Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
gozdar1 ::
Namesto jalovega tumbanja tule in prepucavanja kdo ima večjega preberite (tisti, ki to zmorete) intervju z Noamom Chomskim v zadnji Sobotni prilogi Dela. Človek z eno nogo v grobu lahko neobremenjeno pove, kakšni so pravi vzroki za vojno in kako dolga bo.
Chomski je bil že na balkamu na napačni strani, pač mu ideologija ne dovoli drugačnega razmišljanja
fur80 ::
Utk ::
Ni problem v starosti, ampak v nadstropju kjer spi. Ker nikoli ne veš kdaj se boš skotalil s postelje in padel čez okno na balkon in potem še čez ograjo.
fur80 ::
A ni bil tale otrok posnet pri Prigozhinu, ki je trdil kako Ukrajinci pošiljajo otroke v boj? Bogi otroci. Danes so Ukrajinci zasegli veliko Rusov tam na bokih pri Bakhmutu.
A very young and scared, he was mobilized by Wagner, now he will be safe.
A very young and scared, he was mobilized by Wagner, now he will be safe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Pac-Man ::
Ampak je OkReTeN
Three pics that help visualize how technologically backwards russia is:
• 1st pic: in red the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of russia's 3 year old Su-57
• 2nd pic: in red the RCS of the US' 8 year old F-35
• 3rd pic: in red the RCS of the US' 18 year old F-22
Three pics that help visualize how technologically backwards russia is:
• 1st pic: in red the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of russia's 3 year old Su-57
• 2nd pic: in red the RCS of the US' 8 year old F-35
• 3rd pic: in red the RCS of the US' 18 year old F-22
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
LightBit ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
In other news: Moldova withdraws from Russia-led alliance after 30 years
Dobr gre Rusiji tale tridnevna operacija; uničili so si globalno ime in spoštovanje, nakopali številne sankcije, pregnali več bližnjih držav v NATO (ali na pot tja), za to zapravili tono denarja in življenj, medtem ko se je pobeg sposobnih iz države le še povečal.
Vprašanje kako bo to vplivalo na Transnistrijo ...? Novo potencialno žarišče?
P.S. kaj je novega s stanjem Lukašenka?
V parih dneh je dobil bele brke. Slabo kaže. Roko ima še bolj povezano. Bi bilo fajn it na kako urgenco v USA ali UK, samo... Bolnice sem videl kake imajo na vzhodu, slikanje roke, operacijo sem odklonil. ;)
A ni imel drugo roko povezano na paradi?
bbbbbb2015 ::
Ampak je OkReTeN
Three pics that help visualize how technologically backwards russia is:
• 1st pic: in red the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of russia's 3 year old Su-57
• 2nd pic: in red the RCS of the US' 8 year old F-35
• 3rd pic: in red the RCS of the US' 18 year old F-22
Poglej, ni vse v vizualizaciji. Su-57 ima tri, relativno velike težave:
- zaključna obdelava površin - manjka
- senzorska fuzija in 360 stopinjski pogled na bojišče - manjka
- motorji (do sedaj) niso bili on-par z F-35 in še manj z F-22, agilnost aviona je šibka
Rusi tudi namerno niso šli v zaključno obdelavo izpuha motorjev (recimo kot F-35 in še bolj F-22):
in niso šli v inovativno hlajenje izpuha, ker to povečuje izgubo moči motorja. Su-57 je, predvsem, polizdelek:
Manjka denar, da se to sfinišira. Indijci so pristopili - ter odstopili od projekta. In to je vse, kar je z avionom narobe, polizdelek, ki mu manjka denar. Rusi tega denarja - nimajo.
Rambutan ::
Larry Johnson o Wagnerju. Zanimivo je tudi, kaj vse prihaja ven pod krinko t.i. "Discord leaki"
I am fascinated by the misinformation and deception being spread via social media channels about famed-Russian Chef, Evgeny Prigozhin, and his mythical military prowess. The latest example of this comes courtesy of Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post:
Wagner chief offered to give Russian troop locations to Ukraine, leak says
THE DISCORD LEAKS | Yevgeniy Prigozhin said he would tell Ukraine’s military where to attack Russian troops if they pulled their own forces back from the beleaguered city of Bakhmut, where Wagner mercenaries were taking heavy losses
If there was ever any doubt that the so-called “Discord Leaks”, allegedly the handiwork of a lowly U.S. Air Force grunt, are a controlled leak that is part of an information operation, this latest wowzer should erase any skepticism.
