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Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"

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fur80 ::

fikus_ je izjavil:


mackilla je izjavil:

Wunderwaffe aka gamechanger Armata je očitno v Ukrajini. Jih bodo spustili v doseg ukrajinske artilerije ali se bodo samo slikali globoko v zaledju kot otroci od Kadirova:D

Mocno dvomim da bo v dosegu UA orožja. Vsak tank se da uničiti, to pa ni dobra reklama. Res pa je, da ima posadka v teoriji več možnosti za prezivetje.

Potem bi se jim bolj splačalo naredit eno vredi havbico, se ti ne zdi? :D

fikus_ ::

Sheteentz je izjavil:

Dizl ga bo samo še težjega naredil. Sj turbina itak pije vse, od bencina, dizla, kerozina. Rez da dvakrat več kot dizl mašina, ampak da pa lahko tankaš kaj hočeš, je pa tudi prednost na fronti.

Najbolj pametno bi bilo, da stare zaloge Abramsov vržejo v Ukrajino, pa da vidijo, če je še za uporabo. Bo pač treba počakat, da gre tole blato proč.

Res je turbina pije skoraj vse, res pa je tudi da pije ogromno, tudi ko tank čaka z zagnano turbino. Še americani sami so testiralo dodaten agregat, ki oskrbuje tank z energijo, turbina pa lahko stoji. Imeli so tudi ideje za menjavo turbine za dizel motor, ampak je drag špas to menjati.


fur80 je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:


mackilla je izjavil:

Wunderwaffe aka gamechanger Armata je očitno v Ukrajini. Jih bodo spustili v doseg ukrajinske artilerije ali se bodo samo slikali globoko v zaledju kot otroci od Kadirova:D

Mocno dvomim da bo v dosegu UA orožja. Vsak tank se da uničiti, to pa ni dobra reklama. Res pa je, da ima posadka v teoriji več možnosti za prezivetje.

Potem bi se jim bolj splačalo naredit eno vredi havbico, se ti ne zdi? :D

Saj imajo 777 + exalibur, kar preseže domet 120 mm gladkocevnega topa, ki ga naj bi imela Armata.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: fikus_ ()

fur80 ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Sheteentz je izjavil:

Dizl ga bo samo še težjega naredil. Sj turbina itak pije vse, od bencina, dizla, kerozina. Rez da dvakrat več kot dizl mašina, ampak da pa lahko tankaš kaj hočeš, je pa tudi prednost na fronti.

Najbolj pametno bi bilo, da stare zaloge Abramsov vržejo v Ukrajino, pa da vidijo, če je še za uporabo. Bo pač treba počakat, da gre tole blato proč.

Res je turbina pije skoraj vse, res pa je tudi da pije ogromno, tudi ko tank čaka z zagnano turbino. Še americani sami so testiralo dodaten agregat, ki oskrbuje tank z energijo, turbina pa lahko stoji. Imeli so tudi ideje za menjavo turbine za dizel motor, ampak je drag špas to menjati.


fur80 je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:


mackilla je izjavil:

Wunderwaffe aka gamechanger Armata je očitno v Ukrajini. Jih bodo spustili v doseg ukrajinske artilerije ali se bodo samo slikali globoko v zaledju kot otroci od Kadirova:D

Mocno dvomim da bo v dosegu UA orožja. Vsak tank se da uničiti, to pa ni dobra reklama. Res pa je, da ima posadka v teoriji več možnosti za prezivetje.

Potem bi se jim bolj splačalo naredit eno vredi havbico, se ti ne zdi? :D

Saj imajo 777 + exalibur, kar preseže domet 120 mm gladkocevnega topa, ki ga naj bi imela Armata.

Saj to pravim, a ni škoda delati "superioren" tank, s katerim ne upaš v boj in ga uporabljaš namesto havbice.

fikus_ ::

Vprašaj Putina, zakaj so naredili Armato.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Rambutan ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Ruski, ki stavijo na enostavno, trpežno in poceni orožje v masovnih količinah.

A to z lopatami nad Leoparde?

Ameriški, ki dela kompleksne in zmogljive sisteme, ki so pa bolj občutljivi

Zakaj bi bili ti sistemi "bolj občutljivi". Na motnje so bolj občutljivi starejši manj napredni sistemi.

Npr. M777 so napedenali da ima 10% daljši doseg kot primerljiva ruska havbica, posledično so sile v cevi za skoraj 100% večje in je treba cev pogosteje menjati. Podobna zgodba je npr. z F35, ki ima vse mogoče funkcije, v praksi je pa dosti bolj občutljiv. Ruska letala pa npr. komot pristajajo izven letališč.


After complaining about insufficient and obsolete weapons being supplied by partner countries, Ukraine now says it is difficult to service them. The commander of the logistics service of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Brigadier General Volodymyr Karpenko, specifically mentioned M777 Howitzers.

Karpenko addressed his grievance to the United States regarding the M777 howitzers they are supplying to Ukraine. As per Karpenko, the situation is extremely difficult, as these howitzers “constantly break down and require repair.”


A third of the roughly 350 Western-made howitzers donated to Kyiv are out of action at any given time, according to U.S. defense officials and others familiar with Ukraine’s defense needs.

Swapping out a howitzer’s barrel, which can be 20 feet long and weigh thousands of pounds, is beyond the capability of soldiers in the field and has become a priority for the Pentagon’s European Command, which has set up a repair facility in Poland.

