Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Malidelničar ::
So pa Slovenci totalne svinje, ker mislijo, da morajo Ukrajinci prodati pol svoje države, da bo v Evropi "mir". Upam, da se razmontira Rusijo, da bo potem tudi politično pri nas drugače. Saj vemo, zakaj "naši" podpirajo Rusijo ...
Po mojem imajo Rusi realno edino šanso, da Ukrajino premagajo preko psy-ops operacij, kjer bi dejansko zmagali preko tega, da spremenijo Zahodno javno mnenje.
Obratno ima pa Zahod večjo možnost, da porazi Rusijo, če postavi pogoje, za izbruh široke vojne na vsem Vzhodu Evrope, torej da izbruhne sedaj poleg Ukrajine hkrati še Belorusija, Moldavija (Transnistrija), Kavkaz (Gruzija - J. Osetija, Abkazija, Čečenija, Dagestan) pa še kakšna Srednja Azija za posladek.
Največja nevarnost za Rusijo je boj na več frontah. Tako kot za Nemce v WWI :)
Po mojem imajo Rusi realno edino šanso, da Ukrajino premagajo preko psy-ops operacij, kjer bi dejansko zmagali preko tega, da spremenijo Zahodno javno mnenje.
Obratno ima pa Zahod večjo možnost, da porazi Rusijo, če postavi pogoje, za izbruh široke vojne na vsem Vzhodu Evrope, torej da izbruhne sedaj poleg Ukrajine hkrati še Belorusija, Moldavija (Transnistrija), Kavkaz (Gruzija - J. Osetija, Abkazija, Čečenija, Dagestan) pa še kakšna Srednja Azija za posladek.
Največja nevarnost za Rusijo je boj na več frontah. Tako kot za Nemce v WWI :)
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
c3p0 ::
DarkSite ::
Končno rusi napredujejo :) ... aja čak ...
Sej vemo, da ta diverzija pomeni le to, da bodo rusi morali sedaj obmejne vasi in mesta zavarovati s svojo vojsko, ki jo bodo potegnili iz fronte. Manj enot v Zaporizju. Tik tak tik tak ...
Sej vemo, da ta diverzija pomeni le to, da bodo rusi morali sedaj obmejne vasi in mesta zavarovati s svojo vojsko, ki jo bodo potegnili iz fronte. Manj enot v Zaporizju. Tik tak tik tak ...
Lancet_brrr ::
Rusi si kopljejo vse večjo luknjo. Kako vse skupaj dojema Američan v Marylandu si lahko kar predstavljamo. Verjetno vse skupaj spremlja s kokicami na svojem kavču medtem ko se kot kaže zdaj odvija vojskovanje znotraj ruskih meja. Polom na celi črti.
Saj si ti ni treba predstavljati, za to imamo merjenja javnega mnenja. Ta pa kažejo, da se podpora za pošiljanje orožja v Ukrajino zmanjšuje. Ta trend se bo še pospešil po neuspešni ukrajinski ofenzivi, če jo bodo sploh izpeljali.
Cope harder.
Nedavna pošiljka raket dolgega dosega in sedajsni pogovori o dobavah f-16 te postavljajo popolnoma na laž.
Tudi lani ste copali da ne bo proti ofenzive.
Pa vemo kako so Rusi bežali
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
Lesoto ::
The assault on Grayvoron has started after the liberation of the 3 towns in blue per the Legion
pa en Mi-8 je zletu dol
According to preliminary information, an Mi-8 helicopter fell in Belgorodska Narodnaya near the settlement of Prokhorivka
The assault on Grayvoron has started after the liberation of the 3 towns in blue per the Legion
pa en Mi-8 je zletu dol
According to preliminary information, an Mi-8 helicopter fell in Belgorodska Narodnaya near the settlement of Prokhorivka
redtech ::
Zakaj sonarodnjake poimenuješ svinje? Jaz mislim, da gre za državljansko vojno DPR, LPR. (ne mi limat čivkov)
Vsaka stran ima podporo zunaj, RU je pač z vojaki prisotna na terenu, ker gre za njihove sonarodnjake. Če bi tam živeli Nemci bi bla Nemčija na terenu.. DPR in LPR brez RU podpore mislim, da nima pogojev proti UA, predvidevam, da so vedeli, da jih bo Zelenski povozil, to je danes jasno.
2014 so naciji požgal Ruse v Odessi, pač vsakemu je jasno, kam bodo stvari peljale. Sami so tako odločili, Slovenci kot svinje (po tvoje) pa ima vsak svoj pogled na to.
Podobno je bila vojna v Siriji, epilog je uničena država, politično so v stanju, kot so bili pred vojno, opozicija se bo morala dogovoriti z Asadom. Zunanji dejavniki so izkoristili situacijo v državi, kreator tega Izrael.
