Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
Current state of Russia: a third-grader was summoned to the police station to explain his "anti-Russian" stance for trolling a Telegram group by writing "Glory to Ukraine".
The dad of a fellow classmate ratted the child out to the cops.
English-language write-up from The Insider here:
Current state of Russia: a third-grader was summoned to the police station to explain his "anti-Russian" stance for trolling a Telegram group by writing "Glory to Ukraine".
The dad of a fellow classmate ratted the child out to the cops.
English-language write-up from The Insider here:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
The EU, sensing that the war took longer than expected, have been given permission by Brussels to burn more coal to produce 100 terra watts of power hours annually and another 44 terra watts hours annually for nuclear in order to move away from Russia gas in the next decade. This led to call outs by environmental groups about the short term consequences for its green initiative including releasing huge amounts of CO2 about 250mn by selling €20bn of surplus carbon emission permits under the emission trading scheme at the same time EU strives to cut emission by 55% by 2030 with building solar and wind project in a hastily speed and regulation oversights.
The EU, sensing that the war took longer than expected, have been given permission by Brussels to burn more coal to produce 100 terra watts of power hours annually and another 44 terra watts hours annually for nuclear in order to move away from Russia gas in the next decade. This led to call outs by environmental groups about the short term consequences for its green initiative including releasing huge amounts of CO2 about 250mn by selling €20bn of surplus carbon emission permits under the emission trading scheme at the same time EU strives to cut emission by 55% by 2030 with building solar and wind project in a hastily speed and regulation oversights.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
FireSnake ::
Dobro se je prepoznal.
Popolnoma ista zgodba.
S tem, da se useki borijo malo drugače: prvo zravnajo vse z zemljo. Temu. kar preživi, poberejo orožje.
S tem, da so jih pastirji na APN4 motorjih peljali scat in so odšli iz Iraka kot stekli psi.
Poglej in se nasmej:
sbawe64 ::
Je Washington Moskvo obtožil, da uporablja hrano kot orožje.
To seveda drži. A hkrati so zda in EU tisti, ki že ves čas uporabljajo sankcije proti Rusiji kot orožje (in proti nebroj drugih držav).
Jaz Zahoda več ne razumem - s sankcijami krši milijone pogodb, podpisanih z Rusijo, ko Rusija zahteva plačilo plina v rubljih, Zahod skače v luft in kriči, da Rusija krši podpisane pogodbe. Zahod se gre vojno z Rusijo z raznoraznimi sankcijami, zaplenja njihovo premoženje, TRAJNO odvzema njihovo premoženje, ko Rusija noče odpreti poti za hrano, pa zopet njej očita, da uporablja hrano kot orožje. Res ne razumem, kako se gre lahko kdorkoli tako silno sprenevedanje, ljudje pa tega sprenevedanje niti opazijo ne in po vecini podpirajo vse te sankcije. Ampak vse te sankcije, ki se jih gre Zahod, ne škodijo samo Rusiji, pač pa škodijo Zahodu še bistveno bolj. Zahod drvi v revščino s svetlobno hitrostjo in meni vse to deluje, da se gre Zahod vojno proti samemu sebi. Oz. Amerika se gre vojno proti EU, ljudje pa to podpirate. In nikakor ne spregledate, da gre pri tej vojni PREDVSEM za ameriski vojaski interes in za silno bogatenje NATA. EU na povrh zgleda, da je v vojni z Rusijo, a v resnici gre za to, da je NATO napadel EU in je tik pred tem, da jo povsem in trajno uniči.
To je prva vojna, kjer napadeni (EU) podpira svojega agresorja (ZDA) in mu celo ploska, ker nas je napadel.
Kaj vam res ni jasno, da Zahodu dol visi za Ukrajino in da je Ukrajina samo izgovor za vojno, ki se vodi proti EU?
In mimogrede, ukrajinski navadni ljudje pa zares trpijo, ampak Zahodu je zgleda za njih vseeno. Ja, res so jih polna usta sočutja do Ukrajincev, a njihova (zahodna) dejanja so takšna, da Ukrajincem samo škodijo - poleg tega, da škodijo se Evropejcem.
Ponavlja se zgodba z Ronco, ko večini ljudi ni jasno, zakaj gre.
Z ukrepi, ki jih sprejema "zahod", dela 90% škode sam sebi.
Zato ja, EU nima nobene dolgoročne mirnodobne perspektive in bo razpadel.
Edino kar ga drži skupaj je zavezništvo proti Rusiji, ki pa ekonomsko katastrofalno deluje proti EU.
Prve "razpoke" so se že pojavile (Madžarska, Poljska), razkol pa se bo še naprej širil.
In tako pridemo do paradoksa, da EU lahko združi le vojna proti Rusiji.
Hvala lepa za tako EU; jaz jo ne potrebujem!
To seveda drži. A hkrati so zda in EU tisti, ki že ves čas uporabljajo sankcije proti Rusiji kot orožje (in proti nebroj drugih držav).
