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Studying at FRI or FERI (VS)?

Studying at FRI or FERI (VS)?

Temo vidijo: vsi

camelCase ::

Hello guys, hopefully I am not breaking any rules by posting here on english.

I am from Bosnia, and I'm planning to study here in Slovenia at one of the two mentioned universities.
I am interested in:
    Which city has more student job opportunuties (in the field) since I will try to get some working experience after every year (something like summer programming internships/jobs)?
    I have heard about FRI being more "theoretical" and FERI being more "practical", but I assume since I will study VS and not UNI both will be the same there?
    If you are a student on one of these universities, what is your experience so far?

TheBlueOne ::

Ljubljana is generally your best bet for a job in Slovenia. :)

And I would go with FERI, but it will most likely be a minority opinion here, since it is more a FRI forum.

Mavrik ::

camelCase je izjavil:

Which city has more student job opportunuties (in the field) since I will try to get some working experience after every year (something like summer programming internships/jobs)?

Ljubljana is more than 3x the size of Maribor and it shows: there's significantly more job opportunities and larger concentration of tech/startup companies in LJ which you simply don't find in rest of Slovenia. Slovenias economy is pretty centralized so most of the hightech firms have presence in LJ which gives you a significantly better chance of grabbing a good tech job. Since the city is larger, it also comes with livelier and more varied nightlife which you'll probably like as a student ;)
On the other hand, the cost of living is significantly higher so make sure the rents don't surprise you. Maribor is a significantly cheaper city to live in.

camelCase je izjavil:

I have heard about FRI being more "theoretical" and FERI being more "practical", but I assume since I will study VS and not UNI both will be the same there?If you are a student on one of these universities, what is your experience so far?

Having studied in one and worked with the other, I think this difference is hugely overstated. There's significantly more variance in quality inside the faculties themselves than between them - e.g. the best subjects at both are comparable and the worst are similarly crappy. So I'd suggest you look at possible curricilum and decide what kind of things really interest you. IIRC FRI has a stronger presence in field of ML/AI and FERI is stronger in telecommunication and embedded tech.

camelCase je izjavil:

If you are a student on one of these universities, what is your experience so far?

Not a student anymore (I've studied at FRI on UNI programme), but I feel like a lot of knowledge gained was very useful in my later jobs. However, there is one thing to note: Most of the best and most useful subjects were either skippable or you could just coast through them without really applying yourself. As a result, plenty of students didn't learn as much as they could.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask :)
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Mavrik ()

WhiteAngel ::

I studied at FRI as well. There are definitely more IT opportunities in Ljubljana than in Maribor. On the othert hand, many Maribor students end up in Austrian companies, which is not bad either ;)

camelCase ::

Mavrik je izjavil:

camelCase je izjavil:

Which city has more student job opportunuties (in the field) since I will try to get some working experience after every year (something like summer programming internships/jobs)?

Ljubljana is more than 3x the size of Maribor and it shows: there's significantly more job opportunities and larger concentration of tech/startup companies in LJ which you simply don't find in rest of Slovenia. Slovenias economy is pretty centralized so most of the hightech firms have presence in LJ which gives you a significantly better chance of grabbing a good tech job. Since the city is larger, it also comes with livelier and more varied nightlife which you'll probably like as a student ;)
On the other hand, the cost of living is significantly higher so make sure the rents don't surprise you. Maribor is a significantly cheaper city to live in.

camelCase je izjavil:

I have heard about FRI being more "theoretical" and FERI being more "practical", but I assume since I will study VS and not UNI both will be the same there?If you are a student on one of these universities, what is your experience so far?

Having studied in one and worked with the other, I think this difference is hugely overstated. There's significantly more variance in quality inside the faculties themselves than between them - e.g. the best subjects at both are comparable and the worst are similarly crappy. So I'd suggest you look at possible curricilum and decide what kind of things really interest you. IIRC FRI has a stronger presence in field of ML/AI and FERI is stronger in telecommunication and embedded tech.

camelCase je izjavil:

If you are a student on one of these universities, what is your experience so far?

