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kripto splošna debata

kripto splošna debata

Temo vidijo: vsi
1291 / 1490

Rossi V ::

tole naj bo pa Nodi-Warkraft seansa....kr neki
Noben vaju nee posluša več,tako da si dajta kar duška :-) z unimi 15 ;-)

Rossi V ::

Rossi V je izjavil:

tole naj bo pa Nodi-Warkraft seansa....kr neki
Noben vaju nee posluša več,tako da si dajta kar duška :-) z unimi 15 ;-)

Teh 15 pa itak vejo,da sploh nee veta o čem govorita :-)

grem se zdj priključit drugam,kvalitetni debati

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Rossi V ()

Rossi V ::

aja pa čist mimgrede ....ne se nadejat takih stevilk BTC ja,s katerimi vas bo Nodi hopal v bull runu....precej manjše bodo ;-)

globoko grlo ::

Ni najbols, je pa nase :)
Gigabyte B460M DS3H | I5 - 10400F | 16GB | 6700XT | P2 m.2 500GB

Ajki ::

Se pravi Merlak je v prejšnjem bullu še med 30 in 40K ven ( ko je bil BTC 42K ATH ) niti DCA out al kaj kr full sell.

p.s. Vprašanje za Warkrafta seveda
http://discord.kriptoslovenija.si (1000+ uporabnikov)

IgorCardanof ::

Merlak je podrl 50% slovenskih influenserk, a mislis da se res sekira a je prodal btc pri 40k ali pa pri 53k??
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

Alien123 ::

Ni važno al gre gor al dol, bot mi nima kaj delat po 0.5% svinganja..

globoko grlo ::

Car Tadej :)
Gigabyte B460M DS3H | I5 - 10400F | 16GB | 6700XT | P2 m.2 500GB

PrihajaNodi ::

Alien123 je izjavil:

Ni važno al gre gor al dol, bot mi nima kaj delat po 0.5% svinganja..


Prebranac ::

Ajki je izjavil:

Se pravi Merlak je v prejšnjem bullu še med 30 in 40K ven ( ko je bil BTC 42K ATH ) niti DCA out al kaj kr full sell.

p.s. Vprašanje za Warkrafta seveda

Rekel je, da bo za kupovate, ne pa da on osebno. Verjamem mu na besedo za 10 do 12 k. Že ima prijatelje v dubaje.

PacificBlue ::

I’m out.

Prebranac ::

Nodi na volumene 5 milijard btc dolarof ti pricakujes rast? Nazadnje je bil hype 2021 pri 30 milijardd prometa na dan. Tole samo caka na dump. Da se akomolira denar retaila.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Prebranac ()

wilbur ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

Nodi na volumene 5 milijard btc dolarof ti pricakujes rast? Nazadnje je bil hype 2021 pri 30 milijardd prometa na dan. Tole samo caka na dump. Da se akomolira denar retaila.

Istočasno pa že od 2019 ni bilo tako malo BTC v obtoku. So se akumuliral v denarnicah.

PacificBlue ::

Vseen market cap $btc je vecji kot pa bank of america in bank of china skupaj:))
I’m out.

Prebranac ::

Očitno je, da smo doseglji higher low. Kot so že predhodniki na yt povedali gre za največjo prevaro v zgodovini trgovanja. Največji bull trap...

PrihajaNodi ::

Sam se vedno racunam na 250 k

Prebranac ::

PrihajaNodi je izjavil:

Sam se vedno racunam na 250 k

Bote spet nekaj napizdujejo ribice. Lažne pumpice in zavajanje retaila. Manipulacija s čustve.

Prebranac ::

Puni kufer imam botof in institucij. Naj se j...kot da bo nasednil kdo.

PrihajaNodi ::

Lepa pumpa. Meta je slo konkretno gor

Prebranac ::

Predvsem pa bartov anus trpi ob fsem tem hopium sranju...

Kripto mesi ::

trpijo naši mozgani, ker beremo tvoje spakovanje

Prebranac ::

Kripto mesi je izjavil:

trpijo naši mozgani, ker beremo tvoje spakovanje

Opozarjam pred dvosmernim prometom binance in cz, institucijami..

