Forum » Igre » Iptables in C&C Generals
Iptables in C&C Generals

Tito ::
Imam en velik problem. Igra se lepo poveže za igranje online iger (preko uradnega serverja) vendar ko hočem špilat s kolegi preko Direct connect pa stvar ne dela, pa če se ubijem. Ta način uporablja dva porta 8086 in 8088 (UDP). Zdej me pa zanima zakaj mi vedno napiše connection timed out in tudi drugi, ki bi se radi povezali name dobijo enako napako. V iptables sem preusmeril oba porta na to mašino, tako da bi po vseh pravilih moralo delovati, toda ne deluje...
Ima kdo predlog in ali je imel kdo podobne težave?
Ima kdo predlog in ali je imel kdo podobne težave?

Tarzan ::
Ne, fora je v tem, da se ne da prek routerja špilat. To je en zanikrn hrošč al kaj od Generalsov.

BoLhCa ::
zakaj pa da se neb dal prek routerja spilat? mi spilamo brez problemov. zvezan ja pa tko - adsl na router in potem v switch, pol pa se v kompe!

Tito ::
Mi pa mamo ADSL switch potem router in potem v druge mašine
, kaj bi bilo možno da more bit switch za ruterjem?

BoLhCa ::
ja, dejte najprej v router pol v switch in pol iz switcha na vse vase kompe!
bi moglo potegnt, ce ne mate mrezo sesuto=) recimo=)
lp bolhca
bi moglo potegnt, ce ne mate mrezo sesuto=) recimo=)
lp bolhca

mile ::
boljj se če maš iz modema v switch, potem v router in nazaj na switch... v primeru da se ti router seseuje lako še zmeri vzpostaviš internet povezavo

Tito ::
Kaj pol mislš da to ni nič narobe in da je sam neki z mrežo zasrano? Kaj bi pa lahko blo narobe? BoLhCa a ti to govoriš za internet play ali za Direct connect?

mile ::
tcpdump, netstat,telnet, ethereal... orodij je dost... sam znat morš pogledat, kaj se ti dogaja po mreži

BoLhCa ::
zakaj se eno mrezno????? iz tvoje mrezne gres v switch, switch je prek uplinka z routerjem povezan in iz routerja gres sam se v adsl! stekas zdej?

Tito ::
Hja dej mi pa povej zakaj bi mel mrežo zjebano? Vse dela razen teh P%&$&#$H Generalsov... Aja pa Kali tudi ne dela. Drugače pa dela Warcraft 3 kot šus. Pojma nimam kaj je to... Znoru bom!

mile ::
hjam si sigurn da sta samo ta dva porta?
drugače pa sprobaj , če promet iz teh dveh portov res pride do te mašine
drugače pa sprobaj , če promet iz teh dveh portov res pride do te mašine

Tito ::
Hja ne vem bom še enkrat probal pol, sam mam pa pomisleke ker ves čas generali nekaj pošiljajo na Protocol UDP Connected to Port 56850 in pojma nimam kaj tm išče...

