
Full Stack Engineer @ tretton37

Opis delovnega mesta

Imagine a place where you can constantly improve yourself and your skills, all while working on some of the most exciting projects in the tech industry. A place where the contributions of innovative, forward-thinking individuals are crucial to creating truly groundbreaking products.

We are tretton37 and we believe in people, teamwork, and lifelong learning. Could this be where you belong?

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for a knowledgeable and driven individual with several years of software engineering experience, to join us on our journey in the last 2024 quarter and onwards.

Aside from years of experience and titles, we are looking for like-minded individuals who share our enthusiasm for technology, knowledge, mentorship, and growth. You are not just filling a role; you are a key player in our team, helping us advance our colleagues, our company, our culture and most importantly, yourself.

What will we do together?
At tretton37, we work with different industries and have, among other solutions, created an app enabling the daily commute of millions of travellers, built apps improving dialysis care, and created and implemented design guidelines for a gaming company. These are just some examples of how the work you do will impact a large number of users in Scandinavia and beyond.

By focusing on innovation instead of maintenance, you will constantly acquire new skills and grow both personally and professionally.

As a Full Stack Engineer, you will:
- Build custom software working hand-in-hand with a distributed team with co-located and remote colleagues
- Actively participate in system architecture and product decisions
- Build impressive frontends that enhance the end user's experience
- Design and build modern and highly available containerised backend solutions
- Involvement in technical pre-sales to support the business development team
- Constantly help your colleagues grow and work better through code reviews and pair programming
- Have the opportunity to participate in discussions, facilitate workshops, and share knowledge on topics of your expertise

Od kandidatov zahtevamo

- Approximately 6 years of relevant professional experience
- Proficient written and spoken communication skills in English
- Passion for technology, sharing knowledge, and being a collaborative team member
- High attention to detail, user experience, and responsive design
- Experience with setting up a solid project architecture
- A fundamental understanding of C# and .NET OR Node.js
- Proven experience with at least one major frontend framework, preferably React
- Proficiency with object-oriented programming
- Proficiency with cloud computing platforms such as Azure, AWS or GCP
- Proficiency with containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes
- Experience with REST and GraphQL
-A tool belt equipped with automation, build, and performance tools

Kandidatom ponujamo

- Full-time employment with a distinct salary range, which reflects your experience and responsibilities
- Additional monthly payments into your pension fund
- Flexible working hours aligned with your team's preferences and family schedules
- Take all the time you need to recharge and explore with 25 days of paid vacation, plus an extra two days for personal and professional growth
- Dive deep into one project at a time and really make it shine
- A dynamic environment with opportunities to work in various industries and different teams
- Rock the latest and greatest tools, including a brand new computer and phone of your choice with a data plan
- A generous annual knowledge & hardware budget to be spent on conferences, additional tooling, education, licences, or gadgets of your choice
- Monthly chats with your manager with regular check-ins in between, to help you unlock your true potential and support you in improving not just on a professional but also on a personal level
- Transparent monthly company-wide meetings regarding our business decisions and future plans, so you know what's going on
- Kick back in a comfortable office with artisan coffee, snacks, a book library, a stack of board games and even your furry friends
- Personal choice of your creative spot in one of the 1800 square metres of our tech hub in Ljubljana. The hub is where you collaborate with your colleagues in open space areas, sit down for a private meeting in one of the many 1:1 rooms, find a peaceful seat in the quiet wing or a sunny spot on our rooftop terrace
- Unlimited access to the tretton37 private gym with dedicated spaces for yoga, pilates, fitness, and massages and our fierce dedication to work-life balance and overall well-being
- An office that is not just a workplace but a vibrant community space where you will surround yourself with like-minded, friendly, and engaged colleagues who you can learn and have fun with
- The opportunity to bring your ideas to the table, make things happen and continue to grow - from social & sporting events to inspiring speakers & experts through a variety of knowledge-sharing events, either during Knowabunga, knowledge streams, or many of our other internal & external events



Klasifikacija delovnega mesta

4000 - 5000 bruto EUR / mesec
Delovni čas:
redna zaposlitev


Zahtevana znanja

napredno znanje
AWS, Azure ali GCP
napredno znanje
.NET ali Node.js
napredno znanje
React ali Angular
napredno znanje

O podjetju

tretton37 smo nekaj manj kot 300 posameznikov in posameznic in skupaj z našimi strankami sokreiramo visokokvalitetno programsko opremo. Verjamemo, da razvoj kvalitetnih produktov zahteva izjemne posameznike in posameznice, visoko motivirane strokovnjake in strokovnjakinje, ki odlično razumejo potrebe naših strank. Delamo predvsem s skandinavskimi strankami, produkte, ki jih sooblikujemo pa uporabljajo različni ljudje po celem svetu. Naše stranke so med drugim Paradox Interactive, Thule, Klarna, Mitsubishi, Budbee in Prisjakt.

Verjamemo v ljudi, naše vrednote in stalno učenje. Vsakodnevni izzivi nas spodbujajo k temu, da razvijamo svoje znanje na dinamičnih projektih, kjer pogosto stopimo v vodstvene vloge in tako še hitreje napredujemo.

Zakaj bi želel delati za vas

V Slovenijo smo leta 2018 prinesli svež odnos do zaposlenih, zavidljive izzive pri delu z mednarodnimi visoko-tehnološkimi podjetji in skrbno izbrane sodelavce in sodelavke. Z našo ponudbo ne skoparimo, ponosni smo na odnos do drugih ljudi, prispevek k skupnosti in na kvaliteto storitev, ki jo nudimo našim strankam. Edinstveni smo v naši kulturi in v razmišljanju.

Vabimo te na drugačno pot. Na pot kjer ti obljubimo, da bodo ekipni duh, vrednote in kultura na prvem mestu. Poleg potrebne socialne varnosti in spoštljivega plačila za tvoje znanje, boš imel_a izpolnjene vse pogoje za osebnostno, profesionalno in finančno rast. Rast na področju znanja, skrb za tvojo dobrobit, skrbno izbrane sodelavce & sodelavke, izzive z visoko-tehnološkimi projekti, možnost raziskovanja izven meja Slovenije ter zdravo razmerje med osebnim in delovnim časom.

Programerski vprašalnik