Jaz Zahoda več ne razumem - s sankcijami krši milijone pogodb, podpisanih z Rusijo, ko Rusija zahteva plačilo plina v rubljih, Zahod skače v luft in kriči, da Rusija krši podpisane pogodbe. Zahod se gre vojno z Rusijo z raznoraznimi sankcijami, zaplenja njihovo premoženje, TRAJNO odvzema njihovo premoženje, ko Rusija noče odpreti poti za hrano, pa zopet njej očita, da uporablja hrano kot orožje. Res ne razumem, kako se gre lahko kdorkoli tako silno sprenevedanje, ljudje pa tega sprenevedanje niti opazijo ne in po vecini podpirajo vse te sankcije. Ampak vse te sankcije, ki se jih gre Zahod, ne škodijo samo Rusiji, pač pa škodijo Zahodu še bistveno bolj. Zahod drvi v revščino s svetlobno hitrostjo in meni vse to deluje, da se gre Zahod vojno proti samemu sebi. Oz. Amerika se gre vojno proti EU, ljudje pa to podpirate. In nikakor ne spregledate, da gre pri tej vojni PREDVSEM za ameriski vojaski interes in za silno bogatenje NATA. EU na povrh zgleda, da je v vojni z Rusijo, a v resnici gre za to, da je NATO napadel EU in je tik pred tem, da jo povsem in trajno uniči.
To je prva vojna, kjer napadeni (EU) podpira svojega agresorja (ZDA) in mu celo ploska, ker nas je napadel.
Kaj vam res ni jasno, da Zahodu dol visi za Ukrajino in da je Ukrajina samo izgovor za vojno, ki se vodi proti EU?
In mimogrede, ukrajinski navadni ljudje pa zares trpijo, ampak Zahodu je zgleda za njih vseeno. Ja, res so jih polna usta sočutja do Ukrajincev, a njihova (zahodna) dejanja so takšna, da Ukrajincem samo škodijo - poleg tega, da škodijo se Evropejcem.
Ponavlja se zgodba z Ronco, ko večini ljudi ni jasno, zakaj gre.
Z ukrepi, ki jih sprejema "zahod", dela 90% škode sam sebi.
Zato ja, EU nima nobene dolgoročne mirnodobne perspektive in bo razpadel.
Edino kar ga drži skupaj je zavezništvo proti Rusiji, ki pa ekonomsko katastrofalno deluje proti EU.
Prve "razpoke" so se že pojavile (Madžarska, Poljska), razkol pa se bo še naprej širil.
In tako pridemo do paradoksa, da EU lahko združi le vojna proti Rusiji.
Hvala lepa za tako EU; jaz jo ne potrebujem!
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
tomlin ::
Ruske svinje koljejo nemočne ukrajinske civiliste. Ni izgovora, da je Putin klavec, klavci so ruski vojni
kriminalci na stotine, na tisoče pozverinjenih ruskih vojakov.
kriminalci na stotine, na tisoče pozverinjenih ruskih vojakov.
endelin ::
Ruse je treba vojaško premagati. Drugače ne bo nikoli miru. Krim mora iti nazaj Ukrajini. Če se jih premaga bodo par desetletij dali mir.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
endelin ::
A 1-year-old boy died after being raped by 2 Russian soldiers, Ukraine says
Sedaj posiljujejo že dojenčke?
A one-year-old boy died after being raped by two Russian soldiers, the Ukrainian Parliament's Commissioner for Human Rights said on Thursday.
The accusation is one of the most horrific from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but is not unique.
Ruski invaderji so res živali. Predstavljajte si opico z litrom vodke. Nemci so bili v primerjavi z njimi še angelčki. Wtf posiljevanje dojenčkov. To je verjetno vojna z največjim sovraštvom.
Putler bo končal na veji. Izročitev Haagu pogoj za omilitev sankcij
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()
D3m ::
Očitno nekaj prav delajo. :)
Ste čisto pafff danes.
Jup sem vedel.
Azovstal 'fully liberated' - Russian military
Ste čisto pafff danes.
Jup sem vedel.
Azovstal 'fully liberated' - Russian military
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Očitno nekaj prav delajo. :)
Ste čisto pafff danes.
Jup sem vedel.
Azovstal 'fully liberated' - Russian military
Onaninaš na predajo (predvsem zaradi hrane), vojaško jih pa niso mogli porazit.
30km stran od Rusije. 80+ dni. Oh wow.
PS: Nobenih ameriških admiralov ni bilo in podobnih bedarij nevrednih sploh komentarja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
D3m ::
Full te boli vidim.....
Na še eno...
RF forces advanced South-West of Donetsk and took control of Novodarivka,Pryyutne and Stepove.Making an attempt to encircle Hulyaipole an important hub.RF also took advanced around Popasnaya and took control of Volodymyrivka and Trypillya.RF forces reached Troits'ke.
Na še eno...
RF forces advanced South-West of Donetsk and took control of Novodarivka,Pryyutne and Stepove.Making an attempt to encircle Hulyaipole an important hub.RF also took advanced around Popasnaya and took control of Volodymyrivka and Trypillya.RF forces reached Troits'ke.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
TezkoDihanje ::
Full te boli vidim.....
Pa saj so to čisto enostavna vprašanja. Nimaš odgovora?
RF forces advanced South-West of Donetsk and took control of Novodarivka,Pryyutne and Stepove.Making an attempt to encircle Hulyaipole an important hub.RF also took advanced around Popasnaya and took control of Volodymyrivka and Trypillya.RF forces reached Troits'ke.
Zakaj bi bil ti tako srečen nad tem?
Dokazi so pa kje? A so Rusi rekli?
D3m ::
OSINT preveri pri svojih ukrajincih. ;)
Moraš obe strani spremljati veš.
Moraš obe strani spremljati veš.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
TezkoDihanje ::
D3m ::
The US wants to export Ukrainian grain through Belarus and is even ready to lift part of the sanctions from Minsk
The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal writes that the White House intends to propose to Belarus to lift sanctions on the export of potash fertilizers for six months if Lukashenko agrees to transport Ukrainian grain through the territory of Belarus.
They want to deliver the grain via the railway to the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania. If Washington's plan works, the US will be able to stockpile both grain and fertilizer, which Belarus produces in huge quantities.