Zakaj sonarodnjake poimenuješ svinje? Jaz mislim, da gre za državljansko vojno DPR, LPR. (ne mi limat čivkov)
Vsaka stran ima podporo zunaj, RU je pač z vojaki prisotna na terenu, ker gre za njihove sonarodnjake. Če bi tam živeli Nemci bi bla Nemčija na terenu.. DPR in LPR brez RU podpore mislim, da nima pogojev proti UA, predvidevam, da so vedeli, da jih bo Zelenski povozil, to je danes jasno.
2014 so naciji požgal Ruse v Odessi, pač vsakemu je jasno, kam bodo stvari peljale. Sami so tako odločili, Slovenci kot svinje (po tvoje) pa ima vsak svoj pogled na to.
Podobno je bila vojna v Siriji, epilog je uničena država, politično so v stanju, kot so bili pred vojno, opozicija se bo morala dogovoriti z Asadom. Zunanji dejavniki so izkoristili situacijo v državi, kreator tega Izrael.
Lesoto ::
2014 so naciji požgal Ruse v Odessi, pač vsakemu je jasno, kam bodo stvari peljale. Sami so tako odločili, Slovenci kot svinje (po tvoje) pa ima vsak svoj pogled na to.
Ruski naciji so požgali svoje.
Mau sem te popravil.
When in 2014/2015 hundreds of Russian tanks and armored vehicles appeared in Donetsk and Luhansk, some of them from the newest T-72 version like the T-72B3 which only Russia possessed, the Russian propaganda claimed that they were all from Ukrainian depots, some even from the coal mines which the workers of the so-called "Peoples Republic of Donetsk" found there.
I have a feeling that the workers of the "People Republic of Belgorod/Bilhorod" found some tanks in their mines, too.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Lancet_brrr ::
Zakaj sonarodnjake poimenuješ svinje? Jaz mislim, da gre za državljansko vojno DPR, LPR. (ne mi limat čivkov)
Vsaka stran ima podporo zunaj, RU je pač z vojaki prisotna na terenu, ker gre za njihove sonarodnjake. Če bi tam živeli Nemci bi bla Nemčija na terenu.. DPR in LPR brez RU podpore mislim, da nima pogojev proti UA, predvidevam, da so vedeli, da jih bo Zelenski povozil, to je danes jasno.
2014 so naciji požgal Ruse v Odessi, pač vsakemu je jasno, kam bodo stvari peljale. Sami so tako odločili, Slovenci kot svinje (po tvoje) pa ima vsak svoj pogled na to.
Podobno je bila vojna v Siriji, epilog je uničena država, politično so v stanju, kot so bili pred vojno, opozicija se bo morala dogovoriti z Asadom. Zunanji dejavniki so izkoristili situacijo v državi, kreator tega Izrael.
Kako pa bi imenoval nekoga ki dela proti našim interesom?
Ali pa nekoga ki bi leta 91 navijal da JLA pregazi TO?
Je tudi sam Girkin reku da so Rusi razpihali pizdarije v DPR, LPR.
Brez njihove intervencije da bi vse skupaj ostalo pri protestih.
Kot da bi pri nas protestirali Italijani, pa bi potem kar Italija poslal čez mejo vojake brez označb.
Pa seveda še kak AA sistem da bi sklatili kak potnišk avijon.
Pac-Man ::
Bucha a year ago and today. Shows how quickly Ukraine will reimagine and rebuild after victory.
Bucha a year ago and today. Shows how quickly Ukraine will reimagine and rebuild after victory.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lancet_brrr ::
Rusi lažejo že od začetka o razlogih za vojno.
In to kljub temu da njihovi lastni ljudje povedo da so sami začeli.
Russian national Igor Strelkov, a former commander of pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine, has claimed personal responsibility for unleashing the conflict in which 4,300 people have been killed since April.
"I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war," Strelkov said in an interview published Thursday with Russia's Zavtra newspaper, which espouses imperialist views.
"If our unit hadn't crossed the border, everything would have fizzled out -- like in [the Ukrainian city of] Kharkiv, like in Odessa," Strelkov, who uses that nom-de-guerre meaning "Shooter" to replace his last name Girkin, was quoted as saying.
Rusi lažejo že od začetka o razlogih za vojno.
In to kljub temu da njihovi lastni ljudje povedo da so sami začeli.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
redtech ::
V Sloveniji ni tako velike manjšine Srbov, da bi bila primerjava na mestu.
Kakšen pa je pravzaprav tvoj interes, opiši?
Kakšen pa je pravzaprav tvoj interes, opiši?