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Prebranac ()

val46 ::

a ti veš kaj pomeni dvosmerni promet? Pejdi raje na morje, bo bolše, ker zgleda ti škodi ta vročina!

Prebranac ::

val46 je izjavil:

a ti veš kaj pomeni dvosmerni promet? Pejdi raje na morje, bo bolše, ker zgleda ti škodi ta vročina!

Fse mi je jasno. Ne potrebujem morja pubec.

Some cryptocurrency exchanges are allegedly faking their volume numbers by using bots to boost transaction numbers.
The purpose is to raise the profile of the exchange and draw in new investors.
The websites that track the crypto industry are trying to crack down on the problem.
How Crypto Sites Can Fake Volume
Coindesk reports that a Moscow State College sophomore set up a business helping obscure crypto exchanges fake big trading volume. He achieved this by setting up multiple accounts on an exchange and using bots to trade constantly between the accounts.

The goal is to fake enough trading volume to get the exchanges on the lists tracked by the widely followed CoinMarketCap website, thus gaining the attention of real crypto investors.

Coindesk's report, in July 2019, indicated that this Russian kid's business was only one of a number around the world that help fledgling exchanges "fake it until you make it."

Trading Incentives
A Bloomberg report pointed out anomalies in Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitforex’s trading volume. The exchange has an incentive program linked to the transaction fees charged by the exchange for users.

The Transaction mining program offers users $1.20 in digital tokens for each $1 they spend in transaction fees. Several users had multiple accounts on the platform and used bots to increase trading volume between their accounts and earn lots of tokens.

The transaction is a profitable one if the distributed tokens increase in value.

Such trades are known as wash trades and the U.S. Justice Department has already opened an investigation into cryptocurrency exchanges involved in the practice.

The other red flag for Bloomberg is the absence of a correlation between the number of website visits and trading volumes.

Cryptocurrency exchanges with few website visits are reporting trading volumes that run into billions of dollars. According to Bloomberg, 40% of trades at the top 30 exchanges ranked by Coin Market Cap come from eight venues with the highest volume to visits ratio.

val46 ::

Super zate, slabo za nas. Ampak ok, vsaj daš besedilo v angleščini, da se nam ni treba martrat s prevajanjem tvoje "spakedranščine", katere se sramujejo celo vsi iz štajerskega konca :)

Lennzi ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

val46 je izjavil:

a ti veš kaj pomeni dvosmerni promet? Pejdi raje na morje, bo bolše, ker zgleda ti škodi ta vročina!

Fse mi je jasno. Ne potrebujem morja pubec.

Some cryptocurrency exchanges are allegedly faking their volume numbers by using bots to boost transaction numbers.
The purpose is to raise the profile of the exchange and draw in new investors.
The websites that track the crypto industry are trying to crack down on the problem.
How Crypto Sites Can Fake Volume
Coindesk reports that a Moscow State College sophomore set up a business helping obscure crypto exchanges fake big trading volume. He achieved this by setting up multiple accounts on an exchange and using bots to trade constantly between the accounts.

The goal is to fake enough trading volume to get the exchanges on the lists tracked by the widely followed CoinMarketCap website, thus gaining the attention of real crypto investors.

Coindesk's report, in July 2019, indicated that this Russian kid's business was only one of a number around the world that help fledgling exchanges "fake it until you make it."

Trading Incentives
A Bloomberg report pointed out anomalies in Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitforex’s trading volume. The exchange has an incentive program linked to the transaction fees charged by the exchange for users.

The Transaction mining program offers users $1.20 in digital tokens for each $1 they spend in transaction fees. Several users had multiple accounts on the platform and used bots to increase trading volume between their accounts and earn lots of tokens.

The transaction is a profitable one if the distributed tokens increase in value.

Such trades are known as wash trades and the U.S. Justice Department has already opened an investigation into cryptocurrency exchanges involved in the practice.

The other red flag for Bloomberg is the absence of a correlation between the number of website visits and trading volumes.

Cryptocurrency exchanges with few website visits are reporting trading volumes that run into billions of dollars. According to Bloomberg, 40% of trades at the top 30 exchanges ranked by Coin Market Cap come from eight venues with the highest volume to visits ratio.

