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Error pri filmih.

Error pri filmih.

Doman ::

Imam sledeč problem:

1. Ko hočem gledati kak film mi vedno napiše nek error:


Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. pa tisto Please tell Microsoft about his problem. Send error report and don't send. Ko pa dam podrobnejši pogled napake mi napiše takole:
Error signature:
AppName: explrer.exe Appver: 6.0.2600.0 ModNAme: xvid.dll
ModVer: Oddset 0001e23c
Reporting Details_
This error includes: information regarding tge condition od Windows Explorer when the problem occurred: the operating system version and compurer harware in use: ypur Digital Product ID, wich could be used to identify your license: and the internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer. .................

Polej ko pa dam da mi napiše technical information o napaki mi napiše tole:

Exception Information
Code: 0xc0000005 Flags: 0x0000000000
CPU AMD Deature Code: 00A3E850

Module 1
Image Base: 0x01000000000 Image Size: 0x000f7000
Checksum: 0x00102995 Time Stamp: 0x3b7de06e
Version Information

The fallowing files will be included in tgis error report.
Record: 0x0000000000000000 Address: 0x0000000002c8e23c

System information:
Windows NT 5.1 Build: 2600
CPU vedor code: 0109004 - 30024678 - 00000001
CU version_ 000000642 CPU feature code: 0183F9FF

Kaj bi lo narobe ker mi javi ta error vsakič ko hočem pogledat kak dvx fim.

SP: ene 2 filma lahko odprem samo z winapom, ali pa samo z BS playerjem, vendar ni zvoka, kere codece mi proporočate.

AndrejS ::

Naloži najnovejše kodeke. Meni so stari xvid isto delali, pa sem dal nove gor pa je bil problem rešen.

Vesoljc ::

imel podobno težavo...
uporabljam pa xvid in ffdshow. le-ta ima pod configuracijo možnost izbire dekoderja pri posameznem kodeku. spremenil sem libavcodec v xvid1 in zdaj dela vse kak mora.
Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...

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