Malidelničar ::
redtech: Vem da sem se grobo izrazil, ampak preprosto po sedaj več kot 1 letu vojne mi je "odbilo" plafon.
No sicer to ni nič novega, ene debate v predvojnem časopisju na Slovenskem (tam iz leta 1933) sem zadnjič videl na Twitterju, češ da imamo Slovenci "interes" v panslovanstvu in nas problemi Poljakov in Ukrajincev ne brigajo.
Meni je debilno, ker tile isti Slovenci protestirajo na polno, ko Italijani slovenske Rezijane imenujejo Vzhodni Rusi. Ali pa ko nemški nacionalisti v Avstriji Slovence imenujejo Wendi in njihov jezik "windisch/wendisch". To je tako, kot v Rusiji, kjer Ukrajince imenujejo z malce starejšim izrazom "khokholi" in malce novejšim "Banderisti". No sicer imamo tudi Slovenci btw. z našimi "preimanovanji" bolj dolgo brado: Slovenj Gradec se v nemščini imenuje Windischgraetz (Slovenci pa eno izmed najuglednejših rodbin iz časa Habsburžanov na naših tleh še vedno imenujemo Windisch-Grätzi oz. Vindišgretzi) - se pravi smo očitno Windišarji kot so pač Ukrajinci khokholi.
Tako, da meni to deluje podobno, kot da bi recimo ob zaključku prve svetovne vojne ob mirovnih pogajanjih v Versaillesu Zahodne države rekle, da tisti lingvistični zemljevidi in prikaz etnične poselitve Slovencev v določenih avstrijskih deželah nič ne štejejo, ker smo itak Wendi in nimamo nac. identitete oz. smo poslovanjeni Avstrijci t.j. smo "UMETNI". In bi se meje še malce bolj drugače zarisale kot so se. Navsezadnje je potem čisto ok, če smo izgubili naša Trst in Gorico, ki sta sedaj pač Trieste in Gorizia, ker so pač tudi Ukrajinci praktično skoraj izgubili Kharkiv, ki je bil dolgo časa Kharkov. Pa še Kyiv so jim preimenovali v Kiev, kako lepo.
Ker saj veš, saj z Ukrajinci je isto. So "UMETNI" glede na stališča preštevilnih "pametnih" Slovencev.
No sicer to ni nič novega, ene debate v predvojnem časopisju na Slovenskem (tam iz leta 1933) sem zadnjič videl na Twitterju, češ da imamo Slovenci "interes" v panslovanstvu in nas problemi Poljakov in Ukrajincev ne brigajo.
Meni je debilno, ker tile isti Slovenci protestirajo na polno, ko Italijani slovenske Rezijane imenujejo Vzhodni Rusi. Ali pa ko nemški nacionalisti v Avstriji Slovence imenujejo Wendi in njihov jezik "windisch/wendisch". To je tako, kot v Rusiji, kjer Ukrajince imenujejo z malce starejšim izrazom "khokholi" in malce novejšim "Banderisti". No sicer imamo tudi Slovenci btw. z našimi "preimanovanji" bolj dolgo brado: Slovenj Gradec se v nemščini imenuje Windischgraetz (Slovenci pa eno izmed najuglednejših rodbin iz časa Habsburžanov na naših tleh še vedno imenujemo Windisch-Grätzi oz. Vindišgretzi) - se pravi smo očitno Windišarji kot so pač Ukrajinci khokholi.
Tako, da meni to deluje podobno, kot da bi recimo ob zaključku prve svetovne vojne ob mirovnih pogajanjih v Versaillesu Zahodne države rekle, da tisti lingvistični zemljevidi in prikaz etnične poselitve Slovencev v določenih avstrijskih deželah nič ne štejejo, ker smo itak Wendi in nimamo nac. identitete oz. smo poslovanjeni Avstrijci t.j. smo "UMETNI". In bi se meje še malce bolj drugače zarisale kot so se. Navsezadnje je potem čisto ok, če smo izgubili naša Trst in Gorico, ki sta sedaj pač Trieste in Gorizia, ker so pač tudi Ukrajinci praktično skoraj izgubili Kharkiv, ki je bil dolgo časa Kharkov. Pa še Kyiv so jim preimenovali v Kiev, kako lepo.
Ker saj veš, saj z Ukrajinci je isto. So "UMETNI" glede na stališča preštevilnih "pametnih" Slovencev.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
mackilla ::
Zakaj sonarodnjake poimenuješ svinje? Jaz mislim, da gre za državljansko vojno DPR, LPR. (ne mi limat čivkov)
Vsaka stran ima podporo zunaj, RU je pač z vojaki prisotna na terenu, ker gre za njihove sonarodnjake. Če bi tam živeli Nemci bi bla Nemčija na terenu.. DPR in LPR brez RU podpore mislim, da nima pogojev proti UA, predvidevam, da so vedeli, da jih bo Zelenski povozil, to je danes jasno.
