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Volitve v ZDA 2020
Temo vidijo: vsi
ripmork ::
Donald ima božično zgodbico za povedat... o najboljšem, najbolj priljubljenem jelenu vseh časov
Smrekar1 ::
Čaka na odstop, da mu sploh ne bo treba
Po pisanju na Nori24 sodeč je še vedno prepričan, da bo zmagal Trump. Zadnja rešilna bilka je "Pence bo glasove pač preštel po svoje".
Po njihovo bo Pence pač odprl napačne kuverte, preštel napačne glasove in razglasil zmago napačnega. Tako je to, če bereš samo knjigice s slikicami in brez teksta.
Pac-Man ::
V ZDA so začeli z navalnijevo taktiko - drone posnetki luksuza politikov.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
zmaugy ::
Ena Trumpovih zadnjih potez: pomilostitev raznih kriminalcev - vse do pokra Blackwater podgan, ki so v nediskriminatornem streljanju na iraške civiliste v enem incidentu pobili 17 ljudi.
Tip je res nagnusen.
Tip je res nagnusen.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Uporabnik ()
Poldi112 ::
Streljanje civilov je pač operativa. Ista zgodba je že od nastanka USA. Niso vojaki krivi za tako usmeritev. Saj Abu Graib, Ly Mai, indijanci in podobno niso izjema, ampak pravilo. Nedavno je Intercept poročal o CIA akcijah streljanja afganistanskih šolarčkov. Ko so streljali otroke na Filipinih, po "osvoboditvi" izpod Španije, so o tem poročali kot o zatiranju upornikov proti demokraciji.
Menda boš heroje, ki skrbijo za našo varnost, pomilostil. Brez njih bi danes vsi govorili arabsko!
Menda boš heroje, ki skrbijo za našo varnost, pomilostil. Brez njih bi danes vsi govorili arabsko!
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
FTad ::
Ena Trumpovih zadnjih potez: pomilostitev raznih kriminalcev - vse do pokra Blackwater podgan, ki so v nediskriminatornem streljanju na iraške civiliste v enem incidentu pobili 17 ljudi.
Tip je res nagnusen.
En lep redeem bi bil, da bi Snowdena pomilostil.
DarwiN ::
Končno so našli mrtveca, ki je oddal glasovnico. In seveda ne gre za demokrata, ampak za trumptarda. Le kdo bi si mislil?
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Mike_Rotch ::
Zadnje čase od Trumpa vsi pričakujejo en "redeem". Pomilostitev Snowdena, 2000 usd stimulus check, umik vojske... Veliko sreče s tem. V 4 letih bi se morali naučiti, da Trumpa boli kita za ostale, hkrati pa je preveč zabit, da bi znal kakšno takšno potezo izkoristiti sebi v prid.
Če bi imel človek IQ višji od številke čevljev, bi si lahko v tem trenutku s zgoraj omenjenimi točkami nabral ogromno politične moči.
Sicer pa dobra novica za vse, ki se borijo za legitimnost volitev. Končno so našli primere mrtvih ljudi, ki so volili.
Spoiler: Volili so za Trumpa :)
Če bi imel človek IQ višji od številke čevljev, bi si lahko v tem trenutku s zgoraj omenjenimi točkami nabral ogromno politične moči.
Sicer pa dobra novica za vse, ki se borijo za legitimnost volitev. Končno so našli primere mrtvih ljudi, ki so volili.
Spoiler: Volili so za Trumpa :)
Pac-Man ::
Streljanje civilov je pač operativa. Ista zgodba je že od nastanka USA. Niso vojaki krivi za tako usmeritev.
Blackwater niso vojaki, ampak privat operacija Erika Princa. Ki je skupaj s sestro (Betsy DeVos, ministrica za izobraževanje), precej ključen del trumpove sfere.
Erik Prince Recruits Ex-Spies to Help Infiltrate Liberal Groups
The Persistent Influence of Trump’s “Shadow Adviser” Erik Prince
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel
War Contractor Erik Prince Has Close Ties to White House & Report Reveals His Dirty Tricks for Trump
BTW za tovrstne zločine se ponavadi sodi & obsodi. Samo ti zadevo razlagaš s "pač operativa".
2015 Gyumri massacre @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Poldi112 ::
Jaz ne pravim, da je prav. Pravim zgolj, da je to dobesedno modus operandi USA že stoletja. Ki pa tudi niso ravno odkrivali tople vode glede vodenja imperija...
Erik Princ dela za vlado, mar ne? Legalni status celokupno precej nepomemben. Lahko bi mu rekli tudi novodobna verzija East India Company. Terorizira lokalce in prodaja opij. :)
Na kitajskem ima partije predstavnike v podjetjih, ki vohunijo za uporabniki, v USA pa vlada kupi podatke od podjetij, ki vohunijo za uporabniki. Ne rečem da je isto, a konceptualno neke razlike ni. Edina razlika je, da ti USA dovoli govoriti, dokler tvoj glas ne postane preveč vpliven (takrat dobiš swat v spalnico, pa tožijo te kot izdajalca, brez možnosti obrambe prec poroto.