Nodi, tele članke limaš že od 2019...dosadan si. Večsmerni promet v tej temi delaš samo ti z 10 profili.

Prebranac ::

Lennzi je izjavil:

Prebranac je izjavil:

val46 je izjavil:

a ti veš kaj pomeni dvosmerni promet? Pejdi raje na morje, bo bolše, ker zgleda ti škodi ta vročina!

Fse mi je jasno. Ne potrebujem morja pubec.

Some cryptocurrency exchanges are allegedly faking their volume numbers by using bots to boost transaction numbers.
The purpose is to raise the profile of the exchange and draw in new investors.
The websites that track the crypto industry are trying to crack down on the problem.
How Crypto Sites Can Fake Volume
Coindesk reports that a Moscow State College sophomore set up a business helping obscure crypto exchanges fake big trading volume. He achieved this by setting up multiple accounts on an exchange and using bots to trade constantly between the accounts.

The goal is to fake enough trading volume to get the exchanges on the lists tracked by the widely followed CoinMarketCap website, thus gaining the attention of real crypto investors.

Coindesk's report, in July 2019, indicated that this Russian kid's business was only one of a number around the world that help fledgling exchanges "fake it until you make it."

Trading Incentives
A Bloomberg report pointed out anomalies in Singapore-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitforex’s trading volume. The exchange has an incentive program linked to the transaction fees charged by the exchange for users.

The Transaction mining program offers users $1.20 in digital tokens for each $1 they spend in transaction fees. Several users had multiple accounts on the platform and used bots to increase trading volume between their accounts and earn lots of tokens.

The transaction is a profitable one if the distributed tokens increase in value.

Such trades are known as wash trades and the U.S. Justice Department has already opened an investigation into cryptocurrency exchanges involved in the practice.

The other red flag for Bloomberg is the absence of a correlation between the number of website visits and trading volumes.

Cryptocurrency exchanges with few website visits are reporting trading volumes that run into billions of dollars. According to Bloomberg, 40% of trades at the top 30 exchanges ranked by Coin Market Cap come from eight venues with the highest volume to visits ratio.

Nodi, tele članke limaš že od 2019...dosadan si. Večsmerni promet v tej temi delaš samo ti z 10 profili.

Bote videli. Kmalu sledi raketa. Kam bo obrnjena pa fsak sam ve. Stajerci in prleki niso isto. Kot tudi ne haloze.

PacificBlue ::

Kam bo obrnjena pa fsak sam ve

Spremljajte dino kovance glede na btc. Bo zanimivo, če se zgodi breakout.

I’m out.

PrihajaNodi ::

Xtz dobr melje

miha98 ::

A ve kdo katere influencerke je fukal Merlak ? A obstajajo kakšni verodostojni podatki??? A to na jahti njegovi?

Prebranac ::

Na ladji so po iskalniku google sončile Mary Ševo in Tjaša Kramarič, in Špela Grošelj. Vse tekmovalke Sanjskega moškega. Katera je bila tista pa pustimo pot domišljije.

Slovenske novice o Merlaku : Na zelo intimno poizvedovanje o njihovih seksualnih podvigih na jahti, je Slaku odgovoril, da je že kdaj seksal na jahti, verjetno pa tudi njegovi gosti, saj jih ne sprašuje, kaj delajo, ko gredo v spalnice. Glasba, hrana, zabava in popivanje, vse to spada zraven k takemu dopustu, pravi Merlak o tem, kaj počnejo z lepoticami na jahti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Prebranac ()

MaticSLO ::

The highest of stakes trailer je bil releasan (Hex in PulseChain)

Uvodni intro: "What do you want people to know about you?"

Richard heart: "I got a big dick"

:| 8-O

Kripto ::

Bitcoin se zelo dobro drži.

Money is mindset!

mr_chai ::

Kripto je izjavil:

Bitcoin se zelo dobro drži.

dobr ga držijo

Siso ::

A ti Nodi bi xrp rad zaslužu,mejbi,ih imam od 2011 par mljonov pa ne dela neki,mogoče nextjr

ko m

PrihajaNodi ::

xrp je od 2012

Prebranac ::

mr_chai je izjavil:

Kripto je izjavil:

Bitcoin se zelo dobro drži.

dobr ga držijo

Pravilna domneva. Institucije ga drzijo, najbolj pa lovijo retail daily traiderje na vabo. Zaenkrat gre fse v kurac. Neskoncno ne more ite samo gor. Prevec casa cakas nodi na ta vrh bulla. Kar gre gor padne tudi dol.

