Forum » Kaj kupiti » NUJNO!!! Dejte mi povedat, kero DDR plato!!!
NUJNO!!! Dejte mi povedat, kero DDR plato!!!

element ::
Dejte mi čimprej povedat, kero DDR plato nej nabavim, da bo dobra za TB1.33 pa 256 PC2100 ddr rama, pa da bo šou gor Vulcano 2, AGP 4x rabm (še bolje AGP 4x pro). Cena do 65k.

Huey P ::
Vzemi Soltek SL-75DRV. Sam si lastim Soltekovo SL-75KAV-X (KT133A) in ti povem, da so mamaplato tak fajn oblikovali, da maš tolko placa okoli Socketa da lahko namestiš karkoli!
SL-75DRV pa ma 5 x PCI, 1 x AGP Pro, 1 x CNR, 3 x DIMM.
Popora DDR SDRAMu 2100...
Tu pa maš test!
Vzemi Soltek SL-75DRV. Sam si lastim Soltekovo SL-75KAV-X (KT133A) in ti povem, da so mamaplato tak fajn oblikovali, da maš tolko placa okoli Socketa da lahko namestiš karkoli!
SL-75DRV pa ma 5 x PCI, 1 x AGP Pro, 1 x CNR, 3 x DIMM.
Popora DDR SDRAMu 2100...
Tu pa maš test!
..::DOOM III: The Legacy::..

OldSkul ::
Ma vsi ste zabiti,raj počakte na palominota,pol si šele nabavte DDR plato.
Škoda dnarja ko pa so zdajšne perfomanse slabe!oziroma na isti ravni kot navadno sdram plato.
Škoda dnarja ko pa so zdajšne perfomanse slabe!oziroma na isti ravni kot navadno sdram plato.

Huey P ::
Iz ene novice sem slišal, da naj bi AMD Palomino Mobile izšel že drugi teden...
..::DOOM III: The Legacy::..

element ::
Sej bom pol palominota kupu, k bojo močnejšu modeli Palominotov vn pršli. A bo treba pol tud plato menat al kwa? A ne bojo Athloni 4 isto za Socket A?
A bojo pol Athloni 4 (palomino) pasal na Soltek SL-75DRV?
Aja, kje se da kupit to soltekovo plato Huey P?

ChiefThunder ::
Ja tkole je: A7M266 temelji na AMD 760 čipovju, ki je ternutno najhitrejše DDR čipovje. Ne vem zakaj nebi vulcano pasal na to ploščo, saj eden izmed manjših. Tudi ne vem, kje si slišal, da nima možnosti spreminjanja množilnika? Palomino naj bi pasal na te plošče, saj bo isto socket A. Sicer pa počakte na mnenje drugih...
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

ChiefThunder ::
Evo, sem izbrskal nekaj informacij o tej plošči:
Podpora spreminjanja množilnika:
Processor multiplier manipulation is still potentially a "grey" area. Earlier revision 1.01 boards featured dipswitch support for multiplier settings ranging from 5.0 to 12.5x. In contrast, the newer revision 1.03 boards lack this valuable option. A similar scenario happened with the A7V, as some board revisions lacked multiplier support. The unusual aspect is that the later revision A7M266s still feature the etched PCB labeling for the proper dipswitch settings. Since the multiplier adjustment capability is an integral part of the overclocking experience, be sure to verify with the vendor about this issue before purchasing the A7M266.
The A7M266 offers an excellent board format with particular attention for detail and efficiency. Surprisingly the A7M does not include the large voltage regulating daughter board found with the earlier A7V design. Instead, Asus has chosen to place the needed capacitors and voltage regulators closer to the ATX power connector for optimum power distribution and maximum socket clearance. Due to this design consideration, the A7M266 allows for enough socket spacing to accept even the largest processor cooling solutions currently available. Even the massive heatsinks found with the Alpha's PEP66t and Thermaltake's SuperORB should clear the onboard components with little problem.
Ne vem, kateri proizvajalec ima še ploščo z AMD760 čipovjem, tko da še mal poglej po netu...
Podpora spreminjanja množilnika:
Processor multiplier manipulation is still potentially a "grey" area. Earlier revision 1.01 boards featured dipswitch support for multiplier settings ranging from 5.0 to 12.5x. In contrast, the newer revision 1.03 boards lack this valuable option. A similar scenario happened with the A7V, as some board revisions lacked multiplier support. The unusual aspect is that the later revision A7M266s still feature the etched PCB labeling for the proper dipswitch settings. Since the multiplier adjustment capability is an integral part of the overclocking experience, be sure to verify with the vendor about this issue before purchasing the A7M266.
The A7M266 offers an excellent board format with particular attention for detail and efficiency. Surprisingly the A7M does not include the large voltage regulating daughter board found with the earlier A7V design. Instead, Asus has chosen to place the needed capacitors and voltage regulators closer to the ATX power connector for optimum power distribution and maximum socket clearance. Due to this design consideration, the A7M266 allows for enough socket spacing to accept even the largest processor cooling solutions currently available. Even the massive heatsinks found with the Alpha's PEP66t and Thermaltake's SuperORB should clear the onboard components with little problem.
Ne vem, kateri proizvajalec ima še ploščo z AMD760 čipovjem, tko da še mal poglej po netu...
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)

NightHawk ::
jest bi pocakal na abitko tačas se bodo pa se rami pocenili pa amd4 bo prsu oz. jest bom to naredu

OldSkul ::
Ja ti boš zdej kupu(če boš sploh ti),kar TB 1.33 ghz pol pa še palominota..??????!!!
Kr neki!
Precej neracioalno razmišljaš!
Kr neki!
Precej neracioalno razmišljaš!

OldSkul ::
Sej bom pol palominota kupu
To se razume da boš zdaj kupu prvič TB pol pa še Palominota saj prov berem.
Al pa vsaj prov napiš!
To se razume da boš zdaj kupu prvič TB pol pa še Palominota saj prov berem.
Al pa vsaj prov napiš!

element ::
Če bom, bom zdele nabavu TBja, čez kake tri mesce bom pa TBja prodal in kupu Athlona 4. Dugač bom pa nabavu takoj palominota ane!
Sorry, če sm nerazumljivo napisu...

ChiefThunder ::
DDR čipovja so trenutno naslednja; Ali Magik- kupit nikakor, sploh, AMD760 in KT266. Ostaneta ti slednji dve , tko, da ti svetujem, da pogledaš po spletnih straneh večjih proizvajalcem matičnih plošč in tam poiščeš svojo. Loh ti povem, da Abit zaenkrat še nima DDR plošče, tko, da poglej pri Solteku, Epoxu, MSI, AOpen, QDI...; če dotični proizvajalci ponujajo kakšne rešitve.
... po liniji najmanjšega odpora. ;)
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