Forum » Loža » Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Izogibanje vsega, kar je iz Rusije
Temo vidijo: vsi
Poldi112 ::
Pa ne samo arabske države. Ampak arabci imajo pač ekstra smolo, da sedijo na "zahodni" nafti.
Osnove zgodovine, ki jih MSM pač ne uči, zato pa ovce tako čudno gledate resnico.
Evo, malo za obuditev spomina:
Kratek uvod v USA kolonializem
Osnove zgodovine, ki jih MSM pač ne uči, zato pa ovce tako čudno gledate resnico.
Evo, malo za obuditev spomina:
Kratek uvod v USA kolonializem
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
tikitoki ::
Pa ne samo arabske države. Ampak arabci imajo pač ekstra smolo, da sedijo na "zahodni" nafti.
Osnove zgodovine, ki jih MSM pač ne uči, zato pa ovce tako čudno gledate resnico.
Evo, malo za obuditev spomina:
Kratek uvod v USA kolonializem
To je tema o ruskem imperializmu. Odpri novo temo.
damirj79 ::
Ne vem, niti ne trdim, da uspevajo. Pravim, da USA primarno ne širi demokracije, ampak imperij. Kar je več kot očitno njihove zgodovine. In ja, večina držav je hotela demokracijo, pa so dobili s strani USA zgolj metek v čelo.
Male države pač niso suverene, da bi si prosto izbirale gospodarja, kar je tudi več kot očitno iz zgodovine.
Koliko držav njihovega "backyarda" pa ti lahko našteješ, ki so se razvijale bolje od nas v komunizmu?
Po tvoje je torej demokracija = USA ? Pod kaj pa smatraš zahod?
mackilla ::
Unchancy ::
Implikacije ruskega landgraba v Ukrajini na Evropo:
Naj pomislim, a ni par let nazaj Orban imel tiskovno konferenco poleg zemljevida Velike Madžarske, kjer so bili kot del Madžarske prikakazani tudi deli slovenskega ozemlja?
Kje je že meja Italije in Slovenije po mnenju italijanskih neofašistov?
"Če nam ne bi vzeli Dalmacije, bi tudi Madžarska imela pristanišča," je po poročanju Politica dejal madžarski predsednik vlade Viktor Orban in s tem spomnil na meje nekdanjega madžarskega kraljestva.
Naj pomislim, a ni par let nazaj Orban imel tiskovno konferenco poleg zemljevida Velike Madžarske, kjer so bili kot del Madžarske prikakazani tudi deli slovenskega ozemlja?
Kje je že meja Italije in Slovenije po mnenju italijanskih neofašistov?
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()
Pithlit ::
Zakaj pa ti misliš, da je večina sveta po 500 letih zahodne dominacije tako v riti? Ter zakaj gospodarsko uspevajo zgolj kolonije, ki so v bližini rusov/kitajcev?
Ne vem, niti ne trdim, da uspevajo.
Pišuka Poldi... Ti obvladaš tole. Kredibilnosti (lastno) zmeraj globlje v drek potiskat. Genialna retorika, res.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
mackilla ::
Zakaj pa ti misliš, da je večina sveta po 500 letih zahodne dominacije tako v riti? Ter zakaj gospodarsko uspevajo zgolj kolonije, ki so v bližini rusov/kitajcev?
Ne vem, niti ne trdim, da uspevajo.
Pišuka Poldi... Ti obvladaš tole. Kredibilnosti (lastno) zmeraj globlje v drek potiskat. Genialna retorika, res.
Dobro se je zapletel v svoje laži. Ne bi me čudilo,če mu informacije ne posreduje kakšen handler.
Pac-Man ::
Ukrainians are all Nazis... now check out this documentary on the struggle of the white race to maintain racial purity 😂
in to
The documentary that everyone should watch, compare with official history and then use it as a basis to start your own journey into the rabbit hole
(needless to say that you DON'T use Google)
EUROPA: THE LAST BATTLE - ALL 10 PARTS - Complete and Final Version (2019) HD
John Sabal, who’s known online as QAnon John, is preparing for Thursday’s “For God and Country: Patriot Double Down” conference, but on Sunday night he took time out of his busy schedule to share a post about people who had praised “Europa – the Last Battle.”
