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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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Utk ::

"Sankcije ne delujejo".

BlaY0 ::

Bauc je izjavil:

BorutO je izjavil:

No, noben pa ni opazil, da imajo na sliki otroci skoraj zelo identičen hitlerski pozdrav. :)

Od Hitlerjeve Nemčije so skopirali skoraj vse. Od propagande do politike. Manjka samo še sieg heil pozdrav.

Ne ne, Hitler je od njih skopiral skoraj vse. To vse so oni že imeli pred Hitlerjem.

Bauc ::

BlaY0 je izjavil:

Bauc je izjavil:

BorutO je izjavil:

No, noben pa ni opazil, da imajo na sliki otroci skoraj zelo identičen hitlerski pozdrav. :)

Od Hitlerjeve Nemčije so skopirali skoraj vse. Od propagande do politike. Manjka samo še sieg heil pozdrav.

Ne ne, Hitler je od njih skopiral skoraj vse. To vse so oni že imeli pred Hitlerjem.

Dejansko imaš prav.

Ekepeke ::

Dejansko je na tem forumu folk, k ne ve, da je to rimski pozdrav.

Bauc ::

Ekepeke je izjavil:

Dejansko je na tem forumu folk, k ne ve, da je to rimski pozdrav.

Pol pa v redu. Pojdi na ulico pa pozdravljaj. Folku povej, da nisi naci ampak rimski centurion.

BorutO ::

No, je pa nekaj res, roko na srce ... tudi mi tako prijatelje in znance pozdravljamo, ko jih kje vidimo od daleč ... Recimo, ko se kakšni znanec pelje po cesti mimo, mu nekako na isti način zamahnem z roko. :P S tem, da imamo dlani in prste gor obrnjene, ne pa ravno kot ti ruski froci na sliki in hitlerji. :P

LightBit ::

Lepo da "anti-imperialisti" uporabljajo pozdrav Rimskega imperija.

Bauc ::

BorutO je izjavil:

No, je pa nekaj res, roko na srce ... tudi mi tako prijatelje in znance pozdravljamo, ko jih kje vidimo od daleč ... Recimo, ko se kakšni znanec pelje po cesti mimo, mu nekako na isti način zamahnem z roko. :P S tem, da imamo dlani in prste gor obrnjene, ne pa ravno kot ti ruski froci na sliki in hitlerji. :P

To je eno. Drugo pa je, če bi tvojim otrokom učiteljica v prvi triadi dala v roke kalaša in ga učila naci pozdrave. Oziroma rimske:D

Pac-Man ::

zraven je kratek video s podnapisi kjer Gračov pove kar je v tekstu


Back in 1994, Russian Defense Minister Grachov said there were no Russian soldiers, while they dressed up as Chechens and tried to pretend to be local opposition while assaulting #Grozny.
Grachov added that one regiment would be enough to take Grozny in 2 hours. As we all know, they didn't achieve much, neither in 2 hours nor in 2 years.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Slopek ::

Zmajc je izjavil:

Zdaj tudi uradni Ukrajinski viri trdijo da je bil v napadu pred 2. dnevoma v Sevastopolu ubit Admiral črnomorske flote Viktor Sokolov.


Verjamem Rusom, da je umrla ena oseba.

Pac-Man ::



There was a time, not too long ago, when people debated if sending helmets to Ukrainian soldiers would cross russia’s “red line”. Seriously.

Yet every single time one of russia’s so-called red lines is crossed, the people telling you to fear apocalyptic consequences suddenly lose interest in that one. It’s always the next red line we are supposed to fear.

Remember when russia held a big ceremony with all its elites to celebrate its illegal annexation and declared those territories “russia forever”?

Commentators insisted that meant there’s no way the russian psyche could ever possibly handle any loss of that occupied territory without those mysterious souls resorting to nuclear Armageddon.

Yet the ceremonial ink was barely dry when russia made more “tactical retreats” (or “goodwill gestures”) and hardly anyone in russia cared.

