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kripto splošna debata
Temo vidijo: vsi

Špricer ::
The historical Altseason will start today
Dominance peaked and alts will go parabolic.
? Dominance is rising again, with potential peaks around 60%-62%
? It's not guaranteed that we'll reach those levels, so splitting your altcoin purchases into parts is advisable.
? History tends to repeat itself and altcoins are once again showing a dip before taking off to new ATHs.
? The same situation occurred in 2021 when the market shook off weak hands before a massive rally.
? Consider buying altcoins now if you don't want to pay double the price soon.
Dominance peaked and alts will go parabolic.
? Dominance is rising again, with potential peaks around 60%-62%
? It's not guaranteed that we'll reach those levels, so splitting your altcoin purchases into parts is advisable.
? History tends to repeat itself and altcoins are once again showing a dip before taking off to new ATHs.
? The same situation occurred in 2021 when the market shook off weak hands before a massive rally.
? Consider buying altcoins now if you don't want to pay double the price soon.

matic492 ::
Špricer a si že zlezu ven iz depresije in si dokupil za 10€ altov?
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

endelin ::
Enemon: si ti v usdt?![]()
Ne, nisem, nisem pa tudi v minusu, daleč od tega, sem kupoval med kriptozimo.
Ti si v USDT ali v Tezusu?![]()
Jagodni dino izbor: tezus, litecoin, malo riple, malo usdt

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

matic492 ::
Jaz sem BEAMX prodal ker ne gre nikamor več, zdaj iščem novejše meme in shitcoine za dokupit :) PAI upam da gre še kam, MC je low, pa AI ima v imenu.
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

endelin ::
Jaz bi tudi nekam vrgel tisočaka usdt če ima kdo kaj za hitro dupliranje. Nekaj kar je na binance
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

Špricer ::
Jaz bi tudi nekam vrgel tisočaka usdt če ima kdo kaj za hitro dupliranje
Sui, hbar, icp, leo token, vet, mana, sand...
Špricer a si že zlezu ven iz depresije in si dokupil za 10€ altov?
Bom dal 50 eur ko še pade.
Toliko kolikor lahko pogrešim.
Enemon: si ti v usdt?![]()
Ne, nisem, nisem pa tudi v minusu, daleč od tega, sem kupoval med kriptozimo.
Ti si v USDT ali v Tezusu?![]()
Jagodni dino izbor: tezus, litecoin, malo riple, malo usdt![]()
Iz tezusa še vedno nisem izplaval na pozitivno ničlo. Kupoval na vrhu 2018.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Špricer ()

merlin2 ::
As of December 2024, #Tether #USDT exhibits characteristics that could indeed pose systemic risks. With a market capitalization exceeding $138 billion, Tether controls about 70% of the stablecoin market, making it a critical player in both crypto and traditional finance. Its reserves, primarily in short-term U.S. Treasury bills, total $125.5 billion, indicating a robust collateralization ratio of 105%. However, concerns arise from limited transparency regarding the creditworthiness of custodians and the composition of its assets.
The impending EU Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, requiring stablecoin issuers to hold significant reserves in European banks, may further complicate Tether's operations and introduce systemic risks if banks can lend up to 90% of these reserves. This regulatory pressure, combined with Tether's lack of comprehensive audits, raises alarms about potential market disruption if Tether were to face operational challenges or regulatory non-compliance
If a non-bank financial institution (NBFI); Tether, were shown to pose systemic risk, the consequences could be severe. Such an event might trigger a liquidity crisis, as interconnectedness with banks could lead to rapid asset sales and market volatility. This could result in contagion effects, where stress in the NBFI sector spills over into the banking system, amplifying risks across financial markets.
Regulatory bodies may need to intervene, potentially through bailouts or emergency liquidity support, to stabilize the situation. This could lead to increased scrutiny and calls for stricter regulations on NBFIs, aiming to mitigate future risks and enhance overall financial stability
The impending EU Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation, requiring stablecoin issuers to hold significant reserves in European banks, may further complicate Tether's operations and introduce systemic risks if banks can lend up to 90% of these reserves. This regulatory pressure, combined with Tether's lack of comprehensive audits, raises alarms about potential market disruption if Tether were to face operational challenges or regulatory non-compliance
If a non-bank financial institution (NBFI); Tether, were shown to pose systemic risk, the consequences could be severe. Such an event might trigger a liquidity crisis, as interconnectedness with banks could lead to rapid asset sales and market volatility. This could result in contagion effects, where stress in the NBFI sector spills over into the banking system, amplifying risks across financial markets.
Regulatory bodies may need to intervene, potentially through bailouts or emergency liquidity support, to stabilize the situation. This could lead to increased scrutiny and calls for stricter regulations on NBFIs, aiming to mitigate future risks and enhance overall financial stability