Rambutan ::

Lesoto je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Lesoto je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Bahmut z okolico je (bil) močno utrjen (tudi betonski bunkerji), to se je gradilo od 2014. Za njim UA ni imela tako utrjenega ozemlja

Bahmut se sploh ne smatra kot utrjen del obrambe.
Glavna obrambna linija je za Bahmutom skupaj z večjimi naselji. Bahmut je tam okoli 55. mesta po velikosti v Ukrajini.

To ti je povedal .... Joe?

Sem že napisal tukaj. Kdo je pa tebi povedal, da Slovjansk in Krematorsk nista močno utrjena? Daš ta preljubi vir? Ali si zopet lagal?

Problem z Kramatorskom in Slovjanskom je, da sta v dolini. Ko bodo Rusi zasedli greben vzhodno od njih, bodo lahko po mili volji nažigali z artilerijo. Kramatorsk in Slovjansk sta pa zadnja obrambna linija do Dnjepra, kjer je mogoče postaviti spodobno obrambo.


Lesoto ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Npr. M777 so napedenali da ima 10% daljši doseg kot primerljiva ruska havbica, posledično so sile v cevi za skoraj 100% večje in je treba cev pogosteje menjati. Podobna zgodba je npr. z F35, ki ima vse mogoče funkcije, v praksi je pa dosti bolj občutljiv. Ruska letala pa npr. komot pristajajo izven letališč.

Ruska havbica ni enako sovjetska haubica. Ruske haubice so precej večji krš kar se tiče cevi. Enostavno ruske nimajo enako kvalitetnega jekla.

Kaj pomaga ruskemu letalu, da lahko pristaja izven letališč, če nima nobene možnosti v boju v luftu proti F35!?

fur80 ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vprašaj Putina, zakaj so naredili Armato.

Saj niso eno, naredili so jih 8 ali 10. ;) hehe, Putin bo itak rekel, da za parado.

Unchancy ::

fur80 je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vprašaj Putina, zakaj so naredili Armato.

Saj niso eno, naredili so jih 8 ali 10. ;) hehe, Putin bo itak rekel, da za parado.

A tista, ki jim je na paradi crknila in so jo probali odšlepati, je že popravljena? To je 10% vseh Armat…
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Unchancy ()

Lesoto ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Problem z Kramatorskom in Slovjanskom je, da sta v dolini. Ko bodo Rusi zasedli greben vzhodno od njih, bodo lahko po mili volji nažigali z artilerijo. Kramatorsk in Slovjansk sta pa zadnja obrambna linija do Dnjepra, kjer je mogoče postaviti spodobno obrambo.

Pred kakšnim tednom sem gledal en intervju z Ukrajinskim oficirjem in je povedal, da je bil cilj zimske ruske ofenzive, da pridejo do dobrih pozicij ZA OBRAMBO. Ne za napad. Torej ruski napadi pri Vuhledarju, Marinki, Avdijevki, Bahmutu in gor proti Izjumu so imeli ta cilj. In nikjer ga niso uresničili. Najbližje so pri Bahmutu, kjer je zelo težko napadat iz Krematorska proti Bahmutu, ker je tam en obsežen kanal, ki omogoča lahko obrambo.

Rusom je že zdaj jasno, da naprej ne morejo. Iščejo pozicije za obrambo.

fur80 ::

Unchancy je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vprašaj Putina, zakaj so naredili Armato.

Saj niso eno, naredili so jih 8 ali 10. ;) hehe, Putin bo itak rekel, da za parado.

A tista, ki jim je na paradi crknila in so jo probali odšlepati, je že popravljena? To je 10% vseh Armat…

No zadnjič v dokumentarcu je bilo omenjeno in dokazano, da so Rusi med hladno vojno na letalonosilki, ki to ni bila imeli 6 letal. Vedno ko so na površje poslali letala so jim prebarvali številke, da so Američani mislili, da jih imajo 60. Verjetno se tega manjvrednostnega kompleksa še danes niso rešili.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

fur80 ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Lesoto je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Ruski, ki stavijo na enostavno, trpežno in poceni orožje v masovnih količinah.

A to z lopatami nad Leoparde?

Ameriški, ki dela kompleksne in zmogljive sisteme, ki so pa bolj občutljivi

Zakaj bi bili ti sistemi "bolj občutljivi". Na motnje so bolj občutljivi starejši manj napredni sistemi.

Npr. M777 so napedenali da ima 10% daljši doseg kot primerljiva ruska havbica, posledično so sile v cevi za skoraj 100% večje in je treba cev pogosteje menjati. Podobna zgodba je npr. z F35, ki ima vse mogoče funkcije, v praksi je pa dosti bolj občutljiv. Ruska letala pa npr. komot pristajajo izven letališč.


After complaining about insufficient and obsolete weapons being supplied by partner countries, Ukraine now says it is difficult to service them. The commander of the logistics service of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Brigadier General Volodymyr Karpenko, specifically mentioned M777 Howitzers.

Karpenko addressed his grievance to the United States regarding the M777 howitzers they are supplying to Ukraine. As per Karpenko, the situation is extremely difficult, as these howitzers “constantly break down and require repair.”


A third of the roughly 350 Western-made howitzers donated to Kyiv are out of action at any given time, according to U.S. defense officials and others familiar with Ukraine’s defense needs.

Swapping out a howitzer’s barrel, which can be 20 feet long and weigh thousands of pounds, is beyond the capability of soldiers in the field and has become a priority for the Pentagon’s European Command, which has set up a repair facility in Poland.