Erik Princ dela za vlado, mar ne? Legalni status celokupno precej nepomemben. Lahko bi mu rekli tudi novodobna verzija East India Company. Terorizira lokalce in prodaja opij. :)
Na kitajskem ima partije predstavnike v podjetjih, ki vohunijo za uporabniki, v USA pa vlada kupi podatke od podjetij, ki vohunijo za uporabniki. Ne rečem da je isto, a konceptualno neke razlike ni. Edina razlika je, da ti USA dovoli govoriti, dokler tvoj glas ne postane preveč vpliven (takrat dobiš swat v spalnico, pa tožijo te kot izdajalca, brez možnosti obrambe prec poroto.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
MasterTade ::
Zakaj Trump ščiti teroriste ki ubijajo mlade dečke?
Kaka pizda je to, škoda da ga ni korona spekla
Donald Trump has pardoned four security guards from the private military firm Blackwater who were serving jail sentences for killing 14 civilians including two children in Baghdad in 2007
Kaka pizda je to, škoda da ga ni korona spekla
Mors omnia aequat
DarwiN ::
Zakaj? America First = America Über Alles. Nobenega opravičevanja. Might makes right. To so ti desničarji in the nutshell.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Poldi112 ::
MasterTade je izjavil:
Zakaj Trump ščiti teroriste ki ubijajo mlade dečke?
Donald Trump has pardoned four security guards from the private military firm Blackwater who were serving jail sentences for killing 14 civilians including two children in Baghdad in 2007
Kaka pizda je to, škoda da ga ni korona spekla
Kolega, ponovno, teroriziranje civilov je pač modus operandi. Saj raketiranje porok, pa napalm, agent orange, beli fosfor, ... niso od včeraj.
Imperial troopers so pač precej bolj efektivni, če so sadisti. Kazenski pregon bi jim enostavno poslal povsem napačno sporočilo. Vojaki so tam, da bolnice in vodnjake rušijo. Da jih gradijo, je zgolj kakovosten PR.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Pac-Man ::
Resno si fuknjen. ZDA se trudijo popravit napako, ti greš pa opravičevat tipa, ki aktivno ruši prizadevanja.
dolga nit bojda odvetnika, izvleček spodaj
Ali Kinani was 9 years old when he was shot in the head by Blackwater guards on September 16, 2007 in Baghdad Iraq. @realDonaldTrump just pardoned his killers. I represented Ali’s and five other families in a civil lawsuit against Blackwater and Erik Prince for the killings. Blackwater had disobeyed a directive to stay in the Green Zone. Instead, they entered Nisour Square, blocked traffic, and began firing into the cars of innocent civilians.
The FBI investigated the shooting. It was the FBI’s largest and most expensive criminal investigation since 9/11. The investigation was a joint effort by both the FBI and its counterpart in Iraq.
Dozen of witnesses were brought from Iraq to DC for the trial. The prosecution’s first witness was Ali’s father Mohammed Kinani. He testified for two days explaining the savage attack by the Blackwater men.
The US government provided Ali's family a small condolence payment. They donated ½ the payment to wounded US soldiers. Ali’s mother delivered the donation to the US embassy. General Ray Odierno sent this thank you letter to Ali’s family. Donald Trump just slapped her in the face.
dolga nit bojda odvetnika, izvleček spodaj
Ali Kinani was 9 years old when he was shot in the head by Blackwater guards on September 16, 2007 in Baghdad Iraq. @realDonaldTrump just pardoned his killers. I represented Ali’s and five other families in a civil lawsuit against Blackwater and Erik Prince for the killings. Blackwater had disobeyed a directive to stay in the Green Zone. Instead, they entered Nisour Square, blocked traffic, and began firing into the cars of innocent civilians.
The FBI investigated the shooting. It was the FBI’s largest and most expensive criminal investigation since 9/11. The investigation was a joint effort by both the FBI and its counterpart in Iraq.
Dozen of witnesses were brought from Iraq to DC for the trial. The prosecution’s first witness was Ali’s father Mohammed Kinani. He testified for two days explaining the savage attack by the Blackwater men.
The US government provided Ali's family a small condolence payment. They donated ½ the payment to wounded US soldiers. Ali’s mother delivered the donation to the US embassy. General Ray Odierno sent this thank you letter to Ali’s family. Donald Trump just slapped her in the face.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
MasterTade ::
@Poldi112 S temi oprostitvami je Trump sporočil da so vojni zločini ok, če se izvajajo tam nekje daleč od oči. To je dejansko sporočilo tega. Da ZDA tam serje že desetletja je znano, da pa takole brezsramno oprosti ljudi ki so kar streljali po ulici in z oklepniki zbijali domačine je pa trash od trasha. Tako slabega predsenika že dolgo niso imeli, da se popravim
Mors omnia aequat
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MasterTade ()
Poldi112 ::
Ah daj no, Teddy Roosevelt recimo je lastoročno streljal kubance - pa so ga za nagrado vklesali v Mt. Rushmore.
Ter ponovno - jaz tega niti slujačajno ne opravičujem. Zgolj pravim, da gre za povsem vsakodneven dogodek, s katerim se - točno tako kot praviš - sporoča vojakom, da jih bo vodstvo ščitilo pred pregonom. Da razume, kaj je misija ter da jim je hvaležen, da so na zidu.
Zato pa sem proti NATO - ker ni defenzivna organizacija, ampak ofenzivna. In nasilna.
Ter ponovno - jaz tega niti slujačajno ne opravičujem. Zgolj pravim, da gre za povsem vsakodneven dogodek, s katerim se - točno tako kot praviš - sporoča vojakom, da jih bo vodstvo ščitilo pred pregonom. Da razume, kaj je misija ter da jim je hvaležen, da so na zidu.