Earlier, Biden personally stated that he was looking for ways to take out 20 million tons of grain from Ukraine, and the West at the UN Security Council did not even deny that Kyiv was thus paying for the received weapons.
The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal writes that the White House intends to propose to Belarus to lift sanctions on the export of potash fertilizers for six months if Lukashenko agrees to transport Ukrainian grain through the territory of Belarus.
They want to deliver the grain via the railway to the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania. If Washington's plan works, the US will be able to stockpile both grain and fertilizer, which Belarus produces in huge quantities.
Earlier, Biden personally stated that he was looking for ways to take out 20 million tons of grain from Ukraine, and the West at the UN Security Council did not even deny that Kyiv was thus paying for the received weapons.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Pac-Man ::
I'm glad the NY Times Editorial Board - whose main area of specialty is being wrong on an astounding range of issues - decided that it has a better sense of the situation on the ground in Ukraine than the Ukrainians. Ukrainians will be forever grateful.
The War in Ukraine Is Getting Complicated, and America Isn’t Ready
in to
The world still doesn't understand Ukraine or Ukrainians. Many people here are so filled with hatred towards Russia that they are willing to live on buckwheat for years if that's what it takes to beat Russia. Ukrainians will fight until they win the war. That's just how it is. The western world should plan accordingly. Russia will be beaten and the loss will be humiliating to the point where there might be revolution or civil war in Russia. Plan for it.
I saw the lines to the recruitment centers the first days after the invasion. Quiet, determined men from all walks of life standing in a line stretching a whole block. Have anybody seen such lines in Russia? I met plenty of Ukrainian volunteers when stopped at checkpoints, in February and March the controls were plenty and thurow. The men and women serving at the checkpoints were very professional and many obviously from the growing middle class. Those people are not in it to lose.
The same group of people who are the core of Ukraine's war effort are now fleeing Russia. The Ukrainian army has a lot of muscle but it's muscle with brains and creativity too, with a motivation to fight until the very end. Such people cannot be beaten.
The famed and oft spoken about Russian patriotism will be put to the test when Ukraine liberates Crimea. My bet Russians who have moved there after the occupation will run for the bridge as fast as they can instead of putting up a fight. No masses will volunteer in Russia either.
The world has a unique opportunity to call the entire Russian bluff and get rid of a threat to Europe's security, that in Sweden's case has lasted for over 700 years. We have long lasting peace and security within reach in Europe, we shouldn't cave in now that we are so close.
I'm glad the NY Times Editorial Board - whose main area of specialty is being wrong on an astounding range of issues - decided that it has a better sense of the situation on the ground in Ukraine than the Ukrainians. Ukrainians will be forever grateful.
The War in Ukraine Is Getting Complicated, and America Isn’t Ready
in to
The world still doesn't understand Ukraine or Ukrainians. Many people here are so filled with hatred towards Russia that they are willing to live on buckwheat for years if that's what it takes to beat Russia. Ukrainians will fight until they win the war. That's just how it is. The western world should plan accordingly. Russia will be beaten and the loss will be humiliating to the point where there might be revolution or civil war in Russia. Plan for it.
I saw the lines to the recruitment centers the first days after the invasion. Quiet, determined men from all walks of life standing in a line stretching a whole block. Have anybody seen such lines in Russia? I met plenty of Ukrainian volunteers when stopped at checkpoints, in February and March the controls were plenty and thurow. The men and women serving at the checkpoints were very professional and many obviously from the growing middle class. Those people are not in it to lose.
The same group of people who are the core of Ukraine's war effort are now fleeing Russia. The Ukrainian army has a lot of muscle but it's muscle with brains and creativity too, with a motivation to fight until the very end. Such people cannot be beaten.
The famed and oft spoken about Russian patriotism will be put to the test when Ukraine liberates Crimea. My bet Russians who have moved there after the occupation will run for the bridge as fast as they can instead of putting up a fight. No masses will volunteer in Russia either.
The world has a unique opportunity to call the entire Russian bluff and get rid of a threat to Europe's security, that in Sweden's case has lasted for over 700 years. We have long lasting peace and security within reach in Europe, we shouldn't cave in now that we are so close.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
vikend branje, Portal Plus
Ruski imperializem (1. del): Putinovi generali na fronto v Ukrajino kot topovsko hrano pošiljajo pripadnike etničnih manjšin
Ruski imperializem (2. del): "Zahod mora Rusijo ustaviti v Ukrajini in jo privesti do razpada, kajti le tako bo mogoče ustaviti rusko agresivnost"
+ zadnja Mazzinijeva kolumna, toplo priporočam, ena boljših
Ruski imperializem (1. del): Putinovi generali na fronto v Ukrajino kot topovsko hrano pošiljajo pripadnike etničnih manjšin
Ruski imperializem (2. del): "Zahod mora Rusijo ustaviti v Ukrajini in jo privesti do razpada, kajti le tako bo mogoče ustaviti rusko agresivnost"
+ zadnja Mazzinijeva kolumna, toplo priporočam, ena boljših
In najpomembnejše: pripadnost skupini. Največkrat so me za ovco zmerjali ljudje, ki so blazni raziskovalci in uporabniki lastne glave, niti enkrat pa niso prišli do ugotovitve, ki bi nasprotovala skupini, ki ji pripadajo. Fanatične stranke, pa naj bodo leve ali desne, tako ali tako prepoznate po tem, da imajo vsi enako, Gospodarjevo, mnenje.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sbawe64 ::
The US wants to export Ukrainian grain through Belarus and is even ready to lift part of the sanctions from Minsk
The American newspaper The Wall Street Journal writes that the White House intends to propose to Belarus to lift sanctions on the export of potash fertilizers for six months if Lukashenko agrees to transport Ukrainian grain through the territory of Belarus.
