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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Temo vidijo: vsi
580 / 885

Pac-Man ::

To, izjava sorodnice mobiliziranca, ki si želi rotacije, nit


23/ "I wanted to say a favorite phrase of one of our commanders. If you don’t have 200 [fatalities] today, 300 [the wounded] worked poorly. This also speaks about the attitude of the command towards our mobilised people." /end




The historians who spent decades trying to disprove all of the wehraboo human wave myths watching putin think that was an actual winning strategy

in to


I am CONVINCED that this is the source of the problem with the Russian meat waves. Shoigu and Putin, arguably Gerasimov, probably majority of the general staff and brass, all grew up on the myth that the Nazis were beaten by pure zeal and numbers, enemy at the gates style
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Smrekar1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


Putin signed the law on the state budget for 2024.
40% of budget expenditures are for the war and for protecting the Putin regime.
For comparison, 4% of the budget will go to healthcare.

This is the budget for the brutalization and extinction of the country.

Za primerjavo je tule proračun iz leta 2021:


"Vse gre po načrtih".

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

TV Rain ima angleški YT kanal


en primer

Olga Skabeeva —The Professional West-Hater

It might seem that Russian state propagandists are all male. Enter Olga Skabeeva. A ruthless warrior in Putin's propaganda army who not only doesn't fall short of the standards set by her male colleagues, but at times far surpasses them. Skabeeva can win a shouting match with almost anyone. She and her husband Evgeny Popov are in charge of one of the most difficult genres of propaganda: pretend political; debate shows. The debates might be fake, but the emotions are real! Watch our newest explainer video to find out more about Olga Skabeyeva, one of the loudest voices of Kremlin propaganda.

0:00 — Introducing: Olga Skabeeva
1:33 — Who is Skabeeva and how she rose to propaganda stardom
2:48 — Skabeeva on Biden
2:58 — Olga Skabeeva’s debate show “60 minutes”
6:23 — How Skabeeva’s propaganda fits into the lives of average Russians
6:57 — How much money Skabeeva and her husband make
7:19 — Why is “60 minutes” so popular?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

sir_mha ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Olga Skabeeva —The Professional West-Hater

Ta je dobra. Boh vedi, kaj si stare mamce mislijo, ko gledajo 60 minut.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

I LOL'ed


To nima veze ne s Severno Korejo, ne z Rusijo, ima pa veze s pravilnim ravnanjem s topovskimi granatami. Na ta način je eksplodirala havbica na Počeku, ter je umrl Moša Pijade.
Ko se granata pripravi na izstrelitev, ko se privije vžigalnik na granato, se vsaj tiste granate, kar sem jaz delal z njimi "tempira". Vžigalnik se aktivira in od tistega trenutka naprej je granata občutljiva na udarce.

Vžigalnik ne eksplodira na PRVI udar, ampak na DRUGI udar. Če komu pade granata na tla, se prevrne recimo na asfaltu, je prejela prvi udar. Če daš tako granato v izstrelitev, bo v cevi eksplodirala. Tako kot na sliki. Vžigalniki, s katerimi sem jaz delal, so bili zapečateni, takoj ko si vžigalnik s tempirnim ključem obrnil, je neke vrste plomba počila.

Kolikor sem gledal, Rusi so vozili privite granate v kamionu. Vendar so jih vozili tudi Ukrajinci. Potem pa so posnetki vsaj Ukrajincev izginili.

Res je sicer nekaj. Granate je lažje pripraviti na izstrel nekje v pozadini, kot na bojni liniji.

Zgodovina sprememb…

redtech ::

Če še kdo ni videl, dobili so tipa, ki je raztrelil plinovod :))

Malidelničar ::

Rusija očitno še vedno vohunsko rovari v Sloveniji.

Poglejte komentarje pod tem člankom:

Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Kresnik ::

Malidelničar je izjavil:

Rusija očitno še vedno vohunsko rovari v Sloveniji.

Poglejte komentarje pod tem člankom:


Samo to je nekaj mesecev star članek...