Zato pa sem proti NATO - ker ni defenzivna organizacija, ampak ofenzivna. In nasilna.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
Pac-Man ::
Svež intervju z Michaelom Cohenom, vseeno pred zadnjo rundo pomilostitev. Par Q&A spodaj.
Do you think he believes there has been fraud in this election and that’s why he lost, or is that just public posturing?
I need you to think of what Trump is doing as no different than if you were watching The Apprentice. This is all a reality show. He knows he lost the election. He knows it. But the problem is he has an incredibly fragile ego and his fragile ego will not allow him to acknowledge that he is a loser, that he lost the election to Joe Biden. “I’m Donald Fucking Trump. I can’t lose the election to Joe Biden.” This is a cash grab. When you finish a job, you’re always thinking about how to reinvent yourself. That’s what Donald Trump is doing right now. He knows that his next saga of his story is really going to be predicated around a Trump news network. It’s why he’s fighting with Fox every day. He’s looking to steal their base. Because with his social media platform of 90 million followers, he knows that of that 90 million, 20 million are die-hard Trump fans. He could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they would be behind him 100%. From them, he just wants $4.99 a month. And for that $4.99 a month, you get to listen to all the bullshit and all the far-right-wing conspiracies that Donald Trump can dream up. That’s what he’s going to sell you. That’s $100 million a month. $1.2 billion a year. That’s going to pay for the gas in his 757.
It explains why his base has stuck with him, but it also explains why so many people around him have been intoxicated by him and why so many have gotten in legal trouble. We’re now at a point where Rudy Giuliani looks like he’s in real trouble. Steve Bannon looks like he’s in real trouble. Is Trump going to just pardon everyone?
No. Let me again dig deep into the mentality of Donald Trump. Donald Trump cares for no one or anything except for himself. That includes his own children. Let’s talk about the pardons. Will Donald Trump pardon these individuals, which he certainly has the power to do? No. Because the first thing he’s evaluating when deciding who to pardon and who not to is: What’s in it for me? What you have to understand is that if he pardons Jared Kushner, and it would be considered a pre-pardon because Jared hasn’t been accused of any crimes yet, Jared loses his Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. That means that Jared could be compelled to testify and the questions that will be asked of him will undoubtedly be about Donald Trump. He’s now thinking, Wait a minute, if I give this guy a pass to keep his ass out of prison, he may be putting mine in. I’m not so sure he’s going to be doing that. He has to really evaluate who could pose problems for him, knowing that the attorney general has the right to his taxes and so does the D.A. in New York, and there will be a multitude of cases coming out of that situation. So the question becomes: if I give someone a pardon, how can that hurt me rather than help me?
In your book, you wrote that if something didn’t work out for Trump, he’d drop the whole project immediately. If that’s the case, the politics thing didn’t work out for him. Do you think he’s going to jump right back in, or is that just a marketing thing to get subscribers to pay another $4.99 a month?
A combination of both. He is desperate for the $4.99 per month. His company is in trouble. When the IRS finds that he owes hundreds of millions in taxes, and that’s without the fraud penalty that they attach to it—and believe me, I know all about that—his financial standing is going to be decimated. He has to sell the few assets that he has and he’ll be stuck with the non-performing assets. And for Trump, that’s the worst, to take away the billionaire status. The answer to that is yes. However, he is going to counterprogram the Biden administration. It’s so disgraceful, as an American. Someone like Barack Obama, who Trump denigrated, still had the decency, the humility, the patriotism to sit in that front row as we handed over the administration in a peaceful transition of power. Donald Trump doesn’t have any humility or decency. So what’s he going to do? He’s going to counterprogram the same way he did when he had a fight with the second debate. It’s because he was completely unprepared. So instead, he said he was going to raise money for veterans. They raised money, and it wasn’t [until] a reporter asked which organizations they’d donated to that they actually started sending out checks.
Do you think he believes there has been fraud in this election and that’s why he lost, or is that just public posturing?
I need you to think of what Trump is doing as no different than if you were watching The Apprentice. This is all a reality show. He knows he lost the election. He knows it. But the problem is he has an incredibly fragile ego and his fragile ego will not allow him to acknowledge that he is a loser, that he lost the election to Joe Biden. “I’m Donald Fucking Trump. I can’t lose the election to Joe Biden.” This is a cash grab. When you finish a job, you’re always thinking about how to reinvent yourself. That’s what Donald Trump is doing right now. He knows that his next saga of his story is really going to be predicated around a Trump news network. It’s why he’s fighting with Fox every day. He’s looking to steal their base. Because with his social media platform of 90 million followers, he knows that of that 90 million, 20 million are die-hard Trump fans. He could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they would be behind him 100%. From them, he just wants $4.99 a month. And for that $4.99 a month, you get to listen to all the bullshit and all the far-right-wing conspiracies that Donald Trump can dream up. That’s what he’s going to sell you. That’s $100 million a month. $1.2 billion a year. That’s going to pay for the gas in his 757.
It explains why his base has stuck with him, but it also explains why so many people around him have been intoxicated by him and why so many have gotten in legal trouble. We’re now at a point where Rudy Giuliani looks like he’s in real trouble. Steve Bannon looks like he’s in real trouble. Is Trump going to just pardon everyone?