They want to deliver the grain via the railway to the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania. If Washington's plan works, the US will be able to stockpile both grain and fertilizer, which Belarus produces in huge quantities.
Earlier, Biden personally stated that he was looking for ways to take out 20 million tons of grain from Ukraine, and the West at the UN Security Council did not even deny that Kyiv was thus paying for the received weapons.
Dokaz iz prve roke, da droge škodijo.
Se vidi, kako razmišljajo.
Medtem je Srbija napovedala sankcije Belorusiji.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
tikitoki ::
Je Washington Moskvo obtožil, da uporablja hrano kot orožje.
To seveda drži. A hkrati so zda in EU tisti, ki že ves čas uporabljajo sankcije proti Rusiji kot orožje (in proti nebroj drugih držav).
Jaz Zahoda več ne razumem - s sankcijami krši milijone pogodb, podpisanih z Rusijo, ko Rusija zahteva plačilo plina v rubljih, Zahod skače v luft in kriči, da Rusija krši podpisane pogodbe. Zahod se gre vojno z Rusijo z raznoraznimi sankcijami, zaplenja njihovo premoženje, TRAJNO odvzema njihovo premoženje, ko Rusija noče odpreti poti za hrano, pa zopet njej očita, da uporablja hrano kot orožje. Res ne razumem, kako se gre lahko kdorkoli tako silno sprenevedanje, ljudje pa tega sprenevedanje niti opazijo ne in po vecini podpirajo vse te sankcije. Ampak vse te sankcije, ki se jih gre Zahod, ne škodijo samo Rusiji, pač pa škodijo Zahodu še bistveno bolj. Zahod drvi v revščino s svetlobno hitrostjo in meni vse to deluje, da se gre Zahod vojno proti samemu sebi. Oz. Amerika se gre vojno proti EU, ljudje pa to podpirate. In nikakor ne spregledate, da gre pri tej vojni PREDVSEM za ameriski vojaski interes in za silno bogatenje NATA. EU na povrh zgleda, da je v vojni z Rusijo, a v resnici gre za to, da je NATO napadel EU in je tik pred tem, da jo povsem in trajno uniči.
To je prva vojna, kjer napadeni (EU) podpira svojega agresorja (ZDA) in mu celo ploska, ker nas je napadel.
Kaj vam res ni jasno, da Zahodu dol visi za Ukrajino in da je Ukrajina samo izgovor za vojno, ki se vodi proti EU?
In mimogrede, ukrajinski navadni ljudje pa zares trpijo, ampak Zahodu je zgleda za njih vseeno. Ja, res so jih polna usta sočutja do Ukrajincev, a njihova (zahodna) dejanja so takšna, da Ukrajincem samo škodijo - poleg tega, da škodijo se Evropejcem.
Ponavlja se zgodba z Ronco, ko večini ljudi ni jasno, zakaj gre.
Z ukrepi, ki jih sprejema "zahod", dela 90% škode sam sebi.
Zato ja, EU nima nobene dolgoročne mirnodobne perspektive in bo razpadel.
Edino kar ga drži skupaj je zavezništvo proti Rusiji, ki pa ekonomsko katastrofalno deluje proti EU.
Prve "razpoke" so se že pojavile (Madžarska, Poljska), razkol pa se bo še naprej širil.
In tako pridemo do paradoksa, da EU lahko združi le vojna proti Rusiji.
Hvala lepa za tako EU; jaz jo ne potrebujem!
Zaradi Rusov grozi lakota milonom ljudi po svetu. Zaradi zaplenjeno jaht pa ni nihče ogrožen.
Pa stradali bodo ljudje v nevtralnih državah. Mene ne skrbi, da bo tu stradali. Bo dražje, sam bo hrane dovolj.
D3m ::
Hungary's elegant move.
Budapest proposed to ban sea deliveries of Russian oil instead of land.
Hungary, as you know, has no access to the sea. It receives oil from Russia through a pipeline and opposes the embargo on Russian black gold.
Now a compromise has been found.
Budapest proposed to ban sea deliveries of Russian oil instead of land.
Hungary, as you know, has no access to the sea. It receives oil from Russia through a pipeline and opposes the embargo on Russian black gold.
Now a compromise has been found.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Poldi112 ::
Current state of Russia: a third-grader was summoned to the police station to explain his "anti-Russian" stance for trolling a Telegram group by writing "Glory to Ukraine".
Kot nekdo, ki je na dnevni ravni obtožen rusofilstva ter deležen pozivov k imigraciji lahko rečem samo, da povsem sočustvujem z njim.
In sem vesel, da me (zaenkrat) zaradi tega še ni obiskala policija. Nimam pa preveč upanja v svetlo prihodnost, glede na očitne zgodovinske vzporednice med nacionalizmom, katerega tako aktivno gradi antiruska propaganda, ter dejanskimi človekovimi pravicami.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Geho ::
Current state of Russia: a third-grader was summoned to the police station to explain his "anti-Russian" stance for trolling a Telegram group by writing "Glory to Ukraine".
Kot nekdo, ki je na dnevni ravni obtožen rusofilstva ter deležen pozivov k imigraciji lahko rečem samo, da povsem sočustvujem z njim.
In sem vesel, da me (zaenkrat) zaradi tega še ni obiskala policija. Nimam pa preveč upanja v svetlo prihodnost, glede na očitne zgodovinske vzporednice med nacionalizmom, katerega tako aktivno gradi antiruska propaganda, ter dejanskimi človekovimi pravicami.
