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Zgodovina in Zanimivosti
tony1 ::
Da je Guardian na levi (sredini) bi moral vedeti vsak intelektualec. Na zapadu ništa novog.
"Prvič slišim kaj takšnega."
Kje je univerzalna resnica je težko vedeti, kar je pomembno je vsaj vedeti tudi za teorijo kot je vlogo Gladia v ugrabitvi Alda Mora. Motiv Gladia je jasen in presega ene zradikalizirane teroriste.
"Prvič slišim kaj takšnega."
Kje je univerzalna resnica je težko vedeti, kar je pomembno je vsaj vedeti tudi za teorijo kot je vlogo Gladia v ugrabitvi Alda Mora. Motiv Gladia je jasen in presega ene zradikalizirane teroriste.
tony1 ::
Ja, kaj jim morem? Wiki lahko piše vsak.
Ko bodo Rusi spet naši najboljši prijatelji, plin pa temi primerno poceni, bomo idejo, da je neumno, da se Slovani pobijamo med sabo po befelu nekoga, ki je tisoče milj proč, lahko tudi dali ven iz predala teorij zarote.
Ko bodo Rusi spet naši najboljši prijatelji, plin pa temi primerno poceni, bomo idejo, da je neumno, da se Slovani pobijamo med sabo po befelu nekoga, ki je tisoče milj proč, lahko tudi dali ven iz predala teorij zarote.
JanBrezov ::
Operation Paul Bunyan @ Wikipedia
Na meji med Severno in Južno Korejo, v bližini mosta brez povratka (Bridge of No Return) je bilo drevo, ki je blokiralo pogled Južnih Korejcev na enega izmed njihovih mejnih prehodov. Da bi izboljšali vidljivost tega prehoda, so se 18. avgusta 1976 odločili omenjeno drevo podreti, a je prišlo do incidenta s Severnimi Korejci, v katerem sta bila s sekirami ubita dva ameriška vojaka. Tri dni kasneje so se Južni Korejci in Američani ponovno spravili na tisto drevo, a tokrat z večjo ekipo in več opreme, ki je zajemala:
* 16 ljudi za podiranje drevesa,
* 60 ameriških vojakov, oboroženi s pištolami,
* 23 vojaških vozil,
* en tank,
* 64 člansko ekipo južnokorejskih specialcev,
* neplanirano južnokorejci pripeljejo še nekaj strojnic, antitankovsko orožje in eksploziv,
* 20 večnamenskih helikopterjev s 140 vojaki s avtomatskim orožjem,
* 7 Cobra jurišnih helikopterjev,
* od 12 do 20 bombnikov B-52 Stratofortress, s polno vojno opremo, nekateri morda z jedrskim orožjem, v spremstvu ameriških in južnokorejskih lovskih letal,
* dodatno je v pripravljenosti še 10.000 vojakov, še dodatnih 12.000 na poti v Južno Korejo,
* v pripravljenosti je še letalonosilka USS Midway.
Z vso to opremo jim le uspe podreti tisto drevo.
The USA Introduced The Meaing Of Overkill To North Korea
World War Tree - Operation Paul Bunyan
Na meji med Severno in Južno Korejo, v bližini mosta brez povratka (Bridge of No Return) je bilo drevo, ki je blokiralo pogled Južnih Korejcev na enega izmed njihovih mejnih prehodov. Da bi izboljšali vidljivost tega prehoda, so se 18. avgusta 1976 odločili omenjeno drevo podreti, a je prišlo do incidenta s Severnimi Korejci, v katerem sta bila s sekirami ubita dva ameriška vojaka. Tri dni kasneje so se Južni Korejci in Američani ponovno spravili na tisto drevo, a tokrat z večjo ekipo in več opreme, ki je zajemala:
* 16 ljudi za podiranje drevesa,
* 60 ameriških vojakov, oboroženi s pištolami,
* 23 vojaških vozil,
* en tank,
* 64 člansko ekipo južnokorejskih specialcev,
* neplanirano južnokorejci pripeljejo še nekaj strojnic, antitankovsko orožje in eksploziv,
* 20 večnamenskih helikopterjev s 140 vojaki s avtomatskim orožjem,
* 7 Cobra jurišnih helikopterjev,
* od 12 do 20 bombnikov B-52 Stratofortress, s polno vojno opremo, nekateri morda z jedrskim orožjem, v spremstvu ameriških in južnokorejskih lovskih letal,
* dodatno je v pripravljenosti še 10.000 vojakov, še dodatnih 12.000 na poti v Južno Korejo,
* v pripravljenosti je še letalonosilka USS Midway.
Z vso to opremo jim le uspe podreti tisto drevo.
The USA Introduced The Meaing Of Overkill To North Korea
World War Tree - Operation Paul Bunyan
JanBrezov ::
Ena večjih vojaških prevar v prvi svetovni vojni, če ne v zgodovini.
William Scurry / Drip Rifle @ Wikipedia
Gallipoli campaign #Evacuation @ Wikipedia
Na eni od front v prvi svetovni vojni so zavezniki utrpeli precejšnje izgube, zato se odločijo za evakuacijo. A frontni liniji sta bili tako blizu, da so se lahko videli, zato je obstajala možnost, da bi sovražnik v primeru zaznane evakuacije takoj napadel. Ocenili so, da bi pri tem lahko bilo do 30.000 mrtvih. A eden od vojakov, William Scurry je prišel na idejo, da bi puške nastavili tako, da bi streljale same. Na prožilec puške so privezali prazno posodo, nad to posodo pa so nastavili drugo posodo s tekočino (vodo, urin) in jo preluknjali, da je počasi kapljala v spodnjo posodo. Ko je teža v spodnji posodi dovolj narasla, je sprožila strel. Nastavili so ogromno teh pušk in ker so te streljale naključno, je imel sovražnik občutek, da je vojska prisotna, čeprav se je ta v resnici evakuirala. Zaradi tega pri evakuaciji ni bilo žrtev.
