Forum » Problemi človeštva » Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Rusija vs. Ukrajina aka. "Putin - še sladkih 16 let na oblasti?"
Temo vidijo: vsi
Rambutan ::
Melnyk, bivši ukrajinski veleposlanik v Nemčiji se je spet oglasil, poziva naj zavezniki namenijo 1% GDPja v orožju Ukrajini. Zadnjič je imel skromnejše zahteve, samo letala, križarke in podmornice
We are thankful to our allies for their military help. But: it is not enough. Ukraine needs 10 times more to finish russian aggression this year. Thus we call upon our partners to cross all artificial red lines & devote 1% of GDP for 🇺🇦weapons deliveries👇🏻
1% of GDP for the USA, Britain, and the EU is $470 billion. That’s more than three times Ukraine’s own prewar GDP.
We are thankful to our allies for their military help. But: it is not enough. Ukraine needs 10 times more to finish russian aggression this year. Thus we call upon our partners to cross all artificial red lines & devote 1% of GDP for 🇺🇦weapons deliveries👇🏻
1% of GDP for the USA, Britain, and the EU is $470 billion. That’s more than three times Ukraine’s own prewar GDP.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Rambutan ()
mackilla ::
Melnyk, bivši ukrajinski veleposlanik v Nemčiji se je spet oglasil, poziva naj zavezniki namenijo 1% GDPja v orožju Ukrajini. Zadnjič je imel skromnejše zahteve, samo letala, križarke in podmornice
We are thankful to our allies for their military help. But: it is not enough. Ukraine needs 10 times more to finish russian aggression this year. Thus we call upon our partners to cross all artificial red lines & devote 1% of GDP for 🇺🇦weapons deliveries👇🏻
1% of GDP for the USA, Britain, and the EU is $470 billion. That’s more than three times Ukraine’s own prewar GDP.
Njegove izjave so dosti bolj normalne od Medvejevih Pa očitno nikoli ni imel tako visoke funkcije kot njegov ruski politični kolega
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
2x video
Chronicles of the ebanarium
“Death to capitalism! End of the dollar! Goodbye America!"
In Moscow, the communists who had gathered at the top of their heads were tearing up dollars in front of the American embassy.
The morons discussed the American takeover of Ukraine, satanic forms of existence and Hitler.
Protesti so sicer v Rusiji strogo prepovedani, ampak očitno se najdejo izjeme
Chronicles of the ebanarium
“Death to capitalism! End of the dollar! Goodbye America!"
In Moscow, the communists who had gathered at the top of their heads were tearing up dollars in front of the American embassy.
The morons discussed the American takeover of Ukraine, satanic forms of existence and Hitler.
Protesti so sicer v Rusiji strogo prepovedani, ampak očitno se najdejo izjeme
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Rambutan ::
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Ukrainian general staff are desperately trying to change their defensive tactics in urban areas like Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Vuhledar due to the massive use of glide bombs by Russian forces.
Ukraine’s original defenses relied on having fortified areas in medium and high rise buildings, these would allow snipers and machine gunners operate on the upper floors. The lower floors would be used as weapon warehouses and headquarters of units in the basements.
This tactic has been made completely obsolete. Russian forces conduct reconnaissance using drones and then call in glide bomb strikes on the fortified buildings.
The FAB-500 bombs completely destroy the upper floors and anyone in them. The floors then collapse and any surviving soldiers in the basements get buried alive as there’s no any construction machines to remove the rubble
Ukrainian general staff are desperately trying to change their defensive tactics in urban areas like Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Vuhledar due to the massive use of glide bombs by Russian forces.
Ukraine’s original defenses relied on having fortified areas in medium and high rise buildings, these would allow snipers and machine gunners operate on the upper floors. The lower floors would be used as weapon warehouses and headquarters of units in the basements.
This tactic has been made completely obsolete. Russian forces conduct reconnaissance using drones and then call in glide bomb strikes on the fortified buildings.
The FAB-500 bombs completely destroy the upper floors and anyone in them. The floors then collapse and any surviving soldiers in the basements get buried alive as there’s no any construction machines to remove the rubble
Lesoto ::
Dalj časa bodo Rusi v Ukrajini, dalj časa bo vojna trajala.
PS: Če si tako gnil, da niti spremnega teksta ne moreš napisat, potem raje ničesar ne piši.
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Ukrainian general staff are desperately trying to change their defensive tactics in urban areas like Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Vuhledar due to the massive use of glide bombs by Russian forces.
Ukraine’s original defenses relied on having fortified areas in medium and high rise buildings, these would allow snipers and machine gunners operate on the upper floors. The lower floors would be used as weapon warehouses and headquarters of units in the basements.
This tactic has been made completely obsolete. Russian forces conduct reconnaissance using drones and then call in glide bomb strikes on the fortified buildings.
The FAB-500 bombs completely destroy the upper floors and anyone in them. The floors then collapse and any surviving soldiers in the basements get buried alive as there’s no any construction machines to remove the rubble
Tudi Rusi fašejo JBODe.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Lesoto ()
tomlin ::
Držim pesti za Ukrajino, upanje, da bo nova pomladno-poletna ofenziva uspešna, je veliko.
Ukrajinske vojaške sile so po novi analizi uspešno vzpostavile položaje na vzhodni strani reke Dnjeper, kar je danes, v nedeljo, spodbudilo špekulacije, da bi lahko bil napredek zgodnji znak dolgo pričakovane spomladanske protiofenzive Kijeva.
Ukrajinske čete so vzpostavile oporišče blizu mesta Oleški, skupaj s "stabilnimi oskrbovalnimi linijami".