Ne bom ti lepil linke, ker vidim, da če te zanima si sam poišči na youtube, ker je tega kot listja in trave. Ampak ja Rusi imajo vse, ampak vse samo na papirju, v praksi pa imajo 2 letala nove generacije in še te številke so namišljene glede specifikacij., za lažjo prodajo. Indijci sedaj pa še Turki so odstopili, ker Rusi lažejo kaj so sposobna njihova letala. V igrci to gre, v praksi pa tega ni.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: fur80 ()

Pac-Man ::

Rusi so šele pred par dnevi priznali, da so marca lani med protesti v Hersonu aretirali 75-letnega Španca, ki tam živi od l. 2014. Uradno kot humanitarec, verjetno pa ne škodi, če si s špansko pokojnino lahko privošči kaj več kot v domovini.


The Military Prosecutor's Office of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation has admitted for the first time that the Spanish citizen Mariano García Calatayud is being held in an army-controlled penal institution in the Republic of Crimea.
According to his story, the Valencian is still alive, although his physical deterioration is evident . He presents bruises from blows to the legs. He has lost part of his teeth and has been mistreated by prison guards . His body is "full of bruises and scars."
Mariano was illegally detained in Kherson on March 19, 2022 after a protest against the Russian occupation. He was the first Spaniard to fall into the hands of the Russian troops . Many Russian media claimed a few days after he had been released. It was a hoax , but many media outlets covered that news and increased the anguish of his family and friends, who waited for days for a call from him that never came .
In 2014, after taking early retirement as head of the municipal works brigade of the Carlet City Council, he decided to move to Ukraine to help its inhabitants, who were already suffering the consequences of the war promoted by Vladimir Putin.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

At the end of his latest video, #Russian terrorist Girkin discussed his prosecution and how it will change his life. Besides, he mentioned that he is ill, and that's why he was speaking so slowly (he was indeed very slow).

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Lesoto je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Lesoto je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Bahmut z okolico je (bil) močno utrjen (tudi betonski bunkerji), to se je gradilo od 2014. Za njim UA ni imela tako utrjenega ozemlja

Bahmut se sploh ne smatra kot utrjen del obrambe.
Glavna obrambna linija je za Bahmutom skupaj z večjimi naselji. Bahmut je tam okoli 55. mesta po velikosti v Ukrajini.

To ti je povedal .... Joe?

Sem že napisal tukaj. Kdo je pa tebi povedal, da Slovjansk in Krematorsk nista močno utrjena? Daš ta preljubi vir? Ali si zopet lagal?

Problem z Kramatorskom in Slovjanskom je, da sta v dolini. Ko bodo Rusi zasedli greben vzhodno od njih, bodo lahko po mili volji nažigali z artilerijo. Kramatorsk in Slovjansk sta pa zadnja obrambna linija do Dnjepra, kjer je mogoče postaviti spodobno obrambo.


A to je ruski načrt? Da uničijo še Kramatorsk in Slovijansk? Prebivalci zagotovo komaj čakajo,da jih Rusi osvobodijo premoženja in življen. Očitno je ruski načrt sestavljen predvsem iz tega,da porušijo infrastrukturo in pobijejo prebivalce Donbasa in Luganska.

bbbbbb2015 ::

mackilla je izjavil:

A to je ruski načrt? Da uničijo še Kramatorsk in Slovijansk? Prebivalci zagotovo komaj čakajo,da jih Rusi osvobodijo premoženja in življen. Očitno je ruski načrt sestavljen predvsem iz tega,da porušijo infrastrukturo in pobijejo prebivalce Donbasa in Luganska.

Verjetno je to celo načrt, ja. Sicer pa verjetno veš, kako je "zrastel" St.Petersburg. Peter Veliki je pobil in požgal vse tam, to je bil svojčas Švedsko kraljestvo. To je bila vojna:
Great Northern War @ Wikipedia

Ko je vse pobil in požgal, je zgradil St. Petersburg.

S Karelijo se je zgodilo nekaj podobnega. S tem, da Stalin ni zgradil nič.

Kaliningrad pa je ena mešana zgodba. Namerno so podrli vse, kar je dišalo po Nemcih. Še grobove in spomenike. Zdaj se točno ne spomnim, kdo je sklenil, da je to zlo potrebno izkoreniniti.

Kaj pa vem. Ideja je torej, da se vse zgradi "znova" - rusko. Zdaj, koliko je to realno, pa je drugo vprašanje. Ker trenutna škoda v Ukrajini presega vse, kar je bilo doslej takih vojn.

fikus_ ::

fur80 je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vprašaj Putina, zakaj so naredili Armato.

Saj niso eno, naredili so jih 8 ali 10. ;) hehe, Putin bo itak rekel, da za parado.

Kaže da imaš insajderske informacije. Nekaj jih je bilo na paradi, tako da se ve, koliko najmanj so jih naredili.

PS ena se je pokvarila, mogoce so jo pretopili kot staro železo.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

mackilla ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vprašaj Putina, zakaj so naredili Armato.

Saj niso eno, naredili so jih 8 ali 10. ;) hehe, Putin bo itak rekel, da za parado.

Kaže da imaš insajderske informacije. Nekaj jih je bilo na paradi, tako da se ve, koliko najmanj so jih naredili.

PS ena se je pokvarila, mogoce so jo pretopili kot staro železo.

Načrti so bili megalomanski. Podobno kot medvedevi,da bodo v letošnjem letu naredili 1500 t90 tankov.

