Forum » Loža » RTV novinarji in njihovi direktorji
RTV novinarji in njihovi direktorji
floyd1 ::
O reformi zdravstva je vse potihnilo.
Moraš spremljati medije, ki dejansko zaposlujejo novinarje in ne samo indoktrinirane strankarske ritoliznike, ki poročajo o velikem, nezmotljivem in nasploh popolnem kim džong... mislim... janezku. Jaz sem prispevek o tem, kaj trenutno (ja - v tem trenutku) počnejo na tem področju, nazadnje gledal včeraj.
Ko pišeš tako na splošno, se tvoje stvari še dajo brat, ko pa udari tvoj "SDS bias" pa pade veliko bedarij iz tvojih ust (prstov). Razlika je, če nečesa ni, ali pa samo ti nočeš videti-slišati. Žal si tipičen vojščak iz trstenjakove.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: floyd1 ()
arnecan1 ::
O reformi zdravstva je vse potihnilo.
Moraš spremljati medije, ki dejansko zaposlujejo novinarje in ne samo indoktrinirane strankarske ritoliznike, ki poročajo o velikem, nezmotljivem in nasploh popolnem kim džong... mislim... janezku. Jaz sem prispevek o tem, kaj trenutno (ja - v tem trenutku) počnejo na tem področju, nazadnje gledal včeraj.
Ko pišeš tako na splošno, se tvoje stvari še dajo brat, ko pa udari tvoj "SDS bias" pa pade veliko bedarij iz tvojih ust (prstov). Razlika je, če nečesa ni, ali pa samo ti nočeš videti-slišati. Žal si tipičen vojščak iz trstenjakove.
Še enkrat. Nikdar nisem volil SDS-a. In ne vem, zakaj bi se moral braniti, da nisem njihov volilec. Toliko o tvojem neindoktriniranem pogledu.
Glede zdravstva, zdaj če je napredek to, da Aleš Šabeder na veliko odstavlja ljudi po klinikah ali , to še ni reforma.
Pa tudi obiski v Estoniji in na Finskem in kopiranje nekaterih zadev ne bodo prinesli rešitev. Mi smo tudi kopirali ustavo po Nemčiji, pa kljub temu nismo Nemčija.
floyd1 ::
S plašnicami je svet zgleda popolnoma drugačen. Probaj pa kdaj tudi dol vzet. Širi obzorja
arnecan1 ::
S plašnicami je svet zgleda popolnoma drugačen. Probaj pa kdaj tudi dol vzet. Širi obzorja.
Ja, ja. Saj vem. Sem fašist, rasist, janšist....s tem človeka že vnaprej onemogočiš in potisneš v obrambo.
Eni se derejo Kučan, drugi Janša... in to naj bi bil argument.
Nisem volil nikdar SDS, tako kakor nikdar ne bom volil Levico.
Golob je dosti obljubljal, začetki pa so zaenkrat slabi. Mogoče bo končal dobro, ne vem, ampak po videnem dvomim. Sem pa siguren v nekaj. Ne bo konec sveta. Tako kakor ni bil pod RTrupom. Ali Janšo. Čeprav so eni trdili drugače. Če so preživeli, vsaj nekateri, Atilo, Džingiskana in Hitlerja, bomo Slovenci tudi Janšo in Goloba.
Ampak preveč obljub so dobili razni nevladniki, ki sedaj izstavljajo račune državi. Jenull, Tjaša Jarc, 8. marec, razni kulturniki, novinarji...... proračun ne bo vzdržal vse to. Še posebej ne v kriznih časih. Če pa se bo Golob uprl, pa ga bodo mediji sesuli. V 3-4 mesecih medijske kampanje je Golob lahko takoj najbolj osovražen človek v Sloveniji, mi pa imamo drugega premiera. In ta ne bo spet Janša. Ampak nekdo iz levega pola. In ne. To ni tako zelo neverjetno.
nejclp ::
Čehi in Estonci nas dohitevajo. Poglej leto 1991, 2001, 2011 in 2021. Čehi so nas pri BDP na prebivalca že prehiteli. Pri preostalem se bojim, da nas še bodo. Če si analfabet, pač do teh podatkov ne boš prišel.