Respect The Drip Rifle
William Scurry / Drip Rifle @ Wikipedia
Gallipoli campaign #Evacuation @ Wikipedia
Na eni od front v prvi svetovni vojni so zavezniki utrpeli precejšnje izgube, zato se odločijo za evakuacijo. A frontni liniji sta bili tako blizu, da so se lahko videli, zato je obstajala možnost, da bi sovražnik v primeru zaznane evakuacije takoj napadel. Ocenili so, da bi pri tem lahko bilo do 30.000 mrtvih. A eden od vojakov, William Scurry je prišel na idejo, da bi puške nastavili tako, da bi streljale same. Na prožilec puške so privezali prazno posodo, nad to posodo pa so nastavili drugo posodo s tekočino (vodo, urin) in jo preluknjali, da je počasi kapljala v spodnjo posodo. Ko je teža v spodnji posodi dovolj narasla, je sprožila strel. Nastavili so ogromno teh pušk in ker so te streljale naključno, je imel sovražnik občutek, da je vojska prisotna, čeprav se je ta v resnici evakuirala. Zaradi tega pri evakuaciji ni bilo žrtev.
Respect The Drip Rifle
JanBrezov ::
Production Hell - Fitzcarraldo (The Most Insane Movie Shoot Ever)
Arguments, illness, confrontational actors, destroyed sets, deadly wildlife, plane crashes, flash floods, chainsawed limbs and ships being lifted across mountains. The 1982 Werner Herzog movie Fitzcarraldo had them all, and much more.
JanBrezov ::
Operation Plumbbob @ Wikipedia
Omenjena operacija je bila serija poskusov z jedrskim orožjem, pri katerem je ameriška vlada želela ugotoviti, kako bi navadni vojaki preživeli jedrski spopad. Pri tem je sodelovalo okrog 18.000 ameriških vojakov in 1.200 pujsov. Slednje so oblekli v različne materiale ali jih dali v zaklon različnih konfiguracij, da ugotovijo možnosti preživetja.
Ti testi so razburjali ameriško javnost. Da bi ameriška vlada pomirila javnost, so za enega od testov iz ameriške vojske zbrali 5 prostovoljcev in enega snemalca ter nad njimi na višini okrog 6km detonirali jedrsko bombo, da bi dokazali, da so jedrske bombe varne. Vse je posneto, na posnetku je poleg prostovoljcev tabla z napisom "Ground zero population 5" (snemalca niso všteli, čeprav je bil tam).
To ameriške javnosti ni pomirilo, zato se je ameriška vlada strinjala, da ne bodo več izvajali jedrskih poskusov na ameriških tleh, ameriškem morju ali na ameriškem nebu. Nič pa niso rekli o testih pod zemljo, zato so Američani začeli s testi pod zemljo.
Eden od testov avgusta 1957 je vključeval detonacijo jedrske bombe v jašku globine par 100 metrov, ki je bil pokrit s 900 kg težkim jeklenim pokrovom, privarjenim na jašek. Ker jih je zanimalo, kaj se bo zgodilo s tem pokrovom, so ga snemali z visoko-hitrostno kamero. Ob detonaciji je tisti pokrov odneslo s takšno hitrostjo, da je bil pokrov viden na samo eni sliki te kamere, zato točne hitrosti niso mogli izračunati, glede na hitrost snemanja kamere pa so zaključili, da je letel s hitrostjo vsaj 240.000 km/h (66 km/s). Obstajajo špekulacije, da bi ta pokrov lahko bil prvi objekt človeške izdelave, ki je dosegel vesolje in ne sovjetski Sputnik, ki se je zgodil oktobra istega leta.
America's Unhinged Nuclear Testing - Operation Plumbob
Omenjena operacija je bila serija poskusov z jedrskim orožjem, pri katerem je ameriška vlada želela ugotoviti, kako bi navadni vojaki preživeli jedrski spopad. Pri tem je sodelovalo okrog 18.000 ameriških vojakov in 1.200 pujsov. Slednje so oblekli v različne materiale ali jih dali v zaklon različnih konfiguracij, da ugotovijo možnosti preživetja.
Ti testi so razburjali ameriško javnost. Da bi ameriška vlada pomirila javnost, so za enega od testov iz ameriške vojske zbrali 5 prostovoljcev in enega snemalca ter nad njimi na višini okrog 6km detonirali jedrsko bombo, da bi dokazali, da so jedrske bombe varne. Vse je posneto, na posnetku je poleg prostovoljcev tabla z napisom "Ground zero population 5" (snemalca niso všteli, čeprav je bil tam).
To ameriške javnosti ni pomirilo, zato se je ameriška vlada strinjala, da ne bodo več izvajali jedrskih poskusov na ameriških tleh, ameriškem morju ali na ameriškem nebu. Nič pa niso rekli o testih pod zemljo, zato so Američani začeli s testi pod zemljo.
Eden od testov avgusta 1957 je vključeval detonacijo jedrske bombe v jašku globine par 100 metrov, ki je bil pokrit s 900 kg težkim jeklenim pokrovom, privarjenim na jašek. Ker jih je zanimalo, kaj se bo zgodilo s tem pokrovom, so ga snemali z visoko-hitrostno kamero. Ob detonaciji je tisti pokrov odneslo s takšno hitrostjo, da je bil pokrov viden na samo eni sliki te kamere, zato točne hitrosti niso mogli izračunati, glede na hitrost snemanja kamere pa so zaključili, da je letel s hitrostjo vsaj 240.000 km/h (66 km/s). Obstajajo špekulacije, da bi ta pokrov lahko bil prvi objekt človeške izdelave, ki je dosegel vesolje in ne sovjetski Sputnik, ki se je zgodil oktobra istega leta.
America's Unhinged Nuclear Testing - Operation Plumbob
JanBrezov ::
Kot vsak programski jezik tudi skriptni jezik PHP omogoča globalne spremenljivke. A za razliko od ostalih je PHP eden redkih, če ne edini, pri katerem je potrebno ob uporabi globalne spremenljive to eksplicitno navesti. Bodisi se znotraj funkcije definira uporabo globalne spremenljivke s ključno besedo "global", npr.:
ali pa se globalno spremenljivko uporabi preko super-globalnega polja $GLOBALS, npr.:
Razlog za to ima zanimivo zgodovinsko ozadje.
Izvorni avtor PHP-ja je Rasmus Lerdorf. Preden je ustvari PHP, je opravljal pripravništvo v kanadskem telekomunikacijskem podjetju Nortel, kjer so med drugim imeli programsko opremo za upravljanje s klicnimi čakalnimi vrstami za klicne centre. Iz neznanega razloga je ta programska oprema vsakih nekaj mesecev nepričakovano prekinila vse čakajoče klice v čakalni vrsti. Več let so poskušali najti napako, neuspešno. Ko je Rasmus prišel na pripravništvo, so mu dali nalogo, naj najde tega hrošča s komentarjem "fix this, good luck". Rasmus si je izvorno kodo natisnil in nalepil na zidove hodnikov omenjene firme ter šel skozi kodo peš. Po treh mesecih in pol je našel hrošča: dve popolnoma nepovezani funkciji sta uporabljali globalno spremenljivko z istim imenom. Ko je ena funkcija spremenila vrednost globalne spremenljivke, je druga funkcija prekinila vse klice.