The Russian Army initially planned to acquire 2,300 T-14s between 2015 and 2020

fikus_ ::

Vmes so prestavili na leto 2024 tistih nekaj tisoč tankov. Sedaj so v vojni, tako da se bo to spet premaknilo.
Sicer pa, kaj pričakujete od ekonomije v velikost IT?
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

mojsterleo ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vmes so prestavili na leto 2024 tistih nekaj tisoč tankov. Sedaj so v vojni, tako da se bo to spet premaknilo.
Sicer pa, kaj pričakujete od ekonomije v velikost IT?
Kaj lahko pričakuješ od ekonomije, ki ni sposobna izdelati dovolj krogličnih ležajev? :))
What’s Perfectly Round, Made Of Metal, And Keeping Russia From Replacing the 2,000 Tanks It’s Lost In Ukraine? Apr 19, 2023,10:46pm EDT

A shortage of modern optics is throttling Russia’s ability to manufacture new T-72BM3 and T-90M tanks, and restore older T-72s, T-80s and T-90s, to make good the thousands of tanks it’s lost its wider war on Ukraine.

But optics aren’t the only thing in short supply in the Russian armored vehicle industry. The Russians also are desperately short of ball-bearings, which they used to get from the United States and Europe before the United States and Europe tightened their sanctions on Russian industry.

A new study from the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. confirmed what independent analysts have been saying for months. Tanks and other modern armored vehicles need a lot of ball-bearings. And Russia doesn’t have enough bearings to maintain steady production of new vehicles.

Especially considering that the Russian war effort—indeed, the whole Russian economy—utterly depends on trains for transportation. And trains also need a lot of ball-bearings. The Russians have a choice. Build more tanks and let the rail system fall apart. Or keep the trains moving, and slow tank-production.

“Historically, Russia has imported most of its high-quality bearings from Western manufacturers,” CSIS analysts Max Bergmann, Maria Snegovaya, Tina Dolbaia, Nick Fenton and Samuel Bendett noted. “In 2020, for instance, Russia imported over $419 million worth of ball bearings, around 55 percent of which originated in Europe and North America; Germany was Russia’s largest trading partner, taking up 17 percent of its total imports that year.”

That changed after Russian forces rolled into northern, eastern and southern Ukraine in February 2022, triggering a wider war that has killed tens of thousands of people on both sides. Kyiv’s foreign allies escalated their sanctions on Moscow’s strategic industries.

Ball-bearing imports were a top target. “Following the start of the invasion, major Western producers of bearings exited Russia and ended their sales there,” the CSIS analysts wrote.

The implications quickly were apparent. After just a few weeks, Russia’s main factories for building new tanks and restoring old tanks—respectively, Uralvagonzavod in Sverdlovsk Oblast and Omsktransmash in Siberia—temporarily froze production.

While work soon resumed, the tank industry’s longer-term prospects were dire. A new T-72BM3 or T-90M tank requires modern optics, and those optics normally come from France. When Paris tightened its sanctions, it deprived Russian industry of the components it needs for the new tanks’ Sosna-U digital sights.

The Kremlin has compensated for a shortage of Sosna-Us by swapping in locally-made analog 1PN96MT-02 sights that, while not as precise as Sosna-Us, at least give a Russian tank crew a fighting chance in a direct fight with Ukrainian crews.

The ball-bearing problem might be even harder for Moscow to solve. Even after trading Sosna-Us for 1PN96MT-02s, Uralvagonzavod and Omsktransmash still were at an impasse. Workers were building or restoring most of a tank, then running out of parts.

It’s for that reason that Russia has struggled to make good the 2,000 or more tanks it has lost in 14 months of hard fighting in Ukraine. Russian forces need at least 150 new or restored tanks a month just to maintain their front-line strength.

Yes, there were small stockpiles of ball-bearings in Russia when the wider war kicked off. But Russian rail-operators needed those bearings, too. If anything, the railways’ hunger for bearings grew as their 13,000 locomotives moved more and more replacement men and equipment to the Ukraine front.

Given a choice between building fewer tanks or freezing transport across Russia, Moscow did the smart thing—and chose the former.

Careful analysis of activity at Uralvagonzavod and Omsktransmash strongly hints the factories every month are shipping out just a few dozen modern-ish tanks: either new-build T-72BM3s or T-90Ms or reconditioned T-72s, T-80s and T-90s that technicians have pulled out of long-term storage.

Which is why the Russians are traveling back in time, technologically speaking, and reactivating 1960s-vintage T-62s and 1950s-vintage T-55s that have been moldering in storage since the 1980s.

The older tanks require fewer modern components and fewer ball-bearings. They’re hopelessly outmatched in a stand-up fight with better-equipped Ukrainian forces, but they at least slow down the Ukrainians. “The T-55 in this sense is a resource-saver and an opportunity to buy time,” a Kremlin source told Volya Media.

With hundreds of T-62s and T-55s temporarily plugging the hole in the Russian army’s force-structure, Russian industry has scrambled to find alternative sources of ball-bearings—and resume building modern tanks.

The obvious alternatives are China and Malaysia. But Chinese and Malaysian bearings generally are inferior to American or European bearings. And that lower quality comes at a cost, the CSIS team explained.

“While Moscow might be able to substitute the import of Western bearings and thus maintain the level of defense-sector production needed to continue its war effort, these bearings will most likely be of a lower quality, which could impact reliability.”

So maybe Russia eventually ramps up tank-production by swapping good bearings for bad bearings. Having also traded modern digital optics for inferior analog optics, these tanks no longer are state-of-the-art.

Sure, they might look like T-72BM3s or T-90Ms. But on the inside, where it really counts, they’re less capable and less durable.