Follow the logic here. There supposedly is a piece of Top Secret signals intelligence “proving” that Prigozhin offered to betray Russia in order to protect his own troops two months ago (remember, the “leaked” material “discovered” on 6 April by an outfit tied to British intelligence, reported on classified information disseminated around the first of March). How does Prigozhin, who has zero military experience and is not part of the Russian chain of command, have access to the order of battle of Russian forces? Not likely.
Wagner Group is not a creation of Evgeny Prigozhin. Forget about the popular Western meme that Wagner is a Russian version of the Dirty Dozen — convicts and criminals given a chance to redeem themselves by putting on a Russian uniform and risking their lives. That is an image that Russian intelligence has pushed and the gullible folks in the West have gobbled it up.
I give credence to Alexander Mercouris’ reporting on the history of Wagner — i.e., it was formed under the direction of Russia’s military intelligence outfit, the GRU, and the Russian version of the FBI, i.e., the FSB. In other words, Wagner is more akin to the CIA’s Special Activities Division (i.e., SAD), which is the military arm of the CIA, and the French Foreign Legion. Wagner, in my opinion, is not under the operational control of Prigozhin. Not only is he a master of the culinary arts but he is a damn, fine actor. Prigozhin presents the world with the image of a man teetering on the edge of madness and megolamania and the intelligence agencies in the U.S. and other NATO countries lap it up.
Wagner is a light infantry outfit and specializes in providing training to foreign soldiers and combatants. Just like the CIA’s SAD, Wagner is led by former active duty Russian military officers and non-commissioned officers. My friend, Andrei Martyanov, correctly notes that while Wagner specializes in urban combat, it is not organized nor equipped to operated as a combined arms unit. However, besides its capabilities in urban warfare, Wagner also serves a purpose in Russia’s information war against the West.
I am fascinated by the misinformation and deception being spread via social media channels about famed-Russian Chef, Evgeny Prigozhin, and his mythical military prowess. The latest example of this comes courtesy of Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post:
Wagner chief offered to give Russian troop locations to Ukraine, leak says
THE DISCORD LEAKS | Yevgeniy Prigozhin said he would tell Ukraine’s military where to attack Russian troops if they pulled their own forces back from the beleaguered city of Bakhmut, where Wagner mercenaries were taking heavy losses
If there was ever any doubt that the so-called “Discord Leaks”, allegedly the handiwork of a lowly U.S. Air Force grunt, are a controlled leak that is part of an information operation, this latest wowzer should erase any skepticism.
Follow the logic here. There supposedly is a piece of Top Secret signals intelligence “proving” that Prigozhin offered to betray Russia in order to protect his own troops two months ago (remember, the “leaked” material “discovered” on 6 April by an outfit tied to British intelligence, reported on classified information disseminated around the first of March). How does Prigozhin, who has zero military experience and is not part of the Russian chain of command, have access to the order of battle of Russian forces? Not likely.
Wagner Group is not a creation of Evgeny Prigozhin. Forget about the popular Western meme that Wagner is a Russian version of the Dirty Dozen — convicts and criminals given a chance to redeem themselves by putting on a Russian uniform and risking their lives. That is an image that Russian intelligence has pushed and the gullible folks in the West have gobbled it up.
I give credence to Alexander Mercouris’ reporting on the history of Wagner — i.e., it was formed under the direction of Russia’s military intelligence outfit, the GRU, and the Russian version of the FBI, i.e., the FSB. In other words, Wagner is more akin to the CIA’s Special Activities Division (i.e., SAD), which is the military arm of the CIA, and the French Foreign Legion. Wagner, in my opinion, is not under the operational control of Prigozhin. Not only is he a master of the culinary arts but he is a damn, fine actor. Prigozhin presents the world with the image of a man teetering on the edge of madness and megolamania and the intelligence agencies in the U.S. and other NATO countries lap it up.
Wagner is a light infantry outfit and specializes in providing training to foreign soldiers and combatants. Just like the CIA’s SAD, Wagner is led by former active duty Russian military officers and non-commissioned officers. My friend, Andrei Martyanov, correctly notes that while Wagner specializes in urban combat, it is not organized nor equipped to operated as a combined arms unit. However, besides its capabilities in urban warfare, Wagner also serves a purpose in Russia’s information war against the West.
Lesoto ::
To je old news.