Kasneje je Rasmus ustvaril PHP, ki izvorno sploh ni bil mišljen kot skriptni jezik, ampak jezik za predloge (templating language), a je skozi zahteve uporabnikov postal skripti jezik. Ko je implementiral globalne spremenljivke, se je spomnil svoje tri in pol mesečne razhroščevalne seje in ker ni želel ponoviti česa takega, je v PHP poskrbel, da je kristalno jasno, ko so v uporabi globalne spremenljivke.
Rasmus Lerdorf - 25 Years of PHP - phpday 2019
Konkretna zgodba se prične 19:23. Še druge zanimivosti:
@ 18:14 -
@ 26:30 - Double facepalm, ko tik pred predstavitvijo novosti v PHP 7.3 vpraša publiko, če še kdo uporablja PHP 5.
global $moja_globalna; echo $moja_globalna;
ali pa se globalno spremenljivko uporabi preko super-globalnega polja $GLOBALS, npr.:
echo $GLOBALS['moja_globalna'];
Razlog za to ima zanimivo zgodovinsko ozadje.
Izvorni avtor PHP-ja je Rasmus Lerdorf. Preden je ustvari PHP, je opravljal pripravništvo v kanadskem telekomunikacijskem podjetju Nortel, kjer so med drugim imeli programsko opremo za upravljanje s klicnimi čakalnimi vrstami za klicne centre. Iz neznanega razloga je ta programska oprema vsakih nekaj mesecev nepričakovano prekinila vse čakajoče klice v čakalni vrsti. Več let so poskušali najti napako, neuspešno. Ko je Rasmus prišel na pripravništvo, so mu dali nalogo, naj najde tega hrošča s komentarjem "fix this, good luck". Rasmus si je izvorno kodo natisnil in nalepil na zidove hodnikov omenjene firme ter šel skozi kodo peš. Po treh mesecih in pol je našel hrošča: dve popolnoma nepovezani funkciji sta uporabljali globalno spremenljivko z istim imenom. Ko je ena funkcija spremenila vrednost globalne spremenljivke, je druga funkcija prekinila vse klice.
Kasneje je Rasmus ustvaril PHP, ki izvorno sploh ni bil mišljen kot skriptni jezik, ampak jezik za predloge (templating language), a je skozi zahteve uporabnikov postal skripti jezik. Ko je implementiral globalne spremenljivke, se je spomnil svoje tri in pol mesečne razhroščevalne seje in ker ni želel ponoviti česa takega, je v PHP poskrbel, da je kristalno jasno, ko so v uporabi globalne spremenljivke.
Rasmus Lerdorf - 25 Years of PHP - phpday 2019
Konkretna zgodba se prične 19:23. Še druge zanimivosti:
@ 18:14 -
At every point along the way I figured there was about six months of life left in PHP because that's about the amount of time I thought it would take for somebody to write something real that could replace it, but that would also work for me. And I kept waiting for something to come along that I could use that would work for me and nothing did. Idiots came out with stuff like Cold Fusion and other things I looked at and God, what the hell! This isn't how you solve the web problem. And then Cold Fusion became popular even, wow.
@ 26:30 - Double facepalm, ko tik pred predstavitvijo novosti v PHP 7.3 vpraša publiko, če še kdo uporablja PHP 5.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JanBrezov ()
bciciban_ ::
Ja, kaj jim morem? Wiki lahko piše vsak.
Ko bodo Rusi spet naši najboljši prijatelji, plin pa temi primerno poceni, bomo idejo, da je neumno, da se Slovani pobijamo med sabo po befelu nekoga, ki je tisoče milj proč, lahko tudi dali ven iz predala teorij zarote.
Lool kake neumnosti.
Befel je kar Putinov, da Rusi pobijajo svoje sosede Slovane.
Invictus ::
Ob detonaciji je tisti pokrov odneslo s takšno hitrostjo, da je bil pokrov viden na samo eni sliki te kamere, zato točne hitrosti niso mogli izračunati, glede na hitrost snemanja kamere pa so zaključili, da je letel s hitrostjo vsaj 240.000 km/h (66 km/s). Obstajajo špekulacije, da bi ta pokrov lahko bil prvi objekt človeške izdelave, ki je dosegel vesolje in ne sovjetski Sputnik, ki se je zgodil oktobra istega leta.
Če je bila res taka hitrost, ga je najbrž kar uparilo...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
JanBrezov ::
Ob detonaciji je tisti pokrov odneslo s takšno hitrostjo, da je bil pokrov viden na samo eni sliki te kamere, zato točne hitrosti niso mogli izračunati, glede na hitrost snemanja kamere pa so zaključili, da je letel s hitrostjo vsaj 240.000 km/h (66 km/s). Obstajajo špekulacije, da bi ta pokrov lahko bil prvi objekt človeške izdelave, ki je dosegel vesolje in ne sovjetski Sputnik, ki se je zgodil oktobra istega leta.
Če je bila res taka hitrost, ga je najbrž kar uparilo...
Kot je razloženo v videju @ 15:00, morda ni bil uparjen, ker (1) je šlo za čisto jeklo, (2) pokrov je bil viden na enem posnetku visoko-hitrostne kamere in (3) se pokrov pri tej hitrosti ni premikal sam, ampak skupaj s "preostalo" jedrsko eksplozijo, torej s plini te eksplozije pri enaki hitrosti kot pokrov in zato lahko ti plini delujejo kot ščit pred mirujočo atmosfero. Na Wikipediji res piše, da verjamejo, je bil pokrov uparjen, a gre spet za špekulacijo:
Scientists believe compression heating caused the cap to vaporize as it sped through the atmosphere.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JanBrezov ()
Invictus ::
Jasno, da je špekulacija, saj ga jim ni uspelo najti. Zato je uparjenost ščita bolj verjetna...
66km/h skozi atmosfero ne preživi nobeno jeklo. Drugače bi že zdavnaj rešili problem vračanja iz vesolja...