AgJ1 ::

Rusko notranje ministrstvo je pripravilo osnutek zakonodaje, ki bi tujce prisilila v podpis "sporazuma o zvestobi", ki jim prepoveduje kritizirati uradno politiko, diskreditirati sovjetsko vojaško zgodovino ali kršiti tradicionalne družinske vrednote, poroča agencija TASS.


To je najnovejši kretenizem Ministrstva za resnico RF? Grejo pospešeno v najbolj skrajno verzijo 1984...

Pac-Man ::

Leonid je streljal kozličke


The human trafficking operation that russia is directing at Finland & Estonia today was previously organised through Belarus towards Poland, Lithuania, & Latvia.

But, back then, “russia experts” said russia couldn’t be involved for the same reason it wouldn’t invade Ukraine. 🤔

“Russia-bashing industry” sounds very much like what Walter Duranty used to write.

I have a longer thread coming up to take a closer look at narratives from this period exactly two years ago. Some things look a lot clearer in retrospect.

By their own logic, these people should have had a sudden revelation when the full scale war began about how russia has been involved in so much more nefarious activities that they had previously dismissed and that actually the “russia-bashing industry” might just be ordinary people who experienced and saw that and should be listened to.

But, no. They are still today raging at the “russia-bashing industry” while promoting narratives that are consistently remarkably similar to the kremlin’s.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Malidelničar ::

Malo off-topic:

Špekulirajo, da naj bi Rusija želela zanetiti vojno v Južni Ameriki:

The Brazilian Armed Forces have reportedly been placed into a Heightened State of Readiness due to a Significant Movement of Military Equipment and Personnel in Eastern Venezuela on the Border of Guyana which has recently been Detected, with Officials believing that Venezuela may soon Invade the Small South American Country in order to Annex the "Guayana Esequiba" Region which accounts for over 60% of the Nation's Territory and has been Claimed by the Venezuelan Government.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Pac-Man ::



OTD in 1999 the OSCE conference was in Istanbul. Russia promised to remove our troops from Moldova & Georgia by end of 2002.

Ukraine should believe Russia’s promises & negotiate…



What you dont mention is that Russia was protecting its people been attacked in Transnistria who made a formal sovereignty declaration from Moldova. Georgia war was South Ossetia wanted to be part of Russia. If Nato and USA stay out of central Europe affairs then no conflics.

in to


Russia always protects itself in other people’s countries.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Chalky ::

Drones are dominating the face of the war in Ukraine. From intel gathering and spying to loitering munitions and propaganda, drones are a versatile tool on the battlefield. To keep up with changing battlefield conditions and to keep their soldiers well equipped, everyday Ukrainians are using their engineering skills to create drone labs across the country. This is their story.

Fritz ::

Drobni so pomembni in so postali zelo pomembno orožje in platforma za izvidovanje/opazovanje. Pri tem na pomenu pridobiva tudi najpomembnejše protiorožje - elektronsko bojevanje.

Velik pomen imajo še artilerijski radarji in orožja, ki se uporabljajo za uničevanje nasprotnikove artilerije.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Ruski Proekt Media z uro in pol materiala in angleškimi podnapisi

How Putin Actually Started the War with Ukraine | Historical Investigation

'His War' is Andrey Zakharov's historical investigation into Vladimir Putin and the war he unleashed in Ukraine back in 2014. For ten years now, journalists from around the world have been gathering evidence on how exactly this war began. In this film, we have compiled all the evidence together.

This includes wiretaps of conversations among Russian officials and separatists, email leaks, and most importantly, confessions from the participants of the 'Russian Spring.'

Why did Putin specifically provoke the Euromaidan? How did the Kremlin prepare for the annexation of Crimea? And why did Russia's intervention in Ukraine's internal affairs become the main cause of the war that started in 2014? Find the answers to these questions in the second film of the Proekts’ series, 'Based on Real Events‘
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

RedDrake ::

Victory is near!

Al neki tac'ga.
Te tvoje pašte so vse isto špekuliranje. Zanimiva intriga, ampak tako biased da ni za nikamor ...

redtech ::

Zakaj so nam prepovedali lete v RU

Man 'Orally Raped' On Flight To Moscow By Sex-Crazed Woman


The man, sitting next to her in economy class of the Pobeda Airlines flight, allegedly rebuffed Valeria's advances - only to 'stop resisting' a short time later.