Arestovič je že pred meseci sam povedal, da so dobili koordinate Kadirovcev od drugih ruskih enot. Enostavno so sporočili Ukrajincem, kje se nahajajo. In Ukrajinci so jih zeliminirali.
Arestovič je že pred meseci sam povedal, da so dobili koordinate Kadirovcev od drugih ruskih enot. Enostavno so sporočili Ukrajincem, kje se nahajajo. In Ukrajinci so jih zeliminirali.
fur80 ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
In other news: Moldova withdraws from Russia-led alliance after 30 years
Dobr gre Rusiji tale tridnevna operacija; uničili so si globalno ime in spoštovanje, nakopali številne sankcije, pregnali več bližnjih držav v NATO (ali na pot tja), za to zapravili tono denarja in življenj, medtem ko se je pobeg sposobnih iz države le še povečal.
Vprašanje kako bo to vplivalo na Transnistrijo ...? Novo potencialno žarišče?
P.S. kaj je novega s stanjem Lukašenka?
V parih dneh je dobil bele brke. Slabo kaže. Roko ima še bolj povezano. Bi bilo fajn it na kako urgenco v USA ali UK, samo... Bolnice sem videl kake imajo na vzhodu, slikanje roke, operacijo sem odklonil. ;)
Dobro opažanje! Kaj bi lahko bilo to? Pišejo kaj, nekateri namigujejo na kemoterapijo, tega ne bi privoščil niti Lukašenku, ampak oni (opozicija) v zaporih verjetno mislijo drugače. Je pa vprašanje, kaj laho naredijo v Minsku, boljše bi bila kakšna privat high tech klinika v USA, amapk spet, škoda.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Lesoto ::
Ampak je OkReTeN
Three pics that help visualize how technologically backwards russia is:
Su-57 je pač še en ruski đank, na nivoju Armate T-14.
od blizu zgleda prav groteskno
odspredaj je vse narobe, vstopniki zraka do motorjev so čisto odkriti
Recimo F-22 in F-35 imata speljan kanal, ki fura zrak do motorja
Pac-Man ::
Ne vem koliko je izkrvavel, je pa precej očitno dobil šrapnel v nogo, video
Shocking video captures the true face of hypocrisy and betrayal. Russian soldiers, who proudly proclaim 'We do not abandon our own,' shamelessly desert their wounded comrade, taking his helmet by force and fleeing, leaving him to bleed out. Actions speak louder than words.
Shocking video captures the true face of hypocrisy and betrayal. Russian soldiers, who proudly proclaim 'We do not abandon our own,' shamelessly desert their wounded comrade, taking his helmet by force and fleeing, leaving him to bleed out. Actions speak louder than words.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
The mobilized Russian man who surrendered into Ukrainian captivity via drone communication (see my previous tweet), gave an interview to Gulagu net. The untrained mobilized were led by a Wagner guide, who brought them to the trenches near Bakhmut without food, threatening to kill them should they flee or get wounded. The trench where he served was covered in bodies.
The mobilized Russian man who surrendered into Ukrainian captivity via drone communication (see my previous tweet), gave an interview to Gulagu net. The untrained mobilized were led by a Wagner guide, who brought them to the trenches near Bakhmut without food, threatening to kill them should they flee or get wounded. The trench where he served was covered in bodies.
LightBit ::
fur80 ::
Že ščiti nebo, boljše od Patriota.
Promised Italian-French anti-aircraft defense system SAMP/T has arrived in Ukraine!
Promised Italian-French anti-aircraft defense system SAMP/T has arrived in Ukraine!
redtech ::
Na splošno je izdelek sestavljen iz standardnih delov veliko cenejši in lažji za vzdrževanje.
Razmišljajo v smeri, da ga lahko potem popravijo na terenu s spaxi in kosi pločevine.
Gre za stroj, ki uničuje in bo uničen, zato je važen price/performance,... potrošna roba.
Na splošno je izdelek sestavljen iz standardnih delov veliko cenejši in lažji za vzdrževanje.
Razmišljajo v smeri, da ga lahko potem popravijo na terenu s spaxi in kosi pločevine.
Gre za stroj, ki uničuje in bo uničen, zato je važen price/performance,... potrošna roba.
kow ::
MOSCOW, May 4 (Reuters) - Russian energy giant Gazprom's GAZP.MM gas export revenues may have plunged 75% year-on-year in January-April to $8 billion due to lower supplies and gas prices, Reuters calculations showed on Thursday.