Če se bojiš za svojo ritko, imaš zdaj še čas, da pobegneš v rodinu...
yansek ::
Me zanima koliko od teh t.i. internetnih 'rusofilov' ki vse dogajanje opazujejo od daleč in se jih osebno vse skupaj manj tiče, bilo pripravljeno sprejeti sistem kot je vzpostavljen v Rusiji ko bi se šlo za njihova življenja in prihodnost.
Nizek standard in kvaliteta življenja, korupcija in politična diktatura in samovolja medtem ko vladajoči politični in gospodarski sloj živi na veliki nogi in dela kot se zdi kar se jim zahoče, in je še do pred kratkim na veliko kupoval in pošiljal svoje otroke na ta Zahod.
Kot kaže si precejšnji del rusko, ne samo ukrajinsko govorečih Ukrajincev tega ne želi.
Nizek standard in kvaliteta življenja, korupcija in politična diktatura in samovolja medtem ko vladajoči politični in gospodarski sloj živi na veliki nogi in dela kot se zdi kar se jim zahoče, in je še do pred kratkim na veliko kupoval in pošiljal svoje otroke na ta Zahod.
Kot kaže si precejšnji del rusko, ne samo ukrajinsko govorečih Ukrajincev tega ne želi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: yansek ()
sbawe64 ::
Je Washington Moskvo obtožil, da uporablja hrano kot orožje.
To seveda drži. A hkrati so zda in EU tisti, ki že ves čas uporabljajo sankcije proti Rusiji kot orožje (in proti nebroj drugih držav).
Jaz Zahoda več ne razumem - s sankcijami krši milijone pogodb, podpisanih z Rusijo, ko Rusija zahteva plačilo plina v rubljih, Zahod skače v luft in kriči, da Rusija krši podpisane pogodbe. Zahod se gre vojno z Rusijo z raznoraznimi sankcijami, zaplenja njihovo premoženje, TRAJNO odvzema njihovo premoženje, ko Rusija noče odpreti poti za hrano, pa zopet njej očita, da uporablja hrano kot orožje. Res ne razumem, kako se gre lahko kdorkoli tako silno sprenevedanje, ljudje pa tega sprenevedanje niti opazijo ne in po vecini podpirajo vse te sankcije. Ampak vse te sankcije, ki se jih gre Zahod, ne škodijo samo Rusiji, pač pa škodijo Zahodu še bistveno bolj. Zahod drvi v revščino s svetlobno hitrostjo in meni vse to deluje, da se gre Zahod vojno proti samemu sebi. Oz. Amerika se gre vojno proti EU, ljudje pa to podpirate. In nikakor ne spregledate, da gre pri tej vojni PREDVSEM za ameriski vojaski interes in za silno bogatenje NATA. EU na povrh zgleda, da je v vojni z Rusijo, a v resnici gre za to, da je NATO napadel EU in je tik pred tem, da jo povsem in trajno uniči.
To je prva vojna, kjer napadeni (EU) podpira svojega agresorja (ZDA) in mu celo ploska, ker nas je napadel.
Kaj vam res ni jasno, da Zahodu dol visi za Ukrajino in da je Ukrajina samo izgovor za vojno, ki se vodi proti EU?
In mimogrede, ukrajinski navadni ljudje pa zares trpijo, ampak Zahodu je zgleda za njih vseeno. Ja, res so jih polna usta sočutja do Ukrajincev, a njihova (zahodna) dejanja so takšna, da Ukrajincem samo škodijo - poleg tega, da škodijo se Evropejcem.
Ponavlja se zgodba z Ronco, ko večini ljudi ni jasno, zakaj gre.
Z ukrepi, ki jih sprejema "zahod", dela 90% škode sam sebi.
Zato ja, EU nima nobene dolgoročne mirnodobne perspektive in bo razpadel.
Edino kar ga drži skupaj je zavezništvo proti Rusiji, ki pa ekonomsko katastrofalno deluje proti EU.
Prve "razpoke" so se že pojavile (Madžarska, Poljska), razkol pa se bo še naprej širil.
In tako pridemo do paradoksa, da EU lahko združi le vojna proti Rusiji.
Hvala lepa za tako EU; jaz jo ne potrebujem!
Zaradi Rusov grozi lakota milonom ljudi po svetu. Zaradi zaplenjeno jaht pa ni nihče ogrožen.
Pa stradali bodo ljudje v nevtralnih državah. Mene ne skrbi, da bo tu stradali. Bo dražje, sam bo hrane dovolj.
Daj pare za hrano, namesto za orožje ?
Denarja je kot kaže dovolj.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: sbawe64 ()
mackilla ::
Me zanima koliko od teh t.i. internetnih 'rusofilov' ki vse dogajanje opazujejo od daleč in se jih osebno vse skupaj manj tiče, bilo pripravljeno sprejeti sistem kot je vzpostavljen v Rusiji ko bi se šlo za njihova življenja in prihodnost.
Nizek standard in kvaliteta življenja, korupcija in politična diktatura in samovolja medtem ko vladajoči politični in gospodarski sloj živi na veliki nogi in dela kot se zdi kar se jim zahoče, in je še do pred kratkim na veliko kupoval in pošiljal svoje otroke na ta Zahod.
Kot kaže si precejšnji del rusko, ne samo ukrajinsko govorečih Ukrajincev tega ne želi.
