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Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe

Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe

BaRtMaN ::

Full games for FREE! Gathering had a great idea to promote their upcoming sequel, Hidden & Dangerous II, by releasing the original game Hidden & Dangerous digitally for everyone to play! This Deluxe set comes with the full retail game of Hidden & Dangerous, the Devil's Bridge expansion pack, all the patches and updates, and the mission editor. ALL FREE!

Na FilePlanetu. >:D

Paramedic ::

Je to res? Ta špil je bil meni ful dober, takrat, kosm ga igral, čeprav so ga buggyji grizli. Me zanima, če se splača igrat s temi dodatki...
End transmission.

BaRtMaN ::

Seveda je res. Datoteka je velika 264.1MB in je že na mojem disku.

Firebat ::

Igra je dobra, pa tudi nekateri vecji bugi so popravleni ...

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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