Forum » Programska oprema » Spominsko požrešen NetLimiter?
Spominsko požrešen NetLimiter?
bastadu ::
A se še komi dogaja, da mu NetLimiter po nekem času začne uporabljati nenormalno veliko rama? Meni ga trenutno žere že 180MB, pa je prižgan cca. 10ur... Imam pa verzijo 1.30, pri verziji 1.29 je bilo isto
bastadu ::
Sem inštaliral že par različnih verzij in pri vseh isto... Količina ram se počasi stopnjuje in prejle mi je prišlo že do 300MB
, kar vsekakor ni normalno... Zgleda da je nekje drugje problem, samo kje?
tec ::
bastadu: nalozi recimo taskinfo2003, kjer bos bolj podrobno videl kaj tocno se dogaja z kaksnim procesom. Mogoce pomaga
bastadu ::
Opazil sem, da se začne požresnost večati, če kaj vlečem s kakšnim P2P programom... Se še komu to dogaja? A obstaja kakšna alternativa programu Netlimiter?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bastadu ()
ali3n ::
tole zgleda precej obetavno - Total Traffic Control - žal še nisem sprobal, da bi lahko reku kej več...
* Extensive traffic monitoring and reporting through a web browser or MMC snap in
* Ongoing statistical analysis for spam mail blocking
* Locally controlled web and email content filtering
* Host- and network-based intrusion prevention
* Antivirus and vulnerability assessment
* Peer-to-peer file-sharing limiting and blocking
* Traffic prioritization
* Threat detection
* Firewall security
* Extensive traffic monitoring and reporting through a web browser or MMC snap in
* Ongoing statistical analysis for spam mail blocking
* Locally controlled web and email content filtering
* Host- and network-based intrusion prevention
* Antivirus and vulnerability assessment
* Peer-to-peer file-sharing limiting and blocking
* Traffic prioritization
* Threat detection
* Firewall security
- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
Hammer ::
DU Super Controler
Easy control over download and upload speed for your internet connection
Limit download and upload speed by moving the control sliders. All controls in this program are designed to make it simplest in use
Download prioritizing
Prevents upload from degrading the download performance
Unlimited speed for your local network
Network traffic to and from your local network is unaffected and therefore your Microsoft Windows Network and others that you may have work at full speed of your network hardware
Tooltip help - No help files to read
By only turning on the tooltips and pointing with your mouse on any control in the program window, a simple explanation pops up in a small window
Easy control over download and upload speed for your internet connection
Limit download and upload speed by moving the control sliders. All controls in this program are designed to make it simplest in use
Download prioritizing
Prevents upload from degrading the download performance
Unlimited speed for your local network
Network traffic to and from your local network is unaffected and therefore your Microsoft Windows Network and others that you may have work at full speed of your network hardware
Tooltip help - No help files to read
By only turning on the tooltips and pointing with your mouse on any control in the program window, a simple explanation pops up in a small window
ali3n ::
DU Super Controler for IC Sharing
* All features from DU Super Controler are included
* Automatic and manual adjusting of upload and download speed for all computers that share an Internet Connection on your local network
All computers get their fair share of the Internet Connection which they are sharing. This means that if any computer is idle or even switched off the others get to use all available bandwidth. And when all are switched on and using internet badwidth shares are updated in real time to reflect the needs of every single computer.
jest ne bi imel "fair share of the Internet Connection" - želim pripret pipico določenim IPjem v lokalni mreži (določenemu območju...)
* All features from DU Super Controler are included
* Automatic and manual adjusting of upload and download speed for all computers that share an Internet Connection on your local network
All computers get their fair share of the Internet Connection which they are sharing. This means that if any computer is idle or even switched off the others get to use all available bandwidth. And when all are switched on and using internet badwidth shares are updated in real time to reflect the needs of every single computer.
- "Rozi vidm." "S psom!"
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
- "A vidš, to je pa že delirij... preveč piješ! Dec nemarn..."
bastadu ::
Ve mogoče kdo, kako bi popolnoma počistil za NetLimiterjem? Recimo če ga odinštaliram in še enkrat inštaliram, se nastavljene omejitve na določen program ohranijo (te morajo še vedno biti nekje na disku, right). Hvala za nasvete!
BaRtMaN ::
Poglej pod C:\Documents and Settings\uporabnik\Application Data\LockTime\NetLimiter. Če formatiraš, skopiraš tole mapo in imaš ohranjene vse nastavitve in statistiko.
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