Vir: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2...

o0o0o0o0o0 ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Malidelničar je izjavil:

Rusi so za Američane in ves Zahod in njihovo orožje z Ukrajino naredili en tak zanimiv training ground :)

Res je! Pokazalo se bo tudi, čigav pristop do orožja je boljši:
Ruski, ki stavijo na enostavno, trpežno in poceni orožje v masovnih količinah.
Ameriški, ki dela kompleksne in zmogljive sisteme, ki so pa bolj občutljivi in v manjših količinah ter občutno dražji.

Za proizvajalce orožje je sigurno bolj profitabilen ameriški pristop, bomo videli kaj se bo boljše izkazalo na bojišču...

Ah dej no. Še tistih par himarsov je stolko celo goro ruskih vojakov in opreme. Če bi bila ZDA direkno v vojni z Rusijo, bi bilo dejansko vsega konec po treh dneh.

Lesoto ::

Presumably one of the first videos showing US-delivered US guided bombs with JDAM-ER kits in action in Bakhmut, #Donetsk Oblast.
Four GBU-62 were dropped on what is claimed to be an ammo storage point and Russian military staging area.

mojsterleo ::

Še več Slovenskega orožja v Ukrajini.8-)

Slovenska vlada je po naših informacijah v popolni tajnosti v Ukrajino dostavila 20 oklepnikov tipa Pandur. Slovenski Valuki so oboroženi s 40 mm avtomatskimi bombometi ali 12.7 mm mitraljezi, v sestavi pa smo jih imeli 85 in so bili v Slovenski vojski kar 24 let. Gre za najmanj staro orožje, ki ga je Slovenija poslala Ukrajini, namenjeno je za prevoz pehote in jih ščiti pred protipehotnimi minami ter pehotnim orožjem do kalibra 12,7 mm.

primoz4p ::


Kaj pa če je vse res in je K zrcalna slika B?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: primoz4p ()

gozdar1 ::

mojsterleo je izjavil:

Še več Slovenskega orožja v Ukrajini.8-)

Slovenska vlada je po naših informacijah v popolni tajnosti v Ukrajino dostavila 20 oklepnikov tipa Pandur. Slovenski Valuki so oboroženi s 40 mm avtomatskimi bombometi ali 12.7 mm mitraljezi, v sestavi pa smo jih imeli 85 in so bili v Slovenski vojski kar 24 let. Gre za najmanj staro orožje, ki ga je Slovenija poslala Ukrajini, namenjeno je za prevoz pehote in jih ščiti pred protipehotnimi minami ter pehotnim orožjem do kalibra 12,7 mm.

V leningrajski kleti bodo zopet nadure.

fur80 ::

primoz4p je izjavil:


Kaj pa če je vse res in je K zrcalna slika B?

Kaj hočeš povedati, da ni bilo napadov na Kijev, ali pač da so se samo zmotili pri sliki?
Sem se pred časom pogovarjal z kolegico iz Kijeva, je rekla, da je še huje, kot nam kažejo na TV, ko sem ji povedal kaj je bilo v novicah. To je bilo takrat, ko je bila tista 50km kolona pred Kijevim. Ima malega otroka, mleka skoraj ni bilo mogoče dobiti, živeli so v bunkerju.

CoolBits ::

Vedno so v ozadju isti ljudje.

The Sudan War, the U.S. and Ukraine: Look Deeper


gozdar1 ::

CoolBits je izjavil:

Vedno so v ozadju isti ljudje.

The Sudan War, the U.S. and Ukraine: Look Deeper


Da, wagner.

Sheteentz ::

Jebeni Wagner in njegova zlovešča muzika

Rambutan ::

gozdar1 je izjavil:

CoolBits je izjavil:

Vedno so v ozadju isti ljudje.

The Sudan War, the U.S. and Ukraine: Look Deeper


Da, wagner.

Ja, to so vse naključja in teorije zarote. ZDA so dobrohotna velesila, ki izvaža demokracijo po celem svetu.

Zmajc ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Pozabil si napisat da je RSF, ki je sprožil državni udar povezan z Wagnerjem.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

shmandi ::

p7904710 Ja, to so vse naključja in teorije zarote. ZDA so dobrohotna velesila, ki izvaža demokracijo po celem svetu. [/st.citat naj bi izjavil:

Kdaj si pa tako spremenil svoje mnenje glede ZDA? Ali si imel v m

Kdaj si pa tako spremenil svoje mnenje glede ZDA? Ali si imel v mislih ruse?

FireSnake ::

Lažejo, kot pes teče.
Vseskozi so pisali, da je Bahmut strateško nepomemben.
Iz vira:

Ukrajinsko mesto Bahmut, kjer je pred vojno živelo približno 70 tisoč ljudi, je po večmesečnih srditih bojih med ruskimi in ukrajinskimi silami ostalo praktično brez civilnega prebivalstva. Obe strani sta v boj za mesto vložili veliko moči, čeprav po mnenju analitikov nima velike strateške vrednosti.

Zdaj pa:

Ukrajina se Bahmutu, ki je tarča napadov od lanskega poznega poletja, ne želi odreči, da bi preprečila prodor ruskih sil globlje v notranjost države. Mesto namreč predstavlja glavni del obrambne črte med Bahmutom in Siverskom, ki jo je ukrajinska vojska vzpostavila po ruskem zavzetju Severodonecka in Lisičanska.