endelin ::
Iz tezusa še vedno nisem izplaval na pozitivno ničlo. Kupoval na vrhu 2018.
Še vedno preklinjam dan iz 2021 ko nisem prodal tezus po bumpu na par usd

Sigurno ni penzija coin

Bral sem to temo iz leta 2022 ko je propadla Luna. Kaj se je dogajalo v 2022 s kriptom

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

endelin ::
Jaz ze razmišljam o kripto zimi in počasno kupovanje btc ko pade pod 50% top-a tega cikla

merlin2 ::
The starting point in the chart above is the issuance of many billions of XRP tokens - essentially printing Monopoly money out of thin air, except that you can play Monopoly with Monopoly money.
To obscure Ripple's founders' intentions, however, an open source 'community' - not technically Ripple itself - issued the tokens. "XRP is open source and it was not created by our company, so that existed as an open source technology," explains Ryan Zagone, director of regulatory relations for Ripple. "We didn't create XRP."
Ti si nepoučen bebo.
XRP kodo je kreiral David Schwartz ceo XRP Labs. Toknov je kreiranih kolikor jih je in se jih ne da mintat nikoli več. Itak da ni Ripple ustvaril XRP token. Ripple firma ob nastanku kode XRP niti še ni obstajala.

endelin ::

merlin2 ::

endelin ::
Kak poraz zaenkrat je LTC ta cikel
nikamor ne gre. Je res preveč ce pričakujem tristotico?
Hodlam dalje

Hodlam dalje
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: endelin ()

merlin2 ::
Povezava s kitajsko je očitna.
USDT is issued by Tether, a company owned by iFinex, the Hong Kong-registered company that also owns the crypto exchange BitFinex.
Kolk so čisti je drugo vprašanje
Federal Investigators Probe Cryptocurrency Firm Tether Updated Oct. 25, 2024 2:06 pm ET
Authorities looking at possible violations of anti-money-laundering and sanctions rules
The federal government is investigating cryptocurrency company Tether for possible violations of sanctions and anti-money-laundering rules, according to people familiar with the matter.
USDT is issued by Tether, a company owned by iFinex, the Hong Kong-registered company that also owns the crypto exchange BitFinex.
Kolk so čisti je drugo vprašanje
Federal Investigators Probe Cryptocurrency Firm Tether Updated Oct. 25, 2024 2:06 pm ET
Authorities looking at possible violations of anti-money-laundering and sanctions rules
The federal government is investigating cryptocurrency company Tether for possible violations of sanctions and anti-money-laundering rules, according to people familiar with the matter.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: merlin2 ()

LeQuack ::
Microsoft shareholders reject a proposal for the tech giant to possibly invest in bitcoin
Bo pa več coinov ostalo za Saylorja ne?
Bo pa več coinov ostalo za Saylorja ne?
Quack !

damirez ::
Ah to o Thetru nabijajo že kolk 7-8 let?
Lahko da je vse res, najbrž tud je. Ampak očitno vse boli kurac, če lahko vsan ne miljon, ampak miljardo USDTjev natisnejo, tudi če sem jest nek regulator al neki imajo tiskalni stroj in mi dajo 100 miljonov, da sem tiho.
Svet se danes vrti okoli denarja. Ni več časti. Ljudje danes častijo bogate ljudi. Tko da vseeno pravim, nepomembno, tudi če je USDT fake. Kdo bo to ustavil?
Lahko da je vse res, najbrž tud je. Ampak očitno vse boli kurac, če lahko vsan ne miljon, ampak miljardo USDTjev natisnejo, tudi če sem jest nek regulator al neki imajo tiskalni stroj in mi dajo 100 miljonov, da sem tiho.
Svet se danes vrti okoli denarja. Ni več časti. Ljudje danes častijo bogate ljudi. Tko da vseeno pravim, nepomembno, tudi če je USDT fake. Kdo bo to ustavil?