2014 so naciji požgal Ruse v Odessi, pač vsakemu je jasno, kam bodo stvari peljale. Sami so tako odločili, Slovenci kot svinje (po tvoje) pa ima vsak svoj pogled na to.
Podobno je bila vojna v Siriji, epilog je uničena država, politično so v stanju, kot so bili pred vojno, opozicija se bo morala dogovoriti z Asadom. Zunanji dejavniki so izkoristili situacijo v državi, kreator tega Izrael.
Nemci imajo manjšino na Poljskem in tudi drugod pa ne pošiljajo tankov nad sosede. Več. So se naučili,da se to ne dela. Na trd način. Rusi so vsaj 80 let za Nemci. Tudi oni se bodo naučili. Na trd način. Pa ne govorit,da so jih Ukrajinci preganjali. To,da moraš v Ukrajini na občini izpolnjevati obrazce v ukrajinskem jeziku ni teror. Daleč največ škode so Rusom v Ukrajini naredili Rusi. A bi ti na Koroško poslal slovensko vojsko,ko je par debilov podiralo dvojezične table? Zbombardiral koroškim slovencem hiše in jih osvobodili življenj in premoženja?
Matheus ::
Očitno bo Rusija v tej vojni izvedla vsaj eno uspešno ofenzivo. Sicer na svojem teritoriju, pa kljub temu...
Fritz ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
redtech: Vem da sem se grobo izrazil, ampak preprosto po sedaj več kot 1 letu vojne mi je "odbilo" plafon.
Čudn, da ti ni odbilo plafona po letu 2014.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Lesoto ::
CIA asset!![:))](
Oni tam v Kremlju je CIA asset. Priimek mu gre na P.
CIA asset!
Oni tam v Kremlju je CIA asset. Priimek mu gre na P.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Stikalo ::
BREAKING: Putin announces another Special Military Operation to defend Russian-speaking Russians from Russians invading Russia from Russia
Pac-Man ::
video, minuta in pol
Anton Krasovsky, RT's former Director of Broadcasting, reaffirmed his views about burning and drowning Ukrainians, including children. He did so after reading from the Bible. In case you wonder how they reconcile this, they don't see Ukrainians as people.
Anton Krasovsky: “I didn’t say they should be killed, just drowned and burned”
Svyatoslav Pavlov: “Did you change your attitude about Ukrainian children?”
Anton Krasovsky: “No”
Artemiy Sych: “Good”
♦️Incitement to Genocide is a crime♦️
Anton Krasovsky, RT's former Director of Broadcasting, reaffirmed his views about burning and drowning Ukrainians, including children. He did so after reading from the Bible. In case you wonder how they reconcile this, they don't see Ukrainians as people.
Anton Krasovsky: “I didn’t say they should be killed, just drowned and burned”
Svyatoslav Pavlov: “Did you change your attitude about Ukrainian children?”
Anton Krasovsky: “No”
Artemiy Sych: “Good”
♦️Incitement to Genocide is a crime♦️
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lancet_brrr ::
V Sloveniji ni tako velike manjšine Srbov, da bi bila primerjava na mestu.
Kakšen pa je pravzaprav tvoj interes, opiši?
Da se Rusi umaknejo na svojo stran meje in spoštujejo mednarodne pogodbe, ki so jih podpisali da bodo spoštovali ozemljsko celovitost Ukrajine.
Če to naredijo prostovoljno sem tudi takoj zato da se proti njim ukine sankcije.
Malidelničar je izjavil:
redtech: Vem da sem se grobo izrazil, ampak preprosto po sedaj več kot 1 letu vojne mi je "odbilo" plafon.
Čudn, da ti ni odbilo plafona po letu 2014.
Takole misliš?
Lancet_brrr je izjavil:
Russian national Igor Strelkov, a former commander of pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine, has claimed personal responsibility for unleashing the conflict in which 4,300 people have been killed since April.
"I was the one who pulled the trigger of this war," Strelkov said in an interview published Thursday with Russia's Zavtra newspaper, which espouses imperialist views.
"If our unit hadn't crossed the border, everything would have fizzled out -- like in [the Ukrainian city of] Kharkiv, like in Odessa," Strelkov, who uses that nom-de-guerre meaning "Shooter" to replace his last name Girkin, was quoted as saying.
Rusi lažejo že od začetka o razlogih za vojno.
In to kljub temu da njihovi lastni ljudje povedo da so sami začeli.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Lancet_brrr ()
Lesoto ::
stari, CIA asset vedno pali pri slovenski publiki (pa MRNA = genska terapija).