Je bil pa nor poskus...![:))](
BTW. drugače obstaja ena knjiga o področju jedrskih eksplozij, Area 6 ali nekaj podobnega. Imam nekje PDF...
66km/h skozi atmosfero ne preživi nobeno jeklo. Drugače bi že zdavnaj rešili problem vračanja iz vesolja...
Je bil pa nor poskus...
BTW. drugače obstaja ena knjiga o področju jedrskih eksplozij, Area 6 ali nekaj podobnega. Imam nekje PDF...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
JanBrezov ::
How They Tricked People Into Eating Potatoes
JanBrezov ::
Leta 1981 je prišlo do letalske nesreče, v kateri je Rusija v trenutku izgubila skoraj celotno poveljstvo ruske pacifiške flote, 16 admiralov in generalov, vključno s poveljnikom pacifiške flote. Za primerjavo, v vseh šestih letih druge svetovne vojne so rusi izgubili 4 admirale. Najprej so mislili, da gre za začetek napada Američanov, nato so posumili, da gre za interno sabotažo, a resničen razlog je bil precej bolj banalen.
Poveljstvo je to letalo uporabljalo za "shopping". Pogosto so generali na letalo za lastne potrebe naložili hrano, gradbeni material, rezervne dela za avte itd. in je letalo pogosto vzletalo preobremenjeno. Eden od pilotov se je celo pisno pritožil nad dogajanjem, a se s pritožbo ni zgodilo nič (ker je težave povzročalo vodstvo samo). V tem konkretnem primeru so naložili dva ogromna koluta papirja, ki nista bila pravilno pritrjena. Pri vzletu sta se prevalila in s tem spremenila težišče letala, kar je rezultiralo v izgubo vzgona in letalsko nesrečo.
Poročilo nesreče je seveda bilo takoj tajno, v medijih se o tem ni pisalo dosti. Čeprav se je nesreča zgodila 1981, so vdove umrlih dobile uradno obvestilo o tem šele leta 1997, kar je 6 let po razpadu Sovjetske zveze.
1981 Pushkin Tu-104 crash @ Wikipedia
When the Soviet Navy Lost 16 Admirals in a Single Accident: The Tu-104 Crash at Pushkin
Še nekaj zanimivih citatov iz videa:
Poveljstvo je to letalo uporabljalo za "shopping". Pogosto so generali na letalo za lastne potrebe naložili hrano, gradbeni material, rezervne dela za avte itd. in je letalo pogosto vzletalo preobremenjeno. Eden od pilotov se je celo pisno pritožil nad dogajanjem, a se s pritožbo ni zgodilo nič (ker je težave povzročalo vodstvo samo). V tem konkretnem primeru so naložili dva ogromna koluta papirja, ki nista bila pravilno pritrjena. Pri vzletu sta se prevalila in s tem spremenila težišče letala, kar je rezultiralo v izgubo vzgona in letalsko nesrečo.
Poročilo nesreče je seveda bilo takoj tajno, v medijih se o tem ni pisalo dosti. Čeprav se je nesreča zgodila 1981, so vdove umrlih dobile uradno obvestilo o tem šele leta 1997, kar je 6 let po razpadu Sovjetske zveze.
1981 Pushkin Tu-104 crash @ Wikipedia
When the Soviet Navy Lost 16 Admirals in a Single Accident: The Tu-104 Crash at Pushkin
Še nekaj zanimivih citatov iz videa:
Interestingly enough, the widows of the navy officers received an official notice of the death of their husbands only in 1997, 6 years after the Soviet Union had collapsed. And a year later, in 1998, to the inscription on the memorial saying, "to Navy servicemen of the Pacific Fleet" was added: "who died serving on duty on February 7, 1981." Of course, no one would like the inscription on the memorial saying, "to servicemen who died while doing groceries".
The impressive list of technological accomplishments made by "the Greatest Country in the world", as most of the Russians still think, would make a completely different impression, if, for example, you start adding some other, less impressive achievements that most of you won't even think of, since they have been taken for granted. Like, for example, the year 1969 when the Soviet Union launched the first factory producing toilet paper. So "the Greatest Country in the world" has already built and tested a nuclear bomb, launched the "Sputnik", completed the first manned journey into outer space, built the first supersonic jetliner but still couldn't produce toilet paper.
It is well known that obtaining enormous power may blind and change people. Unfortunately, when it comes to the USSR and modern Russia, it is quite often that this problem gets to the extent that those possessing power not only reject the basic rules of human ethics but even the laws of physics.
JanBrezov ::
Leta 2010 je ena od pravnih pisarn v zvezdni državi Ohio ZDA pričela zaračunavati fotokopiranje javnih dokumentov in sicer $2 na stran. Ker so ti dokumenti lahko obsežni in bi cena fotokopiranja šla v več tisoč dolarjev, so proti pisarni vložili tožbo. Na enem od zaslišanj je prišlo do absurdne debate o definiciji fotokopirnega stroja. Debata je toliko absurdna, da so transkript zaslišanja uprizorili v kratkem filmu, ki je naveden spodaj. Igra je verjetno pretirana, vse izgovorjeno pa je točno po transkriptu. Pravniki pravijo, da je to primer preveč pripravljene priče.
Verbatim: What Is a Photocopier? | Op-Docs
Verbatim: What Is a Photocopier? | Op-Docs
JanBrezov ::
Ne preveč zgodovinsko, zame zanimivo, za koga od vas pa morda srhljivo.
Aprila 2022 se je umetnica Steph Maj Swanson igrala z algoritmi za generiranje slik iz teksta, ki uporabljajo modele umetne inteligence (text-to-image AI). Zanimalo jo je, kaj se zgodi, če uporabi negativni poziv, tj. da od generatorja zahteva izdelavo slike, ki je popolno nasprotje od poziva. Kot poziv je vnesla "Brando::-1", kjer je Brando ime igralca Marlon Brando in utež -1, v tem primeru negativno (obratno od Brando). Kot rezultat je dobila nenavaden logotip z belim ozadjem, črno silueto mesta z napisom DIGITA PNTICS z obrnjeno številko 2 (slika). Nato jo je zanimalo, kaj se zgodi, če poda negativni poziv od napisa s slike, zato je vnesla "DIGITA PNTICS skyline logo::-1". Kar je dobila, so štiri srhljive slike stare bolne ženske (tukaj). Ena od teh slik je vsebovala kriptični napis, prva beseda je bila LOAB. Nato je poskušala generiranje slik z mešanjem omenjene slike ženske z drugimi slikami. Karkoli je vzela kot drugo sliko, ta ženska se je vedno pojavljala na vseh generiranih slikah v vedno bolj brutalni podobi. Slike je objavila na Twiterju in vsa stvar je postala viralna (link spodaj). Beseda Loab je postala ime te ženske.