Slava Ukrajini!
Ukrajinske vojaške sile so po novi analizi uspešno vzpostavile položaje na vzhodni strani reke Dnjeper, kar je danes, v nedeljo, spodbudilo špekulacije, da bi lahko bil napredek zgodnji znak dolgo pričakovane spomladanske protiofenzive Kijeva.
Ukrajinske čete so vzpostavile oporišče blizu mesta Oleški, skupaj s "stabilnimi oskrbovalnimi linijami".
Slava Ukrajini!
Svoboda in enakost ni isto kot svoboda.
M. Friedman
M. Friedman
Pac-Man ::
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Jadralne bombe imajo manjši doseg kot Patriot in SAMP/T...
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Lesoto ::
Russian soldiers beg for help as own army throws them into pit
Russian deserters are being imprisoned by their own army in medieval-style pits with metal grilles on top.
Russian soldiers beg for help as own army throws them into pit
Russian deserters are being imprisoned by their own army in medieval-style pits with metal grilles on top.
Pac-Man ::
Video je z 18.2.2022, ampak rusofili imate pač IQ manjši od številke noge in vam lahko zadevo prodajo kot svežo podporo ruskih stališč.
Jeje Odongo @ Wikipedia
On 18 February 2022 he participated in the European Union - African Union Summit in Brussels. A controversy arose when he greeted President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, only after an intervention by Emmanuel Macron, which was considered a misogynistic attitude.[11]
Tip je samo musliman:
May the spirit of Ramadan fill our hearts with compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude towards all.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Telbanc ::
Video je z 18.2.2022, ampak rusofili imate pač IQ manjši od številke noge in vam lahko zadevo prodajo kot svežo podporo ruskih stališč.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Telbanc ()
Rambutan ::
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Jadralne bombe imajo manjši doseg kot Patriot in SAMP/T...
Zaenkrat sta samo dva Patriot sistema v Ukrajini in pa mislim da samo en SAMP/T sistem. Seveda bi bilo treba Patriot ali SAMP/T sisteme postaviti bližje fronti, kjer pa bodo v večji nevarnosti. SAMP/T sistem stane 500M USD, Patriot pa stane kar miljardo.
Ena Patriot raketa stane 3M USD, Aster raketa pa 2M USD. Ruske jadralne bombe so pa klasične letalske bombe opremljene s krilci in gpsom. Teh bomb imajo ogromno še iz SZ. Potem pa bo prihajalo do podobnih scenarijev kot spodaj...
A U.S. ‘ally’ fired a $3 million Patriot missile at a $200 drone. Spoiler: The missile won.
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Rambutan ::
Saj ne bi klatili bomb, ampak letala
Što se čeka, sej jih že cel mesec bombardijo s temi bombami, pa v zmeraj večjem številu.
mackilla ::
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Ukrainian general staff are desperately trying to change their defensive tactics in urban areas like Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Vuhledar due to the massive use of glide bombs by Russian forces.
Ukraine’s original defenses relied on having fortified areas in medium and high rise buildings, these would allow snipers and machine gunners operate on the upper floors. The lower floors would be used as weapon warehouses and headquarters of units in the basements.
This tactic has been made completely obsolete. Russian forces conduct reconnaissance using drones and then call in glide bomb strikes on the fortified buildings.
The FAB-500 bombs completely destroy the upper floors and anyone in them. The floors then collapse and any surviving soldiers in the basements get buried alive as there’s no any construction machines to remove the rubble
Do tod prebereš pa je dosti
Rusi se hvalijo
Pac-Man ::
russians: Let's drop all these mines here into a heap. It will be fine.
Ukrainian drone operator: Oh, it's very fine dear russkis, very, very fine.
russians: Let's drop all these mines here into a heap. It will be fine.
Ukrainian drone operator: Oh, it's very fine dear russkis, very, very fine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
bbbbbb2015 ::
Držim pesti za Ukrajino, upanje, da bo nova pomladno-poletna ofenziva uspešna, je veliko.
Ukrajinske vojaške sile so po novi analizi uspešno vzpostavile položaje na vzhodni strani reke Dnjeper, kar je danes, v nedeljo, spodbudilo špekulacije, da bi lahko bil napredek zgodnji znak dolgo pričakovane spomladanske protiofenzive Kijeva.
Ukrajinske čete so vzpostavile oporišče blizu mesta Oleški, skupaj s "stabilnimi oskrbovalnimi linijami".
Slava Ukrajini!
Razen ravsanja v Bakmutu, nekaj tudi pri Adijevki in Vuhledarju precej manj - je še nekaj akcij Ukrajincev v pozadino Rusov, prestopili so Dnepr, pravijo, da se lahko oskrbujejo (kar je sicer možno, samo te pontonske mostove je treba pošteno stražiti). Predvsem ni nikjer odkritega heads-on napada na Ruse.
Ukrajinci so že dobili preko 100 Leopard 1 tankov, v nulo poservisiranih. Poljaki so dali precej T-72, predvsem od Čehov, Slovakov in Poljakov. Hkrati pa so popravili tudi precej zajetih T-72. Tako da bo v inicialnem napadu spitzen tehnike bolj malo.
Ukrajinci se tudi vadijo na Abrams M1A1 tankih (31 so jih poslali Američani). Američani imajo takih tankov konzerviranih nekaj 1000 (celo blizu 10k), vendar so eni modernejši M1A4 (oziroma M1A2 SEP V3 - kot da bi softver razvijali). Teh ZDA nočejo poslati. Zdaj se še cufajo, kaj bi naredili, razvijali nov tank ali flikali Abrams M1).