It’s a 10-part film that claims Jews created Communism and deliberately started both world wars as part of a plot to found Israel by provoking the innocent Nazis, who were only defending themselves.
tudi, če ima kdo 8 minut preveč in bi se rad malo smejal
May 9 in russia... Oh my God!
Ukrainians are all Nazis... now check out this documentary on the struggle of the white race to maintain racial purity 😂
in to
The documentary that everyone should watch, compare with official history and then use it as a basis to start your own journey into the rabbit hole
(needless to say that you DON'T use Google)
EUROPA: THE LAST BATTLE - ALL 10 PARTS - Complete and Final Version (2019) HD
John Sabal, who’s known online as QAnon John, is preparing for Thursday’s “For God and Country: Patriot Double Down” conference, but on Sunday night he took time out of his busy schedule to share a post about people who had praised “Europa – the Last Battle.”
It’s a 10-part film that claims Jews created Communism and deliberately started both world wars as part of a plot to found Israel by provoking the innocent Nazis, who were only defending themselves.
tudi, če ima kdo 8 minut preveč in bi se rad malo smejal
May 9 in russia... Oh my God!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
gruntfürmich ::
da ne bosta imela rusija in kitajska svetovni monopol nad surovinami...
da ne bosta imela rusija in kitajska svetovni monopol nad surovinami...
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: gruntfürmich ()
Pac-Man ::
kratek video, cev pod kotom kakih 70o
M777 howitzer, prob training ground
M777 howitzer, prob training ground
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
I've said it before, I'll say it again. In 20 years, some Russian demagogue will be explaining to Russians that Putin was a CIA plot aimed at bringing the country to its knees.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. In 20 years, some Russian demagogue will be explaining to Russians that Putin was a CIA plot aimed at bringing the country to its knees.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
fur80 ::
Orban - Putler Gliha vkup štriha, ali zakaj je še bolj pomembno, da se Putlerja pospravi tja kamor mu je mesto. Sedaj so še Orbana začeli prsti srbet, tu niti Slovenija ni varna! Tako, da rusofili zamislite se malo kaj podpirate!
Orban kaže da je hrvatsko more uzeto Mađarskoj. Odgovor Hrvatske ima tri rečenice
Orban kaže da je hrvatsko more uzeto Mađarskoj. Odgovor Hrvatske ima tri rečenice
D3m ::
Saj se boš ja boril AN? :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: sirotka ()
fur80 ::
fur80 ::
Drugače, če si mogoče oligarh, malo pazi! :D
Još jedan ruski oligarh nađen mrtav
Geho ::
če bo pri nas kdaj sranje, prvo stvar vse izdajalce popikat... Več kot očtino jih imamo pri nas polno. Glasni pa še bolj k antivaxxerji!
fikus_ ::
če bo pri nas kdaj sranje, prvo stvar vse izdajalce popikat... Več kot očtino jih imamo pri nas polno. Glasni pa še bolj k antivaxxerji!
Potem bo pa spet čez 75+ let jamranje o izven sodnih pobojih .
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
TezkoDihanje ::
nekaj zadetkov je prav divjih
It was a russian convoy.
54th Brigade of ZSU did this.
37km dosega, ruske 152mm MSTE-B okol 25km
It was a russian convoy.
54th Brigade of ZSU did this.
kratek video, cev pod kotom kakih 70o
M777 howitzer, prob training ground
37km dosega, ruske 152mm MSTE-B okol 25km
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
fur80 ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
nekaj zadetkov je prav divjih
It was a russian convoy.
54th Brigade of ZSU did this.
kratek video, cev pod kotom kakih 70o
M777 howitzer, prob training ground
37km dosega, ruske 152mm MSTE-B okol 25km
Kolikor so se Rusi duvali zadnje dni, je sedaj začelo konkretno padati po njih! Kje je sedaj Peskov in njegovo uničili smo vso zahodno orožje? Smradi ruski! Toliko posnetkov uničenega ruskega orožja ni bilo na telegramu in twiterju od začetka invazije!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
TezkoDihanje ::
In Krasnoperekopsk, Crimea there are reports of an explosion at sea, near the coast in the last 2 hours...