Glede na to, da nam zakone pišejo "civilna gibanja", katera se niso stehtala na volitvah, nas bo dohitel še kdo drug, kakor Češka in Estonija.
Full težko pridem do teh podatkov, ker sem levičarski analfabet.
Je fajn desnjakarjem, ker si lahko podatke kar izmislite. Revčki.
Ja, res si analfabet. Jaz sem pisal, da nas dohitevajo in nas bodo tudi prehiteli, če ničesar ne bomo spremenili.
Pri tem sem te celo opozoril, da so nas pri BDP na prebivalca celo prehiteli. In sem BDP na prebivalca celo podčrtal.
Blefiraj ti svoji stari mami. Po BDP na prebivalca nas niso prehiteli. BDP na prebivalca ne pokaže, "koliko lahko kupita vsak v svoji državi s svojo plačo", pa če ga trikrat podčrtaš. BDP na prebivalca se izračuna preprosto tako, da BDP države ( oz.ozemlja) deliš s številom prebivalcev.
Merita se namreč dva BDP-ja, BDP na prebivalca in nominalni ali realni BDP. Sicer pa se pozanimaj, kaj pomeni kateri.
Ne, nominalni in realni BDP nista eno in isto, realni BDP upošteva rast cen (inflacijo), nominalni pa ne .
Vedno se govori o nominalnem BDP, saj ta prikaže, koliko lahko Čeh ali Slovenec kupi na Hrvaškem s svojo plačo. BDP na prebivalca pa pokaže, koliko lahko kupita vsak v svoji državi s svojo plačo.
Ne, nominalni BDP ne pokaže koliko lahko kupita na Hrvaškem, to pokaže BDP na prebivalca.
BDP na prebivalca pa pokaže, koliko lahko kupita vsak v svoji državi s svojo plačo.
Ne, BDP na prebivalca tega ne pokaže, to pokaže BDP na prebivalca izražen v standardih kupne moči.
Sedaj lahko samo še trepetamo, kdaj nas bodo dosegli po po nominalnem BDP.Kaj kmalu,glede na količino delovno aktivnih ukrajinskih beguncev, ki se bojo tam zaposlili, glede na to, da bistveno več vlagajo v izobraževanje, kulturo, znanost,raziskave, zdravstvo in infrastrukturo, povsod tam, kjer so naši desnjakarji rezali. To lahko ti trepetaš, meni dol visi, jim privoščim. Ni čudno, da desnjakarji trepetate in se bojite glede na vašo ignoranco in nekompetenco ni čudno, da ste ves čas prestrašeni.
a dejstvo je, da je bila Slovenija ob nastanku v prednosti pred nekaterimi drugimi postsocialističnimi državami, ki pa so kasneje delale manj napak, se razvijale hitreje od nas in nas zato, zlasti Češka, po standardu in blaginji dohitevajo ali celo prehitevajo.
Ja, je bila v prednosti, ker so bili levaki dovolj sposobni,da prehitijo Češko, ki je bila, pred drugo sv.vojno, po vseh gospodarskih kazalnikih boljša od Slovenije. Potem ste pa prišli desnjakarji in kompletno zasrali vse, kar se je dalo. Zdej mate mantro o krivdi in škodljivosti NVO in Golobovem sodelovanju z nekaterimi, medtem ko je prejšnja desnjakarska vlada Golobovi zapustila prazne rezerve in rekordni javni dolg. Ta je na začetku mandata vlade JJ znašal slabih 31 mrd. EUR, na koncu pa slabih 38 mrd. Jajo je mandat začel s proračunskim presežkom, zapustil pa je cca 3 mrd. primanjkljaja. Pol pa trepetate. Bleferji nesposobni.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: nejclp ()
floyd1 ::
Današnja stavka je razkrila, kaj bi nas čakalo na RTV pod janezkom.