Tako, da je to še vedno skrivost, kje bodo napadli. Ukrajinci so že končali usposabljanja v UK (morda še kaj, samo v glavnem so končali), usposabljanje za Leoparde 2 še teče.
Zgleda, da bodo Ukrajinci dobili še BUK lansirne ploščadi, ki so jih Poljaki predelali, da lahko izstreljujejo RIM-7 Sea Sparrow, ki so sicer tudi zastareli (ampak morda je pravi čas, da se vse to porabi). Če bo pa RIM-7 zmanjkalo, pa je še RIM-162, kar pa še proizvajajo:
RIM-162 ESSM @ Wikipedia
Rusi bi naj imeli tonske in 350kg težke bombe, s katerimi bi naj zadevali cilje v Ukrajini:
V bistvu ne gre za vodljive, ampak bolj jadralne, kjer dejansko bomba pada v nekem balističnem loku. Ukrajinmci prosijo za več AA sistemov, da bodo te avione držali na razdalji.
Ukrajinci skušajo predelati MIG-29 lovce, da bi lahko odmetavali ameriške JDAM bombe. Začetek je bil obetaven, zdaj pravijo, da se je nekje zaustavilo, oziroma zanesljivost ni taka, kot se je pričakovalo od tega orožja. Še vedno pa se trudijo poflikati vmesnik.
Američani so si "izposodili" 500.000 granat od Južnokorejcev. Južnokorejci nekako se nočejo vmešavati, hkrati pa hočejo ustreči Američanom. Američani bodo poslalali pol miljona svojih granat v Ukrajino, ter si izposodili Južnokorejske, da imajo še nekaj granat doma. Ugotavljajo pa, da so sploh švohtni z granatami v skladiščih.
Kot vse kaže, Ukrajinci še nimajo vseh vseh vseh orožij na razpolago, kot so želeli.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
clancy ::
russians: Let's drop all these mines here into a heap. It will be fine.
Ukrainian drone operator: Oh, it's very fine dear russkis, very, very fine.
"We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid"
Pac-Man ::
10s video, brigada, ki ima naše M-55S
The 47th Motorized Brigade with their new M2A2 Bradley IFVs😊
47th Mechanized Brigade (Ukraine) @ Wikipedia
The 47th Motorized Brigade with their new M2A2 Bradley IFVs😊
47th Mechanized Brigade (Ukraine) @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Na dolgo o darilih dobrega moža z druge strani oceana:
Two more Pentagon budget realignments dropped and again we can learn much about what Ukraine received.
A military procurement thread 🧵:
Let's begin with my favorite item and I have no clue what this classified program entails: Defense Military Deception Initiative $0.9m.
To make the most of Patriot, NASAMS you need a command center.
Per the Pentagon papers Ukraine received a IAMD IBCS EOC - and that would be amazing! This system only entered in US Army service a few months ago! If Ukraine truly received an Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS) Engagement Operations Center (EOC), then every russian missile entering the area of operation of the EOC's launchers will be shot down.
• $817m for 155mm artillery rounds, which is WILD as the previous 155mm record as $146m. The US is clearly stocking up Ukraine for the coming offensive. • $187m for M982 Excalibur
Already in January 2023 $202m of Excalibur were ordered, in to $389m or in other words Ukraine received 1000s of Excalibur for the coming offensive.
As European nations have also increased their deliveries of modern weapon systems and as we're finally also seeing a good quantity of weapon and ammo deliveries, we can say that Ukraine will soon be ready to crush the russian forces.
Victory is near!
PS: I want to thank @osmnactej for checking the Pentagon website every day for Ukraine related files and forwarding them to me. His help is much appreciated.
Two more Pentagon budget realignments dropped and again we can learn much about what Ukraine received.
A military procurement thread 🧵:
Let's begin with my favorite item and I have no clue what this classified program entails: Defense Military Deception Initiative $0.9m.
To make the most of Patriot, NASAMS you need a command center.
Per the Pentagon papers Ukraine received a IAMD IBCS EOC - and that would be amazing! This system only entered in US Army service a few months ago! If Ukraine truly received an Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) Battle Command System (IBCS) Engagement Operations Center (EOC), then every russian missile entering the area of operation of the EOC's launchers will be shot down.
• $817m for 155mm artillery rounds, which is WILD as the previous 155mm record as $146m. The US is clearly stocking up Ukraine for the coming offensive. • $187m for M982 Excalibur
Already in January 2023 $202m of Excalibur were ordered, in to $389m or in other words Ukraine received 1000s of Excalibur for the coming offensive.
As European nations have also increased their deliveries of modern weapon systems and as we're finally also seeing a good quantity of weapon and ammo deliveries, we can say that Ukraine will soon be ready to crush the russian forces.
Victory is near!
PS: I want to thank @osmnactej for checking the Pentagon website every day for Ukraine related files and forwarding them to me. His help is much appreciated.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Rambutan ::
$817m for 155mm artillery rounds, which is WILD as the previous 155mm record as $146m. The US is clearly stocking up Ukraine for the coming offensive.
Ena granata stane 3k USD, to znese manj kot 300k granat, Rusi to izstrelijo v manj kot dveh tednih.
• $187m for M982 Excalibur
Already in January 2023 $202m of Excalibur were ordered, in to $389m or in other words Ukraine received 1000s of Excalibur for the coming offensive.
Ena Excalibur granata stane 110k USD, to znese manj kot 4.000 granat.