Might explain the rapid deployment of vessels out of Sevastopol in the last hour.
In Krasnoperekopsk, Crimea there are reports of an explosion at sea, near the coast in the last 2 hours...
Might explain the rapid deployment of vessels out of Sevastopol in the last hour.
Poldi112 ::
Zakaj pa ti misliš, da je večina sveta po 500 letih zahodne dominacije tako v riti? Ter zakaj gospodarsko uspevajo zgolj kolonije, ki so v bližini rusov/kitajcev?
Ne vem, niti ne trdim, da uspevajo.
Pišuka Poldi... Ti obvladaš tole. Kredibilnosti (lastno) zmeraj globlje v drek potiskat. Genialna retorika, res.
Dobro se je zapletel v svoje laži. Ne bi me čudilo,če mu informacije ne posreduje kakšen handler.
Kakšne laži? Kakšno zapletanje. Izgolj izpostavljam pravljice, da zohod širi svobodo in demokracijo.
Nikjer ne trdim, da so rusi boljši - zgolj, da male države pač nimajo izbire. In večina držav je pač pod ameriškim škornjem. Ne vem zakaj je to sporno.
Je pa fascinantno, da vas že pol tisočletja pitajo z istimi lažmi, pa jim še kar verjamete.
Saj se boš ja boril AN? :D
Ne ti skrbi za mene, ti le glej na kareri strani boš! :D
Pes, ki laja, ne grize.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
TezkoDihanje ::
Pes, ki laja, ne grize.
Umor na Koroškem: 38-letnik kljub prepovedi približevanja napadel partnerico
TezkoDihanje ::
All kinds of stuff can be found once #RussianArmy is kicked out of its trenches. Including... washing machines. FYI
All kinds of stuff can be found once #RussianArmy is kicked out of its trenches. Including... washing machines. FYI
Pac-Man ::
Se to komu zdi normalno & upravičeno?
Serhiy Barchuk with his niece on July 13, 2019, left, The body of Serhiy Barchuk was found in a shallow grave.
He was identified partly by the tattoo on his right forearm that reads in Latin, “dum spiro spero,” or “while I breathe, I hope.”
| via Vira Tyshchenko ...
POLITICO interviewed the families and friends of five men killed in three instances, just a few miles apart from each other in Kolonshchyna and Kalynivka in March. In each case, the men were unarmed. Two of the men found together were hastily buried in a shallow grave; two others were found shot to death in a burned-out car; the third man was discovered inside the trunk of his own sedan — his body boobytrapped with an antipersonnel mine. The information provided by the families about their loved ones was corroborated by local police and territorial defense forces.
Serhiy wasn’t ignorant of the seemingly callous violence when he was riding his bicycle with 33-year-old Dmytro Luchynya through Makariv on March 19. During the ride, he told a friend over the phone that a Russian tank was coming toward them and that he would call back soon. The return call never came. What exactly happened to Serhiy and Dmytro isn’t clear. But Volodymyr, Vira and Svitlana believe Russian troops detained the men and interrogated them for hours or even days, possibly in an attempt to get information about Ukrainian military activity.
Their bodies were discovered on April 29, 41 days after they disappeared and long after Russian forces retreated from the area to regroup and refocus their efforts in eastern Ukraine. A tip led authorities to a shallow mass grave where Serhiy and Dmytro were found with their hands tied together by a single rope.
Vira said investigators told her Serhiy was likely tortured before his death. Medical examiners found that his spine had been broken in several places and his neck had been snapped in a manner that suggested murder. “They broke his neck,” Vira said, demonstrating with a quick twist of her hands how she believes it was done. She said his abdomen was also cut open and his organs were exposed.
Dmytro’s cause of death appears to be four gunshots to the head. But investigators said he had also been shot in each of his limbs and he had other wounds on his body that suggest he was tortured before being killed.
Oleksandr Kyrpach and Lyudmyla Kyrpach, left, the scorched car of Oleksandr Kyrpach, who was found shot to death in the trunk.
| Lyudmyla Kyrpach ...