Gazprom saw its gas exports, a key source of its earnings, almost halve in 2022 to 101 billion cubic metres (bcm) after relations between Europe and Moscow dropped to post-Cold War lows following the start of what the Kremlin calls a special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022.
Supplies were also cut after a mysterious blast at the undersea Nord Stream gas pipelines on the bed of the Baltic Sea in September.
According to Reuters calculations, based on export duties and volumes, Gazprom's revenues from overseas sales may have declined to $8 billion in the first four months of the year from $32 billion in the same period in 2022.
Export revenues in April could have reached around $1.3 billion, unchanged from March.
Gazprom, which has stopped publishing its own export statistics, did not respond immediately to a request for comment.
Gazprom saw its gas exports, a key source of its earnings, almost halve in 2022 to 101 billion cubic metres (bcm) after relations between Europe and Moscow dropped to post-Cold War lows following the start of what the Kremlin calls a special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022.
Supplies were also cut after a mysterious blast at the undersea Nord Stream gas pipelines on the bed of the Baltic Sea in September.
According to Reuters calculations, based on export duties and volumes, Gazprom's revenues from overseas sales may have declined to $8 billion in the first four months of the year from $32 billion in the same period in 2022.
Export revenues in April could have reached around $1.3 billion, unchanged from March.
Gazprom, which has stopped publishing its own export statistics, did not respond immediately to a request for comment.
Lesoto ::
Na splošno je izdelek sestavljen iz standardnih delov veliko cenejši in lažji za vzdrževanje.
Razmišljajo v smeri, da ga lahko potem popravijo na terenu s spaxi in kosi pločevine.
Gre za stroj, ki uničuje in bo uničen, zato je važen price/performance,... potrošna roba.
To je razmišljanje iz WW2.
Merkave recimo izraelci absolutno ne delajo na tak način. To počnejo več ali manj samo še Rusi, ki jim življenje vojakov ne pomeni nič.
fur80 ::
Dvojnik? :D Še roko so mu narobe obvezali. ;)
What happened here
What happened here
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
fur80 ::
Še ena zanimivost. To je Putinova krščenka v naročju Zelenskega.
Zelensky with putin's goddaughter btw
They shared this little TV Clip in April19, 2019 with the words ,,Now I can really say that I have been sitting on the president's knees. Congratulations to Ukraine on its new young president".
Zelensky with putin's goddaughter btw
They shared this little TV Clip in April19, 2019 with the words ,,Now I can really say that I have been sitting on the president's knees. Congratulations to Ukraine on its new young president".
Pac-Man ::
Sem precej prepričan, da Ksenia Sobchak @ Wikipedia, letnik 1981, ni Putinova krščenka
Je pa hčerka Anatoly Sobchak @ Wikipedia, ki je Putina spravil v politiko in l. 2000 umrl v sumljivih okoliščinah
Putinova krščenka je hčerka pro-ruskega ukrajinskega politika Viktor Medvedchuk @ Wikipedia
Je pa hčerka Anatoly Sobchak @ Wikipedia, ki je Putina spravil v politiko in l. 2000 umrl v sumljivih okoliščinah
On 17 February 2000, Putin met with Sobchak and urged him to travel to Kaliningrad to support his election campaign.[14] Sobchak traveled there, accompanied by two assistants who also served as his bodyguards.[b] On 20 February 2000, Sobchak died suddenly in the town of Svetlogorsk of the Kaliningrad Oblast. The initial suspected cause of death was a heart attack, but the findings of two medical experts were contradictory.[16][17] A criminal investigation of Sobchak's death as a possible "premeditated murder with aggravating circumstances" was opened only on 6 May 2000, more than two months later. After three months, the investigation was closed without a finding.[14][18] The Democratic Union party led by Valeria Novodvorskaya made an official statement that not only Sobchak, but also two of his aides had heart attacks simultaneously, which indicated poisoning.[19] Two other men were present with Sobchak during his death, but their names were not publicly disclosed.[17][20][21]
According to an independent investigation by Arkady Vaksberg, both bodyguards of Sobchak were treated for symptoms of poisoning after Sobchak's death, indicating a probable contract killing by poisoning.[14][22] Sobchak's widow Lyudmila had her own autopsy done on her husband's body, but never made the results public; she told the BBC that she keeps the findings in a secure location outside Russia.[23]
Putinova krščenka je hčerka pro-ruskega ukrajinskega politika Viktor Medvedchuk @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
BorutO ::
Hm ... škoda ... S tem strelivom bi lahko kar dobro zjebali Ruse. Ampak, zgleda, da imajo tudi američani v pentagonu ruskega vohuna, tako kot američani v kremlju.