Uboga mala Rusija. K ima premalo ozemlja... kmeee, kmeeeeeeee...
Kakšen je ta Zahod grdi, ki ne zastopi male Rusije.. kmeee, kmeeeeeee...
Uboga mala Rusija. K ima premalo ozemlja... kmeee, kmeeeeeeee...
Kakšen je ta Zahod grdi, ki ne zastopi male Rusije.. kmeee, kmeeeeeee...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Pac-Man ::
It appears the Russian opposition Legion of Freedom forces has partisans in other parts of Russia. This is a flag of the Legion attached to ballons flying over Moscow.
It appears the Russian opposition Legion of Freedom forces has partisans in other parts of Russia. This is a flag of the Legion attached to ballons flying over Moscow.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Malidelničar ::
Pac-Man: Ja izgleda da so to vojaki Svododne ruske legije (Freedom of Russia Legion).
Me pa zanima, ali morda veste, kakšna je razlika med njimi in Russian volunteer Corps (Russian Volunteer Corps) @ Wikipedia?
Me pa zanima, ali morda veste, kakšna je razlika med njimi in Russian volunteer Corps (Russian Volunteer Corps) @ Wikipedia?
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Pac-Man ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Pac-Man: Ja izgleda da so to vojaki Svododne ruske legije (Freedom of Russia Legion).
Me pa zanima, ali morda veste, kakšna je razlika med njimi in Russian volunteer Corps (Russian Volunteer Corps) @ Wikipedia?
Russian volunteer Corps so naciji
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Utk ::
Sej svaka čast, ampak to moraš imet jajca v velikosti lubenice in možgane kot fižolček, da to izvajaš v Rusiji.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Utk ()
Rambutan ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Pac-Man: Ja izgleda da so to vojaki Svododne ruske legije (Freedom of Russia Legion).
Me pa zanima, ali morda veste, kakšna je razlika med njimi in Russian volunteer Corps (Russian Volunteer Corps) @ Wikipedia?
Russian volunteer Corps so naciji
Ja saj zato se tako dobro razumejo z Ukrajinci zgleda. Seveda se Ukrajinci spet delajo neumne, kot da ne vedo za nič
Sicer pa čestitke za dobro izpeljano propagandno akcijo, dober timing takoj po padcu Bakhmuta...
Free Russian Legion, during the ongoing joint operation with Russian Volunteer Corps, liberated Gora-Podol settlement and currently advancing on Grayvoron, says the official social media channels of Free Russian Legion.
Malidelničar ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Pac-Man: Ja izgleda da so to vojaki Svododne ruske legije (Freedom of Russia Legion).
Me pa zanima, ali morda veste, kakšna je razlika med njimi in Russian volunteer Corps (Russian Volunteer Corps) @ Wikipedia?
Russian volunteer Corps so naciji
Ma jaz ne vem več kdo so naciji in kdo ne. Zdej s tem Bolgorodom se je še zakompliciralo totalno. Torej:
Ukrajinci = Bandera-naciji?
Azov bataljon: Največji ukronaciji?
Russian volunteer Corps = naciji?
Freedom of Russia Legion = naciji?
Wagner = naciji?
DPR & LPR formacije = naciji?
Ruski ultra nacionalisti, ki vpijejo на Вашингтон = naciji?
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Lesoto ::
First video of the liberation of Grayvoron in Bilhorod
Up to thousand fighters have entered #Russia's #Belgorod border region
from east UKR in a depth of 10km
Russia announces that it has evacuated its tactical nuclear weapons from the Belgorod-22 facility near Grayvoron.They were stored only a few km from where the fighting is taking place right now
Ukrainian-backed free Russian forces actually picked a fairly interesting place to take some territory. Grayvoron is bounded on 2 sides by the Vorskla and Hraivornka Rivers, and on the other two sides by the Ukrainian border.
First video of the liberation of Grayvoron in Bilhorod
Up to thousand fighters have entered #Russia's #Belgorod border region
from east UKR in a depth of 10km
Russia announces that it has evacuated its tactical nuclear weapons from the Belgorod-22 facility near Grayvoron.They were stored only a few km from where the fighting is taking place right now
Ukrainian-backed free Russian forces actually picked a fairly interesting place to take some territory. Grayvoron is bounded on 2 sides by the Vorskla and Hraivornka Rivers, and on the other two sides by the Ukrainian border.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
Pac-Man ::
Ja saj zato se tako dobro razumejo z Ukrajinci zgleda. Seveda se Ukrajinci spet delajo neumne, kot da ne vedo za nič![]()
Rusi se pa ne delajo neumnih okrog nacijev na njihovi strani?