Not a student anymore (I've studied at FRI on UNI programme), but I feel like a lot of knowledge gained was very useful in my later jobs. However, there is one thing to note: Most of the best and most useful subjects were either skippable or you could just coast through them without really applying yourself. As a result, plenty of students didn't learn as much as they could.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask :)

Thanks for such an in-depth answer, appreciate it!

Is it possible to get a student job in the field after finishing the first year?

Sorry for the edit, typing from my phone.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mavrik ::

camelCase je izjavil:

Is it possible to get a student job in the field after finishing the first year?

Sorry for the edit, typing from my phone.

My experience is a little old (pre-Bolognia reform), but most of us got some kind of jobs around 2nd year of studies. So it is possible - however, after the reform I hear theres way more mandatory student work and lessons which makes getting a full-time job very hard.
The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

camelCase ::

Mavrik je izjavil:

My experience is a little old (pre-Bolognia reform), but most of us got some kind of jobs around 2nd year of studies. So it is possible - however, after the reform I hear theres way more mandatory student work and lessons which makes getting a full-time job very hard.

Thanks again and hopefully I am not bothering you, but what is the major difference between UNI and VS? Since, atleast from what I see in the curriculum VS is really more focused toward practical stuff but is there any catch? Can you continue to go to masters after finishing the VS?

sandmat ::

camelCase je izjavil:

Mavrik je izjavil:

My experience is a little old (pre-Bolognia reform), but most of us got some kind of jobs around 2nd year of studies. So it is possible - however, after the reform I hear theres way more mandatory student work and lessons which makes getting a full-time job very hard.

Thanks again and hopefully I am not bothering you, but what is the major difference between UNI and VS? Since, atleast from what I see in the curriculum VS is really more focused toward practical stuff but is there any catch? Can you continue to go to masters after finishing the VS?

UNI is more theorethical with less practical subjects. VS is less theoretical with kind of not so many practical subjects.

You can continue @ masters programme, but it is quite more difficult to make a transition from VS to MAG than UNI to MAG due to the lack of theoretical knowledge.

HotBurek ::

Kako pa narediš UNI, če imaš zaključen VS? Če se prav spomnim, pred boloncem, si s končanim VS šel v 3. letnik UNI.
root@debian:/# iptraf-ng
fatal: This program requires a screen size of at least 80 columns by 24 lines
Please resize your window

sandmat ::

HotBurek je izjavil:

Kako pa narediš UNI, če imaš zaključen VS? Če se prav spomnim, pred boloncem, si s končanim VS šel v 3. letnik UNI.

Ne narediš unija, zdaj je omogočen prehod iz VSŠ na MAG. Štejejo ocene nekaterih predmetov + sprejemni izpit.

styrian ::

camelCase je izjavil:

Mavrik je izjavil:

My experience is a little old (pre-Bolognia reform), but most of us got some kind of jobs around 2nd year of studies. So it is possible - however, after the reform I hear theres way more mandatory student work and lessons which makes getting a full-time job very hard.

Thanks again and hopefully I am not bothering you, but what is the major difference between UNI and VS? Since, atleast from what I see in the curriculum VS is really more focused toward practical stuff but is there any catch? Can you continue to go to masters after finishing the VS?

You go to study the UNI track if you want to become an academic. Forget about working on the side; you won't have any time. Studying either track is no joke either in Ljubljana or Maribor.

A110 ::

Forget obout feri or fri. ISRM is the way to go ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: A110 ()

WhiteAngel ::

camelCase je izjavil:

Mavrik je izjavil:

My experience is a little old (pre-Bolognia reform), but most of us got some kind of jobs around 2nd year of studies. So it is possible - however, after the reform I hear theres way more mandatory student work and lessons which makes getting a full-time job very hard.

Thanks again and hopefully I am not bothering you, but what is the major difference between UNI and VS? Since, atleast from what I see in the curriculum VS is really more focused toward practical stuff but is there any catch? Can you continue to go to masters after finishing the VS?

Most of VS students at FRI are not interested in studying masters. Most of UNI students are. I'm not sure for FERI. Lack of theoretical courses also plays a role (language theory, compilers, computability, discrete math in general) - there is an entrance exam for masters. For industry, both profiles are interesting. However, masters graduates (and PhDs?) can always do bachelors job, the other way around is quite rare. Depends on your apetites and how much years you are willing to invest in studying ;)

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