Glavna tema dnevnika so bili povojni poboji, v "Areni" pa zadnji slovenski amiš primc razlaga umotvore svojega razmišljanja iz 18. stoletja (pr.n.št.
). Naj nekdo janezku obelodani, da smo leta gospodovega 2022 in da partizani in švabi nikogar več ne zanimajo.
Mimogrede: Zakaj pirkovič danes ni vodil protesta? Ker bi vsi ušli.
Glavna tema dnevnika so bili povojni poboji, v "Areni" pa zadnji slovenski amiš primc razlaga umotvore svojega razmišljanja iz 18. stoletja (pr.n.št.
Mimogrede: Zakaj pirkovič danes ni vodil protesta? Ker bi vsi ušli.
xeon ::
nej propade levičarska pr propaganda. o dvigu prispevkov za normirance so poročali kot dobro stvar, kako je dobra stvar, da bomo najbolj pridni bili kaznovani za to... šaltaj
endelin ::
Kaj Vasev sploh dela na rtv?
Je glavni stavkajoči
Adijo pamet.
Dokler so taki tam si lahko stavko zatlačite nekam
Adijo pamet.
Dokler so taki tam si lahko stavko zatlačite nekam
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
mtosev ::
Upam, da rešijo tale problem pri RTVju. EU komisija spremlja dogajanje okoli našega RTVja.
Slovenia: Concerns over controversial changes to RTV programming
The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today express concern over proposed modifications to news programming at the Slovenian public television RTV, which would reduce the broadcaster's ability to inform the public and scrutinise power. We therefore urge the broadcaster's management to enter into dialogue with its editorial board to ensure adjustments are proportionate and in the best interest of public interest reporting.
Under the draft Program-Production Plan (PPN) for 2022, shows such as the flagship foreign policy programme, Globus, and many news talk shows would be cancelled. Daily news programs such as Dnevnik and Slovenska kronika would be shortened, while others would be shifted to the broadcaster's second channel, which has far lower viewership. Election programming would likewise be transferred to the secondary channel, where it would be broadcast in the absence of major sporting events.
The proposed shakeup has already proven controversial. In October, the editor-in-chief of the TV Slovenia news program, Manica Janežič Ambrožič, stepped down in protest. She was followed by three other TV Slovenia editors: Dejan Ladika, Meta Dragolič and Mitja Prek. A letter criticising the scale of the changes was recently signed by more than 90 percent of employees, who argued it would limit their ability to produce quality public service reporting.
Since the letter was sent to the management, headed by new RTVSLO director Andrej Grah Whatmough, only minor amendments have been made to the draft changes. RTV management has said the alterations to programming are necessary due to the current financial situation, the departure of employees and low ratings of news shows. RTV's program council is due to vote on the proposals during its next meeting on Monday, November 29.
The country's biggest journalistic unions, the Slovene Association of Journalists (DNS) (DNS) and the Trade Union of Journalists of Slovenia, have spoken out against the changes, which they argue are unrealistic, unfeasible and will be detrimental to the quality of journalistic content and the future development of the broadcaster.
Our organisations are concerned that, in their current form, these changes will marginalise public interest reporting and undermine the broadcaster's core mission: to provide the country's citizens with professional and informative reporting on both domestic and foreign current affairs. We are also concerned that these changes have been developed without sufficient consultation. It is vital that such changes to programming must be proportionate and, crucially, have the support of the editorial board.
The quality and content of a country's public broadcasting is a mirror to the overall strength of its media landscape. Despite its financial challenges, RTVSLO has historically ranked among the best and most independent public service broadcasters in the region. While all parties agree that reform to its funding model is urgently needed to improve its finances, it is crucial this is done without jeopardising its core journalistic mission.