Loab @ Wikipedia
Izvorni twitter/x handle. Če ste nagnjeni k nočnim moram, mogoče ne klikati tega:
Seveda je vprašanje, kaj to pomeni. Tisti bolj verni že opozarjajo, da se v AI skrivajo demoni. Recimo:
Meet Loab, The AI Art-Generated Demon Currently Haunting The Internet
What Did We Do?! AI Is REALLY A Portal to...
Aprila 2022 se je umetnica Steph Maj Swanson igrala z algoritmi za generiranje slik iz teksta, ki uporabljajo modele umetne inteligence (text-to-image AI). Zanimalo jo je, kaj se zgodi, če uporabi negativni poziv, tj. da od generatorja zahteva izdelavo slike, ki je popolno nasprotje od poziva. Kot poziv je vnesla "Brando::-1", kjer je Brando ime igralca Marlon Brando in utež -1, v tem primeru negativno (obratno od Brando). Kot rezultat je dobila nenavaden logotip z belim ozadjem, črno silueto mesta z napisom DIGITA PNTICS z obrnjeno številko 2 (slika). Nato jo je zanimalo, kaj se zgodi, če poda negativni poziv od napisa s slike, zato je vnesla "DIGITA PNTICS skyline logo::-1". Kar je dobila, so štiri srhljive slike stare bolne ženske (tukaj). Ena od teh slik je vsebovala kriptični napis, prva beseda je bila LOAB. Nato je poskušala generiranje slik z mešanjem omenjene slike ženske z drugimi slikami. Karkoli je vzela kot drugo sliko, ta ženska se je vedno pojavljala na vseh generiranih slikah v vedno bolj brutalni podobi. Slike je objavila na Twiterju in vsa stvar je postala viralna (link spodaj). Beseda Loab je postala ime te ženske.
Loab @ Wikipedia
Loab is a fictional character that artist and writer Steph Maj Swanson has claimed to have discovered with a text-to-image AI model in April 2022. In a viral Twitter thread, Swanson described it as an unexpectedly emergent property of the software, saying they discovered it when asking the model to produce something "as different from the prompt as possible".
Swanson has said that "for various reasons" they are declining to disclose the software used to create the images. Loab has been referred to as the "first AI-generated cryptid" and as such has gone viral. Despite hyping up the cryptid nature of the discovery in their wording, Swanson admitted that "Loab isn't really haunted, of course", but noted that the mythos that has sprung up around the AI-generated character has gone beyond their initial involvement. Also, since more images of Loab are being made by other artists now, future AIs will use those images as a part of their latent space maps, making her an innate part of the internet landscape now, with Swanson adding "If we want to get rid of her, it's already too late."
Izvorni twitter/x handle. Če ste nagnjeni k nočnim moram, mogoče ne klikati tega:
Seveda je vprašanje, kaj to pomeni. Tisti bolj verni že opozarjajo, da se v AI skrivajo demoni. Recimo:
Meet Loab, The AI Art-Generated Demon Currently Haunting The Internet
What Did We Do?! AI Is REALLY A Portal to...
JanBrezov ::
V starem delu Jeruzalema, na kraju, kjer bi naj bil križan in pokopan Jezus Kristus, stoji Bazilika Božjega groba, zgrajena v 4. stoletju. V drugem nadstropju zunanjega dela te cerkve je na zid naslonjena lesena lestev, ki tam stoji že vsaj 300 let. Prva omemba lestve je iz 1728. Nihče točno ne ve, zakaj je tista lestev tam, ampak lastniki cerkve se strinjajo: če jo kdo premakne, lahko to povzroči resen varnostni incident, nasilje, morda celo vojno.
Cerkev je v lasti šestih krščanskih denominacij, ki so si v laseh že stoletja, kar se včasih sprevrže v nasilje. Leta 1852 so sklenili dokončni dogovor, da se v tej cerkvi ne sme spremeniti absolutno ničesar brez soglasja vseh šestih denominacij, vključno s premikanjem pohištva. Ker je omenjena lestev bila tam že pred tem dogovorom, je sedaj vključena v dogovor in dogovora za umik tiste lestve ni. Dogovora se držijo precej resno in je pogosto razlog za nasilje. Npr. leta 2002 je eden od duhovnikov premaknil stol "malce bolj v senco". Stvar se je končala z množičnim pretepom, 11 ljudi je končalo v bolnišnici.
Papež Pavel VI. jo je razglasil za simbol razdora v krščanstvu.
Immovable Ladder @ Wikipedia
Why Nobody is EVER Allowed to Move This Ladder
Cerkev je v lasti šestih krščanskih denominacij, ki so si v laseh že stoletja, kar se včasih sprevrže v nasilje. Leta 1852 so sklenili dokončni dogovor, da se v tej cerkvi ne sme spremeniti absolutno ničesar brez soglasja vseh šestih denominacij, vključno s premikanjem pohištva. Ker je omenjena lestev bila tam že pred tem dogovorom, je sedaj vključena v dogovor in dogovora za umik tiste lestve ni. Dogovora se držijo precej resno in je pogosto razlog za nasilje. Npr. leta 2002 je eden od duhovnikov premaknil stol "malce bolj v senco". Stvar se je končala z množičnim pretepom, 11 ljudi je končalo v bolnišnici.
On a hot summer day in 2002, a Coptic monk moved his chair from its agreed spot into the shade. This was interpreted as a hostile move by the Ethiopians and eleven were hospitalized after the resulting fight.
Papež Pavel VI. jo je razglasil za simbol razdora v krščanstvu.
Immovable Ladder @ Wikipedia
Why Nobody is EVER Allowed to Move This Ladder
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JanBrezov ()
arnecan1 ::
The Wallace line or Wallace's line is a faunal boundary line drawn in 1859 by the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace and named by the English biologist T.H. Huxley.
It separates the biogeographical realms of Asia and 'Wallacea', a transitional zone between Asia and Australia also called the Malay Archipelago and the Indo-Australian Archipelago. To the west of the line are found organisms related to Asiatic species; to the east, a mixture of species of Asian and Australian origins is present. Wallace noticed this clear division in both land mammals and birds during his travels through the East Indies in the 19th century.