According to the report, flight attendants let him finish before moving the possibly intoxicated woman away :))

Bauc ::

redtech je izjavil:

Zakaj so nam prepovedali lete v RU

Man 'Orally Raped' On Flight To Moscow By Sex-Crazed Woman


The man, sitting next to her in economy class of the Pobeda Airlines flight, allegedly rebuffed Valeria's advances - only to 'stop resisting' a short time later.

According to the report, flight attendants let him finish before moving the possibly intoxicated woman away :))

Saj lahko letiš preko Turčije podobno kot tip iz članka :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bauc ()

Pac-Man ::

RedDrake je izjavil:

Te tvoje pašte so vse isto špekuliranje. Zanimiva intriga, ampak tako biased da ni za nikamor

Če greš skozi življenje z vero, da se v notranje zadeve suverenih držav vtika samo kolektivni zahod, Ukrajinci pa žrtvujejo življenja zaradi par keksov Nulandove na Majdanu, pač temu praviš špekulativne pašte.

Sem pogledal in je vredno ure in pol, precej novih informacij. Komur se mudi, je pa soliden povzetek dobrih 5 minut od 1:22:30

Niso samo leaki v stilu Wikileaks ali SBU prisluhi. Precej prvoborcev je izdalo spomine in lepo odkrito pišejo, da je Rusija vse skupaj vodila že vsaj od l. 2013. :)
Ampak je pač v cirilici in ne ravno dostopno za svetovno občinstvo. Enako velja za leake. Če heknejo koga ali kaj v ZDA se hitro sestavi medijski konzorcij, gredo skozi dokumente in pobirajo Pulitzerjeve.
Tule je pa spet vse v Ruščini, tamkajšnji medijski trg je pa totalno pod nadzorom režima in večinoma ostanejo tvitr entuziasti v stilu Grozeva in Arica Tolerja, ki pač znajo Rusko. No, Toler je zdaj pri NYT, ampak bolj zaradi znanja geolociranja.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

SBU je v zadnjih par dneh v zrak vrgel 2 vlaka v dveh tunelih na železniški povezavi Kitajska-Rusija


Ukraine set off four explosive devices on a freight train operating on the only major railroad connecting Russia and China, CNN reported, citing an unnamed Ukrainian defense source.


The train was struck while crossing a tunnel in the republic of Buryatia on the railway connecting the Russian city of Baikal and the far eastern city of Amur, per the outlet.

The railway line, the source added, is the "only major railroad connection between Russia and China."


This is the second such attack in the area, according to the independent Russian media outlet Baza.

Unidentified people previously targeted a freight train transporting 50 cars, including 41 tank cars containing diesel fuel and aviation fuel, while passing through a tunnel separating the Russian towns of Itykit and Okusikina, per the outlet.

The explosion destroyed a car, and holes were found in two other cars, with fuel leakages damaging the rails and making further transportation impossible, per the outlet.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

rusilec ::

Scott je naredil dober povzetek dogajanja zadnjih par let:

gozdar1 ::

rusilec je izjavil:

Scott je naredil dober povzetek dogajanja zadnjih par let:

Samo zamenjaš zelenski z ritter in dobiš bolj realen naslov.

Sicer pa se rusi niti ne trudijo več skrivat pravih namenov. Prav tako je eu kar naenkrat postala težava.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: gozdar1 ()

AtaŠtumf ::

A kdo bere BigSerge-ove objave?

Big Serge Thought
#SlovenijaPrva #SLOVEenianLivesMatter #SlavaGasilcem

AgJ1 ::

Putin poziva Rusinje: rodite osem otrok


Tole je pa že napredovali stadij :))

Bauc ::

AtaŠtumf je izjavil:

A kdo bere BigSerge-ove objave?