Pa ena super novica, če je res ...
Pa ena super novica, če je res ...
BorutO ::
Težka bo .. ampak 20 ruskih vojakov je za enega ukrajinskega, pa še to civilista.
Težka bo .. ampak 20 ruskih vojakov je za enega ukrajinskega, pa še to civilista.
Lesoto ::
Missile fragment that landed near a bus stop in Kyiv, appears to be the motor section from a Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal
Diameter roughly matches @ 1200mm, way too big to be a Patriot interceptor or cruise missile.
Missile fragment that landed near a bus stop in Kyiv, appears to be the motor section from a Russian Kh-47M2 Kinzhal
Diameter roughly matches @ 1200mm, way too big to be a Patriot interceptor or cruise missile.
Lesoto ::
100% success rate for Ukraine's air defense
Around 3:30 a.m. on May 16, 2023, the Russian invaders attacked Ukraine from the north, south, and east with 18 air, sea, and land-based missiles of various types.
Six Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missiles were launched from six MiG-31K aircraft, 9 Kalibr cruise missiles were launched from ships in the Black Sea, and three land-based missiles (S-400, "Iskander-M").
All 18 missiles were destroyed by the forces and means of air defense of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In addition, on the night of May 16, the enemy attacked with attack drones of the Shahed-136/131 type, and also conducted aerial reconnaissance with three operational-tactical drones - "Orlan-10", "SuperCum".
All are destroyed!
Ostanki raket so popadali vsepovsod po Kievu.
100% success rate for Ukraine's air defense
Around 3:30 a.m. on May 16, 2023, the Russian invaders attacked Ukraine from the north, south, and east with 18 air, sea, and land-based missiles of various types.
Six Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" aeroballistic missiles were launched from six MiG-31K aircraft, 9 Kalibr cruise missiles were launched from ships in the Black Sea, and three land-based missiles (S-400, "Iskander-M").
All 18 missiles were destroyed by the forces and means of air defense of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In addition, on the night of May 16, the enemy attacked with attack drones of the Shahed-136/131 type, and also conducted aerial reconnaissance with three operational-tactical drones - "Orlan-10", "SuperCum".
All are destroyed!
Ostanki raket so popadali vsepovsod po Kievu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
shmandi ::
mojsterleo ::
Danes ponoči so Rusi napadli Kijevski air defense grid. Kot je zgoraj omenjeno so napadli s Kinžali, Kalibri in drugimi raketami z več smeri. Napad naj ne bi bil uspešen, čeprav po twiteru kroži video, ki naj bi nakazoval na to, da je bilo nekaj zadeto. Eksplozija sicer ni velika, lahko da je bil fragment rakete ali dron. Tudi sicer če so zadeli lanser od Patriota, ni big deal...
Ukrajincem sicer veliko pomaga dejstvo, da imajo najbrž dostop do zgodnjih podatkov o izstrelitvah raket že iz AWACSov. Torej o njih vejo še preden so sploh v dometu radarjev protiletalske.
Pa kako? Če pa rusi pravijo, da jih je nemogoče prestreči...Kinžale je mogoče prestreči v terminalni - zaključni fazi leta. Takrat se raketa upočasni na mach 3, da naredi lock on na tarčo, potem pa se vzpne na visoko višino in pikira na cilj. Nekje tukaj se pojavi priložnost, ko jo je mogoče prestreči.
Ukrajincem sicer veliko pomaga dejstvo, da imajo najbrž dostop do zgodnjih podatkov o izstrelitvah raket že iz AWACSov. Torej o njih vejo še preden so sploh v dometu radarjev protiletalske.
Durian ::
Rusi že pišejo, da so zadeli enega patriota in ubili ameriške operaterje sistema.
Kaka petetika od propagande.
Včeraj so sestrelili StormShadow in danes uničili Patriota.
Kaka petetika od propagande.
Včeraj so sestrelili StormShadow in danes uničili Patriota.
RedDrake ::
Rusi že pišejo, da so zadeli enega patriota in ubili ameriške operaterje sistema.
Kaka petetika od propagande.
Včeraj so sestrelili StormShadow in danes uničili Patriota.
Ne pozabit na Nato generale pod Azovstalom, pa 300 nato oficirjev 500m pod zemljo, pa 40 Himarsov pa 150 Leopardov II pa ...