The line runs through Indonesia, such as Makassar Strait between Borneo and Sulawesi (Celebes), and through the Lombok Strait between Bali and Lombok, where the distance is strikingly small, only about 35 kilometers (22 mi), but enough for a contrast in species present on each island. Wallace Line @ Wikipedia
It separates the biogeographical realms of Asia and 'Wallacea', a transitional zone between Asia and Australia also called the Malay Archipelago and the Indo-Australian Archipelago. To the west of the line are found organisms related to Asiatic species; to the east, a mixture of species of Asian and Australian origins is present. Wallace noticed this clear division in both land mammals and birds during his travels through the East Indies in the 19th century.
The line runs through Indonesia, such as Makassar Strait between Borneo and Sulawesi (Celebes), and through the Lombok Strait between Bali and Lombok, where the distance is strikingly small, only about 35 kilometers (22 mi), but enough for a contrast in species present on each island. Wallace Line @ Wikipedia
JanBrezov ::
How a total disaster became the world's best-selling piano album
The Köln Concert @ Wikipedia
Keith Jarrett's Köln Concert started as a total disaster. Not only was he exhausted and hungry, but he had to improvise an entire concert on a broken, unplayable piano. This concert would go on to be the best-selling solo jazz album and the best-selling piano album of any genre.
The Köln Concert @ Wikipedia
The Köln Concert is a live solo double album by pianist Keith Jarrett recorded at the Opera House in Köln, West Germany on 24 January 1975 and released on ECM Records later that year. It is the best-selling solo album in jazz history and the best-selling piano album.
At Jarrett's request, Brandes had selected a Bösendorfer 290 Imperial concert grand piano for the performance. However, there was some confusion by the opera house staff and instead they found another Bösendorfer piano backstage--a much smaller baby grand piano--and, assuming it was the one requested, placed it on the stage. The error was discovered too late for the correct Bösendorfer to be delivered to the venue in time for the evening's concert. The piano they had was intended for rehearsals only and was in poor condition and required several hours of tuning and adjustment to make it playable. The instrument was tinny and thin in the upper registers and weak in the bass register, and the pedals did not work properly.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JanBrezov ()
JanBrezov ::
The Radioactive Meat Train: 5 Chernobyl Secrets They Tried to Bury
1. Preprečevanje prihoda radioaktivnega oblaka nad Rusijo z ustvarjanjem umetnega dežja nad Belorusijo. Operacija je uspela, a je to povzročilo povečanje primerov raka in porodnih defektov v Belorusiji. Dodaten vir:
Chernobyl's disastrous cover-up is a warning for the next nuclear age
2. Uradna prva fotografija uničenega bloka reaktorja ni bila dejansko prva. Res prva je bila zasežena in uporabljena v sodnem procesu, a je kasneje vseeno prišla v javnost.
3. Skrivna evakuacija treh taktičnih jedrskih konic iz območja Černobila. Vojaki niso bili zaščiteni, nekateri so kmalu po tem umrli.
4. Poskus ruskih oblasti spraviti 317 ton radioaktivnega mesa v prehrano v Belorusiji in Ukrajini, a ne v Rusiji. Tega mesa nihče ni želel, zato se je to meso 4 leta vozilo sem in tja po železnici, preden so ga zakopali. Dodaten vir:
5. Vir modrega bliska ob eksploziji reaktorja.
1. Preprečevanje prihoda radioaktivnega oblaka nad Rusijo z ustvarjanjem umetnega dežja nad Belorusijo. Operacija je uspela, a je to povzročilo povečanje primerov raka in porodnih defektov v Belorusiji. Dodaten vir:
Chernobyl's disastrous cover-up is a warning for the next nuclear age
2. Uradna prva fotografija uničenega bloka reaktorja ni bila dejansko prva. Res prva je bila zasežena in uporabljena v sodnem procesu, a je kasneje vseeno prišla v javnost.
3. Skrivna evakuacija treh taktičnih jedrskih konic iz območja Černobila. Vojaki niso bili zaščiteni, nekateri so kmalu po tem umrli.
4. Poskus ruskih oblasti spraviti 317 ton radioaktivnega mesa v prehrano v Belorusiji in Ukrajini, a ne v Rusiji. Tega mesa nihče ni želel, zato se je to meso 4 leta vozilo sem in tja po železnici, preden so ga zakopali. Dodaten vir:
5. Vir modrega bliska ob eksploziji reaktorja.
sbawe64 ::
The Imperial Russian Navy in the American Civil War, kanal "National Museum of Civil War Medicine"
gremo v leto 1863, eni drugi časi, ki so trajali do 1918
hint 13:25
18:25 požar v SF
22:46 epilog
se splača pogledati od začetka, čeprav je do 8 minute rahlo dolgočasno.
kaj pravi lmm , direct chat (gemini-exp-1114)
part 1:
## Russia's Involvement in the American Civil War: A Complex Relationship
Russia's involvement in the American Civil War was **indirect but significant**, primarily through diplomatic actions and a show of naval force. While they didn't send troops or directly engage in combat, their actions played a role in shaping the international landscape of the conflict and potentially influencing its outcome.
Here's a breakdown of Russia's involvement:
*1. Diplomatic Support for the Union:*
* *Maintaining Relations:* Russia was one of the few European powers that maintained friendly relations with the Union throughout the war. This was in stark contrast to Britain and France, who flirted with recognizing the Confederacy.
* *Preventing Intervention:* Russia's strong stance against European intervention was crucial. Tsar Alexander II made it clear that any attempt by Britain or France to intervene on behalf of the Confederacy would be met with a hostile response from Russia. This acted as a significant deterrent, preventing the Confederacy from gaining crucial international recognition and support.
* *Symbolic Gestures:* While not direct military aid, Russia's diplomatic gestures were important. They openly condemned slavery and expressed support for the Union's efforts to preserve the nation.
*2. Naval Presence:*
* *The Russian Fleets:* In 1863, two Russian naval squadrons, the Atlantic Squadron and the Pacific Squadron, were dispatched to American waters.
* The *Atlantic Squadron* arrived in New York Harbor and then spent several months in various Union ports. Their presence was seen as a show of support for the Union and a warning to potential European interventionists.
* The *Pacific Squadron* was based in San Francisco and was positioned to potentially disrupt Confederate commerce raiders operating in the Pacific.