Remember the moskva was hailed by russia as a proudly unsinkable flagship. Then it was just an old ship whose loss was no big deal. ‘Look, here’s most of the crew in a parade’, they showed off afterwards. ‘This is fine’.

It’s always russia that afterwards dismisses any suggestion of humiliation to the point that it’s illegal to criticise the military for withdrawals and losses anyway.

The latest example is, of course, Ukraine’s devastatingly effective strikes on the black sea fleet in Crimea where the temporary occupation is becoming increasingly untenable.

You’d think the fact this hasn’t resulted in WW3 would be a bigger story. Remember, a lot of people with way too much influence insisted that would be the case.

The real story though is how many Ukrainian lives have been wasted by not giving Ukraine more help and more quickly. This will be the story of this war that future generations studying this period will scorn us for.

In the Baltics, we know a thing or two about how russia’s threats work (and how to ensure they don’t work).

For decades, the Baltics have been told we are risking russia’s wrath when standing up to it. But, to us, only international law constitutes red lines. It is this attitude that has kept us free, secure, prosperous independent democracies.

Russia’s aggression is still based on its old adage: “Push through mush, stop at steel”. The aggression will always worsen when it perceives weakness and when it believes it can get away with few consequences.
Like when we get mushy over their imaginary red lines. That enables russia to advance and keep insisting that it has more red lines. When Russia advances on that weakness and feels fewer consequences, its threats get louder. The real risk of a much larger war will also increase when russian aggression is rewarded.

This isn’t 4D chess. Russia is just a classic bully, as sophisticated as in any school playground.

Conversely, russia de-escalates when it encounters strength. Don’t worry about what excuses it will have to tell its people. It will lie as it always does. It will ignore the contradictions with its previous positions. And almost no one in russia will care.

Russia lied itself into this war and can always as easily lie itself out of it.

It’s time to remember what red lines really matter for our world. Aggressors don’t set them. That’s how world wars start. Instead, we have the UN Charter and international law. That’s how we ended the last world war. We agreed all sovereign nations could rule themselves and choose their own security alliances. We agreed we’d never again let aggressors tear up borders and commit genocide.

The Baltics tried to warn the world in 2014 that if russia didn’t face proper consequences for invading and occupying Crimea, it would keep escalating. And so it did. The world should have helped Ukraine more then.

But it’s never too late to help Ukraine more now. We will all always pay a higher price next time if we shirk our responsibility to confront aggression.

If you want de-escalation, support a victory for Ukraine and a tribunal for russia.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

še ena


Russian insistence that Ukrainian is merely a quaint dialect of the “great & mighty Russian language” is part of 🇷🇺 imperial narrative. In case of Ukraine, it erases Ukrainians as separate people. In case of Qazaqstan, 🇷🇺 imperial narrative was different but equally brazen. 🧵

When I entered first grade in 1983, out of more than a hundred schools in Almaty - the capital of our “Soviet Socialist Republic,” only two schools used Qazaq as language of instruction. In my school, Qazaq class was offered twice a week and not taken seriously by anyone I knew.

There was also a basic message drilled into us: “Qazaq people didn’t have a written language before the USSR.” It was the Russian-led Soviet Union that Qazaqs had to thank for being able to write things down. To say that this message was everywhere is an understatement.

It was about as accepted as the fact that the sun rose in the east or that 2x2=4. To this day, most Russians in Qazaqstan will not hesitate to repeat this as a completely non-controversial fact. In this imperial narrative, Russian rule literally gifted my people writing.

This narrative was truly powerful. And it was also false. Our Soviet textbooks omitted the inconvenient fact that Qazaq language had been written using Arabic alphabet for about 900 years from the 10th to the 20th centuries.

In true Orwellian fashion, Russian imperial narrative simply declared that my people never had a written language, inconvenient facts be damned. Strangely enough, some of the evidence to the contrary was right under my nose and yet I didn’t fully grasp it.

I remember coming across old papers with beautiful looking Arabic characters at home. Puzzled, I asked my mother and my aunt to explain. They simply said that that their father could write using Arabic letters. They wouldn’t share anything else or be drawn into a conversation.

