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Nvidia System utility, kar smo čakali smo dočakali :)
morphling1 ::
NVIDIA Delivers Tool for Maximizing PC Performance
New NVIDIA System Utility Software Provides Easy Way For Users To Tune Their PC
For further information, contact:
Bryan Del Rizzo
NVIDIA Corporation
(408) 486-2772
SANTA CLARA, CA—OCTOBER 27, 2003—NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), the worldwide leader in visual processing solutions, today released NVIDIA System Utility, a performance tuning application for NVIDIA nForce™-based PCs and motherboards. Part of the new NVIDIAŽ ForceWare™ software family, NVIDIA System Utility allows users to fine-tune their PC BIOS and configuration settings for optimal performance, all within the confines of MicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ, and without the risks normally associated with overclocking.
Designed to leverage the power of the NVIDIA nForce2 and NVIDIA nForce3 media and communications processors, NVIDIA System Utility provides PC enthusiasts with an intuitive interface that allows them to change their current system configurations and also easily obtain information about their hardware components and installed NVIDIA nForce software drivers. For those users who wish to stretch the performance of the PC outside standard settings, NVIDIA System Utility affords them the ability to do so in real-time. Built-in safety features are incorporated which return the PC to normal operating conditions should any issues arise when new settings are tested. The NVIDIA System Utility software interface also provides a feature to save and load user-defined configurations for game and task-specific overclocking, enabling wide flexibility for enthusiasts.
“Although discouraged by some companies, NVIDIA recognizes that there are hundreds of thousands PC users worldwide who love overclocking their PCs in order to get as much power and performance possible,” said Drew Henry, senior director of platform business at NVIDIA. “NVIDIA System Utility was built specifically with those users in mind and allows them to tweak their settings in a safe environment, and share those configurations easily with other users. Enthusiasts looking for the optimal PC solution have recognized NVIDIA nForce MCPs for their cutting-edge features and stability, and the free addition of this great application to our product line-up will no doubt continue that trend.”
The NVIDIA System Utility software is available for download today—for free—from Features and functionality will vary depending on motherboard and manufacturer, however, NVIDIA nForce2- and NVIDIA nForce3-based motherboards that expose the full functionality of NVIDIA System Utility include, but are not limited to:
Biostar M7NCG
Epox EP-8RDA+ and EP-8RDA3+
Abit NF7
Gigabyte K8NNXP
Shuttle AN50R
In addition, NVIDIA System Utility will also be bundled with new motherboards and PC systems from a variety of motherboard and PC manufacturers. For an updated list of supported motherboards and PCs shipping with NVIDIA System Utility, to download the user guide, or to obtain additional information on NVIDIA nForce MCPs, please visit
Download links !
To je to, prav neverjetno kako priročen je ta programček, navijanje sistema bo od zdaj naprej še bolj dosti lažje, vse glavne oc. nastavitve lahko spreminjate v winsih, verjetno mi ni treba povdarjat, da je na tak način iskanje oc. limitov piece of cakem, saj lahko enostavno pustite teči kak prime95, medtem ko postopoma spreminjate fsb, napetosti itd dokler se ne pojavi prva nestabilnost nakar malo spustite nastavitve. Btw. zadeva deluje tudi z nforce3 čipovjem, kar seveda pomeni tudi enostavno navijanje Athlon 64 :)
New NVIDIA System Utility Software Provides Easy Way For Users To Tune Their PC
For further information, contact:
Bryan Del Rizzo
NVIDIA Corporation
(408) 486-2772
SANTA CLARA, CA—OCTOBER 27, 2003—NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA), the worldwide leader in visual processing solutions, today released NVIDIA System Utility, a performance tuning application for NVIDIA nForce™-based PCs and motherboards. Part of the new NVIDIAŽ ForceWare™ software family, NVIDIA System Utility allows users to fine-tune their PC BIOS and configuration settings for optimal performance, all within the confines of MicrosoftŽ WindowsŽ, and without the risks normally associated with overclocking.
Designed to leverage the power of the NVIDIA nForce2 and NVIDIA nForce3 media and communications processors, NVIDIA System Utility provides PC enthusiasts with an intuitive interface that allows them to change their current system configurations and also easily obtain information about their hardware components and installed NVIDIA nForce software drivers. For those users who wish to stretch the performance of the PC outside standard settings, NVIDIA System Utility affords them the ability to do so in real-time. Built-in safety features are incorporated which return the PC to normal operating conditions should any issues arise when new settings are tested. The NVIDIA System Utility software interface also provides a feature to save and load user-defined configurations for game and task-specific overclocking, enabling wide flexibility for enthusiasts.