Rusich Group @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Ma jaz ne vem več kdo so naciji in kdo ne. Zdej s tem Bolgorodom se je še zakompliciralo totalno. Torej:
Ukrajinci = Bandera-naciji?
Azov bataljon: Največji ukronaciji?
Russian volunteer Corps = naciji?
Freedom of Russia Legion = naciji?
Wagner = naciji?
DPR & LPR formacije = naciji?
Ruski ultra nacionalisti, ki vpijejo на Вашингтон = naciji?
Dajmo razjasnit:
Ukrajinci = cel spekter od anarhokomunistov do nacijev, borijo se proti okupaciji
Azov bataljon: bili naciji, do vključitve v regularno vojsko, ko so to počistili
Russian volunteer Corps = naciji
Freedom of Russia Legion = borijo se proti putinizmu
Wagner = naciji
DPR & LPR formacije = neokomunisti,
Ruski ultra nacionalisti, ki vpijejo на Вашингтон = naciji
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Pac-Man: Ja izgleda da so to vojaki Svododne ruske legije (Freedom of Russia Legion).
Me pa zanima, ali morda veste, kakšna je razlika med njimi in Russian volunteer Corps (Russian Volunteer Corps) @ Wikipedia?
Russian volunteer Corps so naciji
Ja saj zato se tako dobro razumejo z Ukrajinci zgleda. Seveda se Ukrajinci spet delajo neumne, kot da ne vedo za nič
Sicer pa čestitke za dobro izpeljano propagandno akcijo, dober timing takoj po padcu Bakhmuta...
Free Russian Legion, during the ongoing joint operation with Russian Volunteer Corps, liberated Gora-Podol settlement and currently advancing on Grayvoron, says the official social media channels of Free Russian Legion.
Čist možno,da ne vejo nič. Putin tudi ni vedel od kod so se vzeli mali zeleni možje na Krimu. Ali se je delal neumnega?
Pac-Man ::
En naci se boji prihajajoče dekolonizacije Rusije. Prav.
Donbas separatist Pavel Gubarev has complained that too few Russians see occupied parts of Ukraine as Russian, and warns that if the war is lost, "You will not be able to earn money, women will stop giving you money, you will not have children, you will all be fucking drunk." In a video posted by Gubarev, he says that the occupation authorities in the Kherson region conducted a survey on the inhabitants' attitudes towards Russia. It found "very different" results from those living in the Luhansk and Donetsk 'People's Republics'.
He calls for this to change and issues a dire warning: "We need a Russian national idea, and there are only two ways: win and strengthen or lose and survive decolonisation. They will dismember us like in the USSR in '91, into 20 pieces. Oh man, it will be worse than the 90s."
Donbas separatist Pavel Gubarev has complained that too few Russians see occupied parts of Ukraine as Russian, and warns that if the war is lost, "You will not be able to earn money, women will stop giving you money, you will not have children, you will all be fucking drunk." In a video posted by Gubarev, he says that the occupation authorities in the Kherson region conducted a survey on the inhabitants' attitudes towards Russia. It found "very different" results from those living in the Luhansk and Donetsk 'People's Republics'.
He calls for this to change and issues a dire warning: "We need a Russian national idea, and there are only two ways: win and strengthen or lose and survive decolonisation. They will dismember us like in the USSR in '91, into 20 pieces. Oh man, it will be worse than the 90s."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
First video of the liberation of Grayvoron in Bilhorod
Up to thousand fighters have entered #Russia's #Belgorod border region
from east UKR in a depth of 10km
Russia announces that it has evacuated its tactical nuclear weapons from the Belgorod-22 facility near Grayvoron.They were stored only a few km from where the fighting is taking place right now
Ukrainian-backed free Russian forces actually picked a fairly interesting place to take some territory. Grayvoron is bounded on 2 sides by the Vorskla and Hraivornka Rivers, and on the other two sides by the Ukrainian border.
Na prvem videu so za cesto ruski civilisti,ki so pričakali osvoboditelje? Očitno jih je svobodo dočakalo več kot prebivalcev Bakhmuta. Lepo.
Aston_11 ::
yayo ::
Pa mislite, da se vse skupaj lahko konča brez bombardiranja Rusije "i Čačka"? (parafraziram naslov albuma Let 3). Ker meni se zdi, da rusom daje samozavest zavedanje, da, imajo riti varno na toplem zaradi civiliziranega Zahoda, ki ne dovoli operacij na njihove teritoriju. Medtem, ko lahko pošiljajo rakete na Ukrajino. Sumim, da podobno kot v primeru Srbije v devetdesetih ne bodo odnehali z nagajanjem dokler se ne bodo pošteno usrali v hlače. Aja, atomska.