Lahko bi gledali parade in drkali. To bi odtehtalo vse tegobe
MadMen ::
Current state of Russia: a third-grader was summoned to the police station to explain his "anti-Russian" stance for trolling a Telegram group by writing "Glory to Ukraine".
Kot nekdo, ki je na dnevni ravni obtožen rusofilstva ter deležen pozivov k imigraciji lahko rečem samo, da povsem sočustvujem z njim.
In sem vesel, da me (zaenkrat) zaradi tega še ni obiskala policija. Nimam pa preveč upanja v svetlo prihodnost, glede na očitne zgodovinske vzporednice med nacionalizmom, katerega tako aktivno gradi antiruska propaganda, ter dejanskimi človekovimi pravicami.
Oh, kakšen humanitarec si pa ti...
Me zanima koliko od teh t.i. internetnih 'rusofilov' ki vse dogajanje opazujejo od daleč in se jih osebno vse skupaj manj tiče, bilo pripravljeno sprejeti sistem kot je vzpostavljen v Rusiji ko bi se šlo za njihova življenja in prihodnost.
Nizek standard in kvaliteta življenja, korupcija in politična diktatura in samovolja medtem ko vladajoči politični in gospodarski sloj živi na veliki nogi in dela kot se zdi kar se jim zahoče, in je še do pred kratkim na veliko kupoval in pošiljal svoje otroke na ta Zahod.
Kot kaže si precejšnji del rusko, ne samo ukrajinsko govorečih Ukrajincev tega ne želi.
Večina rusofilov je karakterno precej problematičnih in nezadovoljnih s svojim položajem v družbi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MadMen ()
link_up ::
Rusi a? Kaj tako umazanega se nismo leta '45, ko so vkorakali k nam. Upam, da so danes kaj bolje napravljeni.
In and Out
Poldi112 ::
Me zanima koliko od teh t.i. internetnih 'rusofilov' ki vse dogajanje opazujejo od daleč in se jih osebno vse skupaj manj tiče, bilo pripravljeno sprejeti sistem kot je vzpostavljen v Rusiji ko bi se šlo za njihova življenja in prihodnost.
Nizek standard in kvaliteta življenja, korupcija in politična diktatura in samovolja medtem ko vladajoči politični in gospodarski sloj živi na veliki nogi in dela kot se zdi kar se jim zahoče, in je še do pred kratkim na veliko kupoval in pošiljal svoje otroke na ta Zahod.
Kot kaže si precejšnji del rusko, ne samo ukrajinsko govorečih Ukrajincev tega ne želi.
Mislim da glede tega ni absolutno nobene dileme. Ne vem, če sem že koga zasledil zagovarjati ruski režim.
"Dilema" je več ali manj v tem, ali prejemnikom naše "pomoči" naša pomoč koristi? Mainstream stran zagovarja nasilje, ker so nas indoktrinirali v pravljice o večvredni ter naši nesebični pomoči svetu. Pa seveda povsem naravna nagnjenost k slepi pripadnosti lastnega plemena.
Potem je pa tu še alternativno realistično mnenje, da rusom politika zaostrovanja ne koristi. Enako kot ne koristi recimo korejcem. Kako smo jim pomagali z vojno in brutalnimi sankcijami? Ter bombardiranju v kameno dobo? In isti vzorec je kjerkoli pogledaš, razlog je pa kristalno jasen - ker države sledijo lastnim interesom, da jih raja v "demokraciji" kupi, pa poskrbijo MSM pravljičarni.
Vse to je seveda dodobra dokumentirano in preizkušeno. Samo vzeti si je potrebno čas in se spoznati z univerzalnimi principi, ki brez izjeme veljajo že tisočletja.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
LuiIII ::
Seveda Ukrajini naša pomoč koristi. Dileme pravzaprav ni: ali si "suženj" v pax-americana ali pa "suženj" v totilitarizmu? Izbira je pravzaprav trivialna. Ali imaš vsaj nekaj možnosti uspeha s svojim delom in znanjem ali pa si "uspešen" samo ker si del totalitarne kleptokracije? Vse to smo že pravzaprav živeli. Tako, da jaz rade volje tankam za 2.3€/l in dam še nekaj zraven kar se tiče davkov in pomoči, da imajo ukrajinci vsaj možnost se upirati ruskemu mongoloizmu. Pa sem daleč od tega, da bi se strinjal in požiral vse kar mi zahod ponuja. Alternativa je enostavno preveč grozljiva in je ne privoščim nobenemu.
D3m ::
"We'll give you the coordinates". Ukrainians are calling for Putin to bomb the Lviv customs, through which luxury cars are being imported from EU instead of tanks.
Dozens of luxury cars have been seen at the Lviv customs instead of the long-awaited western military support. Despite the governmental assurances that the cars are being imported for military needs, the citizens of Lviv don't believe that.
In this video one of the outraged citizens is making an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to sort it out and shell the Ukrainian corrupt businessmen who are cashing in on the war with Russian Iskander and Kalibr mobile ballistic missile systems.
"Putin, if you want to hit, shell or bomb, here is a target. I'll provide the coordinates" - the man uses a lot of foul language in the video.
Še video.
Dozens of luxury cars have been seen at the Lviv customs instead of the long-awaited western military support. Despite the governmental assurances that the cars are being imported for military needs, the citizens of Lviv don't believe that.
In this video one of the outraged citizens is making an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to sort it out and shell the Ukrainian corrupt businessmen who are cashing in on the war with Russian Iskander and Kalibr mobile ballistic missile systems.
"Putin, if you want to hit, shell or bomb, here is a target. I'll provide the coordinates" - the man uses a lot of foul language in the video.