No. Let me again dig deep into the mentality of Donald Trump. Donald Trump cares for no one or anything except for himself. That includes his own children. Let’s talk about the pardons. Will Donald Trump pardon these individuals, which he certainly has the power to do? No. Because the first thing he’s evaluating when deciding who to pardon and who not to is: What’s in it for me? What you have to understand is that if he pardons Jared Kushner, and it would be considered a pre-pardon because Jared hasn’t been accused of any crimes yet, Jared loses his Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination. That means that Jared could be compelled to testify and the questions that will be asked of him will undoubtedly be about Donald Trump. He’s now thinking, Wait a minute, if I give this guy a pass to keep his ass out of prison, he may be putting mine in. I’m not so sure he’s going to be doing that. He has to really evaluate who could pose problems for him, knowing that the attorney general has the right to his taxes and so does the D.A. in New York, and there will be a multitude of cases coming out of that situation. So the question becomes: if I give someone a pardon, how can that hurt me rather than help me?
In your book, you wrote that if something didn’t work out for Trump, he’d drop the whole project immediately. If that’s the case, the politics thing didn’t work out for him. Do you think he’s going to jump right back in, or is that just a marketing thing to get subscribers to pay another $4.99 a month?
A combination of both. He is desperate for the $4.99 per month. His company is in trouble. When the IRS finds that he owes hundreds of millions in taxes, and that’s without the fraud penalty that they attach to it—and believe me, I know all about that—his financial standing is going to be decimated. He has to sell the few assets that he has and he’ll be stuck with the non-performing assets. And for Trump, that’s the worst, to take away the billionaire status. The answer to that is yes. However, he is going to counterprogram the Biden administration. It’s so disgraceful, as an American. Someone like Barack Obama, who Trump denigrated, still had the decency, the humility, the patriotism to sit in that front row as we handed over the administration in a peaceful transition of power. Donald Trump doesn’t have any humility or decency. So what’s he going to do? He’s going to counterprogram the same way he did when he had a fight with the second debate. It’s because he was completely unprepared. So instead, he said he was going to raise money for veterans. They raised money, and it wasn’t [until] a reporter asked which organizations they’d donated to that they actually started sending out checks.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
Ah daj no, Teddy Roosevelt recimo je lastoročno streljal kubance - pa so ga za nagrado vklesali v Mt. Rushmore.
Če že obujamo dogodke izpred več kot stoletja, smo lahko vsaj točni. Kubancem je pomagal v boju za neodvisnost izpod španskega imperija.
Spanish%E2%80%93American War @ Wikipedia
Rough Riders @ Wikipedia
Cuban War of Independence @ Wikipedia
Glede na podporo ruskim prostovoljcem v Donbasu, bi moral biti navdušen ;)
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Poldi112 ::
Nope, zgolj gladko so jih nategnili. Kubanci so bili po več desetletjih boja na robu osvoboditve izpod španskega jarma in američani so zgolj pomagali narediti zadnji korak, ter nato izobesiti svojo zastavo.
Temu ti rečeš osvoboditev?. Saj jih več kot stoletje kasneje še kar okupirajo!
Izjava generala, ki jim je "prinesel demokracijo".
Temu ti rečeš osvoboditev?. Saj jih več kot stoletje kasneje še kar okupirajo!
Self-government! Why, these people are no more fit for self-government than gunpowder is for hell.
Izjava generala, ki jim je "prinesel demokracijo".
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
zmaugy ::
Streljanje civilov je pač operativa. Ista zgodba je že od nastanka USA. Niso vojaki krivi za tako usmeritev. Saj Abu Graib, Ly Mai, indijanci in podobno niso izjema, ampak pravilo. Nedavno je Intercept poročal o CIA akcijah streljanja afganistanskih šolarčkov. Ko so streljali otroke na Filipinih, po "osvoboditvi" izpod Španije, so o tem poročali kot o zatiranju upornikov proti demokraciji.
Menda boš heroje, ki skrbijo za našo varnost, pomilostil. Brez njih bi danes vsi govorili arabsko!
Glede teh pomilostitev zločincev se motiš. Očitno so bili pred Trumpom obsojeni, kar negira tvojo tezo v tem primeru.
Trump je s pomilostitvijo teh štirih zločncev in tistega zločinskega specialca, ki je klal ujetnike in ranjence v Afganistanu, zgolj objavil razpis za ta tip kadra, ki ga bi rabil v čim večjem številu za nasilni prevzem oblasti in ukinitev demokracije v ZDA down the line.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Fritz ::
Streljanje civilov je pač operativa. Ista zgodba je že od nastanka USA. Niso vojaki krivi za tako usmeritev. Saj Abu Graib, Ly Mai, indijanci in podobno niso izjema, ampak pravilo. Nedavno je Intercept poročal o CIA akcijah streljanja afganistanskih šolarčkov. Ko so streljali otroke na Filipinih, po "osvoboditvi" izpod Španije, so o tem poročali kot o zatiranju upornikov proti demokraciji.
Menda boš heroje, ki skrbijo za našo varnost, pomilostil. Brez njih bi danes vsi govorili arabsko!
Glede teh pomilostitev zločincev se motiš. Očitno so bili pred Trumpom obsojeni, kar negira tvojo tezo v tem primeru.