“Although discouraged by some companies, NVIDIA recognizes that there are hundreds of thousands PC users worldwide who love overclocking their PCs in order to get as much power and performance possible,” said Drew Henry, senior director of platform business at NVIDIA. “NVIDIA System Utility was built specifically with those users in mind and allows them to tweak their settings in a safe environment, and share those configurations easily with other users. Enthusiasts looking for the optimal PC solution have recognized NVIDIA nForce MCPs for their cutting-edge features and stability, and the free addition of this great application to our product line-up will no doubt continue that trend.”
The NVIDIA System Utility software is available for download today—for free—from Features and functionality will vary depending on motherboard and manufacturer, however, NVIDIA nForce2- and NVIDIA nForce3-based motherboards that expose the full functionality of NVIDIA System Utility include, but are not limited to:
Biostar M7NCG
Epox EP-8RDA+ and EP-8RDA3+
Abit NF7
Gigabyte K8NNXP
Shuttle AN50R
In addition, NVIDIA System Utility will also be bundled with new motherboards and PC systems from a variety of motherboard and PC manufacturers. For an updated list of supported motherboards and PCs shipping with NVIDIA System Utility, to download the user guide, or to obtain additional information on NVIDIA nForce MCPs, please visit
Download links !
To je to, prav neverjetno kako priročen je ta programček, navijanje sistema bo od zdaj naprej še bolj dosti lažje, vse glavne oc. nastavitve lahko spreminjate v winsih, verjetno mi ni treba povdarjat, da je na tak način iskanje oc. limitov piece of cakem, saj lahko enostavno pustite teči kak prime95, medtem ko postopoma spreminjate fsb, napetosti itd dokler se ne pojavi prva nestabilnost nakar malo spustite nastavitve. Btw. zadeva deluje tudi z nforce3 čipovjem, kar seveda pomeni tudi enostavno navijanje Athlon 64 :) Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
- spremenil: morphling1 ()
Zheegec ::
Hehe, sedaj pa ne bo treba počakat na loading screen Winsov da vidiš da se sistem crasha
Anyway, bomo probali koliko je tole bolje kot preko BIOSa, saj mi pri frekvenci RAMa višji od 333MHz DDR kar enostavno zablokira vse skupaj (ja, sem probal nov BIOS).
[edit] Probal bom pa ko bom končal f@h paketek in ne bom mogel izgubiti downloadov
Anyway, bomo probali koliko je tole bolje kot preko BIOSa, saj mi pri frekvenci RAMa višji od 333MHz DDR kar enostavno zablokira vse skupaj (ja, sem probal nov BIOS).
[edit] Probal bom pa ko bom končal f@h paketek in ne bom mogel izgubiti downloadov
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zheegec ()
Jebiveter ::
QL; zdej rabimo samo se verzijo za linux!
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?
l-note ::
A je treba na 8RDA+ update-at BIOS, če hočeš štelat voltažo itd.? Ker s trenutnim BIOS-om lahko nastavljam le FSB in frekvenco AGP-ja.
boštjan ::
mene pa zanima,kaj je boljše za high rezultate:OC v biosu ali ta forceware ali pa ocguru od abita?
Microsoft ::
Men pa stvar ne dela. Mam pa plato EPoX 8K3A+. Stvar se pa sploh ne zažene. Kliknem na ikono, pa nič
Kaka ideja?
by Miha
Kaka ideja?
by Miha
Zheegec ::
Ena zelo dobra ideja, JimiBtn, kupi si nFORCE2 ali nFORCE3 plato, ker kot piše tale programčič deluje samo na teh platah, ne pa na platah od konkurence.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
njok ::
Koncno! Sicer bi lahko dali captione za gumbke, ampak - ok - ne bodimo prevec zahtevni.
Sicer pa zadeva deluje OK. Kdaj bom pa lahko MBM zamenjal s tem? Upam da cimprej.
Sicer pa zadeva deluje OK. Kdaj bom pa lahko MBM zamenjal s tem? Upam da cimprej.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: njok ()
rap3r ::
Morf a si ga le dočaku
Ne droga, ne trava me ne mika, le kakšna promilja alkohola se učasih po krvi mi potika:)
rap3r ::
Hm jz tud nemorm spreminjat voltaže na 8rda. Ubistvu mam sam 2 gumba delujoča, un overcloking basic in info.