Še video.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
LuiIII ::
Jup čisti luksuz ja! To samo pomeni, da trgovina teče dalje kar je za Ukrajino poleg obrambe seveda ključnega pomena.
sbawe64 ::
80 000 takih vozil so uvozili od februarja.
Gredo direktno na fronto
Gredo direktno na fronto
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
D3m ::
Samo tvoj. :****
Se ne strinjam.
Večina rusofilov je karakterno precej problematičnih in nezadovoljnih s svojim položajem v družbi.
Se ne strinjam.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Geho ::
Še vedno noben od rusofilčkov ne objasni, zakaj hudiča se ne preselijo tja? Kaj jih tako močno bremza pri tem? Saj vam lahko zberemo za karto, če je tam tako lepo, potem ne odlašat in hitro spakirat kufre!
korenje3 ::
V litvi, latviji in estoniji je imel vsak drugi avto ukrajinsko zastavo na steklu. Sedaj ko so jim šle cene hrane in goriva gor za 30% nima več nobeden ukrajinske zastave na avtu.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Geho ::
Zakaj se mora kdorkoli karkoli izjasnevati?
Zato ker nima nobene fucking logike tukaj navijat za svoje rašiste in zraven jokat kako je tam oh in sploh. Ja pa pejt tja, če ti je tak hudo tu! Kaj te bremza? Ker če bo počlo pri nas karkoli boste vi izdajalci prvi na liniji za čiščenje... Tako da zdaj izkoristite in čimprej k svojemu pootlerju pod kiklo!
korenje3 ::
Zakaj se mora kdorkoli karkoli izjasnevati?
Zato ker nima nobene fucking logike tukaj navijat za svoje rašiste in zraven jokat kako je tam oh in sploh. Ja pa pejt tja, če ti je tak hudo tu! Kaj te bremza? Ker če bo počlo pri nas karkoli boste vi izdajalci prvi na liniji za čiščenje... Tako da zdaj izkoristite in čimprej k svojemu pootlerju pod kiklo!
s tem "presel se tja" se vse ovce ponavljate.
presel se ti v svojo ljubo ukrajino.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Pac-Man ::
Približno sočasno z divjim zahodom. To je regija okrog Sočija, ruska riviera z vilami Putina in oligarhov.
Today is the Circassian Day of Mourning, remembering the victims of the Circassian genocide perpetuated by the Russian Empire, which killed and displaced upwards of 97% of the indigenous Circassian population.
My ancestors, like many others, were deported to Syria. During the Russo-Circassian War in the 19th century, the Russian army employed ethnic cleansing as their primary tactic of war.
Circassian villages were starved and burnt down, with any survivors immediately massacred.
One of many examples: on Nov. 20, 1831, Circassian villages were surrounded by Russian artillery weapons, targeting mosques and residential homes, killing hundreds.
By 1864, Circassian society had suffered so much loss of life that they had no means to organize and fight back.
1864 saw the beginning of mass deportation.
People of the Ubykh tribe resisted one final time. Men and women joined arm and arm to fight Russian invaders.
All men, women, and children were massacred in what a witness called "a sea of blood."
The Ubykh language is now extinct.
Hordes of Circassian refugees were taken to Sochi for eventual deportation, where thousands died waiting to be expelled from their ancestral homeland, most to the Ottoman Empire.
Recorded accounts of conditions for deportees are extremely horrific.
Just bone-chilling:
Remembering the history of the Circassian genocide has never been so important: today's Russian Federation is emulating the Russian Empire's campaign of dehumanization and mass murder in Ukraine.
May 21st.
Today is the Circassian Day of Mourning, remembering the victims of the Circassian genocide perpetuated by the Russian Empire, which killed and displaced upwards of 97% of the indigenous Circassian population.
My ancestors, like many others, were deported to Syria. During the Russo-Circassian War in the 19th century, the Russian army employed ethnic cleansing as their primary tactic of war.
Circassian villages were starved and burnt down, with any survivors immediately massacred.
One of many examples: on Nov. 20, 1831, Circassian villages were surrounded by Russian artillery weapons, targeting mosques and residential homes, killing hundreds.
By 1864, Circassian society had suffered so much loss of life that they had no means to organize and fight back.
1864 saw the beginning of mass deportation.
People of the Ubykh tribe resisted one final time. Men and women joined arm and arm to fight Russian invaders.
All men, women, and children were massacred in what a witness called "a sea of blood."
The Ubykh language is now extinct.
Hordes of Circassian refugees were taken to Sochi for eventual deportation, where thousands died waiting to be expelled from their ancestral homeland, most to the Ottoman Empire.
Recorded accounts of conditions for deportees are extremely horrific.
Just bone-chilling:
Corpses of women, children, elderly persons, torn to pieces and half-eaten by dogs; deportees emaciated by hunger and disease, almost too weak to move their legs, collapsing from exhaustion and becoming prey to dogs while still alive.
Remembering the history of the Circassian genocide has never been so important: today's Russian Federation is emulating the Russian Empire's campaign of dehumanization and mass murder in Ukraine.
May 21st.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Zakaj se mora kdorkoli karkoli izjasnevati?
Zato ker nima nobene fucking logike tukaj navijat za svoje rašiste in zraven jokat kako je tam oh in sploh. Ja pa pejt tja, če ti je tak hudo tu! Kaj te bremza? Ker če bo počlo pri nas karkoli boste vi izdajalci prvi na liniji za čiščenje... Tako da zdaj izkoristite in čimprej k svojemu pootlerju pod kiklo!