Ne može nam niko niiiiišta ...
Durian ::
Pa tudi če bi zadeli en lanser... jaka muda.
Dejstvo vojne je, da se oprema uničuje. Zdej če so Rusi porabili 18 izstrelkov za uničenje enega lanserja, je to prav patetično.
Lažje bodo američani poslali še enega, kot Rusi nadomestili 18 raket.
Dejstvo vojne je, da se oprema uničuje. Zdej če so Rusi porabili 18 izstrelkov za uničenje enega lanserja, je to prav patetično.
Lažje bodo američani poslali še enega, kot Rusi nadomestili 18 raket.
fur80 ::
Rusi že pišejo, da so zadeli enega patriota in ubili ameriške operaterje sistema.
Kaka petetika od propagande.
Včeraj so sestrelili StormShadow in danes uničili Patriota.
Malo so se izneverili, človek bi pričakoval, da bodo napisali, da so uničili vse Patriote, municijo in vse ameriške operaterje.
Rusi pa sedaj spet en mesec v tovarne, da naklamfajo skupaj spet teh 20 raket.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
No, če so katero od teh raket prestregli s patriotom...tehnično gledano so ga uničili.
Uf! Uf! Je rekel Vinetou in se skril za skalo,
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
ki jo je prav v ta namen nosil s seboj.
Utk ::
Rusi že pišejo, da so zadeli enega patriota in ubili ameriške operaterje sistema.
Kaka petetika od propagande.
Včeraj so sestrelili StormShadow in danes uničili Patriota.
Da so ubili ameriške operaterje je sicer laž, morda so uničili kakšno napihljivo bazo spet, ampak ostalo je pa res. Rusi so zelo učinkoviti pri uničevanju ameriških, izrealskih in britanskih raket. Uničujejo jih s svojimi skladišči streliva, helikopterji, lovci, ni da ni. Nastavijo nekaj od tega pred raketo, in voila, raketa uničena.
Rambutan ::
Posnetek iz Kijeva ponoči, Patriot izstreli 30 raket, na 2.15 pa levo od točke od koder so izstreljevali AD rakete, nekaj eksplodira, domnevno Kinžal uniči del Patriot baterije.
Patrioti so seveda postavljeni sredi mesta, spet je potrebno vprašati koliko škode bodo naredile AD rakete sredi mesta.
BTW, 30 Patriot raket stane čez 100 miljonov USD.
Kiev: Patriot SAM launches about 30 missiles.
Part of the Patriot missiles deviated from course. I think you can see a residential building being hit by them.
It's placed in the middle of the dense populated area.
-> In the end there's an explosion at its position. Destroyed
Patrioti so seveda postavljeni sredi mesta, spet je potrebno vprašati koliko škode bodo naredile AD rakete sredi mesta.
BTW, 30 Patriot raket stane čez 100 miljonov USD.
Kiev: Patriot SAM launches about 30 missiles.
Part of the Patriot missiles deviated from course. I think you can see a residential building being hit by them.
It's placed in the middle of the dense populated area.
-> In the end there's an explosion at its position. Destroyed
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rambutan ()
pojmanimas ::
Egypt nearly supplied rockets to Russia, agreed to arm Ukraine instead, leak shows
Kako hitro se stvari obrnejo
Ima pa egipt veliko tega ruskega klumpa na zalogi.
Egypt made detailed plans to export rockets at Moscow's request, but after a diplomatic offensive from Washington, later approved artillery production for Kyiv
Kako hitro se stvari obrnejo
Ima pa egipt veliko tega ruskega klumpa na zalogi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: pojmanimas ()
Master_Yoda ::
Patrioti so seveda postavljeni sredi mesta, spet je potrebno vprašati koliko škode bodo naredile AD rakete sredi mesta.
Dosti manj kot ce jih ne bi bilo. Ali naj jih postavijo nekam sredi polja kamor rusi ne raketirajo ?
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
martincek1 ::
Gregor P ::
Se spomnim, ko se se še v Robin Hood parodiji iz leta 1993 hecali iz teh rakat in te še danes, torej 30 let kasneje, rešujejo življenja; tokrat v Ukrajini pred ruskimi agresorji.
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
gozdar1 ::
Posnetek iz Kijeva ponoči, Patriot izstreli 30 raket, na 2.15 pa levo od točke od koder so izstreljevali AD rakete, nekaj eksplodira, domnevno Kinžal uniči del Patriot baterije.