I let it go, but remember thinking that it was odd because we were always taught that Qazaqs didn’t have writing until it was gifted to us by the Soviets. I’m ashamed to admit that I never brought this up in school. But, perhaps, for my family’s sake, it was for the best.

My grandfather passed away when I was in high school. We were very close and yet I never got around to asking my him about this. How/where did he learn the Arabic alphabet and what was he writing about in those papers that I found. It is one of my biggest regrets.

še o njegovem dedu in gladomoru s kazahstanske perspektive

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

BorutO ::

Ok, če tudi so mrtvi ruski okupatorji, to ni ravno ok za gledati ...

Pac-Man ::

Ni ruskega plina? Ni panike.


High levels of gas storage, lower energy prices and new sources of fuel mean Europe is heading into a second winter with scarce Russian gas in a more comfortable position than a year ago.

Now prices are much lower. European gas benchmark the front month contract on the Dutch Title Transfer Facility is trading at around 40 euros compared with 180 euros a year ago.

Policymakers and industry remain sensitive to price risks as economies are fragile and inflation high, but they say they have addressed Russia's power to add to the problem.

"Our biggest risk was that Russia can manipulate our energy markets," EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson told Reuters. "They don't have this leverage any more."

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Zalogovniki so skoraj na 95%. Ce bo mila zima, bo cena plina strmoglavila in bo spomladi smesno poceni. Fingers crossed.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Sc0ut ::

Ok, zakaj potem vsi strašijo z nenormalno podražitvijo elektrike? Ni bila elektrika draga ravno zato, ker so kao plinske elektrarne najdražje? Pa še Francija je zdaj porihtala svojo jedrsko energijo. WTF, kaj to naši nekaj štrikajo.

Se da kje videt cene elektrike za pol leta, leto naprej? Ne samo spot?
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

kow ::

Imas kaksen vir, da je Francija porihtala svojo jedrsko energijo?

BlaY0 ::

Sc0ut je izjavil:

Se da kje videt cene elektrike za pol leta, leto naprej? Ne samo spot?

Ne vem točno kako si to predstavljaš? Elektrika je borzno "blago". Na njeno ceno vpliva vrsta dejavnikov. Kot prvo potrošnja kot drugo pa vrsta dejavnikov pri njeni proizvodnji... če predolgo ni vetra ali je predolgo suša ali je predolgo oblačno, potem proizvodnja elektrike iz sončne energije jasno pade. Ostanejo fosilna in jedrska goriva. Potem so tu še uvozne pogodbe, ki so bile recimo sklenjene za dobo dveh let takrat, ko je bila cena najvišja. Slovenija dosti uvaža iz Češke po precej neugodnih pogojih recimo.

Sc0ut ::

BlaY0 je izjavil:

Sc0ut je izjavil:

Se da kje videt cene elektrike za pol leta, leto naprej? Ne samo spot?

Ne vem točno kako si to predstavljaš? Elektrika je borzno "blago". Na njeno ceno vpliva vrsta dejavnikov. Kot prvo potrošnja kot drugo pa vrsta dejavnikov pri njeni proizvodnji... če predolgo ni vetra ali je predolgo suša ali je predolgo oblačno, potem proizvodnja elektrike iz sončne energije jasno pade. Ostanejo fosilna in jedrska goriva. Potem so tu še uvozne pogodbe, ki so bile recimo sklenjene za dobo dveh let takrat, ko je bila cena najvišja. Slovenija dosti uvaža iz Češke po precej neugodnih pogojih recimo.

Kako pa potem delujejo dolgoročni zakupi? Reximo ko je Slovenija 1 leto naprej skoraj zastonj prodala elektriko?
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

Gregor P ::

Ok štromarji preselte se v drugo temo prosim.

Medtem Rusi kažejo videoposnetek nekdanjega vice admirala. A to imajo vse funkcionarje že vnaprej posnete, pa si pomagajo malo z UI ali kako?:D

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Gregor P ()

Sc0ut ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Ok štromarji preselte se v drugo temo prosim.