Navijam za marsikaj pa ne razmišljam, da se moram fizično tja preseliti.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Pac-Man ::
@AnastassiaFedyk, Bohdan Kukharskyy, Ilona Sologub, and I wrote a response to Noam Chomsky and the likes. We identify several patterns in their narrative about #RussiaUkraineWar. We argue that these patterns adding fuel to #Russia propaganda
These patterns are:
1) Deny #Ukraine’s sovereign integrity
2) Treat Ukraine as an American pawn on a geo-political chessboard
3) Suggest that Russia was threatened by NATO
4) State that the U.S. isn’t any better than Russia
5) Whitewash Putin’s goals for invading Ukraine
6) Assume that Putin is interested in a diplomatic solution
7) Advocate that yielding to Russian demands is the way to avert the nuclear war
Here's the full link:
@AnastassiaFedyk, Bohdan Kukharskyy, Ilona Sologub, and I wrote a response to Noam Chomsky and the likes. We identify several patterns in their narrative about #RussiaUkraineWar. We argue that these patterns adding fuel to #Russia propaganda
These patterns are:
1) Deny #Ukraine’s sovereign integrity
2) Treat Ukraine as an American pawn on a geo-political chessboard
3) Suggest that Russia was threatened by NATO
4) State that the U.S. isn’t any better than Russia
5) Whitewash Putin’s goals for invading Ukraine
6) Assume that Putin is interested in a diplomatic solution
7) Advocate that yielding to Russian demands is the way to avert the nuclear war
Here's the full link:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
To commemorate its invasion of #Ukraine, the Kremlin's commissioned this statue. To stand 200ft tall & made from the scrap metal of 500 Russian tanks destroyed in Ukraine, Putin said "It captures the inner essence of what it takes to be a Russian soldier today." 😉
To commemorate its invasion of #Ukraine, the Kremlin's commissioned this statue. To stand 200ft tall & made from the scrap metal of 500 Russian tanks destroyed in Ukraine, Putin said "It captures the inner essence of what it takes to be a Russian soldier today." 😉
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Reycis ::
Še vedno noben od rusofilčkov ne objasni, zakaj hudiča se ne preselijo tja? Kaj jih tako močno bremza pri tem? Saj vam lahko zberemo za karto, če je tam tako lepo, potem ne odlašat in hitro spakirat kufre!
Jaz sem to že večkrat odgovoril pa se ne prime. To je zato, ker svoje patologije projeciraš na svoje ideološke nasprotnike. Ljudje imamo različne karakterje. Nekateri so naprimer bolj rootless kozmopolitani drugi pa bolj blut und boden karakter. Med množico slednjih in "rusofilov" je precejšnje prekrivanje. Besedo rusofil sem dal v narekovaje zato, ker ti ljudje dejansko niso rusofili ampak samo sovražijo ameriški imperij. Rusofili samo samo po principu: neprijatelj mojega neprijatelja je moj prijatelj.
P.S. ali to pišeš iz telefona medtem ko se v ukrajinski tujski legiji boriš proti rusom?
Diversity is our greatest strength
yansek ::
Približno sočasno z divjim zahodom. To je regija okrog Sočija, ruska riviera z vilami Putina in oligarhov.
Today is the Circassian Day of Mourning, remembering the victims of the Circassian genocide perpetuated by the Russian Empire, which killed and displaced upwards of 97% of the indigenous Circassian population.
My ancestors, like many others, were deported to Syria. During the Russo-Circassian War in the 19th century, the Russian army employed ethnic cleansing as their primary tactic of war.
Circassian villages were starved and burnt down, with any survivors immediately massacred.
One of many examples: on Nov. 20, 1831, Circassian villages were surrounded by Russian artillery weapons, targeting mosques and residential homes, killing hundreds.
By 1864, Circassian society had suffered so much loss of life that they had no means to organize and fight back.
1864 saw the beginning of mass deportation.
People of the Ubykh tribe resisted one final time. Men and women joined arm and arm to fight Russian invaders.
All men, women, and children were massacred in what a witness called "a sea of blood."
The Ubykh language is now extinct.
Hordes of Circassian refugees were taken to Sochi for eventual deportation, where thousands died waiting to be expelled from their ancestral homeland, most to the Ottoman Empire.
Recorded accounts of conditions for deportees are extremely horrific.
Just bone-chilling:
Corpses of women, children, elderly persons, torn to pieces and half-eaten by dogs; deportees emaciated by hunger and disease, almost too weak to move their legs, collapsing from exhaustion and becoming prey to dogs while still alive.
Remembering the history of the Circassian genocide has never been so important: today's Russian Federation is emulating the Russian Empire's campaign of dehumanization and mass murder in Ukraine.
May 21st.
Nemogoče, da bi to počeli Rusi.
AvtoR ::
Ne maram tega kar počnejo američani, to kar počnejo rusi pa sovražim, ker gre za največji primitivizem!
D3m ::
News of European solidarity.
Romania may refuse to participate in Eurovision, and is also considering suing the organizers of the contest.
Reason: cancellation of the Romanian jury's assessments. This was told by the director of TVR Dan Turturike.
Earlier, the head of the Romanian delegation, Juliana Marchuk, said that the organizers of the contest gave Ukraine the highest score, which the Romanian jury gave to Moldova.
News of European solidarity.
Romania may refuse to participate in Eurovision, and is also considering suing the organizers of the contest.
Reason: cancellation of the Romanian jury's assessments. This was told by the director of TVR Dan Turturike.
Earlier, the head of the Romanian delegation, Juliana Marchuk, said that the organizers of the contest gave Ukraine the highest score, which the Romanian jury gave to Moldova.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
korenje3 ::
Stanje na terenu:
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W