Me ne preseneča, da jih je sram povedati števila granat, ampak pišejo v denarju
impidimpi77 ::
$817m for 155mm artillery rounds, which is WILD as the previous 155mm record as $146m. The US is clearly stocking up Ukraine for the coming offensive.
Ena granata stane 3k USD, to znese manj kot 300k granat, Rusi to izstrelijo v manj kot dveh tednih.
• $187m for M982 Excalibur
Already in January 2023 $202m of Excalibur were ordered, in to $389m or in other words Ukraine received 1000s of Excalibur for the coming offensive.
Ena Excalibur granata stane 110k USD, to znese manj kot 4.000 granat.
Me ne preseneča, da jih je sram povedati števila granat, ampak pišejo v denarju
300k granat bo veliko bolje uporabljenih kot nov s400, ki je šel pod cesto zaradi pijančka za volanom
gozdar1 ::
Rusko topništvo je tako super in brez težav, da morajo v ta namen stare tanke v ukrajino vozit.
bbbbbb2015 ::
impidimpi77 je izjavil:
300k granat bo veliko bolje uporabljenih kot nov s400, ki je šel pod cesto zaradi pijančka za volanom
No, glej, ne rabiš pretiravati. Menda je imel nekaj alkohola v krvi 0,337mg/L (to bo pomota - to je ekstremno malo ali pa si je nekdo to izmislil). En promil je 0,943mg, to je nekje 0,4 promila. To ni nič. Če je to res.
Drugače pa, težje stvari je vedno težko voziti, tudi slovenska Patria se je obrnila v jarek:
Šofer je na levi strani, treba je imeti ogledala kot avtobusarji, da vidiš svojo desno linijo. Moj sorodnik je bil šofer kamiona (šleperja). Enkrat me je nekam peljal, pa zgleda, da nama je na postajališču nekdo ruknil desno ogledalo ter ga je toliko premaknil, da sorodnik več ni imel več pregleda nad desno linijo.
K sreči je imel mene, da sem mu odvil okno dol in mu nastavil ogledalo, da je zopet videl desno stran. Brez tega, je rekel, si on ne upa peljati 500m s šleperjem. Slovenske bankine so iz perja in to se kamion zvrne v sekundi.
To se je verjetno zgodilo tudi temu nesrečnežu, zdaj ali res bil pijan, neizkušen, ga je kdo izsilil. Lahko tudi zabremza, pa kamion zanese na bankino in se skotali.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bbbbbb2015 ()
mackilla ::
$817m for 155mm artillery rounds, which is WILD as the previous 155mm record as $146m. The US is clearly stocking up Ukraine for the coming offensive.
Ena granata stane 3k USD, to znese manj kot 300k granat, Rusi to izstrelijo v manj kot dveh tednih.
• $187m for M982 Excalibur
Already in January 2023 $202m of Excalibur were ordered, in to $389m or in other words Ukraine received 1000s of Excalibur for the coming offensive.
Ena Excalibur granata stane 110k USD, to znese manj kot 4.000 granat.
Me ne preseneča, da jih je sram povedati števila granat, ampak pišejo v denarju
Zdaj pa to razloži tistim Rusom,ki bodo dobili Excalibur granate direk na glave Mogoče jim bo v tolažbo,da bodo fasali 110k USD granate.
mojsterleo ::
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Tipično za Ruse. Ker ciljev ne morejo precizno zadeti pa povečajo bojno glavo, da je možnost uničenja cilja večja. 500kg pa vse do 1,5 tone.
Za primer: Himars ima 90kg bojno glavo.
Teh bomb se ne da in nima smisla ciljati s protiletalskimi sistemi, ampak je potrebno preprečiti let lovskih bombnikov Su-34 vsaj 50km od fronte. Tretnutno je rešitev edino combat air patrol F-16 letal. Postavljati AA sisteme poleg fronte nima smisla. Prvič povečuje se tveganje da sistem zadanejo in pa drugič američani ne bodo dovolili da so Patrioti blizu fronte in v nevarnosti da Rusom padejo v roke deli sistemov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mojsterleo ()
Pac-Man ::
par dni staro, litovski zunanji minister
For years the West said economic cooperation would persuade dictators to support rules based international order. But all we did was feed their economies while letting them break all the rules. China is betting that we will repeat this mistake. It's time to try something else👇🧵
We bought energy, we transferred technology, we invested in totalitarian regimes. We enabled them to grow. Not for the practical benefits, but due to the messianic delusion that the spread of western influence is inevitable and can only bring change for good.
Our entanglement made us strategically blind. We ignored the threats made not only to countries bordering Russia but also to western society itself. Armies were neglected, borders left undefended, our capacity to rise up and repel invaders diminished.
Alongside weak foreign policy, western countries also weakened internally. Corruption, weaponised radicalisation and interference in elections became the norm.
The defence of Ukraine is not only about defending the rules-based order against the return of 20th century barbarism. It is also about us stepping up to defend ourselves.
Unfortunately, our geopolitical blindness has not yet been cured. We chose not to see the threat of Russian aggression, and now we are choosing not to see the threat of Chinese aggression. We are on the verge of repeating the same mistake.
We asked Russia not to invade Ukraine. We asked Russia not to invade Georgia. We made phonecalls. The result was a tragically predictable disaster.
Our strategy clearly failed with Putin. Now, instead of increasing defence spending and manufacturing output or strengthening our transatlantic connection, we are asking another totalitarian to help us “secure peace” in Europe? This would be a mistake bigger than Nordstream.