Medtem Rusi kažejo videoposnetek nekdanjega vice admirala. A to imajo vse funkcionarje že vnaprej posnete, pa si pomagajo malo z UI ali kako?:D

Deepfake :)
1231 v3, Z97 A, 16GB ram 1600mhz, 3070 RTX, HX850

A. Smith ::

Sc0ut je izjavil:

BlaY0 je izjavil:

Sc0ut je izjavil:

Se da kje videt cene elektrike za pol leta, leto naprej? Ne samo spot?

Ne vem točno kako si to predstavljaš? Elektrika je borzno "blago". Na njeno ceno vpliva vrsta dejavnikov. Kot prvo potrošnja kot drugo pa vrsta dejavnikov pri njeni proizvodnji... če predolgo ni vetra ali je predolgo suša ali je predolgo oblačno, potem proizvodnja elektrike iz sončne energije jasno pade. Ostanejo fosilna in jedrska goriva. Potem so tu še uvozne pogodbe, ki so bile recimo sklenjene za dobo dveh let takrat, ko je bila cena najvišja. Slovenija dosti uvaža iz Češke po precej neugodnih pogojih recimo.

Kako pa potem delujejo dolgoročni zakupi? Reximo ko je Slovenija 1 leto naprej skoraj zastonj prodala elektriko?

Seveda dolgoročne pogodbe za eno leto naprej obstajajo, ampak jih vsak vir ne more sklepati, ker ne zmore napovedati svoje proizvodnje eno leto naprej. Obnovljive vire je potrebno za tak špas kombinirati z npr plinskimi generatorji.
Sicer pa, futuresi so tukaj. In te terminske pogodbe niso samo teren za špekulante, osnova so realni viri in zakupi njihovih kapacitet vnaprej.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis

Zmajc ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Ok štromarji preselte se v drugo temo prosim.

Medtem Rusi kažejo videoposnetek nekdanjega vice admirala. A to imajo vse funkcionarje že vnaprej posnete, pa si pomagajo malo z UI ali kako?:D


Tip ne dela drugega kot sedi pri miru, na prvem shotu ima zaprte oči, v drugem delu jih ima odprte. Vmes se praktično ne premakne. Lahko je fake, lahko tudi ni, koliko je res in kdo je živ vedo samo rusi.

Po moje je vse skupaj zrežirana predstava za javnost. Šojgu tudi naenkrat magično začne nositi očala.

Pac-Man ::

video s podnapisi


Orest Hrytsyuk, a sergeant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, spent 9 months in Russian captivity as a POW. He says Russian International Committee of the Red Cross representatives laughed at Ukrainian POWs and called them names, while they were forced to march and sing russian song
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zmajc ::

Ja itak če rdeči križ skoraj vedno zaposluje lokalce, veš da so oni Rusi prvo potem pa vse ostalo.

Lahko si siguren da trenutno Rdeči križ v Rusiji podpira samo Rusko vojsko, drugače bi jih že šutnili z države in razglasili za teroristično oraganizacijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

Smrekar1 ::

CoolBits je izjavil:

Vir ni gatewaypundit ampak Seymour Hersh kar bi vedel, če bi kliknil link.

A to je un "Sirski uporniki so ukradli kemično orožje iz državnih skladišč in 32-krat napadli sami sebe, da bi očrnili Assada"?

Kredibilen vir, ni kaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Malidelničar ::

kow je izjavil:

Zalogovniki so skoraj na 95%. Ce bo mila zima, bo cena plina strmoglavila in bo spomladi smesno poceni. Fingers crossed.