* *Purpose of the Fleets:* While the official reason for the fleets' presence was to avoid being trapped in the Baltic or Black Seas if war broke out with Britain and France over the Polish uprising, their presence in American waters served a dual purpose:
* *Deterrence:* It acted as a deterrent against British and French intervention.
* *Symbolic Support:* It demonstrated Russia's support for the Union.
*3. Motives Behind Russia's Actions:*
* *Geopolitical Considerations:* Russia's primary motivation was to counter British and French influence globally. They saw a weakened United States as detrimental to their own interests and feared a strengthened Anglo-French alliance.
* *Opposition to Intervention:* Russia opposed the principle of foreign intervention in domestic affairs, particularly in light of their own suppression of the Polish uprising.
* *Anti-Slavery Sentiment:* While not the primary driver, Russia's official stance against slavery did align them with the Union's cause.
*4. Impact of Russia's Involvement:*
* *Prevented European Intervention:* Russia's actions played a significant role in deterring Britain and France from recognizing the Confederacy. This was arguably the most important contribution to the Union cause.
* *Boosted Union Morale:* The presence of the Russian fleets and their diplomatic support boosted Union morale and demonstrated international support for their cause.
* *Limited Direct Military Impact:* Russia's involvement did not involve direct military aid or combat, so its direct impact on the battlefield was limited.
*In Conclusion:*
Russia's involvement in the American Civil War was primarily diplomatic and symbolic. While they did not directly fight alongside the Union, their actions were crucial in preventing European intervention and bolstering the Union's international standing. This indirect support played a significant role in shaping the course of the war and ultimately contributing to the Union's victory.
It's important to note that the extent of Russia's influence is still debated by historians. Some argue that their actions were decisive in preventing European intervention, while others believe that Britain and France were unlikely to intervene regardless. However, there is no doubt that Russia's presence was felt and that their actions were viewed favorably by the Union government.
part 2:
If Russia had not acted as it did during the American Civil War, the course of history could have been significantly different. Let's explore the potential ramifications of a different Russian stance:
*Scenario: Russia Does Not Support the Union (or Remains Neutral):*
* *Increased Risk of European Intervention:* Without Russia's firm opposition, Britain and France would have felt far less constrained in their actions. The temptation to recognize the Confederacy, driven by economic interests (cotton) and a desire to weaken a rising power (the United States), would have been much stronger.
* *Potential Recognition of the Confederacy:* Recognition by Britain and France would have granted the Confederacy legitimacy on the international stage. This would have opened the door for:
* *Financial Aid:* Loans and investments from European powers.
* *Military Supplies:* Weapons, ships, and other essential war materials.
* *Potential Military Alliances:* While direct military intervention was less likely, the possibility of alliances and even limited military support would have increased dramatically.
* *Impact on Union Blockade:* A recognized Confederacy would have made it much harder for the Union to maintain its naval blockade of Southern ports. European powers might have challenged the blockade, arguing it was illegal against a sovereign nation. This would have allowed the Confederacy to trade more freely, bolstering its economy and war effort.
* *Weakened Union Morale:* The lack of Russian support, coupled with potential European recognition of the Confederacy, would have severely damaged Union morale. It would have reinforced the perception that the Union was fighting a losing battle and might have led to increased calls for peace negotiations on unfavorable terms.
* *Prolonged War:* With European support, the Confederacy would have been able to sustain its war effort for a much longer period. This would have resulted in a longer, bloodier conflict with potentially devastating consequences for both sides.
* *Possible Confederate Victory (or Stalemate):* While not guaranteed, the increased support for the Confederacy could have tipped the scales in their favor, leading to a Confederate victory or a stalemate resulting in a divided nation.
*Long-Term Implications of a Different Outcome:*
* *A Divided United States:* A Confederate victory or a permanent division of the United States would have fundamentally altered the course of American history. It would have created a vastly different geopolitical landscape with two competing nations on the North American continent.
* *Weakened United States:* Even a Union victory after a prolonged and costly war would have left the United States significantly weakened and less able to assert itself on the world stage.
* *Increased European Influence:* A divided or weakened United States would have allowed European powers, particularly Britain and France, to maintain greater influence in North America and globally.
* *Different Trajectory of Slavery:* A Confederate victory would have ensured the continuation of slavery, potentially for decades longer. This would have had profound implications for the social, economic, and political development of the United States and the world.
While it's impossible to say with certainty exactly how history would have unfolded, it's clear that Russia's support for the Union played a crucial role in preventing European intervention and shaping the outcome of the American Civil War. Without their actions, the war could have been significantly prolonged, the United States might have been permanently divided, and the global balance of power would have been dramatically different.
It's a fascinating "what if" scenario that highlights the interconnectedness of global events and the profound impact that seemingly distant actions can have on the course of history. Russia's decision to support the Union, driven by its own geopolitical interests, ultimately had far-reaching consequences for the United States and the world.
gremo v leto 1863, eni drugi časi, ki so trajali do 1918
hint 13:25
18:25 požar v SF
22:46 epilog
se splača pogledati od začetka, čeprav je do 8 minute rahlo dolgočasno.
kaj pravi lmm , direct chat (gemini-exp-1114)
part 1:
## Russia's Involvement in the American Civil War: A Complex Relationship
Russia's involvement in the American Civil War was **indirect but significant**, primarily through diplomatic actions and a show of naval force. While they didn't send troops or directly engage in combat, their actions played a role in shaping the international landscape of the conflict and potentially influencing its outcome.
Here's a breakdown of Russia's involvement:
*1. Diplomatic Support for the Union:*
* *Maintaining Relations:* Russia was one of the few European powers that maintained friendly relations with the Union throughout the war. This was in stark contrast to Britain and France, who flirted with recognizing the Confederacy.
* *Preventing Intervention:* Russia's strong stance against European intervention was crucial. Tsar Alexander II made it clear that any attempt by Britain or France to intervene on behalf of the Confederacy would be met with a hostile response from Russia. This acted as a significant deterrent, preventing the Confederacy from gaining crucial international recognition and support.
* *Symbolic Gestures:* While not direct military aid, Russia's diplomatic gestures were important. They openly condemned slavery and expressed support for the Union's efforts to preserve the nation.
*2. Naval Presence:*
* *The Russian Fleets:* In 1863, two Russian naval squadrons, the Atlantic Squadron and the Pacific Squadron, were dispatched to American waters.