Grem dat bios od 17.10.,sicer je za 8rda+ sam bo tud na moji neplus delu
Grem dat bios od 17.10.,sicer je za 8rda+ sam bo tud na moji neplus delu
Ne droga, ne trava me ne mika, le kakšna promilja alkohola se učasih po krvi mi potika:)
morphling1 ::
Oh yes, končno. Tole zimo bo treba popravit rezultate, ki sem jih dosegal s 8K3A+tbred, tudi s NF2 plato, ter kakim dobrim bartonom 2500+ (trenutno je notri stari dobri tbred). Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
boom-bar ::
Men tut noče kej druzga spreminjat razn
BUS speed,
Memory controll timer (nimam pojma kaj je to),
Gledam temperaturo,
in si ogledam INFO.
BUS speed,
Memory controll timer (nimam pojma kaj je to),
Gledam temperaturo,
in si ogledam INFO.
Legalizirajte mehke droge!!!
TribesMan ::
Ja jebi ga... Pri več kot 15 proizvajalcih matičnih plošč in okoli 50 različnih modelov je zelo težko naredit utility ki bi deloval na vseh 100%. Saj se bodo najbrž proizvajalci plat na katerih zadeve niso 100% OK potrudili in napisali malo predelane verzije za njihove plate... Upaj. Itaq pa je zadeva pri OCju uporabna samo v primeru da hočeš narediti kakšen screen shot pri kaki divji frekvenci... itaq je za kaj drugega neuporabno... No razen če recimo iščeš maksimum sistema in ti ni treba vsakič posebej restartat... Sam to je spet uporabno enkrat ali dvakrat. Pol pa pozabiš na to.
But it is nice having this kind of tools. Take zadeve zelo spodbujajo konkurenco... Zakaj mislite da je zdej že intel napovedal programe za navijanje iz winsow???
But it is nice having this kind of tools. Take zadeve zelo spodbujajo konkurenco... Zakaj mislite da je zdej že intel napovedal programe za navijanje iz winsow???
Moj kompjuter dela: KVIIIIK ... KVIIIK ... KVIIIK.
Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)
Ko ga navijem dela: KVIKKVIKKIVKKVIK. :)
mato22 ::
Hm men tud ne dela skoraj nič.
Štirih gumbov spodaj sploh ne morem uporabit, pri prvem gumbu pa lohk spreminjam sam timinge, agp bus in fsb.
Pol mi pa dela sam še info gumbek in pa load ter save.
Sem naložu tud novejši bios pa nč , sux
Štirih gumbov spodaj sploh ne morem uporabit, pri prvem gumbu pa lohk spreminjam sam timinge, agp bus in fsb.
Pol mi pa dela sam še info gumbek in pa load ter save.
Sem naložu tud novejši bios pa nč , sux
boštjan ::
glih sem enega z nf7-s v2.0 čako da kaj pove.matoo22,a to si 19 BIOS naložo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: boštjan ()
mato22 ::
Evo probal bios 19 in edina razlika je, da mi zdaj prikazuje še temperaturo in voltažo spodaj.
Ostalo še vedno ne dela nič samo timingi, agp bus speed in fsb.
Tko da grem nazaj na bios 10 in navit zadevo nazaj :).
Ostalo še vedno ne dela nič samo timingi, agp bus speed in fsb.
Tko da grem nazaj na bios 10 in navit zadevo nazaj :).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mato22 ()
morphling1 ::
Hitri tečaj o NVSU razloženo vse :) Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)
e-marko ::
Mislim, pa to je res beda, da so taki problemi z NF7-S v2.0. Ne vem kaj se gredo pri Abit oz. nvidii. Ali se res ne morejo malo uskladiti ali kaj!? Pa kaj mi pomaga informacija o procesorju in ramih, ostalo pa tako ne dela...
...somebody, somewhere...
njok ::
Danes sem se malo igral s 3DMarkom, pa mi je po nekaj rebootih zadevala prenehala delovati. Ni važno katero nastavitev spremenim, vedno sistem zmrzne. Poiskusil sem samo z repair funkcijo, sedaj za kaj več nimam časa. Verjetno bo kak reinstall pomagal.
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