Trump je s pomilostitvijo teh štirih zločncev in tistega zločinskega specialca, ki je klal ujetnike in ranjence v Afganistanu, zgolj objavil razpis za ta tip kadra, ki ga bi rabil v čim večjem številu za nasilni prevzem oblasti in ukinitev demokracije v ZDA down the line.
Mislim, da se Poldi nič ne moti. Da je Blackwater tam sploh bil potreben je posledica ilegalnega napada in vojaške okupacije Iraka ter outsourcanja varnosti logistike zunanjim podjetjem, ker je vojska ZDA imela preveč izgub pri tem. Pogodbenike pa seveda ne zavezujejo enaka pravila kot vojake pa še ta so za Američane precej ohlapna, saj jih mednarodno kazensko sodišče ne more preganjati. Zato so bili ti precej trigger happy in masaker v katerem je sodelovala štirica, ki jih je Trump pomilostil, še zdaleč ni bil edini.
Overall, ni Trump tisti, ki je postavil okvirje delovanja ZDA v svetu, je pa seveda pridno delal znotraj teh okvirjev.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Mike_Rotch ::
Overall, ni Trump tisti, ki je postavil okvirje delovanja ZDA v svetu, je pa seveda pridno delal znotraj teh okvirjev.
Brezvezno opravičevanje in whataboutism.
Trump je pomilostil vojne zločince. Trump je imel moč, da spremeni te okvire delovanja, pa ni mignil s prstom v tej smeri.
Fritz ::
Mike_Rotch je izjavil:
Trump je imel moč, da spremeni te okvire delovanja, pa ni mignil s prstom v tej smeri.
Biden pa bo?
Drugače pa ne gre za whataboutizem temveč za ustrezno umeščanje v zgodovinski kontekst. Trumpa v nobenem pogledu ne opravičujem, le pojasnjujem, da gre kljub Trumpovi ekscentričnosti (moronizmom ipd.) za kontinuiteto delovanja. Ameriške elite ne sovražijo Trumpa, ker bi delal karkoli proti njihovim interesom temveč samo zato, ker zaradi lastne nesposobnosti razgalja zlaganost ameriške fake demokracije.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Poldi112 ::
Mike_Rotch je izjavil:
Overall, ni Trump tisti, ki je postavil okvirje delovanja ZDA v svetu, je pa seveda pridno delal znotraj teh okvirjev.
Brezvezno opravičevanje in whataboutism.
Trump je pomilostil vojne zločince. Trump je imel moč, da spremeni te okvire delovanja, pa ni mignil s prstom v tej smeri.
Bush Sr. je pomilostil terorista, ki je bombardiral kubansko potniško letalo. Trump se je vsaj trudil spraviti vojsko domov. In spektakularno popušil proti vojaško-industrijskem kompleksu. Kaj ti daje misliti, da je imel moč spremeniti politiko imperija?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Fritz ::
Mike_Rotch je izjavil:
Biden pa bo?
Drugače pa ne gre za whataboutizem
Tole je definicija whataboutisma.
Nabijaš s pojmi, ki jih sploh ne razumeš, tako kot ne razumeš marsičesa drugega.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Da je Blackwater tam sploh bil potreben je posledica ilegalnega napada in vojaške okupacije Iraka ter outsourcanja varnosti logistike zunanjim podjetjem, ker je vojska ZDA imela preveč izgub pri tem.
Se mi dozdeva, da se je v ZDA skozi zadnje desetletje ustvaril precej močen konsenz o zmotnosti obojega.
Erik Prince je na hard lobiral za dodaten biznis pri najbolj skorumpirani administraciji v stoletjih in, vsaj javno, nič. Usluge prodaja arabskim princem, doma sodeluje samo s Project Veritas, v spindoktor vlogi.
Vsi velikopotezni načrti o privatizaciji konfliktov neuspešni
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Da je Blackwater tam sploh bil potreben je posledica ilegalnega napada in vojaške okupacije Iraka ter outsourcanja varnosti logistike zunanjim podjetjem, ker je vojska ZDA imela preveč izgub pri tem.
Se mi dozdeva, da se je v ZDA skozi zadnje desetletje ustvaril precej močen konsenz o zmotnosti obojega.
Erik Prince je na hard lobiral za dodaten biznis pri najbolj skorumpirani administraciji v stoletjih in, vsaj javno, nič. Usluge prodaja arabskim princem, doma sodeluje samo s Project Veritas, v spindoktor vlogi.
Vsi velikopotezni načrti o privatizaciji konfliktov neuspešni
Kar si napisal v ničemer ne nasprotuje mojemu zapisu.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Razen v delu kjer so ugotovili, da je šlo za napako. Ki je kot kaže ne mislijo ponavljat.
Nekateri so opozarjali že pred invazijo.
WaPo: Heading for Trouble
Trumpu ni jasno funkcioniranje ameriške demokracije in ga morajo na to opominjat oglasi.
As we reported yesterday morning .. President Trump was unaware until very recently of the role Pence plays on Jan 6. A Lincoln Project ad that ran in the DC market - called “Pence” - put it on his radar. Trump has mentioned the ad repeatedly in private.
Nekateri so opozarjali že pred invazijo.
WaPo: Heading for Trouble
Trumpu ni jasno funkcioniranje ameriške demokracije in ga morajo na to opominjat oglasi.