* The *Atlantic Squadron* arrived in New York Harbor and then spent several months in various Union ports. Their presence was seen as a show of support for the Union and a warning to potential European interventionists.
* The *Pacific Squadron* was based in San Francisco and was positioned to potentially disrupt Confederate commerce raiders operating in the Pacific.
* *Purpose of the Fleets:* While the official reason for the fleets' presence was to avoid being trapped in the Baltic or Black Seas if war broke out with Britain and France over the Polish uprising, their presence in American waters served a dual purpose:
* *Deterrence:* It acted as a deterrent against British and French intervention.
* *Symbolic Support:* It demonstrated Russia's support for the Union.
*3. Motives Behind Russia's Actions:*
* *Geopolitical Considerations:* Russia's primary motivation was to counter British and French influence globally. They saw a weakened United States as detrimental to their own interests and feared a strengthened Anglo-French alliance.
* *Opposition to Intervention:* Russia opposed the principle of foreign intervention in domestic affairs, particularly in light of their own suppression of the Polish uprising.
* *Anti-Slavery Sentiment:* While not the primary driver, Russia's official stance against slavery did align them with the Union's cause.
*4. Impact of Russia's Involvement:*
* *Prevented European Intervention:* Russia's actions played a significant role in deterring Britain and France from recognizing the Confederacy. This was arguably the most important contribution to the Union cause.
* *Boosted Union Morale:* The presence of the Russian fleets and their diplomatic support boosted Union morale and demonstrated international support for their cause.
* *Limited Direct Military Impact:* Russia's involvement did not involve direct military aid or combat, so its direct impact on the battlefield was limited.
*In Conclusion:*
Russia's involvement in the American Civil War was primarily diplomatic and symbolic. While they did not directly fight alongside the Union, their actions were crucial in preventing European intervention and bolstering the Union's international standing. This indirect support played a significant role in shaping the course of the war and ultimately contributing to the Union's victory.
It's important to note that the extent of Russia's influence is still debated by historians. Some argue that their actions were decisive in preventing European intervention, while others believe that Britain and France were unlikely to intervene regardless. However, there is no doubt that Russia's presence was felt and that their actions were viewed favorably by the Union government.
part 2:
If Russia had not acted as it did during the American Civil War, the course of history could have been significantly different. Let's explore the potential ramifications of a different Russian stance:
*Scenario: Russia Does Not Support the Union (or Remains Neutral):*
* *Increased Risk of European Intervention:* Without Russia's firm opposition, Britain and France would have felt far less constrained in their actions. The temptation to recognize the Confederacy, driven by economic interests (cotton) and a desire to weaken a rising power (the United States), would have been much stronger.
* *Potential Recognition of the Confederacy:* Recognition by Britain and France would have granted the Confederacy legitimacy on the international stage. This would have opened the door for:
* *Financial Aid:* Loans and investments from European powers.
* *Military Supplies:* Weapons, ships, and other essential war materials.
* *Potential Military Alliances:* While direct military intervention was less likely, the possibility of alliances and even limited military support would have increased dramatically.
* *Impact on Union Blockade:* A recognized Confederacy would have made it much harder for the Union to maintain its naval blockade of Southern ports. European powers might have challenged the blockade, arguing it was illegal against a sovereign nation. This would have allowed the Confederacy to trade more freely, bolstering its economy and war effort.
* *Weakened Union Morale:* The lack of Russian support, coupled with potential European recognition of the Confederacy, would have severely damaged Union morale. It would have reinforced the perception that the Union was fighting a losing battle and might have led to increased calls for peace negotiations on unfavorable terms.
* *Prolonged War:* With European support, the Confederacy would have been able to sustain its war effort for a much longer period. This would have resulted in a longer, bloodier conflict with potentially devastating consequences for both sides.
* *Possible Confederate Victory (or Stalemate):* While not guaranteed, the increased support for the Confederacy could have tipped the scales in their favor, leading to a Confederate victory or a stalemate resulting in a divided nation.
*Long-Term Implications of a Different Outcome:*
* *A Divided United States:* A Confederate victory or a permanent division of the United States would have fundamentally altered the course of American history. It would have created a vastly different geopolitical landscape with two competing nations on the North American continent.
* *Weakened United States:* Even a Union victory after a prolonged and costly war would have left the United States significantly weakened and less able to assert itself on the world stage.
* *Increased European Influence:* A divided or weakened United States would have allowed European powers, particularly Britain and France, to maintain greater influence in North America and globally.
* *Different Trajectory of Slavery:* A Confederate victory would have ensured the continuation of slavery, potentially for decades longer. This would have had profound implications for the social, economic, and political development of the United States and the world.
While it's impossible to say with certainty exactly how history would have unfolded, it's clear that Russia's support for the Union played a crucial role in preventing European intervention and shaping the outcome of the American Civil War. Without their actions, the war could have been significantly prolonged, the United States might have been permanently divided, and the global balance of power would have been dramatically different.
It's a fascinating "what if" scenario that highlights the interconnectedness of global events and the profound impact that seemingly distant actions can have on the course of history. Russia's decision to support the Union, driven by its own geopolitical interests, ultimately had far-reaching consequences for the United States and the world.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
JanBrezov ::
Vasily Arkhipov @ Wikipedia
The man who saved the world
Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov was a senior Soviet Naval officer who prevented a Russian submarine from launching a nuclear torpedo against ships of the United States Navy at a crucial moment in the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. The course of events that would have followed such an action cannot be known, but speculations have been advanced, up to and including global thermonuclear war.
Off the coast of Cuba, US ships had dropped depth charges. The captain of the diesel powered submarine B-59 and the political officer believed that war had started and that they were under attack. Arkhipov, as flotilla chief of staff and executive officer on board the submarine, refused to consent to the use of nuclear weapons in retaliation, a decision which would have required the agreement of all three officers. In 2002, Thomas S. Blanton, then director of the U.S. National Security Archive, credited Arkhipov as "the man who saved the world".
The man who saved the world
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JanBrezov ()
JanBrezov ::
Sati (practice) @ Wikipedia
"No More Sati: They Burned Their Wives Alive" | Shawn Ryan Show
Sati or suttee is a practice, a chiefly historical one, in which a Hindu widow burns alive on her deceased husband's funeral pyre, the death by burning entered into voluntarily, by coercion, or by a perception of the lack of satisfactory options for continuing to live.
"No More Sati: They Burned Their Wives Alive" | Shawn Ryan Show