mile ::
Hello. I have read that solutions to this type of problem have been posted before; however I cannot seem to find them at all.
I am on aDSL. My connection is shared to my home LAN using Windows XP and windows Internet Connection Sharing. I also have Internet Connection Firewall turned on; on the ADSL server gateway.
I play generals on a computer on the LAN that is NOT the server.
I get mixed results when trying to play online. Sometimes I connect into a game fine in quick match, however most of the time my progress bar completes and the other player's doesnt even start.
If I play a custom match then rarely it will connect and I will play, most of the time however it will fail, especially if the game involves a map that I dont have as when it trys to get this map off another player at the start of the game, nothing happens.
Solutions on the net are the following two:
1) ----------------------------------------
C&C Generals Firewall/NAT Port Number Info:
The game will need to talk to external servers that use the following port numbers. These ports need to be open in your firewall in order to play on Generals Online:
TCP ports:
80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920
UDP ports:
4321, 27900
If your firewall does not allow outgoing packets to open ports to incoming traffic, or you experience problems connecting to other players, you will have to specify which port you want Command & Conquer Generals to use for communicating with other players. To do this, perform the following steps.
Go to your “My Documents” directory, and go to the “Command and Conquer Generals Data” directory. Right click on the options.ini file and choose "Edit."
Look for the "FirewallPortOverride" entry. If you don’t see this entry, add it as a new line. Then assign the port you want to use to the port override entry. After making this change, this entry should look like:
FirewallPortOverride = XXXX
Where XXXX is the port number you have chosen. You will need to open the chosen port in your firewall for communication with players external to your firewall or NAT device. If you use the port override feature, the port you have chosen can not be masqueraded by a NAT device.
2) ---------------------------------------
For technical reasons, we don’t have a specific port number that the game uses for its in-game communication. If you need to do port forwarding in your router, you need to tell Generals that you want it to use a specific port number and have that port number routed in your router’s setup. To do this, do the following:
1. Edit your options.ini file found in My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Data\
2. Look for the line that says FirewallPortOverride = XXXX (this line tells Generals to use port XXXX for its in-game communication)
3. If you don’t find it, add it. The port number should be a number between 1024 and 65535 and should be a port number that is not used by any other application.
4. Setup your router/firewall/other NAT device so that the port you just specified to Generals is forwarded to your computer. Consult your router/firewall manufacturer’s instructions for information on how to do this.
5. Start up the game, go to the options menu and hit the “Refresh NAT” button. Make sure “Send Delay” is NOT checked. Click Accept.
6. Try playing multiplayer games.
I am on aDSL. My connection is shared to my home LAN using Windows XP and windows Internet Connection Sharing. I also have Internet Connection Firewall turned on; on the ADSL server gateway.
I play generals on a computer on the LAN that is NOT the server.
I get mixed results when trying to play online. Sometimes I connect into a game fine in quick match, however most of the time my progress bar completes and the other player's doesnt even start.
If I play a custom match then rarely it will connect and I will play, most of the time however it will fail, especially if the game involves a map that I dont have as when it trys to get this map off another player at the start of the game, nothing happens.
Solutions on the net are the following two:
1) ----------------------------------------
C&C Generals Firewall/NAT Port Number Info:
The game will need to talk to external servers that use the following port numbers. These ports need to be open in your firewall in order to play on Generals Online:
TCP ports:
80, 6667, 28910, 29900, 29920
UDP ports:
4321, 27900
If your firewall does not allow outgoing packets to open ports to incoming traffic, or you experience problems connecting to other players, you will have to specify which port you want Command & Conquer Generals to use for communicating with other players. To do this, perform the following steps.
Go to your “My Documents” directory, and go to the “Command and Conquer Generals Data” directory. Right click on the options.ini file and choose "Edit."
Look for the "FirewallPortOverride" entry. If you don’t see this entry, add it as a new line. Then assign the port you want to use to the port override entry. After making this change, this entry should look like:
FirewallPortOverride = XXXX
Where XXXX is the port number you have chosen. You will need to open the chosen port in your firewall for communication with players external to your firewall or NAT device. If you use the port override feature, the port you have chosen can not be masqueraded by a NAT device.
2) ---------------------------------------
For technical reasons, we don’t have a specific port number that the game uses for its in-game communication. If you need to do port forwarding in your router, you need to tell Generals that you want it to use a specific port number and have that port number routed in your router’s setup. To do this, do the following:
1. Edit your options.ini file found in My Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Data\
2. Look for the line that says FirewallPortOverride = XXXX (this line tells Generals to use port XXXX for its in-game communication)
3. If you don’t find it, add it. The port number should be a number between 1024 and 65535 and should be a port number that is not used by any other application.
4. Setup your router/firewall/other NAT device so that the port you just specified to Generals is forwarded to your computer. Consult your router/firewall manufacturer’s instructions for information on how to do this.
5. Start up the game, go to the options menu and hit the “Refresh NAT” button. Make sure “Send Delay” is NOT checked. Click Accept.
6. Try playing multiplayer games.

Tito ::
Ja pa to je za online igranje, to mi dela... sam direct connect mi ne dela (to je tisto v network game ko napišeš direkten ip...). Prek online serverja mi pa lepo špila.

Tito ::
Hja zdej sem ugotovil v čem je težava!
Gre za UDP port 8086 in štos je v tem če se preko UDPja pošilja preveč paketov iptables terminirajo povezavo. In ravno to se zgodi, tako z kalijem kakor preko DC lahko še klepetam vendar ko se pridružim igri mi javi napako: connection timed out. Skratka vse dela samo to ne, in še to bi delalo, če bi posnel 2.0.x ali pa 2.2.x jedro bi stvar celo delala. Vendar za nova jedra pa ni popravka LooseUDP patch in nevem kaj storiti.
Skrajšano iptables blokirajo prevelke pretoke UDP paketov (igre pa vemo kako potratne so...)
Gre za UDP port 8086 in štos je v tem če se preko UDPja pošilja preveč paketov iptables terminirajo povezavo. In ravno to se zgodi, tako z kalijem kakor preko DC lahko še klepetam vendar ko se pridružim igri mi javi napako: connection timed out. Skratka vse dela samo to ne, in še to bi delalo, če bi posnel 2.0.x ali pa 2.2.x jedro bi stvar celo delala. Vendar za nova jedra pa ni popravka LooseUDP patch in nevem kaj storiti.
Skrajšano iptables blokirajo prevelke pretoke UDP paketov (igre pa vemo kako potratne so...)
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