Her 47-year-old husband was a mechanic who organized a local territorial defense unit in their village the day Russia invaded, calling on friends Oleksandr Radchenko, 52, and Serhiy Zaborovets, 51, to join him. They hoped to provide intelligence to the Ukrainian army about Russian troop movements. The Russians entered the village four days later, on Feb. 28, and the shooting and shelling began.
She returned the next day with one of her husband’s friends to continue the search. The friend, Yuriy, noticed a peculiar pattern of bullet holes along the trunk of the car. When he turned the key, the trunk flung open to reveal Oleksandr folded inside. Lyudmyla lunged at his body but Yuriy grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her away, worried that it could be boobytrapped.
On March 4, they returned with Ukrainian soldiers. They tied a rope around his limbs, moved a safe distance away, and slowly started tugging. The car exploded in a ball of flames. The Russians had placed Krypach atop a weight-sensitive mine that detonated when his body was moved.
Lyudmyla picked up the pieces of the man she had spent decades with and placed them in a box. Back at the home they made together, she buried him in the garden where they planted vegetables each spring. He laid there under a thin layer of soil until the Russians retreated, and then she transferred his remains to a plot in the local cemetery.
Days later, Radchenko and Zaborovets were found shot to death in their car just a few hundred meters away.
Serhiy Barchuk with his niece on July 13, 2019, left, The body of Serhiy Barchuk was found in a shallow grave.
He was identified partly by the tattoo on his right forearm that reads in Latin, “dum spiro spero,” or “while I breathe, I hope.”
| via Vira Tyshchenko ...
POLITICO interviewed the families and friends of five men killed in three instances, just a few miles apart from each other in Kolonshchyna and Kalynivka in March. In each case, the men were unarmed. Two of the men found together were hastily buried in a shallow grave; two others were found shot to death in a burned-out car; the third man was discovered inside the trunk of his own sedan — his body boobytrapped with an antipersonnel mine. The information provided by the families about their loved ones was corroborated by local police and territorial defense forces.
Serhiy wasn’t ignorant of the seemingly callous violence when he was riding his bicycle with 33-year-old Dmytro Luchynya through Makariv on March 19. During the ride, he told a friend over the phone that a Russian tank was coming toward them and that he would call back soon. The return call never came. What exactly happened to Serhiy and Dmytro isn’t clear. But Volodymyr, Vira and Svitlana believe Russian troops detained the men and interrogated them for hours or even days, possibly in an attempt to get information about Ukrainian military activity.
Their bodies were discovered on April 29, 41 days after they disappeared and long after Russian forces retreated from the area to regroup and refocus their efforts in eastern Ukraine. A tip led authorities to a shallow mass grave where Serhiy and Dmytro were found with their hands tied together by a single rope.
Vira said investigators told her Serhiy was likely tortured before his death. Medical examiners found that his spine had been broken in several places and his neck had been snapped in a manner that suggested murder. “They broke his neck,” Vira said, demonstrating with a quick twist of her hands how she believes it was done. She said his abdomen was also cut open and his organs were exposed.
Dmytro’s cause of death appears to be four gunshots to the head. But investigators said he had also been shot in each of his limbs and he had other wounds on his body that suggest he was tortured before being killed.
Oleksandr Kyrpach and Lyudmyla Kyrpach, left, the scorched car of Oleksandr Kyrpach, who was found shot to death in the trunk.
| Lyudmyla Kyrpach ...
Her 47-year-old husband was a mechanic who organized a local territorial defense unit in their village the day Russia invaded, calling on friends Oleksandr Radchenko, 52, and Serhiy Zaborovets, 51, to join him. They hoped to provide intelligence to the Ukrainian army about Russian troop movements. The Russians entered the village four days later, on Feb. 28, and the shooting and shelling began.
She returned the next day with one of her husband’s friends to continue the search. The friend, Yuriy, noticed a peculiar pattern of bullet holes along the trunk of the car. When he turned the key, the trunk flung open to reveal Oleksandr folded inside. Lyudmyla lunged at his body but Yuriy grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her away, worried that it could be boobytrapped.
On March 4, they returned with Ukrainian soldiers. They tied a rope around his limbs, moved a safe distance away, and slowly started tugging. The car exploded in a ball of flames. The Russians had placed Krypach atop a weight-sensitive mine that detonated when his body was moved.
