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AMD AXIA 1.0@1.5Ghz

AMD AXIA 1.0@1.5Ghz

ABX ::

nullAMD Athlon 1Ghz AXIA Overclocking

April 4, 2001 - You remember the Celeron 300A? Overclocking fifty percent over default, pumping out as much processing power as the best retail CPUs at the time. And at the same time costing hardly anything at all.

Today we take a look at the new processor code from AMD. In particular we have an AMD Athlon 1GHz with the AXIA code. Those four letters mean a great deal people. Read on for tales of daring do and near 1.5GHz speeds!
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!

Dalmatinc ::

ABX jokaj ali smeji se; saj je vseeno

Tole pošlji pod novice :8)

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KJE AMD TB 1GHZ pri nas?

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