Patrioti so seveda postavljeni sredi mesta, spet je potrebno vprašati koliko škode bodo naredile AD rakete sredi mesta.
BTW, 30 Patriot raket stane čez 100 miljonov USD.
Kiev: Patriot SAM launches about 30 missiles.
Part of the Patriot missiles deviated from course. I think you can see a residential building being hit by them.
It's placed in the middle of the dense populated area.
-> In the end there's an explosion at its position. Destroyed
Kako veš, da gre za patriot? Lahko je dobesedno katerikoli sistem npr nasams,..
Ad rakete, ki ne zadanejo cilja imajo mehanizem za samouničenje.
Dvomim, da bi kdo postavljal patriot sredi mesta, ker visoke zgradbe in radar ne gredo ravno skupaj.
Očitno je ruska propaganda zadnje dni dala v iberture, ka se tiče prepričevanja zahodne javnost glede pošiljaja pomoči.
mojsterleo ::
Na posnetku nočnega napada na Kijev sta dva različna filma, zrežirana skupaj. Sploh ni razvidno ali se je padec objekta zgodil prej ali pa tem ko so streljali z AA. Kakorkoli že, eksplozija ni bila prav velika (Kinžal ima zelo veliko 500kg bojno glavo), tako da je šlo verjetno za padajoč kos zadete rakete, mogoče dron?
Cena Kinžalov je 10 mil $ (to je zgolj ocena saj jih Rusi ne prodajajo),KAlibr pa stane 6.5 milj $ (tržna cena). Rusi so spohali ponoči vsaj 120 milj $, Ukrajinci pa, če upoštevamo da so izstrelili na en Kinžal dva interceptorja vsak po 5 milj $ tržna cena, je to 60 milj $ + preostali interceptorji so lahko bili NASAMSovi AIM-120 (1 milj$ na kos) torej vse skupaj manj kot 100 milj $. Vsa stvar je dokaj even.
GLede radarjev, Rusi so tako neumni da so Tor protiletalske sisteme postavili na strehe stavb v Moskvi.
Cena Kinžalov je 10 mil $ (to je zgolj ocena saj jih Rusi ne prodajajo),KAlibr pa stane 6.5 milj $ (tržna cena). Rusi so spohali ponoči vsaj 120 milj $, Ukrajinci pa, če upoštevamo da so izstrelili na en Kinžal dva interceptorja vsak po 5 milj $ tržna cena, je to 60 milj $ + preostali interceptorji so lahko bili NASAMSovi AIM-120 (1 milj$ na kos) torej vse skupaj manj kot 100 milj $. Vsa stvar je dokaj even.
GLede radarjev, Rusi so tako neumni da so Tor protiletalske sisteme postavili na strehe stavb v Moskvi.
gozdar1 ::
Ok na visokih zgradbah ima smisel , ampak ne pa med zgradbami. Samo ne patriotov, ki pokrivajo veliko območje.
bbbbbb2015 ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
Na posnetku nočnega napada na Kijev sta dva različna filma, zrežirana skupaj. Sploh ni razvidno ali se je padec objekta zgodil prej ali pa tem ko so streljali z AA. Kakorkoli že, eksplozija ni bila prav velika (Kinžal ima zelo veliko 500kg bojno glavo), tako da je šlo verjetno za padajoč kos zadete rakete, mogoče dron?
Cena Kinžalov je 10 mil $ (to je zgolj ocena saj jih Rusi ne prodajajo),KAlibr pa stane 6.5 milj $ (tržna cena). Rusi so spohali ponoči vsaj 120 milj $, Ukrajinci pa, če upoštevamo da so izstrelili na en Kinžal dva interceptorja vsak po 5 milj $ tržna cena, je to 60 milj $ + preostali interceptorji so lahko bili NASAMSovi AIM-120 (1 milj$ na kos) torej vse skupaj manj kot 100 milj $. Vsa stvar je dokaj even.
GLede radarjev, Rusi so tako neumni da so Tor protiletalske sisteme postavili na strehe stavb v Moskvi.
Pri ceni je sicer potrebno upoštevati, da če bi katerakoli raketa Kinžal/Kalibr zadela kaj vrednega, bi šlo v luft več 10 mio € vojaškega materiala/streliva.