As we reported yesterday morning .. President Trump was unaware until very recently of the role Pence plays on Jan 6. A Lincoln Project ad that ran in the DC market - called “Pence” - put it on his radar. Trump has mentioned the ad repeatedly in private.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Mike_Rotch ::
Bush Sr. je pomilostil terorista, ki je bombardiral kubansko potniško letalo. Trump se je vsaj trudil spraviti vojsko domov. In spektakularno popušil proti vojaško-industrijskem kompleksu. Kaj ti daje misliti, da je imel moč spremeniti politiko imperija?
Kaj ima veze Bush?
Trump se nikoli ni trudil spraviti vojske domov. Kot vrhovni poveljnik bi to lahko naredil zelo enostavno.
Nabijaš s pojmi, ki jih sploh ne razumeš, tako kot ne razumeš marsičesa drugega.
V poduk: Whataboutism @ Wikipedia
c3p0 ::
Zdaj bo pa dementen Biden naredil red? Ne zavedate se, da figura v ospredju bolj malo pomeni, četudi se obljublja marsikaj. Trump je odlično prodal svoj drain the swamp. Licemerstvo je res čudno za politiko. /s
Je Obama kaj omembe vrednega naredil za npr. Snowdna, Assanga? Koliko gledam njegove pomilostitve, je (modro) ukrepal le pri malih ribah. Trump nima toliko taktnosti.
Je Obama kaj omembe vrednega naredil za npr. Snowdna, Assanga? Koliko gledam njegove pomilostitve, je (modro) ukrepal le pri malih ribah. Trump nima toliko taktnosti.
Fritz ::
Razen v delu kjer so ugotovili, da je šlo za napako. Ki je kot kaže ne mislijo ponavljat.
Nekateri so opozarjali že pred invazijo.
WaPo: Heading for Trouble
Torej več ne uporabljajo zasebnih pogodbenikov?
16:40 in naprej...
Mike_Rotch je izjavil:
V poduk: Whataboutism @ Wikipedia
Branje definicij ne pomaga, če jih ne razumeš.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
zmaugy ::
Mike_Rotch je izjavil:
Trump je imel moč, da spremeni te okvire delovanja, pa ni mignil s prstom v tej smeri.
Biden pa bo?
Drugače pa ne gre za whataboutizem temveč za ustrezno umeščanje v zgodovinski kontekst. Trumpa v nobenem pogledu ne opravičujem, le pojasnjujem, da gre kljub Trumpovi ekscentričnosti (moronizmom ipd.) za kontinuiteto delovanja. Ameriške elite ne sovražijo Trumpa, ker bi delal karkoli proti njihovim interesom temveč samo zato, ker zaradi lastne nesposobnosti razgalja zlaganost ameriške fake demokracije.
V času, ko je bil Biden VP, so te Blackwater zločince obsodili na zaporne kazni.
In ni prišlo do predsedniške pomilostitve. Torej je tvoje vprašanje čisti poceni whataboutizem.
“In 2014, four Blackwater employees were tried[5] and convicted in U.S. federal court; one of murder, and the other three of manslaughter and firearms charges;[6] all four convicted were pardoned by Donald Trump in December 2020.”
Nisour Square massacre @ Wikipedia
Opaziš razliko? Kaj je lahko razlog, da je psihopat pomilostil te primerke? Isti kot razlog, da je pomilostil tistega klavca, ki je po Afganistanu pobijal ranjence in ujetnike. Signal golazni najnižje sorte, da zaposluje njihov profil in da jim bo kril hrbet, če mu bojo zvesto služili.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Fritz ::
Ta štirica in tisti zločinski navy seal kakor tudi njihove žrtve so le piksli v zgodbi ameriškega imperializma. Zaradi slabega PR-ja so jih obsodili, sedaj jih je pa Trumpo provokativno izpustil, kar je še ena v nizu njegovih infantilnih provokacij.
Zakaj pa je prišlo do Iraka, Afganistana, Libije in Sirije? V čem je Obama, ki je zaslužen za Libijo in Sirijo kaj drugačnejši od Busha Jr. in Trumpa? Gre za kontinuiteto ameriškega imperializma kjer se predsedniki menjujejo vendar osnovna smer ostaja enaka.
Zakaj pa je prišlo do Iraka, Afganistana, Libije in Sirije? V čem je Obama, ki je zaslužen za Libijo in Sirijo kaj drugačnejši od Busha Jr. in Trumpa? Gre za kontinuiteto ameriškega imperializma kjer se predsedniki menjujejo vendar osnovna smer ostaja enaka.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
zmaugy ::
Z obema se strinjam, kljub temu pa je razlika. Obama je skušal vzdrževati vsaj videz, Trump je nesposoben celo te malenkosti obzira.
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
zmaugy ::
Jaz mislim, da bo Biden že iz principa pozitivno presenetil. Tip je dovolj star, da ve, da ima vse pogoje, da dela zgodovino.
Na prvi pogled se mi zdi, da se tudi kadrovsko zelo trudijo delati prave stvari s pravimi ljudmi.
Ne bojo pa obrnili zadnjih 50 let zgodovine na glavo v dveh letih ali celem prvem mandatu. Ker se to brez neke revolucije ne da. Z revolucijami pa tudi tukaj nimamo najboljših izkušenj...
Na prvi pogled se mi zdi, da se tudi kadrovsko zelo trudijo delati prave stvari s pravimi ljudmi.