Če bi mesto v celoti padlo v ruske roke, bi se s tem za Ruse odprla pot do večjih mest Slovjansk in Kramatorsk, bliže na dosegu bi jim bilo tudi načrtovano zavzetje celotne regije Doneck.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Rambutan ::

Članek iz Salona, povzema navedbe Hersha in še iz drugih virov, opisuje korupcijo v Ukrajini, jo primerja z Irakom in Afganistanom in se sprašuje, kako se bo vse skupaj končalo.


Hersh's sources describe a pattern that echoes the use of fabricated and unvetted intelligence to justify U.S. aggression against Iraq in 2003, in which Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan are bypassing regular intelligence analysis and procedures and running the Ukraine war as their own private fiefdom. They reportedly smear all criticism of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as "pro-Putin," and leave U.S. intelligence agencies out in the cold trying to understand a policy that makes no sense to them.

What U.S. intelligence officials know, but the White House is doggedly ignoring, is that, as in Afghanistan and Iraq, top Ukrainian officials running that endemically corrupt country are making fortunes skimming from the more than $100 billion in aid and weapons that America has sent them.

According to Hersh's report, the CIA assesses that Ukrainian officials, including Zelenskyy, have embezzled $400 million from money the U.S. sent Ukraine to buy diesel fuel for its war effort, in a scheme that involves buying cheap, discounted fuel from Russia. Meanwhile, Hersh says, Ukrainian government ministries literally compete with each other to sell weapons paid for by U.S. taxpayers to private arms dealers in Poland, the Czech Republic and around the world.

Hersh writes that in January 2023, after the CIA heard from Ukrainian generals that they were angry with Zelenskyy for taking a larger share of the rake-off from these schemes than his generals, CIA director William Burns went to Kyiv to meet with him. Burns allegedly told Zelenskyy he was taking too much of the "skim money," and handed him a list of 35 generals and senior officials the CIA knew were involved in this corrupt scheme.

Zelenskyy fired about 10 of those officials, but failed to alter his own behavior. Hersh's sources tell him that White House lack of interest in doing anything about these goings-on is a major factor in the breakdown of trust between the White House and the intelligence community.

First-hand reporting from inside Ukraine by New Cold War has described the same systematic pyramid of corruption as Hersh. A member of parliament, formerly in Zelenskyy's party, told New Cold War that Zelenskyy and other officials skimmed 170 million euros from money that was supposed to pay for Bulgarian artillery shells.

The corruption reportedly extends to bribes to avoid conscription. The Open Ukraine Telegram channel was told by a military recruitment office that it could get the son of one of its writers released from the front line in Bakhmut and sent out of the country for $32,000.

As has happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and all the wars the U.S. has been involved in for many decades, the longer the war goes on, the more the web of corruption, lies and distortions unravels.

The torpedoing of peace talks, the Nord Stream sabotage, the hiding of corruption, the politicization of casualty figures and the suppressed history of broken promises and prescient warnings about the danger of NATO expansion are all examples of how our leaders have distorted the truth to shore up U.S. public support for perpetuating an unwinnable war that is killing a generation of young Ukrainians.

These leaks and investigative reports are not the first, nor will they be the last, to shine a light through the veil of propaganda that permits these wars to destroy young people's lives in faraway places, so that oligarchs in Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. can amass wealth and power.

Zmajc ::

Mislim, da ima Rusija neskončmno večji problem s korupcijo. Še dobro da se Ukrajinci hočejo rešiti njihovega vpliva. Verjetno bo to korupcijo konkretno zmanjšalo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zmajc ()

Rambutan ::

Spodnji stavek pojasni marsikaj. Pred časom sem se spraševal, če so ameriški obveščevalci res tako nesposobni. Dejstvo, da so neokoni ugrabili vodenje te vojne, pa to boljše pojasni.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan are bypassing regular intelligence analysis and procedures and running the Ukraine war as their own private fiefdom. They reportedly smear all criticism of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as "pro-Putin," and leave U.S. intelligence agencies out in the cold trying to understand a policy that makes no sense to them.

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Članek iz Salona, povzema navedbe Hersha in še iz drugih virov, opisuje korupcijo v Ukrajini, jo primerja z Irakom in Afganistanom in se sprašuje, kako se bo vse skupaj končalo.


Hersh's sources describe a pattern that echoes the use of fabricated and unvetted intelligence to justify U.S. aggression against Iraq in 2003, in which Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan are bypassing regular intelligence analysis and procedures and running the Ukraine war as their own private fiefdom. They reportedly smear all criticism of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as "pro-Putin," and leave U.S. intelligence agencies out in the cold trying to understand a policy that makes no sense to them.

What U.S. intelligence officials know, but the White House is doggedly ignoring, is that, as in Afghanistan and Iraq, top Ukrainian officials running that endemically corrupt country are making fortunes skimming from the more than $100 billion in aid and weapons that America has sent them.

According to Hersh's report, the CIA assesses that Ukrainian officials, including Zelenskyy, have embezzled $400 million from money the U.S. sent Ukraine to buy diesel fuel for its war effort, in a scheme that involves buying cheap, discounted fuel from Russia. Meanwhile, Hersh says, Ukrainian government ministries literally compete with each other to sell weapons paid for by U.S. taxpayers to private arms dealers in Poland, the Czech Republic and around the world.

Hersh writes that in January 2023, after the CIA heard from Ukrainian generals that they were angry with Zelenskyy for taking a larger share of the rake-off from these schemes than his generals, CIA director William Burns went to Kyiv to meet with him. Burns allegedly told Zelenskyy he was taking too much of the "skim money," and handed him a list of 35 generals and senior officials the CIA knew were involved in this corrupt scheme.