ViperR ::
Povezava s kitajsko je očitna.
USDT is issued by Tether, a company owned by iFinex, the Hong Kong-registered company that also owns the crypto exchange BitFinex.
Kolk so čisti je drugo vprašanje
Federal Investigators Probe Cryptocurrency Firm Tether Updated Oct. 25, 2024 2:06 pm ET
Authorities looking at possible violations of anti-money-laundering and sanctions rules
The federal government is investigating cryptocurrency company Tether for possible violations of sanctions and anti-money-laundering rules, according to people familiar with the matter.
Saj to ni nobena skrivnost. Bitfinex je v 2013 tud uporabljal bitstampov orderbook, ker so komi startal in niso mel likvidnosti. So bli ti mojstri dostikrat v sloveniji. Kaj zdej je tud merlak vpleten v tvojo shady business zaroto?
Sicer pa je cringe to, da tip shilla ripplov stablecoin bizniz z nacinom, da diskreditira konkurenco. In to po nekih tiktok omrezjih, kjer je ciljna publika neki 12 letni mulci???

energetik ::
Kaj pravite, kdaj bomo na vrhu, da prodamo? Bozic? Silvestrovo?
Nobene prodaje. Samo počakam še en pump šitkojnov, ki jih še imam, nato jih swapnem v Bitcoin in zlato in hodlam naprej.
vires in numeris

LeQuack ::
Kakor gledam tole ko zdaj malo raste zadnji dan je na precej low volume, tako da pazite na whale ker znajo spet dumpati ko se jim bo zazdelo.
Quack !

merlin2 ::
Povezava s kitajsko je očitna.
USDT is issued by Tether, a company owned by iFinex, the Hong Kong-registered company that also owns the crypto exchange BitFinex.
Kolk so čisti je drugo vprašanje
Federal Investigators Probe Cryptocurrency Firm Tether Updated Oct. 25, 2024 2:06 pm ET
Authorities looking at possible violations of anti-money-laundering and sanctions rules
The federal government is investigating cryptocurrency company Tether for possible violations of sanctions and anti-money-laundering rules, according to people familiar with the matter.
Saj to ni nobena skrivnost. Bitfinex je v 2013 tud uporabljal bitstampov orderbook, ker so komi startal in niso mel likvidnosti. So bli ti mojstri dostikrat v sloveniji. Kaj zdej je tud merlak vpleten v tvojo shady business zaroto?
Sicer pa je cringe to, da tip shilla ripplov stablecoin bizniz z nacinom, da diskreditira konkurenco. In to po nekih tiktok omrezjih, kjer je ciljna publika neki 12 letni mulci???![]()
USDT je neruguliran
RLUSD je reguliran
Ciljna publika?
Ni teško ugotovit koga bodo izbrale menjalnice in finančne inštitucije. In začelo se je z Evropo.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: merlin2 ()

merlin2 ::

merlin2 ::
Imaš usdc če se ti ze tolk dviguje na te regulacije.
Itak da je ISO20022 kompatibilen

A še zdaj niste ugotovil, da gre vse na regulacijo in ne deregulacijo?

In spet imam prav

Ciljna publika so mulci s TikToka

Res ste nekateri do vratu v greznici
Monica Long: #RLUSD’s $3 Trillion Market Use Case Will Boost Demand and Flow Seamlessly Through $XRP for Faster Transactions