Menim, da so (sedaj) Ukrajinci dobro pripravljeni na AA obrambo, je sicer vedno možno, da kaj pride skozi, samo so dali na kup vse, od težkih mitraljezov, Gepardov, IRIS-T, Patriotov, AIM-120, S-300 in se branijo pred vsem, od hipersoničnih zadev o letečih kosilnic.
Množica orožja je malo pisana, samo pač umetniški vtis tukaj ne šteje.
To je zelo v redu.
Utk ::
Če Ukrajinci tolk prestrašijo Ruse, da se ne bojo upali letet nad Ukrajino niti ko enkrat res začnejo s protiofenzivo, so že skoraj zmagali.
mojsterleo ::
bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:
Menim, da so (sedaj) Ukrajinci dobro pripravljeni na AA obrambo, je sicer vedno možno, da kaj pride skozi, samo so dali na kup vse, od težkih mitraljezov, Gepardov, IRIS-T, Patriotov, AIM-120, S-300 in se branijo pred vsem, od hipersoničnih zadev o letečih kosilnic.
Množica orožja je malo pisana, samo pač umetniški vtis tukaj ne šteje.
To je zelo v redu.
Zahodni sistemi so večplastni, integrirani med sabo in dobivajo podatke iz več virov (sigurno Patriot/IRIS/NASAMS/SAMPT). Najverjetneje so Ukrajinci o izstrelitvi raket obveščeni zelo hitro preko NATO/AWACS, po hitrosti vidijo da gre za hipersonične. Zato so Hipersonične rakete tako neučinkovite, ker dejansko njihova hitrost ni posebna prednost, s Patrioti jih že pripravljeni pričakajo. Verjetno imajo že izračunane vse projicirane koordinate leta in terminalno balistiko.
Aston_11 ::
Posnetek iz Kijeva ponoči, Patriot izstreli 30 raket, na 2.15 pa levo od točke od koder so izstreljevali AD rakete, nekaj eksplodira, domnevno Kinžal uniči del Patriot baterije. Destroyed
Pozabljaš, da si napisal, da mora kinlaž zadeti tarčo, čemur rusko orožje na splošno ni namenjeno. V glavnem uspeh ukrajine, vse so sklatili iz neba. Rusi spet jokate po forumih.
mikhaair ::
Iris, mašam, patriot so verjetno integrirani v neko skupno platformo za nadzor in streljanje? Nekaj so pred časom pokazali, da je prišlo v UA. Sam potem na istem območju nima smisla, da deluje s300?
Pac-Man ::
La la la, kar tako naprej. PMCji so v Rusiji prepovedani z ustavo, ampak se ta kos papirja pač ignorira.
Russian parliament member and former General of the Russian army, Viktor Sobolev, says that any PMC (mercenary company) in Russia is illegal, demanding anyone joining Wagner or any other PMC to face 15 years in prison.
Unlikely that he will succeed, for now, but rifts are clear.
In return to Russian MP Viktor Sobolev's threat to indict mercenaries, Wagner mercs threaten to kill him. At one point Wagner mercs will eventually snap at Russian politicians. The powder keg has been filled since the beginning of the war and it takes only one spark. The feud between Prigozhin and Shoigu is only the most prominent one.
The only reason why PMCs are still roaming around is the fact that everyone does it. Shoigu has PMC Patriot. Oleg Deripaska and Gazprom have PMC Redut etc. It is a cancerous system of warlords which controls Russia.
Video s podnapisi:
Holders of traditional values from Wagner PMC are threatening the Russian Duma Deputy Sobolev with punishment for calling Wagner and illegal paramilitary organisation.
Russian parliament member and former General of the Russian army, Viktor Sobolev, says that any PMC (mercenary company) in Russia is illegal, demanding anyone joining Wagner or any other PMC to face 15 years in prison.
Unlikely that he will succeed, for now, but rifts are clear.
In return to Russian MP Viktor Sobolev's threat to indict mercenaries, Wagner mercs threaten to kill him. At one point Wagner mercs will eventually snap at Russian politicians. The powder keg has been filled since the beginning of the war and it takes only one spark. The feud between Prigozhin and Shoigu is only the most prominent one.
The only reason why PMCs are still roaming around is the fact that everyone does it. Shoigu has PMC Patriot. Oleg Deripaska and Gazprom have PMC Redut etc. It is a cancerous system of warlords which controls Russia.
Video s podnapisi:
Holders of traditional values from Wagner PMC are threatening the Russian Duma Deputy Sobolev with punishment for calling Wagner and illegal paramilitary organisation.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.