We are capable of defending Europe without Chinese help. Instead of requesting assistance we should be projecting our strengths, showing the world that Ukraine, Europe and the US are willing and able to secure the European continent. That is the only signal we should be sending.
The same strong signal has to be sent to Taiwan. We must declare that the island and its democracy-loving people are part of the rules-based order and that we will fight against any attempt to change the status quo by force, because we are willing and able to do what's right.
The world order was born out of the transatlantic victory against oppressors and invaders. Some decided to opt out of this order and they still seek its destruction. In response, there is no substitute for transatlantic unity, so we must protect and defend it, not dismantle it.
I propose we recognise the benefits and necessity of transatlantic unity, and commit to globally defending the rules we all agreed on. I don't suggest begging for dictators to help secure peace in Europe. There is a long and bloody trail of evidence against that strategy.
For years the West said economic cooperation would persuade dictators to support rules based international order. But all we did was feed their economies while letting them break all the rules. China is betting that we will repeat this mistake. It's time to try something else👇🧵
We bought energy, we transferred technology, we invested in totalitarian regimes. We enabled them to grow. Not for the practical benefits, but due to the messianic delusion that the spread of western influence is inevitable and can only bring change for good.
Our entanglement made us strategically blind. We ignored the threats made not only to countries bordering Russia but also to western society itself. Armies were neglected, borders left undefended, our capacity to rise up and repel invaders diminished.
Alongside weak foreign policy, western countries also weakened internally. Corruption, weaponised radicalisation and interference in elections became the norm.
The defence of Ukraine is not only about defending the rules-based order against the return of 20th century barbarism. It is also about us stepping up to defend ourselves.
Unfortunately, our geopolitical blindness has not yet been cured. We chose not to see the threat of Russian aggression, and now we are choosing not to see the threat of Chinese aggression. We are on the verge of repeating the same mistake.
We asked Russia not to invade Ukraine. We asked Russia not to invade Georgia. We made phonecalls. The result was a tragically predictable disaster.
Our strategy clearly failed with Putin. Now, instead of increasing defence spending and manufacturing output or strengthening our transatlantic connection, we are asking another totalitarian to help us “secure peace” in Europe? This would be a mistake bigger than Nordstream.
We are capable of defending Europe without Chinese help. Instead of requesting assistance we should be projecting our strengths, showing the world that Ukraine, Europe and the US are willing and able to secure the European continent. That is the only signal we should be sending.
The same strong signal has to be sent to Taiwan. We must declare that the island and its democracy-loving people are part of the rules-based order and that we will fight against any attempt to change the status quo by force, because we are willing and able to do what's right.
The world order was born out of the transatlantic victory against oppressors and invaders. Some decided to opt out of this order and they still seek its destruction. In response, there is no substitute for transatlantic unity, so we must protect and defend it, not dismantle it.
I propose we recognise the benefits and necessity of transatlantic unity, and commit to globally defending the rules we all agreed on. I don't suggest begging for dictators to help secure peace in Europe. There is a long and bloody trail of evidence against that strategy.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Rambutan ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Tipično za Ruse. Ker ciljev ne morejo precizno zadeti pa povečajo bojno glavo, da je možnost uničenja cilja večja. 500kg pa vse do 1,5 tone.
Za primer: Himars ima 90kg bojno glavo.
Teh bomb se ne da in nima smisla ciljati s protiletalskimi sistemi, ampak je potrebno preprečiti let lovskih bombnikov Su-34 vsaj 50km od fronte. Tretnutno je rešitev edino combat air patrol F-16 letal. Postavljati AA sisteme poleg fronte nima smisla. Prvič povečuje se tveganje da sistem zadanejo in pa drugič američani ne bodo dovolili da so Patrioti blizu fronte in v nevarnosti da Rusom padejo v roke deli sistemov.
Hja, če bi imeli Ukrajinci možnost neovirano uporabljati tako velike, čeprav mogoče neprecizne bombe, močno dvomim da jih ne bi uporabljali. Saj so se že hvalili, da bodo uporabljali podobne JDAM bombe, s katerimi pa so problemi.
Se strinjam glede AA obrambe, to je nerealno, edina možnost so lovska letala, še to bi bilo težko zaradi ruske AA obrambe. Zaenkrat je realnost taka, da lahko Rusi skoraj neovirano uporabljajo te bombe, kar so tudi Ukrajinci sami priznali.
So pa te bombe zelo močne, Rusi pravijo, da je v radiusu 500m garantiran pretres možganov. Zdaj si pa predstavljajte, kako bi zgledalo če spustijo par deset takih bomb na napredujočo ukrajinsko ofenzivo...
gozdar1 ::
Take bombe se seveda da sestrelit, dejansko laže kot marsikaj drugega..recimo rakete od mlrs-a.
Rusi jih uporabljajo v hit and run taktiki, neovirano ne letijo nad ukrajino vse od začetka. Torej na ozkem območju v roku par minut.
Rusi jih uporabljajo v hit and run taktiki, neovirano ne letijo nad ukrajino vse od začetka. Torej na ozkem območju v roku par minut.
fur80 ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Tipično za Ruse. Ker ciljev ne morejo precizno zadeti pa povečajo bojno glavo, da je možnost uničenja cilja večja. 500kg pa vse do 1,5 tone.
Za primer: Himars ima 90kg bojno glavo.
Teh bomb se ne da in nima smisla ciljati s protiletalskimi sistemi, ampak je potrebno preprečiti let lovskih bombnikov Su-34 vsaj 50km od fronte. Tretnutno je rešitev edino combat air patrol F-16 letal. Postavljati AA sisteme poleg fronte nima smisla. Prvič povečuje se tveganje da sistem zadanejo in pa drugič američani ne bodo dovolili da so Patrioti blizu fronte in v nevarnosti da Rusom padejo v roke deli sistemov.
