turbolenc bi blo kolkr hoces tam kjer treba in ker blo not kar nekaj litrov olja /preko 10/ bi bili rezultati podobni kot z vodnim hlajenjem! Temperatura olja bi bila le nekaj visja kot temperatura okolice; lahko bi pa celo mali Pelt opalil not brez izolacije pred kondenzacijo; pa TISINA bi bla neverjetna!
isto velja za napajalec potopljen!
isto velja za napajalec potopljen!
morphling1 ::
Potem je pa spet stik med procesorjem in hladilnikom z termalno pasto , pa sam material hladilnika ima spet neko lambdo (toplotna prevodnost) , na koncu si sigurno na slabsem glede temperatur, kot pa z vodnim blokom in vodo, Ce bi pa ze imel vse potopljeno v olje, bi imel nad procesorjem raje kako crpalko z sobo ki bi brizgala olje na procesor( se vedno vse potopljeno) , ker pa je olje dosti bolj viskozno (36 x), kot voda bi bile hitrosti manjse pa tudi vse ostale lasnosti glede prenosa toplote ima voda neprimerno boljse od olja Lambda vode je 0.598W/mK transormatorsko olje npr. pa 0.124 , pa recimo specificna toplota vode 4.2KJ/kgK , tr. olje pa 1.850 . Vprasanje je tudi kako bi ventilatorji mesali to olje, ker je veternica oblikovana za zrak. Olje pa moras tudi z necem hladiti , ker se tudi segreva kar pa zopet pomeni radiator pa ventilatorje. In potem si na istem, kot z vodnim hlajenjem ,razen tega , da je hlajenje dosti slabse , hladis pa sicer vse komponente ampak to je res min. prednost , ki pa se jo da vec bloki se zmanjsat. Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
Spajky ::
Imaš precej prav, vendar menim da bi bilo za hlajenje olja dovolj velik hladilnik na samo konvekcijo; kar pa se tice ventilatorjev, kar velik vrtlog dela notri v posodi, kjer se zdaj vrti za probo ze kak dan....mislim, treba najt kak star PC odpisan in probat za stos! :-) Ideja je bla pa vseeno interesantno provokativna, a ne? :-)
morphling1 ::
Ideja je pa cool ni kaj reci. Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
Spajky ::
He he! danes zjutraj sem zmeril temperaturo 3 dl olja v katerem se vrti moj vent, ki pije 1W zdaj; 3°C nad temp okolice; ce OD OKA preracunam vse, bi bila temp olja pri celi masini, katero greje 75% CPU, na primer Celly400@600, pod full loadom samo 5°C nad temp okolice po nekaj urah pri 10 L olja brez dodatnega hlajenja le-tega... :-)
morphling1 ::
Jaz imam pa pri svojem vodenem hlajenju temp vode 3 stopinje nad sobno, pri tem da mi proc. dela 24ur na dan ,ter da hladi 135 W pecico v obliki TB 1000@1570 pri 2.1V, pa se nekaj W od norhbridga, ki jih sploh ne stejem Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
|Luka| ::
Kaj bi pa rekla na tole:
osmotski filter je zelo uporaben pri akvaristiki za pripravo vode saj odstrani vse ione in druge nečistoče. lahko bi naredili sledeče
1- oprati racunalo s tako pripravljeno vodo, da se znebimo prahu
2- potopiti zadev v vodo in hermetično zapreti pokrov
3- filter monirati v samo ohisje da se sproti cisi vodo.
Samo cena je pa majckeno zasoljena cca. 60k SIT
osmotski filter je zelo uporaben pri akvaristiki za pripravo vode saj odstrani vse ione in druge nečistoče. lahko bi naredili sledeče
1- oprati racunalo s tako pripravljeno vodo, da se znebimo prahu
2- potopiti zadev v vodo in hermetično zapreti pokrov
3- filter monirati v samo ohisje da se sproti cisi vodo.
Samo cena je pa majckeno zasoljena cca. 60k SIT
Tomi ::
Namesto osmotskega filtra imamo še boljše ( cenejše ) rešitve. In sicer ionski izmenjevalci, ki vodo učinkoviti opereje vseh ionov, samo potrebno je vedeti njihovo totalno kapaciteto, pa včasih jih je treba regenerirati. Mislim, pa da HCl in NaOH nista tako draga..
burekar ::
Torej Tomi, če mam 20 litrsko posodo, ki je pokrita s pleksi steklom, tam kjer je pa luknja za kable pa je velik zvite in zlepljene PVC folije, ki preprečuje vdor drugih delcev v notranjost posode, koliko HCl-a rabim? Bo en liter dost?
Aja, pa antifriza pol tud ne rabim proti algam in tem sranju?
Aja, pa antifriza pol tud ne rabim proti algam in tem sranju?
Tomi ::
Burekar, nisi ravno dobro razumel mojega posta. Fora ionskega izmenjevalca je v tem, da ti prečisti vodo vseh ionov ( kationski kationov ( deluje glede na sulfonske skupine ), anionski anionov ( deluje glede na terciarne ali kvartarne amine )), samo za njihovo regeneracijo ( torej zamenjavo ionov s H+ ali OH- rabiš kislino ali bazo. Sicer pa se kupi MilliQ voda, ki je primerno prečiščena.
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