ALi bi morali za dodatno varnost tudi povečati zalogovnike? Saj veš, da se pripravimo na dolgoročne disturbance ....
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

Machete ::

Ne, ker jih nihče noče gledat, tako kot vetrnice.. :D
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

BlaY0 ::

Machete je izjavil:

Ne, ker jih nihče noče gledat, tako kot vetrnice.. :D

Zalogovniki so lahko podzemni, tako kot so že tako ali tako v originalu, samo da originalni niso ravno tam kjer jih nucaš. Ja, vetrnica ima pa pod zemljo bolj švoh izkoristek :P

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: BlaY0 ()

kow ::

Malidelničar je izjavil:

kow je izjavil:

Zalogovniki so skoraj na 95%. Ce bo mila zima, bo cena plina strmoglavila in bo spomladi smesno poceni. Fingers crossed.

ALi bi morali za dodatno varnost tudi povečati zalogovnike? Saj veš, da se pripravimo na dolgoročne disturbance ....

Ne splaca se, skoda denarja za kratkorocne resitve. Bolje je diverzificirati uvoz ter povecati proizvodnjo energije znotraj EU -> to je tudi osnovni problem EU.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

Machete ::

Itak bo Nato zasedel Rusijo in bomo imeli praktično zastonj plin in nafto. Samo eno napako naredi stari udbaš in bo res doživel zombije in nato širitev.
LC1000|Asrock-H470PG|i7-10700K|2x16GB|RTX-3080 EAGLE|W10Pro
new Nintendo 2DS & 3DS XL|Galaxy S24+

Pac-Man ::

Čez noč, zaenkrat ne najdem kake potrditve


My sources tell me that #Tokmak direction is becoming increasingly hot by the hour. Ukraine has committed a full set of forces.

The bloodiest phase of the Ukrainian Offensive has begun.

Pray for the brave Ukrainians, who we owe so much!


I saw @noclador status. I've called. I can confirm.

Massive artillery barrage put in by AFU in Orihiv-#Tokmak axis. Meaning in direction of #Novoprokopivka-#Verbove and more south in direction of #Ocheretuvate.

AFU started an apocaliptic (as russian sources call them) use of artilerry.

Bradley, Strikers, Marders and Challengers seem (unconfirmed sources here) to be present there.

What has started tonight will be bloddy.

Godspeed. I'm not too much of a spiritual guy, buy I will pray for the AFU boys. I think you shoud too.

Godspeed! For the Victory!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gozdar1 ::

To je baje fake news in se ne dogaja nič posebnega.

Sheteentz ::

AFU started an apocaliptic (as russian sources call them) use of artilerry.

dronyx ::

Na putlerjev rojstni dan bo Ukrajina dokončno porušila most na Krim. Samo še prave koordinate morajo vnesti in happy birthday mister dictator. :))

Pac-Man ::


The worst accounts on this website spent yesterday spreading a fake stamp they claimed Ukraine has issued, and now are busy deleting their tweets. The bad news for them is we already know they spread propaganda and disinformation, even if they think we've not noticed.

Turns out you can make this up

Probably best if you make a fake you don't just copy the barcode from another stamp.

Za spotoma, sam sem šele kak teden nazaj izvedel, da Cheong oz @stillgray sploh ni Američan temveč Malezijec

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

bojarji imajo konflikte, nit:


Putin’s sinister regime is at a boiling point.

Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov is getting away with bragging about his 17-year-old son brutally beating a prisoner when anti-war protesters face Stalin-era sentences

Kadyrov, who has been absent from the airwaves for weeks, has released footage of his 17-year-old son brutally beating a prisoner on his Telegram channel

The victim? 20-year-old Nikita Zhuravel, who was arrested in Volgograd region for filming and posting a video where he burned the Qur'an with a mosque in the background

For those unfamiliar with Russian geography, Volgograd is more than 800 kilometers away from Grozny. Nevertheless, the regime’s top investigator, Alexander Bastrykin, decided to hand the case off to Chechnya, for a couple of reasons:

First, it served as a warning to the regime’s opponents within Russia: don’t you dare to protest, otherwise we will hand you over to Kadyrov and nothing will happen to us for it

And secondly, Bastrykin himself had disagreements and conflicts with Kadyrov and he could not help but expect that those detained for burning the Koran in Chechnya would face torture, if not murder.