Zelenskyy fired about 10 of those officials, but failed to alter his own behavior. Hersh's sources tell him that White House lack of interest in doing anything about these goings-on is a major factor in the breakdown of trust between the White House and the intelligence community.

First-hand reporting from inside Ukraine by New Cold War has described the same systematic pyramid of corruption as Hersh. A member of parliament, formerly in Zelenskyy's party, told New Cold War that Zelenskyy and other officials skimmed 170 million euros from money that was supposed to pay for Bulgarian artillery shells.

The corruption reportedly extends to bribes to avoid conscription. The Open Ukraine Telegram channel was told by a military recruitment office that it could get the son of one of its writers released from the front line in Bakhmut and sent out of the country for $32,000.

As has happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and all the wars the U.S. has been involved in for many decades, the longer the war goes on, the more the web of corruption, lies and distortions unravels.

The torpedoing of peace talks, the Nord Stream sabotage, the hiding of corruption, the politicization of casualty figures and the suppressed history of broken promises and prescient warnings about the danger of NATO expansion are all examples of how our leaders have distorted the truth to shore up U.S. public support for perpetuating an unwinnable war that is killing a generation of young Ukrainians.

These leaks and investigative reports are not the first, nor will they be the last, to shine a light through the veil of propaganda that permits these wars to destroy young people's lives in faraway places, so that oligarchs in Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. can amass wealth and power.

Mislim,da so viri od senilnega Hersha ruski agenti pod krinko. Tip verjetno nima pojma s kom ima opravke. To je dejansko teorija zarote,ki bi lahko imela trdno podlago:D

Rambutan ::

Pravijo, da so ti anonimni viri, ki so leakali Hershu, to storili z namenom ustaviti neokone, to je ekipo Nulland, Blinken in Sullivan, ki so gonilna sila za Ukrajino. Leakerji so visoko v ameriški administraciji, verjetno kar iz Pentagona, ki se bojijo nadaljne eskalacije.

Zmajc ::

V ZDA se v tem trenutku ne strinjajo o masičemer, se pa bilateralno Reublikanci in Demokrati strinjajo o nečemer ... podpora Ukrajini. Edni ki se ne strinjajo so MAGA idioti.

Rambutan ::

Zanimivo, Zelesnki pravi, da je končno govoril z Xijem. Zelenski ni nič konkretnega povedal, verjetno kakega preboja ni za pričakovati.


I had a long and meaningful phone call with ?? President Xi Jinping. I believe that this call, as well as the appointment of Ukraine's ambassador to China, will give a powerful impetus to the development of our bilateral relations.

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Pravijo, da so ti anonimni viri, ki so leakali Hershu, to storili z namenom ustaviti neokone, to je ekipo Nulland, Blinken in Sullivan, ki so gonilna sila za Ukrajino. Leakerji so visoko v ameriški administraciji, verjetno kar iz Pentagona, ki se bojijo nadaljne eskalacije.

Ja anonimni viri:D Zdaj ali so visoko v ameriški administraciji ali pa so ruski agenti pa mi ne vemo. Verjetno ne ve niti Hersh. Njegove informacije o severnem toku so se že izkazale za kup dreka.

Rambutan ::

mackilla je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Pravijo, da so ti anonimni viri, ki so leakali Hershu, to storili z namenom ustaviti neokone, to je ekipo Nulland, Blinken in Sullivan, ki so gonilna sila za Ukrajino. Leakerji so visoko v ameriški administraciji, verjetno kar iz Pentagona, ki se bojijo nadaljne eskalacije.

Ja anonimni viri:D Zdaj ali so visoko v ameriški administraciji ali pa so ruski agenti pa mi ne vemo. Verjetno ne ve niti Hersh. Njegove informacije o severnem toku so se že izkazale za kup dreka.

Teorija S. Hersha je še najbolj verjetna. Za kup dreka so se izkazale informacije MSM, da so za eksplozijo NS2 odgovorni Ukrajinci in da je iz jadrnice nastavilo eksploziv 6 potapljačev. Švedski preiskovalci pravijo, da je za eksplozijo skoraj gotovo odgovorna država. BTW, s tistimi novicami o ukrajinski odgovornosti so verjetno ciljali na Poroshenka, ki praznuje rojstni dan točno na dan eksplozije. Zgleda pa, da so to verzijo z jadrnico opustili, ker je nihče ni jemal resno, razen Pacota seveda8-)


Ljungqvist, who leads the investigation, added it would be difficult to determine exactly who’s responsible for the apparent act of sabotage.

“We don't rule out anything, but that it is a state actor who is directly or at least indirectly behind this is of course our absolute main scenario, given all the circumstances,” said Ljungqvist.

tomlin ::

Salon haha, dobi kak še bolj rumeni tisk za stare mame, se bomo še smejali.

Rambutan je izjavil:

Članek iz Salona, povzema navedbe Hersha in še iz drugih virov, opisuje korupcijo v Ukrajini, jo primerja z Irakom in Afganistanom in se sprašuje, kako se bo vse skupaj končalo.


Hersh's sources describe a pattern that echoes the use of fabricated and unvetted intelligence to justify U.S. aggression against Iraq in 2003, in which Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan are bypassing regular intelligence analysis and procedures and running the Ukraine war as their own private fiefdom. They reportedly smear all criticism of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as "pro-Putin," and leave U.S. intelligence agencies out in the cold trying to understand a policy that makes no sense to them.