Big Serge Thought

Tule je napovedal, da so pri harkovski ofenzivi Ukrajinci padli v past in bodo obkoljeni ter uničeni :D


It seems probable to me that Ukraine’s advance has reached, or is nearing its culmination, as Russian reserves flood into the area, Russia missile strikes attack the Ukrainian command post in Chuguev, and Russian aviation and artillery begin to lay it on thick. The choice Ukraine now faces is whether to continue to funnel forces into the salient that they have created for themselves - in other words, Ukraine now gets to decide the scale of its losses. According to Ukrainian insider channels, they are currently planning to double down and feed more reserves in, promising a correspondingly larger defeat.

Še prej je napovedal, da Ukrajinci ne morejo zavzeti Khersona. Pravi vojaški genij primeren za hardcore rusofile.


The failure of the Kherson counteroffensive will accelerate progress towards the two tipping points, both by degrading the Ukrainian army further, and souring westerners on continuing to support Ukraine. Winter and the ensuing economic chaos will do the rest.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Bauc je izjavil:

AtaŠtumf je izjavil:

A kdo bere BigSerge-ove objave?

Big Serge Thought

Tule je napovedal, da so pri harkovski ofenzivi Ukrajinci padli v past in bodo obkoljeni ter uničeni :D


Sem prebral vsaj začetni blog, kar si dal. Rekel bom tako...

Po stilu pisanja je jasno, da je zahodnjak. Tako elaborirana angleščina ne pride izpod peresa Rusa/Ukrajinca. Zdaj ali je plačan ali ni, to ne vem. Rekel bi da je.

Lahko bi bil 'devils advocate' za Ukrajince, če razumeš kaj mislim. Take ljudi uporabljajo, da najdejo virtualne ali realne slabosti bodočega Papeža.

Ima tudi vojaško izobrazbo. To se vidi, uporablja izraze, razume obseg enot in tudi uporablja recimo skoraj vojaško nomenklaturo.

Intimno verjame v rusko zmago. Vseeno, kako. Rusi bodo zmagali. Neke vrste 'one-trick pony' je.

Deluje v kontekstu klasičnega vojskovanja. Že droni so mu nekako da ne rečem distrakcija. Recimo, Ukrajinci so uničili vse elemente elektronskega motenja Rusov, če pa se kakšen pojavi, gredo v akcijo Ukrajinci takoj. Tudi Zalužni je govoril o tem, da lahko zmago zagotovijo samo z inovacijo.

Ima pa eno par stvari zelo prav. Pri Avdijevki so Ukrajinci v težkem položaju. Ukrajinci bodo morali pokazati kaj inovativnega, če bodo hoteli popucati ruske smeti.

Nekaj stvari pa nikakor nima prav. Recimo, da Ukrajinci uničijo podmornico in ladjo v suhem doku, da to ni nič. To je enormna škoda za Ruse, Rusi so se strateško potegnili v kot v Črnem morju, kar Ukrajincem omogoča da biznisirajo naprej. Krim je čisto opustel, nimajo vode, nimajo rezerv ne municije, ne opreme. To je pomembno. Še malo, pa bo odneslo v luft Turkstream. To bo pa tak izpad. Noben naftovod Rusov ni več varen. Plinovoda ni mogoče stražiti vsak meter, sploh pod morjem ne.

Lesoto ::

ma saj ne moreš, no... še vedno se najde nekdo, ki tega klovna omenja.

Strategic Russia China railways UPD
The first legit video have been published and it seems that TWO trains were blown up in the same area
The execution was clearly well thought as one of the train lost power in the tunnel and smoke started to fill the tunnel

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

connel ::

Ta nekdo je ena in ista oseba, ki vedno znova ustvarja nove račune,...

Pac-Man ::

NYT ga spet biksa, po izbruhanem žolču v komentarjih so popravili


še iz članka, enako

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

This video was posted by an Arab news agency and got over a million views. It says that there are not enough men in Russia due to war and so there are many brides available, it's quite easy to obtain a Russian citizenship and child support and preferences are good.

Fritz ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Recimo, Ukrajinci so uničili vse elemente elektronskega motenja Rusov, če pa se kakšen pojavi, gredo v akcijo Ukrajinci takoj.

