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Odkrita namembnost mehanizma iz Antikythere


Thomas ::

Byproduct so bile recimo šole. Najprej namenjene bolj cerkvenim, kasneje pa vse bolj posvetnim zadevam.

Evropa nima samo poganskih korenin, ima tudi krščanske. Neumnost zanikat, res.
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

gzibret ::

> Kaki rezultati ?

Poglej filozofijo Svetega Anselma, Tomaža Akvinskega, pa morda še Spinoze.
Vse je za neki dobr!

IgorGrozni ::

Kolikor mi je znano so posvetne šole nastajale navkljub RKC, ne z njeno pomočjo. Če je RKC sodelovala, je sodelovala kvečjemu kot ˝sovražni˝ prevzemnik. Tako, da je neumnost pripisovati RKC, kar ji ne gre.:\
Lahko pa pohvališ Islam, recimo.>:D

Schools existed as far as back as Roman times if not earlier (see roman school).

As part of its religious indoctrination campaign, Islam was one of the earliest cultures to develop a schooling system in the modern sense of the word.[citation needed] Islam put a lot of emphasis on knowledge and therefore had to develop a systematic way of teaching and spreading knowledge in purpose built structures. At first the mosque combined both religious performance and learning activities, by the tenth century, however, the Seljuks introduced the first school, or Madrassa as it was called in Arabic, a proper school built independently from the mosque. They were also the first to make the school or Madrassa system a public domain under the control of the caliph. The Nizamiyya madrasa is considered by consensus of scholars to be the earliest surviving school, built towards 1066 CE by Emir Nizam Al-Mulk. [citation needed]

Under the Ottomans, learning was given a new dimension as towns of Bursa and Edirne took over as the main centres of learning respectively. The Ottoman system of Kulliye, a building complex containing a mosque, a hospital, madrassa, and public kitchen and dining areas, was indeed revolutionary making the leaning accessible to a wider public though its free meals, health care and sometimes free accommodation.

The nineteenth century historian, Scott holds that a remarkable correspondence exists between the procedure established by those institutions and the methods of the present day. They had their collegiate courses, their prizes for proficiency in scholarship, their oratorical and poetical contests, their commencements and their degrees. In the department of medicine, a severe and prolonged examination, conducted by the most eminent physicians of the capital, was exacted of all candidates desirous of practising their profession, and such as were unable to stand the test were formally pronounced incompetent. [citation needed]

The law student was interested in an authorization, called ijaza; covering a field of knowledge, that of law, as well as in a license to teach it and issue legal opinions, called ijazat al-tadris wa 'l-fatwa, which he obtained from one master-juris consult.[citation needed]

The word Baccalaurea in French or International Baccalaureate in English was derived from Arabic Bihaqqi Al-Riwayah, the first known written warrant to be given from a teacher to his student.[citation needed]

In Europe during the Middle Ages and much of the Early Modern period, the main purpose of schools (as opposed to universities) was to teach the Latin language. This led to the term grammar school which in the United States is used informally to refer to a primary school but in the United Kingdom means a school that selects entrants on their ability or aptitude. Following this, the school curriculum has gradually broadened to include literacy in the vernacular language as well as technical, artistic, scientific and practical subjects.

Shegevara ::

a nebi bilo fino biti še na drevesih, če nebi kristjani pokrisjanjevali barbare? :))

še svetovnih vojn mogoče nebi bilo

Matako ::

Ko smo že itak izven konteksta...

Matakov 1. zakon sporazumevanja:
"Vsako razpravo, ne glede na kompleksnost, se da poenostaviti v flame war"

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Matako ()

gzibret ::

Da malo potegnem zadevo iz naftalina....

Ena najnovejša novica na to temo: Was ancient Greek 'calculator' used to teach astronomy?

Očitno ta mehanizem spet buri duhove.....
Vse je za neki dobr!

gzibret ::

Sicer malo stara novica, pa vseeno... Tale mehanizem so ponovno sestavili skupaj. Tokrat - z Lego kockami ;) Poglejte si video.

worlds oldest computer recreated in lego
Vse je za neki dobr!

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: gzibret ()

MrStein ::

In čez dodatnih 2000 let bo razmerje širine in višine tega videa pravilno...
(sorry, take stvari "get to me")
Motiti se je človeško.
Motiti se pogosto je neumno.
Vztrajati pri zmoti je... oh, pozdravljen!

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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