Ne bojo pa obrnili zadnjih 50 let zgodovine na glavo v dveh letih ali celem prvem mandatu. Ker se to brez neke revolucije ne da. Z revolucijami pa tudi tukaj nimamo najboljših izkušenj...
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
PS: MENSA klub ST, obvoz. ŠIC! Ne zanimajo me vaše neštetokrat reciklirane
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: zmaugy ()
Fritz ::
Jaz mislim, da bo Biden že iz principa pozitivno presenetil. Tip je dovolj star, da ve, da ima vse pogoje, da dela zgodovino.
Na prvi pogled se mi zdi, da se tudi kadrovsko zelo trudijo delati prave stvari s pravimi ljudmi.
Ne bojo pa obrnili zadnjih 50 let zgodovine na glavo v dveh letih ali celem prvem mandatu. Ker se to brez neke revolucije ne da. Z revolucijami pa tudi tukaj nimamo najboljših izkušenj...
Prosim? Biden je eden najbolj zaslužnih za to, da so ZDA v takšnem dreku kot so. Le poglej njegovo politično kariero in za kaj se je zavzemal.
Poleg tega je sestavil kabinet neoliberalcev in warmongering ljubljenčkov vojaško-industrijskega kompleksa. Edina razlika je v tem, da je med temi več žensk in temnopoltih. A to, da je nekdo ženska in temnopolt ti nič ne pomaga, če gre za ekstremno pokvarjeno osebo.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Mr.B ::
Jaz mislim, da bo Biden že iz principa pozitivno presenetil. Tip je dovolj star, da ve, da ima vse pogoje, da dela zgodovino.
Na prvi pogled se mi zdi, da se tudi kadrovsko zelo trudijo delati prave stvari s pravimi ljudmi.
Ne bojo pa obrnili zadnjih 50 let zgodovine na glavo v dveh letih ali celem prvem mandatu. Ker se to brez neke revolucije ne da. Z revolucijami pa tudi tukaj nimamo najboljših izkušenj...
Prosim? Biden je eden najbolj zaslužnih za to, da so ZDA v takšnem dreku kot so. Le poglej njegovo politično kariero in za kaj se je zavzemal.
Poleg tega je sestavil kabinet neoliberalcev in warmongering ljubljenčkov vojaško-industrijskega kompleksa. Edina razlika je v tem, da je med temi več žensk in temnopoltih. A to, da je nekdo ženska in temnopolt ti nič ne pomaga, če gre za ekstremno pokvarjeno osebo.
Trenutni paket cca 800Mijard je za ček "nezaposlenim2, da poraba nebi katapultirala prevečv miinus.. No zraven tega paketa je še paket cca 1.5 Tiljona, za pomoč državnim organom...
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Omarosa, tako da vzemite z ustrezno veliko rezervo.
Witt asked Manigault Newman, widely known as just Omarosa, if she thinks Trump really believes that he won.
"I think Donald Trump is going through a psychotic episode," she said. "I think that he has come to terms with his loss, but his arrogance, his ego will not allow him to accept that he is not going to be president come January."
Manigault Newman, who was also a contestant on Trump's reality TV series "The Apprentice," added that his actions since the election remind her of the show because he's "trying to produce a moment" to change the results.
"But this is not 'The Apprentice', this is not a reality show," she said. "The American people need true leadership, not a reality TV host, which Donald Trump is reverting to."
In her interview with MSNBC's Witt, Manigault Newman said that she "feels bad" for anyone left in the Trump administration because he's "going to turn to anyone and blame everyone for his loss except for himself."
"Certainly Vice President Pence is going to be on the receiving end of Donald Trump's wrath, and it's erratic, it's intense, and at many times it makes absolutely no sense," she said.
Witt asked Manigault Newman, widely known as just Omarosa, if she thinks Trump really believes that he won.
"I think Donald Trump is going through a psychotic episode," she said. "I think that he has come to terms with his loss, but his arrogance, his ego will not allow him to accept that he is not going to be president come January."
Manigault Newman, who was also a contestant on Trump's reality TV series "The Apprentice," added that his actions since the election remind her of the show because he's "trying to produce a moment" to change the results.
"But this is not 'The Apprentice', this is not a reality show," she said. "The American people need true leadership, not a reality TV host, which Donald Trump is reverting to."
In her interview with MSNBC's Witt, Manigault Newman said that she "feels bad" for anyone left in the Trump administration because he's "going to turn to anyone and blame everyone for his loss except for himself."
"Certainly Vice President Pence is going to be on the receiving end of Donald Trump's wrath, and it's erratic, it's intense, and at many times it makes absolutely no sense," she said.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
O $600 vs $2k vsem državljanom.
McConnell wants folks to think the $2k bill is doomed in the Senate but he’s really trying to avoid a vote that puts Perdue/Loeffler in a bind and might split his conference. Trump’s the X factor but if he backs it, there’ll be huge pressure on McConnell to bring it to the floor.
Trump is probably just being a chaos machine. But if he actually wants the checks he can have Pence preside (VP is the president of the Senate) and give floor recognition to someone who’ll bring up the House $2k bill. If Trump won’t use this power, it confirms he’s just bluffing.
McConnell wants folks to think the $2k bill is doomed in the Senate but he’s really trying to avoid a vote that puts Perdue/Loeffler in a bind and might split his conference. Trump’s the X factor but if he backs it, there’ll be huge pressure on McConnell to bring it to the floor.