What U.S. intelligence officials know, but the White House is doggedly ignoring, is that, as in Afghanistan and Iraq, top Ukrainian officials running that endemically corrupt country are making fortunes skimming from the more than $100 billion in aid and weapons that America has sent them.

According to Hersh's report, the CIA assesses that Ukrainian officials, including Zelenskyy, have embezzled $400 million from money the U.S. sent Ukraine to buy diesel fuel for its war effort, in a scheme that involves buying cheap, discounted fuel from Russia. Meanwhile, Hersh says, Ukrainian government ministries literally compete with each other to sell weapons paid for by U.S. taxpayers to private arms dealers in Poland, the Czech Republic and around the world.

Hersh writes that in January 2023, after the CIA heard from Ukrainian generals that they were angry with Zelenskyy for taking a larger share of the rake-off from these schemes than his generals, CIA director William Burns went to Kyiv to meet with him. Burns allegedly told Zelenskyy he was taking too much of the "skim money," and handed him a list of 35 generals and senior officials the CIA knew were involved in this corrupt scheme.

Zelenskyy fired about 10 of those officials, but failed to alter his own behavior. Hersh's sources tell him that White House lack of interest in doing anything about these goings-on is a major factor in the breakdown of trust between the White House and the intelligence community.

First-hand reporting from inside Ukraine by New Cold War has described the same systematic pyramid of corruption as Hersh. A member of parliament, formerly in Zelenskyy's party, told New Cold War that Zelenskyy and other officials skimmed 170 million euros from money that was supposed to pay for Bulgarian artillery shells.

The corruption reportedly extends to bribes to avoid conscription. The Open Ukraine Telegram channel was told by a military recruitment office that it could get the son of one of its writers released from the front line in Bakhmut and sent out of the country for $32,000.

As has happened in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and all the wars the U.S. has been involved in for many decades, the longer the war goes on, the more the web of corruption, lies and distortions unravels.

The torpedoing of peace talks, the Nord Stream sabotage, the hiding of corruption, the politicization of casualty figures and the suppressed history of broken promises and prescient warnings about the danger of NATO expansion are all examples of how our leaders have distorted the truth to shore up U.S. public support for perpetuating an unwinnable war that is killing a generation of young Ukrainians.

These leaks and investigative reports are not the first, nor will they be the last, to shine a light through the veil of propaganda that permits these wars to destroy young people's lives in faraway places, so that oligarchs in Russia, Ukraine and the U.S. can amass wealth and power.
Svoboda in enakost ni isto kot svoboda.
M. Friedman

Anney ::


Pa ja, pravljice, zaradi treh TV programov. :) V odzadju so bogata nahališča, enega in drugega (plin, rudnine) na tem delu Ukrajine.
Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.

mackilla ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

mackilla je izjavil:

Rambutan je izjavil:

Pravijo, da so ti anonimni viri, ki so leakali Hershu, to storili z namenom ustaviti neokone, to je ekipo Nulland, Blinken in Sullivan, ki so gonilna sila za Ukrajino. Leakerji so visoko v ameriški administraciji, verjetno kar iz Pentagona, ki se bojijo nadaljne eskalacije.

Ja anonimni viri:D Zdaj ali so visoko v ameriški administraciji ali pa so ruski agenti pa mi ne vemo. Verjetno ne ve niti Hersh. Njegove informacije o severnem toku so se že izkazale za kup dreka.

Teorija S. Hersha je še najbolj verjetna. Za kup dreka so se izkazale informacije MSM, da so za eksplozijo NS2 odgovorni Ukrajinci in da je iz jadrnice nastavilo eksploziv 6 potapljačev. Švedski preiskovalci pravijo, da je za eksplozijo skoraj gotovo odgovorna država. BTW, s tistimi novicami o ukrajinski odgovornosti so verjetno ciljali na Poroshenka, ki praznuje rojstni dan točno na dan eksplozije. Zgleda pa, da so to verzijo z jadrnico opustili, ker je nihče ni jemal resno, razen Pacota seveda8-)


Ljungqvist, who leads the investigation, added it would be difficult to determine exactly who’s responsible for the apparent act of sabotage.

“We don't rule out anything, but that it is a state actor who is directly or at least indirectly behind this is of course our absolute main scenario, given all the circumstances,” said Ljungqvist.

Če Hersh svojo teorijo še malce razširi lahko izda dobro knjigo za poletno branje na plaži. Zraven doda še kakšen biolab in ruskega tajenega agenta,ki v zadnjem trenutku prepreči sabotažo plinovoda,ki bo uničila ves plankton in dvignila temperaturo morja na nevzdržno raven pa bo imel nekaj podobnega kot je Cusslerjeva Sahara:D Še jaz si bom sposodil ali celo kupil mehko izdajo:D

Lesoto ::

Pac-Man ::

Rambutan je izjavil:

Teorija S. Hersha je še najbolj verjetna.

Milijontič, vsako preverljivo dejstvo v njegovem domišljijskem spisu se je izkazalo za neresnično:


Da so za eksplozijami ZDA pa pač ni neka teorija, če so vsa dejstva napačna.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Lesoto ::

Heroic Ukrainian pilot's cockpit cam shows daring below-radar flight

Pac-Man ::

Nemški Patriot v Ukrajini, video:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

bbbbbb2015 ::

Anney je izjavil:


Pa ja, pravljice, zaradi treh TV programov. :) V odzadju so bogata nahališča, enega in drugega (plin, rudnine) na tem delu Ukrajine.

Jah, he he. Kakšne prodajajo na MSM. Ne pozabit na pšenico, premog, jeklo, gips. Mislim....
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