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Goba, ki je CD-je

Goba, ki je CD-je

Pretorijanec ::

Torej besedilo:Scientific of the CSIC they discover a mushroom that destroys the information recorded in CD

June 15 2001
A group of geologists and biologists of the National Museum of Natural Sciences and of the Center of Biological Investigations of the CSIC he/she has discovered a type mushroom Geotrichumthat he/she feeds of the carbon and the nitrogen of the plastic layer of policarbonato of the Compact Disc and it destroys the hints of information recorded in the aluminum layer. The CD of musical contents in which the bioturbación that gave cause to the investigation took place was found in Belize (Central America),

The structure of a CD is composed essentially of a policarbonato base that is the transparent plastic that recovers the surface; a fine aluminum sheet or other reflective elements, where it is recorded with laser the information in form of minuscule holes (" pits " and " halls ") following the binary code; and a layer of painting lacada.

Under tropical climatic conditions, 30ºC and a near relative humidity to 90%, the mushroom Geotrichum he/she reproduces on the CD and it puts an end to the information in him stored.

OldSkul ::

Oh bogi Amerikanci!>:D

SI_J ::

Baje TEAC že razvija CDR enoto, ki deluje na tej osnovi...
Prvi testi kažejo, da deluje bolj počasi :)))

glavic ::

samo folijo zaleps cez zgornji del cd-ja
Musselli bizi

Trdi ::

Trdota d.o.o.

_Mortal_ ::

jebi ga

zizi ::

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Bliss

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