Lyudmyla picked up the pieces of the man she had spent decades with and placed them in a box. Back at the home they made together, she buried him in the garden where they planted vegetables each spring. He laid there under a thin layer of soil until the Russians retreated, and then she transferred his remains to a plot in the local cemetery.
Days later, Radchenko and Zaborovets were found shot to death in their car just a few hundred meters away.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Kot da bi srbi se odločili, da mora slovenija spet bit jugoslovanska, pa bi pol sveta navijalo zanje pa buhuhujalo kot D3m
Pithlit ::
Kakšne laži? Kakšno zapletanje. Izgolj izpostavljam pravljice, da zohod širi svobodo in demokracijo.
Nikjer ne trdim, da so rusi boljši - zgolj, da male države pač nimajo izbire. In večina držav je pač pod ameriškim škornjem. Ne vem zakaj je to sporno.
Laži? V enem postu trdiš nekaj kar v naslednjem zanikaš. V tretjem se pa čudiš zakaj se folk ob to spotakne. Početje ki je dokončno spodkopalo še tisto malenkost kredibilnosti ki si jo pred tem imel. Žalostno je videt kako nizko si se dejansko pripravljen spustiti. Ja, zlagal si se. In ujeli smo te pri tem. Zakaj bi ti še karkoli verjeli?
In ja, ravno to da so rusi boljši trdiš. Iz posta v post. Lahko se zdaj hinavsko ven vlečeš ampak pomagalo ti to ne bo. Vsem ki temi sledijo je kristalno jasno da svoje 'podatke' vlečeš iz riti. Enako kot D3m... A je že ponehal dež v Moskvi? A? Jap, dejmo ignorirat dejstva in furat svojo demagogijo (ja, celo parado v Moskvi je sijalo sonce...) in se pretvarja da sogovorniki niso opazili laži.
Hinavščina na višku. Ampak ok, ni panike... zdaj vsaj vemo da tudi vama ni za verjet ene besed ki jo napišeta.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
Geho ::
Pithlit ::
Dej no užalu si ga...
Hinavskih kroničnih lažnivcev se ne da užalit. Po definiciji. Ni variante.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
D3m ::
Še zmeraj je čuden meme.
Kje so?
Lepo da treniraš, ampak bo obrnjeno, pa verjetno ni nujno da od mene
Izdajalce se prvo počisti, da ne morejo večjega sranja delat! Ti kar piši neumnosti po forumu, če misliš da Sova ne gleda...
Hinavskih kroničnih lažnivcev se ne da užalit. Po definiciji. Ni variante.
Kje so?
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Poldi112 ::
In ja, ravno to da so rusi boljši trdiš. Iz posta v post.
Ja? Kje? Verjetno te zgolj nepismenost daje.
Ali pa, kot večina, le pretepaš slamnatega moža.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
blay44 ::
sbawe64 ::
Za tapametnega Poldija malo glasbe abrams tanka
Vprašaj Hutije v Jemnu, kako se abramsi obarvajo
ali Iračane
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Pithlit ::
A Pithlit ima moža?
Nima. A še pada dež v Moskvi? Te sprašujem že v eno deseto.
In ja, ravno to da so rusi boljši trdiš. Iz posta v post.
Ja? Kje? Verjetno te zgolj nepismenost daje.
Ali pa, kot večina, le pretepaš slamnatega moža.
Eno je pretepanje (imaginarnih) slamnatih mož. Drugo je nesramno laganje.
Ti že veš čas trdiš da imajo Rusi prav. Zato ker jih je v to dobesedno prisilil nato. Kaj je to drugega kot da so rusi boljši?
Life is as complicated as we make it...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: Pithlit ()
Poldi112 ::
Ti že veš čas trdiš da imajo Rusi prav. Zato ker jih je v to dobesedno prisilil nato. Kaj je to drugega kot da so rusi boljši?
To, da imajo rusi prav, pač ni isto, kot da so boljši.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
Pithlit ::
So sorry.
Ne moreš si pomagati, I know.
Vem. Mam pa 7 partnerjev oz. partnerk. Your point?
Life is as complicated as we make it...