In this case, Bastrykin could hope that this would actually weaken Kadyrov and make him inconvenient for Putin

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

dolga nit


ali vse v eni objavi


Provocative article published last month in Russian Politics tackles now common assumption in West and by anti-Kremlin groups that Putin ordered FSB to bomb apartments in Sept 1999 to boost his presidential momentum. Author suggests that Berezovsky & MVD are likelier culprits.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Ekepeke ::

Pomoje pa situacija ni tko rožnata, kot hočjo prkazat. Pejte mal gledat še Ruske kanale. Vsi ti videoti iz Ukrajinske strani. Ok. Sej raztreljujejo zapuščene tanke, pa izgubljeno drunk pešadijo,... Samo na Ruski strani je tega vsaj še 3x tolk. Povsod jarki pobitih in že napol gnilih Ukrajincev, stolčena oprema, tanki. Dobesedno totaln FUBAR. UA v pol leta ofenzive niso dosegl dobesedno nič. Poškodovana podmornica v drydocku ne bo spremenila poteka vojne. Pa par zasedenih polj v smeri prot Tokmaku tut ne. To je premal. Folk je prčakval preveč in bil strahotno naiven. Realnost je vrjetno taka, da bo fronta ostal tam ker je,....še par let.

scythe ::

Ekepeke je izjavil:

Pomoje pa situacija ni tko rožnata, kot hočjo prkazat. Pejte mal gledat še Ruske kanale. Vsi ti videoti iz Ukrajinske strani. Ok. Sej raztreljujejo zapuščene tanke, pa izgubljeno drunk pešadijo,... Samo na Ruski strani je tega vsaj še 3x tolk. Povsod jarki pobitih in že napol gnilih Ukrajincev, stolčena oprema, tanki. Dobesedno totaln FUBAR. UA v pol leta ofenzive niso dosegl dobesedno nič. Poškodovana podmornica v drydocku ne bo spremenila poteka vojne. Pa par zasedenih polj v smeri prot Tokmaku tut ne. To je premal. Folk je prčakval preveč in bil strahotno naiven. Realnost je vrjetno taka, da bo fronta ostal tam ker je,....še par let.

Zgleda da ne spremljaš obe strani kanalov. Poglej si, koliko je Rusija osvojila v zimski ofenzivi in koliko je osvojila Ukrajina v poletni, maš vse številke zunaj. Aja, ker so Rusi pošteni, so se sami umaknali?

Dam ti samo za primer: Kako so Rusi ploskali, da so uničili 6x NATO skladišče v Ukrajini, čez par dni se je pokazalo, da je bilo skladišče raketnega goriva iz časov SZ in teh skladišč ima/je imela Ukrajina dosti. A to je vse NATO skladišče?
X670F | 7700X | 2x16Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

blackbfm ::

UA v pol leta ofenzive niso dosegl dobesedno nič.

600 dni v kijevu bo

Pac-Man ::

(ne)namerne posledice


Russian farmers are at risk of bankruptcy after the departure of foreign grain traders

Russian traders impose unprofitable grain prices on farmers, discovered MP Sergei Lisovsky, who previously demanded that foreigners be expelled from the agricultural sector.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::



“Good Russians” merged in ecstasy with the Kremlin. The difference between the Zaputintsy and the Navalnyat can’t be found even during the day. Both of them are two varieties of the same imperial shit:

in to


After reading a wave of news about discrimination against Russians, the realization increasingly comes to me: Putin has always been right about the “West.”

This doesn't change the fact that the bastard is fucked and should go to hell as soon as possible. But about the “West” he spoke from the purest bases. This is such an irony
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Malidelničar ::

RedDrake: Trenutno je veliko 'fog of war'.
Naj bi bilo hudo obstreljevanje z ukr. strani v smeri proti Tokmaku hkrati na Novopokropivko in Verbove. In tu so špekulacije, da so Rusi že zelo izčrpani in lifrajo rezerve, kjerkoli jih le najdejo, plus špekulacija da v ozadju Rusi nimajo tam več rezerv za t.i. echelon defense, se pravi nimajo ljudi za linije obrambe za fronto.