ViperR ::
Ja ker za transfer med bitstamp in binance res rabis med iso kovanec al kaj. Aja ne ti sanjas o nekih triljonih prenosa z ripplom hahah

merlin2 ::
Ja ker za transfer med bitstamp in binance res rabis med iso kovanec al kaj. Aja ne ti sanjas o nekih triljonih prenosa z ripplom hahah
Grezničar, se še nisi naveličal?
📢 5 Common Myths about $RLUSD: DEBUNKED
Now that RLUSD is finally approved, it's important to debunk common misconceptions about it. Here are the top 5 common myths about #RLUSD, debunked:
💫 Myth 1: RLUSD will replace XRP
Debunking: RLUSD and XRP are complementary, not competitors. As a stablecoin, RLUSD is ideal for stable-value transactions, while XRP is ideal as a bridge currency for cross-border payments and liquidity. XRP’s role is essential in scenarios where RLUSD lacks sufficient liquidity with certain fiat currencies. In such instances, XRP will ensure transactions remain fast and cost-effective. So no, RLUSD will not replace XRP.
💫 Myth 2: RLUSD will undermine XRP's value
Debunking: RLUSD is designed to coexist with XRP. In fact, RLUSD will help drive more use cases for XRP, as its utility as a bridge asset remains essential for transactions across the global financial system. Ripple’s ultimate goal is to build a multi-faceted ecosystem where RLUSD complements XRP rather than undermine it.
💫 Myth 3: RLUSD will be centralized
Debunking: RLUSD is designed to be fully decentralized. It operates within Ripple's ecosystem, leveraging XRP Ledger's decentralization, providing transparency and security. While it is issued by Ripple, it is governed by smart contracts and operates independently of Ripple's centralized control. This aligns with the broader goals of the XRP Ledger to offer decentralized, fast, and low-cost transactions.
💫 Myth 4: RLUSD is Just Another Stablecoin with No Unique Features
Debunking: RLUSD is different from other stablecoins because it’s built on the XRP Ledger, which provides fast settlement times and lower costs compared to many other blockchain platforms. Additionally, RLUSD leverages Ripple's robust network and ecosystem, giving it access to high liquidity and strong regulatory compliance, which many other stablecoins lack.
💫 Myth 5: RLUSD is fully backed by fiat, like traditional stablecoins
Debunking: RLUSD is indeed 100% backed by traditional fiat assets, however because of it's integration within Ripple’s ecosystem, the potential exists for it to also be backed by XRP, which would create scarcity and price appreciation for XRP, without changing its fiat-backed nature.

ViperR ::
According to Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, the stablecoin will primarily target large institutional players and is ready to be listed on major crypto exchanges soon.
By October, the company had partnered with several exchanges, including Uphold, Bitstamp, Bitso, MoonPay, Independent Reserve, CoinMENA and Bullish, to facilitate the token's launch.
To je to, zdej se grem registrirat na CoinMENA da bom trejdal z ripple stablecoinom.
By October, the company had partnered with several exchanges, including Uphold, Bitstamp, Bitso, MoonPay, Independent Reserve, CoinMENA and Bullish, to facilitate the token's launch.
To je to, zdej se grem registrirat na CoinMENA da bom trejdal z ripple stablecoinom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ViperR ()

merlin2 ::
? BREAKING: Eric Trump calls for crypto regulation to modernize banking.
In a Dec. 9 interview in Abu Dhabi, ahead of his keynote speech at the Bitcoin MENA 2024 Conference, Eric Trump expressed strong support for crypto and blockchain technology,
He says that crypto can outperform traditional banking systems and that the banking system is outdated.
Trump expressed criticism of banking Inefficiencies such as the time to secure a home loan highlighting that blockchain could handle banking functions more quickly and at a lower cost compared to traditional methods.
He indicated that his father's incoming administration aims to introduce clear, sensible regulations for the crypto industry to make the U.S. the crypto capital of the world.
Trump warned that the U.S. could fall behind if it doesn't lead in crypto regulation, noting other countries' advancements in cryptocurrency.
In a Dec. 9 interview in Abu Dhabi, ahead of his keynote speech at the Bitcoin MENA 2024 Conference, Eric Trump expressed strong support for crypto and blockchain technology,
He says that crypto can outperform traditional banking systems and that the banking system is outdated.
Trump expressed criticism of banking Inefficiencies such as the time to secure a home loan highlighting that blockchain could handle banking functions more quickly and at a lower cost compared to traditional methods.
He indicated that his father's incoming administration aims to introduce clear, sensible regulations for the crypto industry to make the U.S. the crypto capital of the world.
Trump warned that the U.S. could fall behind if it doesn't lead in crypto regulation, noting other countries' advancements in cryptocurrency.