Hja, če bi imeli Ukrajinci možnost neovirano uporabljati tako velike, čeprav mogoče neprecizne bombe, močno dvomim da jih ne bi uporabljali. Saj so se že hvalili, da bodo uporabljali podobne JDAM bombe, s katerimi pa so problemi.
Se strinjam glede AA obrambe, to je nerealno, edina možnost so lovska letala, še to bi bilo težko zaradi ruske AA obrambe. Zaenkrat je realnost taka, da lahko Rusi skoraj neovirano uporabljajo te bombe, kar so tudi Ukrajinci sami priznali.
So pa te bombe zelo močne, Rusi pravijo, da je v radiusu 500m garantiran pretres možganov. Zdaj si pa predstavljajte, kako bi zgledalo če spustijo par deset takih bomb na napredujočo ukrajinsko ofenzivo...
Ofenziva se bo ja ščitila. Ukrajinci dobijo tudi to, če ga že nimajo. domet čez 200km . To pomeni, če bi bil v Ljubljani, je pokrita cela Slovenija. Misliš, da bodo navlekli vse na kup in čakali, da jim neovrano spustijo na glavo te bombe?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
mackilla ::
mojsterleo je izjavil:
Rusi se hvalijo, da so jadralne bombe gamechanger...
Tipično za Ruse. Ker ciljev ne morejo precizno zadeti pa povečajo bojno glavo, da je možnost uničenja cilja večja. 500kg pa vse do 1,5 tone.
Za primer: Himars ima 90kg bojno glavo.
Teh bomb se ne da in nima smisla ciljati s protiletalskimi sistemi, ampak je potrebno preprečiti let lovskih bombnikov Su-34 vsaj 50km od fronte. Tretnutno je rešitev edino combat air patrol F-16 letal. Postavljati AA sisteme poleg fronte nima smisla. Prvič povečuje se tveganje da sistem zadanejo in pa drugič američani ne bodo dovolili da so Patrioti blizu fronte in v nevarnosti da Rusom padejo v roke deli sistemov.
Hja, če bi imeli Ukrajinci možnost neovirano uporabljati tako velike, čeprav mogoče neprecizne bombe, močno dvomim da jih ne bi uporabljali. Saj so se že hvalili, da bodo uporabljali podobne JDAM bombe, s katerimi pa so problemi.
Se strinjam glede AA obrambe, to je nerealno, edina možnost so lovska letala, še to bi bilo težko zaradi ruske AA obrambe. Zaenkrat je realnost taka, da lahko Rusi skoraj neovirano uporabljajo te bombe, kar so tudi Ukrajinci sami priznali.
So pa te bombe zelo močne, Rusi pravijo, da je v radiusu 500m garantiran pretres možganov. Zdaj si pa predstavljajte, kako bi zgledalo če spustijo par deset takih bomb na napredujočo ukrajinsko ofenzivo...
Saj so problemi tudi z ruskimi. Ko so rusi bombardirali Belogrod je od dveh eksplodirala samo ena. Se pravi učinkovitost 50%. Kar porazno za wunderwaffe aka gamechanger
Rambutan ::
Take bombe se seveda da sestrelit, dejansko laže kot marsikaj drugega..recimo rakete od mlrs-a.
Rusi jih uporabljajo v hit and run taktiki, neovirano ne letijo nad ukrajino vse od začetka. Torej na ozkem območju v roku par minut.
Rusi te bombe mečej iz velikih višin iz razdalj od 50-70km. Niso pa to Hit and Run, ampak jih odmečejo kar lepo število dnevno, od 20 do 40. Neovirano je mišljeno da tega Ukrajinci trenutno ne morejo preprečiti zaradi pomankanja municije za sovjetsko AA obrambo.
Seveda se teoretično da te bombe sestreliti, problem je, ker jih Ukiji trenutne ne morejo. To je priznal tudi Jurij Ignat, poveljnik zračnih sil Ukrajine.
The new type of aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons, Russia claims that these munitions cannot be shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. This was confirmed by the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuri Ignat.
mtosev ::
Sem slišal, da Ukrajina pripravlja proti ofenzivo kmalu. Upajmo, da bodo uspešni.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
gozdar1 ::
Take bombe se seveda da sestrelit, dejansko laže kot marsikaj drugega..recimo rakete od mlrs-a.
Rusi jih uporabljajo v hit and run taktiki, neovirano ne letijo nad ukrajino vse od začetka. Torej na ozkem območju v roku par minut.
Rusi te bombe mečej iz velikih višin iz razdalj od 50-70km. Niso pa to Hit and Run, ampak jih odmečejo kar lepo število dnevno, od 20 do 40. Neovirano je mišljeno da tega Ukrajinci trenutno ne morejo preprečiti zaradi pomankanja municije za sovjetsko AA obrambo.
Seveda se teoretično da te bombe sestreliti, problem je, ker jih Ukiji trenutne ne morejo. To je priznal tudi Jurij Ignat, poveljnik zračnih sil Ukrajine.
The new type of aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons, Russia claims that these munitions cannot be shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. This was confirmed by the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuri Ignat.
Seveda so ker je to edini način, zaradi ukrajinske protizračne obrambe. Cifra 20-40 je precej domišljiska, podobno kot 60k granat na dan.
