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Kako narediti particije za...

Kako narediti particije za...

SaS ::

Zanima me kako naj naredim particije za hitrejšo delovanje diska?

Ali je bolje imeti eno particijo ali dve? kako kaj vpliva na hitrost računalnika??

Prosim za predloge!!

......F*** THE SYSTEM

Sims ::

10GB - system
2GB - dokumenti pa tako
XGB - pa vse ostalo

recimo ...



novazl ::

V vsakem primeru priporočam dve particiji. Ena za os in programe, druga pa za podatke, tako, da če se ti kadarkoli poruši OS, lahko vedno formatiraš prvo particijo in ponovno naložiš OS in programe, brez skrbi za predhodno umikanje podatkov.
Prva particija za OS in programe naj ne bo večja od 18GB.
Drugaeč pa je odvisno od OS samega.
Pri Winodws NT, 2000 in XP Proffesional ti priporočam kreiarnje malo večje SWAP datoteke, posebno še, če imaš manj kot 512MB rama.


SaS ::

Kako pa naj kreiram Swap in kaj je to?

......F*** THE SYSTEM

SaS ::

Aja vem kaj misliš SWAP in imam 512rama!!

Na C: bom jo nastavil tako da bodo jo winsi sami regulirali, na D: pa bom jo izklopil!

Ali bi bilo tako OK ali imaš novazl kaki boljši predlog??

......F*** THE SYSTEM

Spajky ::

evo malo kopi-pejsta z juzneta:

>a drive, why do you need to
>partition it?

you do not need to, but is a good idea to:
because of:

-better organisation of data,
-easier mainteinance of data

I recommend at least 3 partitions (but max 5) - depends of how large HD is:

- system (OS + programs, few GBs)

- Data (important stuff not affording to lose, few GBs or more)

- Trash ( all kinds of temporary non life important data - no harm if lost, OS pagefile etc. few GBs or more)

- LARGEST partition (for other stuff like temporary ghosted backups of first two partitions, for large A/V & multimedia stuff, archives of different kind DL from net like porn pics etc ... :-))) ; restore points for OS etc ...

- a SMALL last partition (few GBs) containing setup files for OS copyed from setup CD /not to search everytime for it when wanting to change something in system & for faster setup of it/; OS&programs patches DL from net not to DL them again when redoing setup; All drivers files for hardware you have for the same reason, licence numbers if CDs get lost, a copy of mbr & partition table if gets screwed together with a program which did it; last AV database DL-ed from Net etc ....
Here can be installed also a small stripped Win Emergency install (I have a stripped lifesaver Win95B -12Mb) OS if the first gets TL wacked to use it for Net connection to get OL help if you have only one machine in the house not to bother neighbours...


- faster & separate (or partial) check of HD pies with ScanDisk, Antivirus, Defragmenter, data recovering if lost, formating when needed (you first can format only 1 (C) partition, the others can be done later within OS (faster).


- at the beginning a bit more of "brain exercize" & few letters more in win Explorer later ...

also is advisable to fix letters of removable & optical drives to last letters if inserting (w9x) additional new disk later not to screw shortcuts to your CD files ...

... with these days large disks, I recommend partitioning its space like upper mentioned in ratio 10:10:10: 60 :10 (if having a 100Gb disk that would be also partition sizes in Gb)

... a lot of guys will disagree with this mine recommended configuration, but thru years for me confirmed to be the optimal solution ( I have 3x 2Gb + 12 + 2Gb on 20Gb HD) (well I have also a
smaller spare HD apart on which I compressed can make a back up of whole my first drive in case of emergencies (comp.theft, HD dead, etc)

I am not paranoid, but the life has learned me to take precautions .. do not trust computers to much; there are viruses, non reliable hardvare, ... & the most dangerous: the USER ! :-)))) :O
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

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