Lesoto ::
Clashes Inside Mokraya Orlovka Village, Belgorod District,
Seems increasing the area of fighting....
Seven fighters of the 59th brigade of Ukraine captured twenty-two Russians. As a result of an unsuccessful attempt by the Russians to go on the offensive near Donetsk.
Clashes Inside Mokraya Orlovka Village, Belgorod District,
Seems increasing the area of fighting....
Seven fighters of the 59th brigade of Ukraine captured twenty-two Russians. As a result of an unsuccessful attempt by the Russians to go on the offensive near Donetsk.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
fikus_ ::
ps: Osebno si celo želim, da bi bila Rusija priključena EU, bi bilo tako bolje za EU in za Rusijo!
Saj dejansko je šlo v to smer. EU je bila in je še gospodarsko povezana. Prav tako je bila rusija včlanjena v mednarodnih inštutucijah. Evo sedaj je to putin obrnil za 180°.
Putin je celo izrazil željo, da bi bila RU pridružena NATOu, pa so amerikanci to zavrnili.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Lesoto ::
The moment of the downing of the Russian Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missile with the help of the Ukrainian S-300(?) air defense system in the Dnipropetrovsk region tonight
The moment of the downing of the Russian Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missile with the help of the Ukrainian S-300(?) air defense system in the Dnipropetrovsk region tonight
Lancet_brrr ::
ps: Osebno si celo želim, da bi bila Rusija priključena EU, bi bilo tako bolje za EU in za Rusijo!
Saj dejansko je šlo v to smer. EU je bila in je še gospodarsko povezana. Prav tako je bila rusija včlanjena v mednarodnih inštutucijah. Evo sedaj je to putin obrnil za 180°.
Putin je celo izrazil željo, da bi bila RU pridružena NATOu, pa so amerikanci to zavrnili.
Kar je navadno zavajanje ali laž.
Rekli so jim da se morajo postavit v vrsto in it skozi procedure kot vsi ostali.
Njim pa se je pol zdel za malo...
Pac-Man ::
Putin je celo izrazil željo, da bi bila RU pridružena NATOu, pa so amerikanci to zavrnili.
A kar izrazil je željo? Kdo pa misli da je? Ruski car?
The Parties to this Treaty reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.
They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilisation of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being in the North Atlantic area.
They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defence and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this North Atlantic Treaty :
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
mackilla ::
ps: Osebno si celo želim, da bi bila Rusija priključena EU, bi bilo tako bolje za EU in za Rusijo!
Saj dejansko je šlo v to smer. EU je bila in je še gospodarsko povezana. Prav tako je bila rusija včlanjena v mednarodnih inštutucijah. Evo sedaj je to putin obrnil za 180°.
Putin je celo izrazil željo, da bi bila RU pridružena NATOu, pa so amerikanci to zavrnili.
The Labour peer recalled an early meeting with Putin, who became Russian president in 2000. “Putin said: ‘When are you going to invite us to join Nato?’ And [Robertson] said: ‘Well, we don’t invite people to join Nato, they apply to join Nato.’ And he said: ‘Well, we’re not standing in line with a lot of countries that don’t matter.’”
Pac-Man ::
ahahaha, Solovjov ima v ZDA ljubico s skupnima otrokoma
Companions of Alexei Navalny released an investigation into the propagandist Vladimir Solovyov. According to the authors, Solovyov has a secret family with two children from basketball player Svetlana Abrosimova.
The athlete owns a 650-meter villa in Sochi for half a billion rubles , but information about this was removed from Rosreestr. On neighboring plots there is the house of the wife of General Sergei Surovikin, one of the commanders of Putin's army in Ukraine, the house of the son of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, as well as the villa of the ex-head of the FSB Support Service.
According to investigators, Svetlana Abrosimova is the mistress of Vladimir Solovyov (he is officially married and has 8 children from different marriages). This is supported by data on shared trips, joint doctor visits, and the services of the same chauffeur. In 2017, Abrosimova gave birth to two daughters in the United States, their middle name is Vladimirovna. Those born in the United States automatically receive the citizenship of this country, but moreover, Svetlana Abrosimova herself also has an American passport, the investigators found data about it in the database of flights.
video s podnapisi:
The American Secret of Vladimir Solovyov
Companions of Alexei Navalny released an investigation into the propagandist Vladimir Solovyov. According to the authors, Solovyov has a secret family with two children from basketball player Svetlana Abrosimova.
The athlete owns a 650-meter villa in Sochi for half a billion rubles , but information about this was removed from Rosreestr. On neighboring plots there is the house of the wife of General Sergei Surovikin, one of the commanders of Putin's army in Ukraine, the house of the son of the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, as well as the villa of the ex-head of the FSB Support Service.