We therefore call on the Radiotelevizija Slovenija program council to postpone its meeting until further dialogue is conducted by management with RTV employees. Separately, we also urge the National Assembly to ensure adequate and sustainable funding for RTVSLO that allows it to provide a high standard of news reporting, as well as uphold the commitment to public service news determined by the RTV Slovenija law.
Over the last year, journalists at RTV have faced increasing intimidation and threats both on social media and on the streets. Conspiracy theorist protesters recently stormed the headquarters and impeded broadcasting. Editors have endured relentless disparaging smears and attempts to discredit their work by elected politicians. Concerns have meanwhile been raised about politicised appointments to oversight bodies. We hope the proposed changes to RTV programming and production will not create additional pressures in the coming months.
Signed by:
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
International Press Institute (IPI)
OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)
Slovenia: Concerns over controversial changes to RTV programming
The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today express concern over proposed modifications to news programming at the Slovenian public television RTV, which would reduce the broadcaster's ability to inform the public and scrutinise power. We therefore urge the broadcaster's management to enter into dialogue with its editorial board to ensure adjustments are proportionate and in the best interest of public interest reporting.
Under the draft Program-Production Plan (PPN) for 2022, shows such as the flagship foreign policy programme, Globus, and many news talk shows would be cancelled. Daily news programs such as Dnevnik and Slovenska kronika would be shortened, while others would be shifted to the broadcaster's second channel, which has far lower viewership. Election programming would likewise be transferred to the secondary channel, where it would be broadcast in the absence of major sporting events.
The proposed shakeup has already proven controversial. In October, the editor-in-chief of the TV Slovenia news program, Manica Janežič Ambrožič, stepped down in protest. She was followed by three other TV Slovenia editors: Dejan Ladika, Meta Dragolič and Mitja Prek. A letter criticising the scale of the changes was recently signed by more than 90 percent of employees, who argued it would limit their ability to produce quality public service reporting.
Since the letter was sent to the management, headed by new RTVSLO director Andrej Grah Whatmough, only minor amendments have been made to the draft changes. RTV management has said the alterations to programming are necessary due to the current financial situation, the departure of employees and low ratings of news shows. RTV's program council is due to vote on the proposals during its next meeting on Monday, November 29.
The country's biggest journalistic unions, the Slovene Association of Journalists (DNS) (DNS) and the Trade Union of Journalists of Slovenia, have spoken out against the changes, which they argue are unrealistic, unfeasible and will be detrimental to the quality of journalistic content and the future development of the broadcaster.
Our organisations are concerned that, in their current form, these changes will marginalise public interest reporting and undermine the broadcaster's core mission: to provide the country's citizens with professional and informative reporting on both domestic and foreign current affairs. We are also concerned that these changes have been developed without sufficient consultation. It is vital that such changes to programming must be proportionate and, crucially, have the support of the editorial board.
The quality and content of a country's public broadcasting is a mirror to the overall strength of its media landscape. Despite its financial challenges, RTVSLO has historically ranked among the best and most independent public service broadcasters in the region. While all parties agree that reform to its funding model is urgently needed to improve its finances, it is crucial this is done without jeopardising its core journalistic mission.
We therefore call on the Radiotelevizija Slovenija program council to postpone its meeting until further dialogue is conducted by management with RTV employees. Separately, we also urge the National Assembly to ensure adequate and sustainable funding for RTVSLO that allows it to provide a high standard of news reporting, as well as uphold the commitment to public service news determined by the RTV Slovenija law.
Over the last year, journalists at RTV have faced increasing intimidation and threats both on social media and on the streets. Conspiracy theorist protesters recently stormed the headquarters and impeded broadcasting. Editors have endured relentless disparaging smears and attempts to discredit their work by elected politicians. Concerns have meanwhile been raised about politicised appointments to oversight bodies. We hope the proposed changes to RTV programming and production will not create additional pressures in the coming months.
Signed by:
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
European Federation of Journalists (EFJ)
International Press Institute (IPI)
OBC Transeuropa (OBCT)
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ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()
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