Seveda, in potem svizec zavije čokolado.

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Ima pa eno par stvari zelo prav. Pri Avdijevki so Ukrajinci v težkem položaju. Ukrajinci bodo morali pokazati kaj inovativnega, če bodo hoteli popucati ruske smeti.

Avdijevka je zaključena zgodba. Rusi samo upajo, da bodo Ukrajinci za reševanje brezizhodnega položaja v kotel vrgli čim več enot, tako kot v Bahmutu.

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Še malo, pa bo odneslo v luft Turkstream.

Madžarska in Srbija sta napovedali, da bosta uničenje zanje pomembnega Turkstreama smatrali kot vojno napoved.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Lesoto ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Avdijevka je zaključena zgodba. Rusi samo upajo, da bodo Ukrajinci za reševanje brezizhodnega položaja v kotel vrgli čim več enot, tako kot v Bahmutu..

Ko je treba nekomu iz vojske razlagat o žrtvah, če napadaš utrjene bunkerje grajene v letih 2015-2021 (tripple facepalm)...


VIDEO iz 28. novembra

A Russian soldier says his regiment lost over 1,000 men in just 10 days of fighting in Ukraine
A Russian army volunteer supplier came to a Russian church to ask for donations.
While speaking, he accidentally voiced out the horrible number of losses and the miserable state of still alive Russian soldiers near Donetsk.

Now Putin's spent billions & billions on propaganda trying to convince Russians his invasion is going well. And yet a new poll shows 40% of respondents in Russia support a withdrawal of Russian troops from #Ukraine without Russia having achieved its war aims. And Russian support for Putin's disastrous invasion is consistently decreasing.
Ukraine war latest: Putin 'really needs elections' - as Russian public opinion turns on war

UKR evidentirane izgube 27-29.11

RU evidentirane izgube 27-29.11

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Lesoto ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Madžarska in Srbija sta napovedali, da bosta uničenje zanje pomembnega Turkstreama smatrali kot vojno napoved.

Ne blejaj gluposti.

Bulgaria introduces additional fees for Russian gas transit

On 13 October 2023, a law came into effect in Bulgaria which introduces an additional transit fee (referred to as the ‘energy levy’) for the import and transit of natural gas from the Russian Federation.

Bauc ::

Fritz je izjavil:

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Recimo, Ukrajinci so uničili vse elemente elektronskega motenja Rusov, če pa se kakšen pojavi, gredo v akcijo Ukrajinci takoj.

Seveda, in potem svizec zavije čokolado.

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Ima pa eno par stvari zelo prav. Pri Avdijevki so Ukrajinci v težkem položaju. Ukrajinci bodo morali pokazati kaj inovativnega, če bodo hoteli popucati ruske smeti.

Avdijevka je zaključena zgodba. Rusi samo upajo, da bodo Ukrajinci za reševanje brezizhodnega položaja v kotel vrgli čim več enot, tako kot v Bahmutu.

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

Še malo, pa bo odneslo v luft Turkstream.

Madžarska in Srbija sta napovedali, da bosta uničenje zanje pomembnega Turkstreama smatrali kot vojno napoved.

Kdo ti je povedal, da bodo to smatrali kot vojno napoved? Daj link. Proti komu se bodo borili srbi? Ukrajini? ZDA?

Bellator ::

Morda je srbski špijun in ima informacije iz prve roke.

V Bosni in na Kosovu poskušajo zanetiti vojno.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Bellator ()

Bauc ::

Uspešen ruski napad. Vse za imperij.


Pac-Man ::

Nekje je dobil Javelinovo sekcijo za vodenje, zgleda bo serija. 12 minut

LDM #354: Javelin Missile guidance computer - Part 1: teardown
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

to 30s dolg video


Video of Deputy Chief of the GRU Lieutenant General Vladimir Alekseev presenting awards to the Espanola unit.

in to


The man awarded in this clip is called Mikhail Turkanov, aka Pitbull. A prominent Neo-Nazi and MMA fighter.