ViperR ::
CoinMENA, a Bahrain-based cryptocurrency exchange, reported surpassing $2 billion in cumulative trading volume since its 2021 launch.
In contrast, Coinbase, a leading U.S.-based exchange, achieved a trading volume of $185 billion in the third quarter of 2024 alone.
XD? 2bil v treh letih vs 185bil v Q3.
In contrast, Coinbase, a leading U.S.-based exchange, achieved a trading volume of $185 billion in the third quarter of 2024 alone.
XD? 2bil v treh letih vs 185bil v Q3.

KG-348 ::
Jaz sem BEAMX prodal ker ne gre nikamor več, zdaj iščem novejše meme in shitcoine za dokupit :) PAI upam da gre še kam, MC je low, pa AI ima v imenu.
BEAM gaming platform token. Relativno nizek MC in področje ki še ni dobilo spotlighta v alt marketu. Kdor se mi ni nazadnje posmehoval in je raje pogledal o čem govorim bi od oktobra podvojil denar, pa še dobro začeli nismo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: KG-348 ()

matic492 ::
Saj jaz sem že 4x naredu na BEAMu zato sem ga prodal :) Samo od ~1.5 miljarde MC ne vem če bo še kaj dosti naredu.
X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

KG-348 ::
če je axie šel do 10 jaz tega ne prodam pred 8-10
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: KG-348 ()

matic492 ::
Ko bomo mi chillali vsak na svoji jahti, bo špricer še kr jamral po forumu

X670 Gaming X, R9 7900X, 64GB, EVGA RTX 3090 XC3, HX1000

merlin2 ::
How the mechanics of Ripple's stablecoin (RLUSD) will work.
As explained by @JoelKatz.
In še nekaj tehnikalij, ki ravno zaradi nerazumevanja pri določenih povzročajo obilo žolča.
The pegging assets are cash and treasuries, but it's true stabilizing asset is XRP. It's convertible from cash, to XRP, to anything else on the ledger.
XRP is as good as gold, or rather the golden goose.
Quoted by the OCC U.S.
Link provided below:
As explained by @JoelKatz.
In še nekaj tehnikalij, ki ravno zaradi nerazumevanja pri določenih povzročajo obilo žolča.
The pegging assets are cash and treasuries, but it's true stabilizing asset is XRP. It's convertible from cash, to XRP, to anything else on the ledger.
XRP is as good as gold, or rather the golden goose.
Quoted by the OCC U.S.
Link provided below:

Špricer ::

merlin2 ::
Prihaja nov finančni sistem.
You won't need to see or understand XRP to benefit from it. Banks and payment apps will use it behind the scenes, making transactions faster, cheaper, and seamless.
Ripple allows financial institutions to move money and value instantly, cutting costs and eliminating barriers across the globe.
XRP is the universal bridge, connecting all forms of value--whether it's dollars, gold, digital currencies, or services.
Ripple's technology creates a financial internet, where money moves as effortlessly as emails or videos online.
A "Finternet."
XRP makes this possible by acting as the core connector for global financial systems.
Therefore, XRP is positioned to become as essential and invisible as internet protocols, powering the future of value exchange everywhere.
You won't need to see or understand XRP to benefit from it. Banks and payment apps will use it behind the scenes, making transactions faster, cheaper, and seamless.
Ripple allows financial institutions to move money and value instantly, cutting costs and eliminating barriers across the globe.
XRP is the universal bridge, connecting all forms of value--whether it's dollars, gold, digital currencies, or services.
Ripple's technology creates a financial internet, where money moves as effortlessly as emails or videos online.
A "Finternet."
XRP makes this possible by acting as the core connector for global financial systems.
Therefore, XRP is positioned to become as essential and invisible as internet protocols, powering the future of value exchange everywhere.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: merlin2 ()

zelenobeli ::

TonyBass ::
Zanimivo, da ni tukaj nič govora o iDEGEN projektu. Izgleda zelo obetavno na informacije, ki obstajajo.