Ce 6 mesecef raste, more padnit.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Prebranac ()

PrihajaNodi ::

3 staovanja in miljonček pa roka...

perci ::

PrihajaNodi ::

Zakaj je tele?

bozicek ::

Naročnik oglasa Zan Nekrep hahaha
Darila letos samo za poredne

PrihajaNodi ::

Zakaj sploh začeti služiti s kriptovalutami iz Slovenije tudi, če imate že redno službo?

Služiti lahko začnete ob službi z manj dela in zelo dobro zaslužite prek spleta tudi, če ste nekje na plaži ali uživate na morju.
Ne potrebujete podjetja.
Začnete lahko že s 100 evri, torej potrebujete malo denarja.
Potrebujete le mobitel in dostop do spleta.
Delate lahko kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Sami določate svoj delovni čas.
Ta zaslužek vam lahko vzame zelo malo časa (manj kot uro na teden).
Ni vam treba imeti nobenih zaposlenih.

PacificBlue ::

S 100 evri ..od junaka do bedaka.
A je sam men Žan že nadležen?:))
I’m out.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Senior Dev ::

Da ponovimo zlata pravila kriptovlaganja preden se poženete na vlak proti luni:
Vlagaj samo denar, ki si ga pripravljen izgubiti.
Hodl strategija vsakemu na dolgi rok prinese penzijo.
Dokler ne prodaš, ne izgubiš.

Nekatera zlata pravila so metafore!
Upam, da je zdaj vsakemu jasno, zakaj se splača igrati kripto.
ZenaDeva d.o.o. - Oddaja nepremičnin

Prebranac ::

Fsem se je ftrgalo. Daily trederji so potegnili kratkemu. Lepo skalpirajo shortere. Še malo počekajte..

PacificBlue ::

Se bo četrti teden zapored tudi zaključila zelena sveča? Že pol leta se ni..
I’m out.

mr_chai ::

Kot kaže se bo. To je dobri indikator, da bo cena drugo leto 200k. Trenutno smo v recesiji, drugo leto bo že gospodarska rast in Rusija bo zavladala Ukrajini, kar bo še dodatno dvignilo BTC navzgor proti 500k.

Edina rešitev za izstop iz revščine je pretopitev nepremičnine v BTC in v šotoru počakati 2 leti

Prebranac ::

mr_chai je izjavil:

Kot kaže se bo. To je dobri indikator, da bo cena drugo leto 200k. Trenutno smo v recesiji, drugo leto bo že gospodarska rast in Rusija bo zavladala Ukrajini, kar bo še dodatno dvignilo BTC navzgor proti 500k.

Edina rešitev za izstop iz revščine je pretopitev nepremičnine v BTC in v šotoru počakati 2 leti

Res je, ampak bull bit če konec 2024 po mojih izračunih. Prihaja recesija, krvavi september, če ne bo prej že avgust.

wilbur ::

Prebranac je izjavil:

mr_chai je izjavil:

Kot kaže se bo. To je dobri indikator, da bo cena drugo leto 200k. Trenutno smo v recesiji, drugo leto bo že gospodarska rast in Rusija bo zavladala Ukrajini, kar bo še dodatno dvignilo BTC navzgor proti 500k.

Edina rešitev za izstop iz revščine je pretopitev nepremičnine v BTC in v šotoru počakati 2 leti

Res je, ampak bull bit če konec 2024 po mojih izračunih. Prihaja recesija, krvavi september, če ne bo prej že avgust.

Tvojih izračunih? :|

Kripto ::

Zdaj shortati bitcoin je približno tako kot v zaporu pobirati milo pod tušem...

Za bitcoin se nakazuje konkreten premik navzgor. Potrpežljivost je zajebana stvar, ne zmore je vsak. Rezervirana je za peščico.

Money is mindset!
1291 / 1490