Gre za precej počasen in velik cilj, zakaj bi bila za sistenm kot je buk neka huda težava.
mackilla ::
Take bombe se seveda da sestrelit, dejansko laže kot marsikaj drugega..recimo rakete od mlrs-a.
Rusi jih uporabljajo v hit and run taktiki, neovirano ne letijo nad ukrajino vse od začetka. Torej na ozkem območju v roku par minut.
Rusi te bombe mečej iz velikih višin iz razdalj od 50-70km. Niso pa to Hit and Run, ampak jih odmečejo kar lepo število dnevno, od 20 do 40. Neovirano je mišljeno da tega Ukrajinci trenutno ne morejo preprečiti zaradi pomankanja municije za sovjetsko AA obrambo.
Seveda se teoretično da te bombe sestreliti, problem je, ker jih Ukiji trenutne ne morejo. To je priznal tudi Jurij Ignat, poveljnik zračnih sil Ukrajine.
The new type of aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons, Russia claims that these munitions cannot be shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. This was confirmed by the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuri Ignat.
Daj si malo poglej članke od Eurasiantimes. Konstantno nabijanje o kitajskih in ruskih wunderwaffe aka gamechanger sistemih in orožjih. Nevidna letala,podmornice,rakete.... Ni da ni in skoz in skoz....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()
Rambutan ::
Take bombe se seveda da sestrelit, dejansko laže kot marsikaj drugega..recimo rakete od mlrs-a.
Rusi jih uporabljajo v hit and run taktiki, neovirano ne letijo nad ukrajino vse od začetka. Torej na ozkem območju v roku par minut.
Rusi te bombe mečej iz velikih višin iz razdalj od 50-70km. Niso pa to Hit and Run, ampak jih odmečejo kar lepo število dnevno, od 20 do 40. Neovirano je mišljeno da tega Ukrajinci trenutno ne morejo preprečiti zaradi pomankanja municije za sovjetsko AA obrambo.
Seveda se teoretično da te bombe sestreliti, problem je, ker jih Ukiji trenutne ne morejo. To je priznal tudi Jurij Ignat, poveljnik zračnih sil Ukrajine.
The new type of aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons, Russia claims that these munitions cannot be shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. This was confirmed by the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuri Ignat.
Seveda so ker je to edini način, zaradi ukrajinske protizračne obrambe. Cifra 20-40 je precej domišljiska, podobno kot 60k granat na dan.
Gre za precej počasen in velik cilj, zakaj bi bila za sistenm kot je buk neka huda težava.
20 bomb na dan priznava celo Forbes, Rusi pravijo da jih do 40 in da se število dnevno povečuje. Ukrajinci so porabili skoraj vso municijo za sovjetsko AA obrambo, domnevno je bil to namen ruskega raketiranja ukrajinskega el. omrežja, iztrošiti ukrajinsko AA obrambo.
Twenty Russian Glide-Bombs Pummel Ukrainian Forces Every Day. Some Weigh A Whopping 3,300 Pounds.
gozdar1 ::
Torej daleč od kake resne kampanije, potrebne za preobrat ampak že omenjeni hit and run napadi. A ni bil razlog ustavit transport po železnici. Očitno največji uspeh je bil da so istrošili ruske rezerve raket.
mackilla ::
Take bombe se seveda da sestrelit, dejansko laže kot marsikaj drugega..recimo rakete od mlrs-a.
Rusi jih uporabljajo v hit and run taktiki, neovirano ne letijo nad ukrajino vse od začetka. Torej na ozkem območju v roku par minut.
Rusi te bombe mečej iz velikih višin iz razdalj od 50-70km. Niso pa to Hit and Run, ampak jih odmečejo kar lepo število dnevno, od 20 do 40. Neovirano je mišljeno da tega Ukrajinci trenutno ne morejo preprečiti zaradi pomankanja municije za sovjetsko AA obrambo.
Seveda se teoretično da te bombe sestreliti, problem je, ker jih Ukiji trenutne ne morejo. To je priznal tudi Jurij Ignat, poveljnik zračnih sil Ukrajine.
The new type of aerial bomb weighing 1.5 tons, Russia claims that these munitions cannot be shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. This was confirmed by the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yuri Ignat.
Seveda so ker je to edini način, zaradi ukrajinske protizračne obrambe. Cifra 20-40 je precej domišljiska, podobno kot 60k granat na dan.
Gre za precej počasen in velik cilj, zakaj bi bila za sistenm kot je buk neka huda težava.
20 bomb na dan priznava celo Forbes, Rusi pravijo da jih do 40 in da se število dnevno povečuje. Ukrajinci so porabili skoraj vso municijo za sovjetsko AA obrambo, domnevno je bil to namen ruskega raketiranja ukrajinskega el. omrežja, iztrošiti ukrajinsko AA obrambo.
Twenty Russian Glide-Bombs Pummel Ukrainian Forces Every Day. Some Weigh A Whopping 3,300 Pounds.
Ko jim z raketiranjem ni uspelo Ukrajincev prisiliti,da sprejmejo ruske teroristične zahteve so vam pač zdaj prodali,da so itak samo hoteli strošiti ukrajinsko protiletalsko obrambo. Stari ruski modus operandi prodajanja megle
fur80 ::
Ena zanimivost, glede našega MSM, kateremu nakažem 12EUR na mesec! :D
Streletka bay. Sevastopol.