According to investigators, Svetlana Abrosimova is the mistress of Vladimir Solovyov (he is officially married and has 8 children from different marriages). This is supported by data on shared trips, joint doctor visits, and the services of the same chauffeur. In 2017, Abrosimova gave birth to two daughters in the United States, their middle name is Vladimirovna. Those born in the United States automatically receive the citizenship of this country, but moreover, Svetlana Abrosimova herself also has an American passport, the investigators found data about it in the database of flights.
video s podnapisi:
The American Secret of Vladimir Solovyov
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Malidelničar ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
Ma jaz ne vem več kdo so naciji in kdo ne. Zdej s tem Bolgorodom se je še zakompliciralo totalno. Torej:
Ukrajinci = Bandera-naciji?
Azov bataljon: Največji ukronaciji?
Russian volunteer Corps = naciji?
Freedom of Russia Legion = naciji?
Wagner = naciji?
DPR & LPR formacije = naciji?
Ruski ultra nacionalisti, ki vpijejo на Вашингтон = naciji?
Dajmo razjasnit:
Ukrajinci = cel spekter od anarhokomunistov do nacijev, borijo se proti okupaciji
Azov bataljon: bili naciji, do vključitve v regularno vojsko, ko so to počistili
Russian volunteer Corps = naciji
Freedom of Russia Legion = borijo se proti putinizmu
Wagner = naciji
DPR & LPR formacije = neokomunisti,
Ruski ultra nacionalisti, ki vpijejo на Вашингтон = naciji
Se kar strinjam s tabo. Morda pa nekaj opomb:
1. case samega Bandere je zelo kompliciran, jaz bi ga glede na zgodovinski razvoj dogodkov (vključujoč sedaj rus-ukr vojno) dal pod ukrajinskega patriota, ker pač on je vedno videl eksistencialen boj Ukrajincev proti potujčevalnim Rusom. Na koncu je glede tega imel prav, morebitne njegove 'stranpoti' pa mislim, da ga absolutno ne naredijo niti za blizu nacija. Problem je, ker NE MOREMO gledati Vzhodne Evrope skozi prizmo WWII ter borbe Sovjetov samo v obdobju 1941-1945 in pri tem pozabizi na 1939-1941 in celo na 19. stoletje in predvsem na 1918-1939.
2. Azov: se strinjam.
3. Russian volunteer Corps: delno se strinjam glede izvora, ni pa jasno v katero smer bodo šli, imajo različne elemente, morda bolj klasični konservatizem???
4. Freedom of Russia Legion: se strinjam.
5. Wagner: se strinjam, tile so najbolj 100% očitni (ime Wagner izhaja iz Richard Wagner, Hitlerjev najljubši skladatelj)
6. DPR & LPR: delno se strinjam, ampak tu mislim, pa da gre za kombinacijo neokomunističnih in neonaci elementov (verjetno je vpliv tudi ruske Nacionalne Boljševiške Stranke - National Bolshevik Party) @ Wikipedia. So pa imeli skrajno leve mednarodne prostovoljce, zato je mogoče neokomunistični element bil bolj javno viden, tako da verjetno iz tu izhajaš. Nisem se pa poglabljal v njihove formacije (npr. Sparta Batallion itd.).
7. se strinjam.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
BorutO ::
Lancet_brrr je izjavil:
Lancet_brrr je izjavil:
Berite moje objave že dolgo nazaj: če Rusi pridejo do Kramatorska je končano od tam naprej je sama ravnina.
To, kar se je pa zavzelo so pa same utrdbe: leta in leta betoniranja utrdb. Veliko od tega je že padlo.
S čim že?
Tistim t-34 iz parade ?
Ti razumeš prebrano?
Še tri dni pa bodo. Majke mi!
Da ublažimo tvoje strahove, je potem potrebno ukrajincem čimprej dobavit f-16te v čimvečjem številu in čimbolj moderne.
Pa več artilerije, tankov in ogromno raket dolgeg dosega.
Sem še kaj pozabil ?
In mogoče namesto f-16, raje kar f-35. Če se morajo prešolat zakaj izgubljat čas z f-16.
f-35 pa gasa. Brez polovičarstva.
Mene bolj skrbi, kako bodo ukrajinci upravičili strahove američanov, da njihova protizračna obramba ne bo klatila f-16 na tla? Upam, da bodo dobro komunicirali med seboj in jih bodo izklopili za tiste pol ure, ko bodo leteli v njihovem radiusu. Drugače pa, upam, da bodo zelo v pomoč. Čas je, da se Ruse potisne nazaj za svoje meje pred letom 2014.