Trump is probably just being a chaos machine. But if he actually wants the checks he can have Pence preside (VP is the president of the Senate) and give floor recognition to someone who’ll bring up the House $2k bill. If Trump won’t use this power, it confirms he’s just bluffing.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sbawe64 ::
Joe Biden saying America is doomed because by 2040 it will have a minority white European population.
He's not got much faith in the black and Hispanic population to be able to govern.
Joe Biden saying America is doomed because by 2040 it will have a minority white European population.
He's not got much faith in the black and Hispanic population to be able to govern.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Mr.B ::
Joe Biden saying America is doomed because by 2040 it will have a minority white European population.
He's not got much faith in the black and Hispanic population to be able to govern.
Zresni se, 2040, bo amerika v globoki pokojninski krizi. Kdo bo bel ali cern je nepomemben.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
Pac-Man ::
Za naslednjič, vržeš v gugl "joe biden leaked zoom call" in dobiš kot prvi zadetek
Biden did not say country is doomed because of African-Americans
Sounds bites from a leaked Zoom meeting between President-elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and several high profile civil rights leaders have been circulating on social media, but a specific half-quote is especially shocking.
During the clip in question, Biden says: "If we cannot make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed. It's doomed not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040, this country is going to be minority white European. You hear me? ... And you guys are going to have to starting working more with Hispanics."
He goes on to say it will be the "single most diverse democracy in American history" and that they need to figure out how to unify the country.
Če še enkrat poslušaš tvoj odlomek, je priročno izpuščen "If we cannot make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed" del. Kdaj se boste končno naučili preverit dejstva?
Hvala in nikoli več
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Badwolff ::
ustanko ::
Prišel sem opozorit, da Janez Janša še ni čestital zmagovalcu predsedniških volitev v ZDA.
Škoda, ki izhaja iz njegove neprofesionalnosti, je morda nepomembna za tiste, ki je ne občutijo, za tiste, ki z ZDA redno sodelujemo, pa ni.
Škoda, ki izhaja iz njegove neprofesionalnosti, je morda nepomembna za tiste, ki je ne občutijo, za tiste, ki z ZDA redno sodelujemo, pa ni.
primoz4p ::
Prišel sem opozorit, da Janez Janša še ni čestital zmagovalcu predsedniških volitev v ZDA.
Škoda, ki izhaja iz njegove neprofesionalnosti, je morda nepomembna za tiste, ki je ne občutijo, za tiste, ki z ZDA redno sodelujemo, pa ni.
Vzeto iz konteksta (Božo Cerar);
Obamo, ki je imel sam dve hčerki njenih let, je zanimalo, kako se je kaj znašla v novem okolju, novi šoli itd. Minute so tekle, onadva pa se nista ustavila. Predsednik se mi je živčnemu občasno le malce nasmihal. Poskušal sem zadevo tudi sam hudomušno obarvati in vskočiti s Slovenijo na sončni strani Alp, pa Slovenijo kot edino državo, ki ima ljubezen - love v svojem imenu. Šele, ko je hčerka omenila, da smo nekaj let preživeli v Belgiji, kjer sem bil predstavnik pri Natu, je predsednik Obama končno zastrigel. "Veleposlanik, potem pa dobro veste, kaj vam je naloga", se je obrnil k meni in parkrat tlesknil po lopatici. Ko sva se srečala naslednjič, trepljanja ni bilo. Ali je imel slab dan, ali pa ga je kdo pred tem opozoril, da sem bil pravzaprav predstavnik ene od držav, ki niso držale svojih besed in ki se jih je v Natu oprijel vzdevek freeriders – zastonjkarji. Za te pa je večkrat dejal, da njihovih voditeljev v Beli hiši ne bo sprejemal.
Biden se ni zadovoljil le s stiskom roke, ampak je, ko me je generalni sekretar predstavil, navezal pogovor. Slovenijo je pred tem obiskal dvakrat kot senator. Prvič je bil kot predstavnik ZDA na pogrebu Edvarda Kardelja, drugič pa nas je obiskal pred vrhom Nata 1997 v Madridu, kjer pa Slovenija na naše razočaranje ni dobila vabila za članstvo. Ne vem, ali je kaj pomešal, ali sta mu dejansko obiska pri nas ostala v tako lepem spominu, ali pa je imel slabo vest, da smo kljub njegovemu drugemu obisku morali na povabilo v Nato čakati naslednjih pet let. Skratka, o Sloveniji se je prav raznežil in o njej govoril v superlativih ter od mene hotel izvedeti še več.
Čez nekaj let sem kot naš veleposlanik v ZDA skušal organizirati Bidenov tretji obisk pri nas (Predsednik Obama za kaj takega interesa ni kazal). Pa ni šlo. Očitno se je nalezel mnenja svojega predsednika o neverodostojnih in malce popravil svojo predstavo o nas. Neizpolnjevanje obvez v okviru Nata namreč ni bil edini primer, ko nismo držali svoje besede. Uspelo nam je le, da se je ob svoji udeležbi na vrhu procesa Brdo-Brijuni novembra 2015 v Zagrebu tam ločeno bilateralno sestal tudi z našim predsednikom.
Predsednik g. Pahor, ki predstavlja Slovenijo, je kot vem čestital.