Vladimir Alekseyev (general) @ Wikipedia

Tu je govora o drugem priznanju


A Russian MMA fighter sporting neo-Nazi tattoos has been awarded a medal for his role in the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

Mikhail Turkanov was awarded the Order of Courage by the North Slavic Community, a self-proclaimed “military-patriotic society of modern Cossacks.” The group announced the news on its official social media page, along with a photo of Turkanov dressed in military attire with the medal on pinned to his chest.


“In Russia, [Turkanov] was repeatedly fined for publicly displaying Nazi symbols. And now he has become a ‘hero and anti-fascist,’” Kazansky wrote on Telegram.

Turkanov, 35, has a history of far-right extremism. His body is decorated with neo-Nazi symbols, including numerous swastikas, a Black Sun/Sonnenrad, a Celtic cross, the SS bolts, as well as the numbers 88, which stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’

In a 2019 interview with Match TV, Turkanov claimed that his tattoos were a part of his “pagan” beliefs and not a reflection on his views about white supremacy.

“All this comes from ignorance. That Hitler used an ancient symbol means nothing,” Turkanov said. “For example, the same swastika that I have on my tattoo was depicted on Russian banknotes under the Provisional Government. Yes, it has been used in many places. My tattoos are my business. I am not promoting anything and I am not shouting any slogans.”

Nacifikacija Rusije poteka uspešno.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Lesoto ::

limanje bebavih Rybarjevih map te ne dela informiranega

v resnici so Rusi občutno nižje južno:

Aja, pa še to. Kje Rusi izgubljajo po jurja vojakov dnevno.
Na obeh svojih sailentih - ne moreš kopat jarkov, če je zunaj minus

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Lesoto ::

tole je pa mapa iz 4. oktobra, skratka dva meseca nazaj, ko so Rusi začeli s svojo ofenzivo


Dokumentirane izgube tehnike za časa ruske ofenzive Avdiivka

Avdiivka offensive equipment loss numbers as of 01 December 2023.
In summary: 273 RU losses vs. 20 UA losses

DOC file z GEOLOKACIJAMI vsakega vozila

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Bauc ::

Fritz je izjavil:


Dobro jim gre. Še malo pa bo Endsieg.


sir_mha ::

rusi ubijejo dva ukrajinca, ki sta se predala


Lesoto ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

limanje bebavih Rybarjevih....

p**da, če tole konzumiraš, potem pa... ;((


During the SVO the losses of the foreign mercenaries of Ukrainian Armed forces are 536 K, 215K out of them were killed. + 800K mercenaries are in recovery.

No, 536 includes 215.
800 are separate numbers.
According to him, in ZSU served/serving 535+800=1.335.000 foreigners. But there must be much more, because some of them are still in the frontline.


PS: (verjetno je med temi ciframi tudi par tisoč mrtvih Slovencev)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Lesoto ()

Lesoto ::

In #CrimeaIsUkraine two nice girls offered the Russian invaders some nice vodka, with arsenic!

Fritz ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

In #CrimeaIsUkraine two nice girls offered the Russian invaders some nice vodka, with arsenic!

In ti meni razlagaš, da imam nezanesljive vire 8-)

Realnost je bolj takšna:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Fritz ()

gozdar1 ::

Glavna naloga ruske propagande na zahodu zadnjega leta (ali pa še več) je prepričevanje javnosti, da je pomoč ukrajini nesmiselna. Iz tega ahko zaključimo, da je še kako relevantna in boleča za rusko stran.
Seveda za to pride prav vsaka kritika in članek v medijih, ki gapotem taita propaganda razširi prek vseh kanalov tako prek plačanih, kot koristnih idijotov.

Lesoto ::

Fritz je izjavil:

In ti meni razlagaš, da imam nezanesljive vire 8-)3

Tvoji viri so debilana prve klase. Ni čudno, da si zaposlen na vojski. Za kakšno drugo inštitucijo bi moral posedovat precej več brain powerja.

Realnost je bolj takšna:

Realnost je tudi takšna. Ampak realnost na ruski strani ni prav nič drugačna. Izmozgavanje do ruskih volitev 15. marca.
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