Smoke can be clearly seen after the attack by Ukrainian kamikaze surface vessels in the very place where the Russian warships of the Black Sea Fleet (flotilla) of the Russian Federation are moored. The occupation authorities declare that the drones failed to enter the bay
Another angle of the moment USV attacks on the Russian Black Sea fleet base in temporarily occupied Sevastopol, Crimea
Novica na našem RTV - MMC pa:
Ruska zračna obramba odbila napad z brezpilotniki pri Sevastopolu
Zelenski: Nemogoče je, da bi obupali nad Bahmutom
Ruska črnomorska flota je sporočila, da so odbili napad z brezpilotnimi letalniki pri mestu Sevastopol na Krimu. Rusko obrambno ministrstvo medtem navaja, da so njihove sile napredovale v mestu Bahmut, kjer potekajo siloviti spopadi.
Streletka bay. Sevastopol.
Smoke can be clearly seen after the attack by Ukrainian kamikaze surface vessels in the very place where the Russian warships of the Black Sea Fleet (flotilla) of the Russian Federation are moored. The occupation authorities declare that the drones failed to enter the bay
Another angle of the moment USV attacks on the Russian Black Sea fleet base in temporarily occupied Sevastopol, Crimea
Novica na našem RTV - MMC pa:
Ruska zračna obramba odbila napad z brezpilotniki pri Sevastopolu
Zelenski: Nemogoče je, da bi obupali nad Bahmutom
Ruska črnomorska flota je sporočila, da so odbili napad z brezpilotnimi letalniki pri mestu Sevastopol na Krimu. Rusko obrambno ministrstvo medtem navaja, da so njihove sile napredovale v mestu Bahmut, kjer potekajo siloviti spopadi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: pumaxx ()
fur80 ::
GeoConfirmed UKR.
"Battle for position 'Cyclops' by K-2 battalion of the 54th Mechanized Brigade. Ukrainian - Russian trench warfare."
48.873820, 38.229060
"Battle for position 'Cyclops' by K-2 battalion of the 54th Mechanized Brigade. Ukrainian - Russian trench warfare."
48.873820, 38.229060
BorutO ::
Zgleda, da je s terorističnimi wagnerci res konec oz. so pri zadnjih izdihljajih, saj streljajo na rusko vojsko.
Putler počasi izgublja vojno. Vsak mesec so slabši. Ampak imam občutek, da bodo rusi srači na tem ozemlju v neskončnost. Tudi ko bo vojne konec, bodo rusi še kar metali kakšne bombe in streljali na ljudi.
Putler počasi izgublja vojno. Vsak mesec so slabši. Ampak imam občutek, da bodo rusi srači na tem ozemlju v neskončnost. Tudi ko bo vojne konec, bodo rusi še kar metali kakšne bombe in streljali na ljudi.
Sheteentz ::
Ja, hvala bogu za Kajo Sajovic, odlično poznavalko vsega kar je Rusko, in edino novinarko v Sloveniji, ki ni ujeta v MSM past. Pa še na underground berlinsko gejevsko LGBTQ+-/ klubsko sceno se spozna, njen obseg znanja je res izjemen.
ps: očitno je na RTV-ju še par izjemnih novinarjev, ki vidijo čez MSM propagando, ki jo dobesedno plasira Biden! A smo se za to borili?!?
ps: očitno je na RTV-ju še par izjemnih novinarjev, ki vidijo čez MSM propagando, ki jo dobesedno plasira Biden! A smo se za to borili?!?
Sheteentz ::
Drugače pa iz tistih dveh videov in fotke ni kaj konkretno za razbrati. Možno tudi, da je dron detoniral v prazno. Sam bi si želel, da potopi celotno orkovsko floto, ampak imejmo raje nizka pričakovanja, da bomo potencialno pozitivno presenečeni.
yayo ::
Pa še znanci mi pravijo, da je trenutno Slo tech blokiran na internem RTV internetu. Dajte jih še naprej žalit pa bo verjetno tako ostalo.
BorutO ::
RTV je rusofilski, tako kot 24kur. Kjer povsod od zahodnih medijev pišejo "naj bi" ... med tem, ko iz ruskih medijev pišejo brez "naj bi" ... Zgleda, da so rusko usmerjeni mediji.
Rambutan ::
Ena zanimivost, glede našega MSM, kateremu nakažem 12EUR na mesec! :D
Streletka bay. Sevastopol.
Smoke can be clearly seen after the attack by Ukrainian kamikaze surface vessels in the very place where the Russian warships of the Black Sea Fleet (flotilla) of the Russian Federation are moored. The occupation authorities declare that the drones failed to enter the bay
Another angle of the moment USV attacks on the Russian Black Sea fleet base in temporarily occupied Sevastopol, Crimea
Novica na našem RTV - MMC pa:
Ruska zračna obramba odbila napad z brezpilotniki pri Sevastopolu
Zelenski: Nemogoče je, da bi obupali nad Bahmutom
Ruska črnomorska flota je sporočila, da so odbili napad z brezpilotnimi letalniki pri mestu Sevastopol na Krimu. Rusko obrambno ministrstvo medtem navaja, da so njihove sile napredovale v mestu Bahmut, kjer potekajo siloviti spopadi.
Zakaj je sploh sporno poročanje RTV? Kje imaš kak vir oz. ukrajinsko trditev, da so droni uspeli uničit karkoli?
Rusi so dali uradno izjavo, da so oba drona uničili. Na drugi strani imaš pa 3 čivke pro ukrajinskih "analitikov" iz zahoda, ki kažejo video z dimom in ekspolozijo, brez kakršnekoli informacije, kaj naj bi ti droni uspeli uničiti.
Jest razumem, da nekateri verjamejo pro ukrajinskim insinuacijam, resni mediji pa morajo poročati na osnovi dokazov...