Druga špekulacija je na jugu pod Bakhmutom. Po zavzetju Kliščivke in Andriivke so Rusi želeli fronto stabilizirati na železniški progi ki gre na jug preko Kurdiumuvke proti Donecku kjer je nasip in veliko odprto območje. Ampak naj bi Ukrajinci že napadali njihove utrjene položaje v rovih in ruske enote, naj bi se že umikale na linijo, kjer gre glavna avtocesta Opytne-Odradivka.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.

RedDrake ::

To mi je vse jasno.
Ampak ali je situacija res _ZELO_ drugačna od tiste en mesec nazaj.
Ok, par stvari v zaledju je šlo kaboom, ampak na fronti neke hude razlike ni.
Rusi itak ves čas mobilizirajo ljudi po malem, tako da živega zidu jim ne bo manjkalo.
Še enkrat, za branit takšno utrjeno fronto rabiš samo lahko pehoto in veliko min.
In verjamem da Rusi zadnjih nekaj mesecev ne sedijo na riti in čakajo na preboj, ampak pospešeno utrjujejo vse do morja.
Ja logistika je lahko tista stvar, ki zlomi RU fronto, ampak ne pozabit, da so UA uspeli oskrbovati Mariupol še tedne po tem ko je bil čisto obkoljen. Rusi imajo tu lažje delo, ker so vse obale v okolici njihove.

RU stavijo na to da bo UA omagala - najverjetneje da zaradi velikega števila žrtev ljudje pač rečejo "dost mamo".
UA stavijo na to da bodo dobili Krim (in osebno verjamem da bodo to potem uporabili kot pogajalsko karto), ko ga bo postalo zelo zelo težko oskrbovat.

Glede na izgube pri trenutni ofenzivi, ne verjamem, da je UA sposobna vojaško dobiti nazaj Donetsk in Lugansk.
Pač kot je tudi že bilo napisano WW1 scenarij. Izčrpavanje, pa da vidimo kdo bo zdržal dlje.
Stavim na UA, ampak se ne slepim z Victory is near.

Zmajc ::

Ne verjamem da Ukrajina v tem trenutku razmišlja o vojaški osvoboditvi Luganska in Donecka. Njim je primarno da Krim čim bolj odrežejo od Rusije in v Zaporožju pridejo do obale. Če se potem Ruska logistika na Krimu podre bodo Rusi kot so Kherson dolgoročmno sami prisiljeni zapusti Krim.

Lugansk in Doneck pa bi se verjetno pogajali. Ker tam pa logistike in oskrbovalnih poti ni šanse presekat pa tudi vkopani so Rusi tam že od 2014.

Gregor P ::

Na tej točki pričakujem potem ustrezen mednarodni pritisk na ruske okupatorje, da se vrnejo nazaj na svoje meje - tudi kot jasen signal ostalim diktatorjem, da so časi nasilnega spreminjanja mej, vsaj v Evropi, mimo.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

RedDrake ::

Ta pritisk se vrši že od februarja '22. Pa zaenkrat ne deluje povsem.
Težava je, da če ima folk dovolj oprane glave bo zdržal tudi pol stoletja takega pritiska (glej Kubo in S. Korejo). Ja, postanejo shithole, ampak to voditeljev takih držav še nikoli ni skrbelo, četudi na "papirju" velja ravno obratno (same Ljudske republike). Brez pritiska Kitajske (in morda Indije), bo RU lahko "zdržala" praktično vse. A ti državi imata svojo agendo, ki zaenkrat tega ne vključuje.
Bomo videli kako bo v nadalje.
Kot napisano, ne pričakujem nič drastičnega letos in tekom zime.
Med tem se bodo UA bolje oborožili in morda bo naslednje leto kaj več uspeha.

damirj79 ::

Oborožila se bo tudi rusija ta čas enako, tako da bomo stopicljali na istem mestu.
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